松田 誠
東京慈恵会医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:03759172)
vol.118, no.6, pp.507-521, 2003-11-15
萩原 俊治
言語と文化 (ISSN:13478966)
vol.4, pp.293-317, 2005-03

As I had stated in my two previous papers, i.e. You name it therapy, but I name it violence-The first violence of narratives and Oh, my bear, not be so nice to me... -Levinas and Marx, narratives work as 'the first violence', which consist of two conditions: 1) not fully listening to another's narrative and 2) imposing one's own narrative on others. In such narratives I have included literary works, theoretical works, our daily gossips, songs, etc. As a result, people whose narratives are not listened to and who are forced to accept another narrative, will be frustrated and use on others or on themselves 'second violence', namely physical, verbal or mental violence: murder, suicide, fighting, cursing, battle, indulgence in alcoholic drinks or drugs, etc. Why do we become frustrated? Of course, it is so natural that, when someone does not fully listen to you and imposes his own narrative on you, you become frustrated. But, why? In this paper I try to explain it more clearly using the concepts of Henri Bergson in his Essai sur les donnees immediates de la conscience. It is my intention to resolve `the first violence' more fully. Yet, from my observation, very few people will agree that Bergson's concepts are 'decent'. For example, even S. K. Langer, who highly evaluates Bergson's thought, regards one of his main concepts 'pure duration' as 'dream'. Still I can affirm surely that at least the concepts in his Essai sur les donnees immediates de la conscience are decent. I stand by this because in his Essai Bergson deals with our daily ability, i.e. the ability to live in duration, to grasp our inner and outer world as quality or as quantity. For example, when we are in the mental disorder 'depersonalization', the ability to live in duration and to grasp our inner and outer world as quality is lost. From my point of view, the very existence of such disorder shows clearly that Bergson did not fictionalize his Essai. Bergson says in his Essai that 'deux corps ne sauraient occuper en meme temps le meme lieu (two substances cannot occupy the same place at the same time)', i.e. every substance has impenetrability to each other. According to him, in our consciousness, a word also works like a substance, i.e. every word has impenetrability to every other word. For example, when we refer a creature before us as 'a dog', we cannot refer it as `a cat'. Like this, two words would not occupy the same place at the same time. From my point of view, every narrative, which is formed by words, would also work like a substance, i.e. when we form a narrative about an incident, we would not allow another narrative to be formed. If we do form the opposite about it, people would regard us insane. As we are not insane, we would not tell two narratives about an incident at the same time. This is what I call the impenetrability of a narrative, from which each narrative works as nonactive violence to another narrative told at the same time: the former inevitably excludes the latter and the reverse is also true. But when we make a false or incorrect narrative about an incident or someone, the narrative will work as active violence, because, excluding some correct narrative about them, we deal with them unfairly. From my point of view, most of these false or incorrect narratives are brought from secondhand information, which we don't grasp from an incident or someone as quality. Upon interpreting more precisely the intrinsic quality of each person or incident and tell narratives about them, the more near we approach the real facts of the person or incident. Often though, we neglect their, or its, quality and, thereby, make incorrect narratives. Regarding such incorrect narratives, I introduce in this paper a Japanese sociologist's statement about autism.
渡邊 寛
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.17061, (Released:2019-02-28)
2 3

News reports and critical reviews of the 2010s have repeatedly reported that men are bound by traditional male roles at work. This study examined the kind of organizational factors that facilitate male roles expectations by men's supervisors and how these expectations impact their emotions and mental health in the workplace. The results show that these expectations existed in workplace environments that foster strong machoism and male dominance and a less inclusive work environment. Results further show that regardless of male roles attitudes, when supervisors required men to be manly, it decreased positive emotions felt about the job, and increased the levels of distrust felt toward their boss and discomfort within their workplace, which exacerbated their mental health. This research promotes the integrated understanding of gender harassment and organizational research and discusses prospects for future studies.

16 0 0 0 OA 江戸城本丸絵図

村山 綾 三浦 麻子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.3, pp.426-436, 2015-09-01 (Released:2016-03-01)

This study investigated the effect of moral foundation and feeling of disgust toward acriminal case on non-professional legal decisions. Three hundred and sixty participantswere asked to read a fictional story about a murder attempt case and rated a possi-bility that a defendant, who had denied all charges against the case, would be judgedas guilty. Participants were also rated a degree of regrets about their decision if thetruth would be either guilty or not guilty. The degree of physical injury of a victim wasvaried in accordance with three conditions (i.e., minor, heavy, and permanent damage).The analysis revealed that participants who put much value on not harming others feltdisgust toward the criminal case, and that resulted in higher ratings of possibility thatthe defendant would be judged as guilty. In addition to that, as the degree of physi-cal injury of the victim got severer, the ratings of the possibility also got higher, andparticipants felt less regrets of their decision even if the defendant was actually nota real perpetrator and thus they made Type II error. We discussed characteristics ofnon-professional legal decisions from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
神沼 靖子
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.3, pp.970-975, 2007-03-15

情報システム(IS: Information Systems)は社会や企業のさまざまな場面において人間活動を支援する重要な役割を担っている.このためIS 領域の課題は多面的であり,その研究は広範囲にわたっている.そのうえ,IS の問題解決は,技術的な側面から社会的な側面まで幅広く,研究方法も多様である.一方で,IS 論文をいかに書くかに関する悩みをかかえている研究者や実践者も多い.このような状況のもと,本論文では,IS 領域における論文の特質について分析し,さらにIS 視点での論文の書き方および有用性評価について考察する.The information system supports various human activities in society and enterprise. Therefore, the problem concerning the information system is various, and the research is also carried out in the wide domain. In addition, technical problem and social problem will be included for the theme in the information systems research, and the research method is also various. On the other hand, there are many practitioners and researchers who worry on how the information systems paper should be written. In this paper, under such background, characteristics of the paper in the information systems field are analyzed. In addition, writing method and usefulness evaluation of the paper are considered.
駒村 哲
ロシア史研究 (ISSN:03869229)
no.53, pp.68-82, 1993-07-30

16 0 0 0 OA 官報

大蔵省印刷局 [編]
vol.1885年05月18日, 1885-05-18