天野 晃 和田 匡路
情報知識学会誌 (ISSN:09171436)
vol.26, no.2, pp.97-101, 2016-05-14 (Released:2016-07-15)

近年、クラスタリングはさらに重要な技術として多くの場面で使われるようになり、そのアルゴリズムはより複雑で高度なものとなっている。一方で、クラスタリングは一種の最適化問題であるため、その評価関数が決定されれば、評価関数の最大化(または最小化)問題となる。このような評価関数による指標は、Cluster validity index(CVI)と呼ばれる。CVIに関する研究は、クラスタリングそのものに関する研究よりも少なく、また、体系化についても十分議論されていない。そこで、本発表では、CVIの歴史をまとめ、CVIの特性を整理し、既存の指標の体系化を試みる。
飯塚 健介 武者 千嵯 天野 英晴
研究報告システム・アーキテクチャ(ARC) (ISSN:21888574)
vol.2018-ARC-230, no.33, pp.1-6, 2018-02-28

高精度な画像認識や,物体検出を実現する畳み込みニューラルネットワーク (CNN : Convolutional Neural Network) は一躍注目されている.CNN は認識精度向上を目指し様々なモデルが提案されているが,計算量が増加する傾向にあり,より効率的な演算処理が求められている.しかし,汎用プロセッサではその要求を満たすことが困難なため,専用のアクセラレータの需要が高まっている.日本でも国立研究開発法人新エネルギー ・ 産業技術開発機構 (NEDO) が複数の FPGA,GPU,メモリなどの異種ノードを接続した大規模人工知能計算基盤 Flow-in-Clowd (FiC) を開発している.FPGA ノードは多数の高速リンクが接続され,FiC の高速通信のスイッチングを担う.FiC システムにおいて主演算を行うのは GPU ノードであるが,FPGA ノードもスイッチを実装した上で余った計算資源を利用して AI エンジンとしての役割を担うことができる.本研究ではマルチ FPGA システムに CNN モデルの 1 つであるGoogLeNet を実装し,評価することで GoogLeNet の高速化を図るとともに,マルチ FPGA システムの深層学習アクセラレータとしての活用ができるかを検討する.GoogLeNet が持つネットワークモデル特有の計算並列性,畳込み演算の計算並列性を利用したマルチFPGAシステムへの実装を行った結果,シミュレーション上で CPU の約 9.1 倍の高速化を達成した.
天野御民 編
天野 歩 阪口 基己 黒川 悠 岡嶋 芳史 井上 裕嗣
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.856, pp.17-00377-17-00377, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

In order to investigate the fundamental process of residual stress development in thermal barrier coating during thermal spray, a model experiment was conducted using a paraffin wax. Melted paraffin wax was dropped onto a circular substrate of type 430 stainless steel, and strain and temperature were measured on the back surface of substrate. The model experiment revealed that tensile quenching strain was developed during solidification and adhesion process and it was increased with the number of droplets. Development of the quenching strain and failure of paraffin coating were significantly influenced by substrate temperature. The lower substrate temperature caused the larger quenching strain, and facilitated cracking, delamination and debonding of the coating. Findings in a series of the model experiments showed some similarities to actual phenomena during thermal spray, and will provide a helpful suggestion to optimize various process parameters in thermal spray.
武田 由比子 天野 立爾 内山 充 松本 清司 降矢 強 戸部 満寿夫 本田 喜善 中村 幸男
Japanese Society for Food Hygiene and Safety
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.21, no.1, pp.50-57_1, 1980-02-20 (Released:2009-12-11)
2 2

1976年から1978年まで宮崎, 佐賀, 鹿児島において17件の鯉摂取によるとみられる食中毒が発生し患者125名に達した. 中毒症状は嘔吐, 痙れん, 麻痺などで, 疫学調査により共通食品に鯉があげられ, 食べ残りの鯉をイヌに与えたところ, 人の場合と同様に発症した. この有毒鯉からの熱エタノール抽出物をエーテルに転溶しTLCを行った結果Rf値0.5~0.7 (展開溶媒ベンゼン, アセトン, 酢酸, 90+5+5)で硫酸噴霧後加熱により特異な青緑色を呈するスポットに毒性を認めた. この物質をさらに精製しUVλEtOHmax 220, 282nm, MSより分子量575を得たが化学構造などについてはなお検討中である.
鈴岡 節 木村 和広 伊藤 悦雄 天野 真家
vol.第40回, no.人工知能及び認知科学, pp.105-106, 1990-03-14


1 0 0 0 法学と憲法

末川博, 天野和夫 共著
天野 潤 平松 優佳 早川 直彦 加藤 基浩 岡野 健 木下 春喜 岡崎 彬
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.8, no.6, pp.1199-1212, 1993-12-30 (Released:2007-03-29)

The metabolites of rG·CSF present in the serum were investigated in rats after intravenous administration of 125I-rG·CSF at the dose of 10μg/kg, or nonlabeled-rG·CSF at the dose of 100-400μg/kg. 1. Using gel filtration on the Superose 12 column, most of the radioactivity in rat serum at 30min after administration of 125I-rG·CSF was eluted at a point corresponding to molecular weight of 19kd, this point was the same as that of intact-rG·CSF. The radioactivity was immunoreactive with anti-rG·CSF antibody and showed biological activity against NFS-60 cell lines. At 2 and 6h after administration, the radioactivity present in the serum was eluted from the column at a point corresponding to molecular weight of 46kd and 19kd. The radioactivity corresponding to 46kd showed immunoreactivity, but was biologically inactive. 2. The SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that most of the radioactivity in the serum present at 30min after administration of 125I-rG·CSF was detected at a point corresponding to intact-rG·CSF (molecular weight of 19kd). The radioactivity was also detected at a point corresponding to molecular weight of 19kd and 5kd at 2h, 19kd, 14kd and 5kd at 6h after administration. 3. The chromatofocusing using Mono-P column showed that most of the radioactivity in the serum was focused at a point corresponding to isoelectric points of 5.8 and 5.5 at 30min after administration of 125I-rG·CSF, these points were related to monosialo-rG·CSF and disialo-rG· CSF, respectively. At 2 and 6h after administration, the radioactivity showing immunoreactivity was newly found at a point corresponding to isoelectric points of 5.2 and 4.5. 4. During immunoblotting of serum samples after administration of nonlabeled-rG·CSF, the presence of a band corresponding to molecular weight of 19kd was found in all sampling times after administration. Beside the band of 19kd, only bands at a point corresponding to molecular weight of 5kd and 14kd were detected at 6h after administration. 5. Based of the fact that only an intact form of rG·CSF exists at early stage after intrave nous administration of rG·CSF, and since 2h the metabolites which have not biological activity appeared in the serum, we have concluded that an intact form mainly participate in hematologic activity of rG·CSF in vivo.
加藤 基浩 丹羽 一与 天野 潤 早川 直彦 神山 博 大久保 一三 岡崎 彬
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.8, no.4, pp.481-492, 1993-09-10 (Released:2007-03-29)

We studied the absorption, distribution, excretion and metabolism of 125I-EPOCH after single subcutaneous administration to rats. 1. The levels of immunoreactive rad ioactivity reached the maximum at 8 to 12 hours after dosing and declined monoexponentially with a half-life ranging from 5.77 to 7.47 hours at the doses of 0.5, 1, 5 and 25μg/kg. The MRT of immunoreactive radioactivity after sc dosing ranged from 13.83 to 17.01 hours at any dose levels. F value (AUCsc/AUCiv), which ranged from 0.31 to 0.48, tend to increase in proportion to the administered dose. 2. Most of tissues showed the highest level of total radioactivity at 10 hour after dosing. The level of radioactivity in tissues were lower, than that of serum, except the thyroid gland whose level was the highest. They declined parallel with disappearence of the radioactivity in serum. The level of radioactivity in brain was extremely low. The elimination half-life of radioactivity from the injection site was calculated to be 9h and 1.97% of the dose still remained there at 48 hour. 3. Until 96h after sc administration of 125I-EPOCH at the dose of 1μg/kg, urinary excretions of total, the TCA-precipitable and the immunoreactive radioactivity were 75.89%, 0.35%, 0.05%, respectively. Fecal excretion of total radioactivity was 2.97%, until 96h after dosing. 4. Gel filtration of the plasma showed that the radioactivity of low molecular weight was iodo ion, and that related to radioactivity of high molecular weight appeared mainly as an unchanged 125I-EPOCH.
加藤 基浩 天野 潤 岡野 健 平松 優佳 木下 春喜 岡崎 彬
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.8, no.6, pp.1213-1218, 1993-12-30 (Released:2007-03-29)

To evaluate the role of the kidney in the elimination of rG·CSF, the pharmackinetics of rG·CSF was studied in rats upon removal of one (1/2-nephrectomized rat) or of two kidneys (nephrectomized rat). Plasma concentrations of rG·CSF were measured by enzyme immunoassay method. 1. The elimination half lives of rG·CSF in nephrectomized and 1/2-nephrectomized rats, which were 4.85h and 1.llh respectively, were longer than those in sham operated rats given rG·CSF 10μg/kg intravenously. Total nephrectomy and 1/2-nephrectomy resulted in 70% and 30% reduction of total body clearance of rG·CSF in rats, respectively. 2. The result suggested that the kidney is the major elimination site of rG·CSF.
加藤 基浩 丹羽 一与 天野 潤 早川 直彦 神山 博 大久保 一三 岡崎 彬
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.8, no.4, pp.493-503, 1993

We studied the absorption, distribution and excretion of radioactivity after 4 times multiple subcutaneous administrations of <SUP>125</SUP>I-EPOCH at an interval of 48 hours.<BR> 1. Plasma levels of immunoreactive radioactivity at 10h and 48h following each multiple administration did not change during the experimental period. There were no pronounced differences in pharmacokinetics between first and fourth administration.<BR> 2. The levels of radioactivity in spleen and bone marrow after multiple administration were slightly higher than those after administration of a single dose. Those in other tissues except thyroid gland, were similar to those after administration of a single dose. The remained radioactivity in the injection site at 10h after multiple administration was 33.65%, which was similar to that of single administration.<BR> 3. Until 96h after final administration of <SUP>125</SUP>I-EPOCH, urinary excretions of total. the TCA-precipitable and the immunoreactive radioactivity were 76.43%, 0.97%, 0.49%, respectively. Fecal excretion of total radioactivity was 3.83%, until 96h after final administration.