1 0 0 0 OA 韓非子翼毳

太田方 述
太田方 [ほか]
vol.[8], 1808
太田 浩良 羽山 正義 金子 靖典 松本 竹久 川上 由行 熊谷 俊子 久保田 聖子 勝山 努
一般社団法人 日本臨床化学会
臨床化学 (ISSN:03705633)
vol.35, no.1, pp.37-47, 2006-01-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) は、1983年にWarrenとMarshallにより慢性胃炎患者の胃粘膜より分離培養されたグラム陰性菌である。H. pyloriの発見は、胃疾患をめぐる状況に劇的な変化をもたらした。慢性胃炎がH. pyloriという起炎菌による感染症として理解されるようになり、さらに, H. pyloriが胃十二指腸潰瘍、さらには胃癌、胃悪性リンパ腫に関連する重要な因子であることが明らかにされてきた。H. pylori感染胃粘膜にみられる病理組織学的変化は, 細菌側の因子とこれに対する宿主側の反応が絡み合って形成される。胃炎惹起や胃発ガンのメカニズムの解明が分子レベルで急速に進んでいる。H. pyloriの感染診断法には, 内視鏡検査を必要としない非侵襲的検査法 (尿素呼気試験、抗体測定法、便中抗原測定法) と, 内視鏡検査を必要をとする侵襲的検査法 (迅速ウレアーゼ試験、鏡検法、培養法) がある。それぞれの検査法には長所や短所があるのでその特徴を理解した上で選択することが肝要である。
河野慎 米澤拓郎 中澤仁 川崎仁嗣 太田賢 稲村浩 徳田英幸
vol.2013-MBL-69, no.3, pp.1-6, 2013-12-12

近年 GPS が搭載されたスマートフォンや SNS の普及によって,ユーザがリアルタイムに位置情報を付加させた情報を発信できるようになってきた.これらの位置情報付き発言を収集・解析することで,人々が集まって形成されるソーシャルイベントを検出することが可能となる.ソーシャルイベントを検出するには発見と分類の 2 段階の過程があり,本研究ではイベントが発見された後の分類手法を提案する.イベントには特徴・性質として内容・規模・大衆性の 3 つがあると考え、分類軸として大衆性に着目する.位置情報を付与させて発言しているイベント参加者のフォロー関係を解析することで大衆性の推定をし,イベントの分類を目指す.本研究ではリアルタイムに解析を行えるツールを設計・実装し,大衆性の推定手法について考察を行った.
石川 晃 金子 慶之 太田 努 磯崎 行雄
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.1, pp.52-64, 2011-02-25 (Released:2011-05-20)
2 2 3

The western Pacific region, where the Eurasia, Australia, and Pacific plates currently interact, has been recognized as an important site for constraining the origins and emplacement of ophiolites (particularly for island-arc or supra-subduction zone types), because the spatial distribution of oceanic micro-plates and numerous ophiolitic rocks along their convergent margins infers possible genetic linkages among them. Mafic-ultramafic rocks distributed in the Timor-Tanimbar island chain, eastern Indonesia may be a good example of the on-going emplacement of the marginal basin lithosphere on the continental margin in the arc-continent collision zone, and are recognized as a possible modern analogue for Mesozoic Tethyan-type ophiolites (e.g. Troodos and Oman) in the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic system. Geological occurrence suggests that the buoyant subduction of the Australian continent uplifted fragments of newly formed mantle-crust section, which extends to neighboring pre-emplaced forearc marginal basins. However, from petrological and geochemical points of view, young pillowed basalt, dolerite, and gabbroic cumulate commonly possess island-arc signatures, whereas structurally underlying peridotites are mostly fertile (lherzolitic) in composition. This suggests that the crustal section is not linked to the underlying mantle by a genetic melt-and-residua relationship, as inferred from the lack of complete succession and the presence of abundant crosscutting structures. This inconsistency leads to the emergence of two contrasting models accounting for the unusual occurrence of a fertile mantle in the forearc setting of the Timor-Tanimbar region: (1) thrust-stacked fragments of the subcontinental mantle originally exhumed in the rifting stage of Australia; (2) depth-related heterogeneities in the lithospheric part of the mantle wedge. We note that the current debates on the origins of fertile lherzolites found throughout the Tethyan sutures and western Pacific regions can be settled through a better understanding of Timor-Tanimbar peridotite masses by age-dating studies employing several radiogenic isotope systematics.
太田 誠一
福岡大学経済学論叢 (ISSN:02852772)
vol.19, no.4, pp.p717-731, 1975-03
守田 吉孝 槇野 博史 太田 康介 和田 淳 四方 賢一 柏原 直樹 池田 修二 小倉 俊郎 太田 善介
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.36, no.7, pp.832-838, 1994 (Released:2011-07-04)

Effect of heparin and low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) were evaluated on 15 patients with proliferative glomerulonephritis with various degrees of sclerosing legion. Five cases were subcutaneously administered with 7000 to 11000 units of heparin for 4 weeks. Ten cases were administered with 60 unit/kg of LMWH by drip infusion for 4 weeks. Eleven cases were treated with prednisolone and all cases were treated with anti-platelet agent as well. Urinary protein excretion reduced from 3.0±1.8 to 1.8±0.6g/day in the heparin-treated group and from 2.4±1.9 to 1.8±1.4g/day in the LMWH-treated group, respectively. There were no remarkable changes in the renal functions of both groups. In one case, both heparin and LMWH brought about reduction of proteinuria. Therefore, LMWH reduced urinary protein excretion by the same mechanism as heparin. The LMWH has an advantage over heparin in that the former has less risk of causing bleeding. We conclude that heparin and LMWH reduce proteinuria in some patients with proliferative glomerulonephritis. The LMWH is beneficial in the treatment of proliferative glomerulonephritis with a sclerosing lesion.

1 0 0 0 OA 洋服の知識

太田栄太郎 著
石橋 克彦 太田 陽子 松田 時彦
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.35, no.2, pp.195-212, 1982-06-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
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Uplifted Holocene marine terraces of Hatsu-shima Island (0.44km2) in the western part of Sagami Bay on the Pacific coast of central Japan have been investigated with special reference to the late Quaternary seismic crustal movement of the island. Hatsu-shima Island, which is located at the top of the western steep scarp of the northernmost part of the Sagami trough, was uplifted almost uniformly by around 2m at the time of the 1923 Kanto earthquake (Ms=8.2).The whole surface of the island consists of a flight of marine terraces developed on Pliocene volcanics. These terraces are clearly classified into three groups; I, II, and III. Terrace I, the highest (about 50m asl), is distributed only in the southeastern small part of the island. Terrace II, 25-40m asl, is the widest in the island and tilting, generally, northwestward. Terraces I and II have been correlated to Obaradai Terrace of about 80, 000yrs B. P. in age and to Misaki Terrace of about 60, 000yrs B. P. in age, respectively, by SUGIHARA (1980) based on marker tephras covering the terraces.Terraces III, rather narrow but well defined especially in the northern and western parts of the island, is distributed along the present shoreline at the foot of a former sea cliff as high as about 20m surrounding Terrace II (or I in the southeastern part). In this paper they are subdivided into three; IIIa, IIIb, and IIIc. Terrace IIIa, the highest and widest among group III, is rather flat with about 10m asl inner margin. Planned excavation at three localities on this terrace has revealed that terrace deposits composed of marine gravel and sand of 1.5-2m thickness rest unconformably on rather weathered bed rock. Fossil shells that were obtained at the base of terrace deposits at Excavation B, which are judged to be in situ and to represent the terrace's age, have been dated at 6, 730±190 14C yrs B. P. (GaK-9080). From this 14C date, as well as from the topographical features, Terrace IIIa can be interpreted as the highest Holocene terrace formed about 6, 000 years ago (so-called Numa Terrace). The height of former shoreline is estimated at around 9m asl. Terraces IIIb and IIIc are narrow emergent shingle beach, whose inner margins are 6-7m asl and about 4m asl, respectively. IIIc includes the emergent beach of 1923 in its lowest part. Although the topographical separation between IIIb and IIIc is not necessarily clear, they can be distinguished from each other as IIIb surface is covered by dense vegetation including many pine trees which have been growing since before the 1923 coseismic uplift, whereas IIIc surface has no vegetation. Therefore, it is almost certain that at least two times of intermittent emergence had occurred between the formation of Terrace IIIa and the 1923 coseismic uplift. However, the dates of emergence have remained undefined, because 14C dates of fossil shells which were collected from Terraces IIIb and IIIc are so much scattered implying that the materials are not in situ. In the northern part of the island there is a prominent flat surface higher than Terrace IIIa, 10-15m asl, where Hatsu-shima village is situated. In this paper it is named IIIa' Surface and considered a secondary surface modified from Terrace IIIa by landslides of a back scarp and artificial alteration based on its sedimentological features, surrounding topographical features, and rather young 14C dates of materials obtained from this surface.
日本保健物理学会医療放射線リスク専門研究会 甲斐 倫明 伴 信彦 太田 勝正 小野 孝二 酒井 一夫 長谷川 隆幸 福士 政広 吉永 信治
保健物理 : hoken buturi (ISSN:03676110)
vol.46, no.1, pp.42-51, 2011-03-01

Radiation use in medicine generally gives us the benefit that outweighs the risk. However, some patients are much concerned about the risk while some medical people are unaware of radiation risk. The aim of this report is to review the low dose risk not only in the reports of ICRP, UNSCEAR, BEIR and French academy but also in the scientific papers that have been paid attention to. On these bases, we discuss the low dose risk and how we face the risk in medicine in order to go for medical use of radiation to the right way. In particular, we hope this report will support medical people as well as radiation protection experts should understand the radiation risk in medicine on current scientific basis.
太田 洋
International taxation (ISSN:02890054)
vol.35, no.9, pp.80-101, 2015-09