木幡 義彰 宮原 健夫 清水 直樹 渡辺 浩一 内山 和郎 井川 守仁 篠原 靖 白鳥 泰正 窪田 良彦 竹下 俊隆 宮岡 正明 斉藤 利彦 古畑 総一郎 木下 剛 福武 勝秀
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
消化器内視鏡の進歩:Progress of Digestive Endoscopy (ISSN:03899403)
vol.43, pp.211-214, 1993-12-01 (Released:2015-07-15)

宮原 英夫 清水 和彦
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.45, no.2, pp.121-126, 2018 (Released:2019-04-26)

Chikio Hayashi has conducted a variety of medical research throughout the wholecourse of his life and made many remarkable achievements in the field of medicine. Dur-ing his long carrier, he always noticed: “In clinical medicine we, the researchers, have tokeep in mind that we are not merely dealing with numbers or things, but we are dealingwith human life which is a part of society. They are people, patients who suffer fromdiseases. Therefore, in statistical analysis of clinical data, researchers have to considerthat these data were taken from human life.” In this paper, we have tried to followDr. Hayashi’s footprints and focus on his initial interest in clinical medical researchin the early 1950’s to the establishment of his methodology, “data science” in the late20th century. First, we reviewed the times he engaged in medical studies along withother specialists of medicine. Secondly, we reviewed the times he rebuilt the concepts of“risk factors” which has been used traditionally in clinical medicine from the patients’point of view. Lastly, we shed light on how Dr. Hayashi’s methodology, “data science”is suitable for dealing with complex problems in clinical medicine.
本多 祐 向原 伸彦 村上 博久 田中 裕史 野村 佳克 宮原 俊介 内野 学 藤末 淳 河嶋 基晴 殿城 秀斗
特定非営利活動法人 日本心臓血管外科学会
日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:02851474)
vol.51, no.2, pp.67-72, 2022-03-15 (Released:2022-04-06)

[目的]フレイルは心臓手術の重要な術前リスク因子として注目されている.フレイルが心臓手術後のリハビリ経過や歩行能力に与える影響を検討した.[方法]2018年8月~2020年10月に当院で待機心臓手術を施行した65歳以上の症例で,術前にフレイル評価を行った213例を対象とした.フレイル有りのF群とフレイル無しのN群の2群に分類し,周術期因子,術後経過,歩行能力について検討を行った.[結果]全症例中70例(33%)がフレイルと診断された.術前因子では,F群で歩行速度と握力が有意に低下し,サルコペニアと低栄養症例が多かった.手術因子では,術式カテゴリーに偏りを認めた以外,両群間に有意差はなかった.術後経過では,挿管時間,ICU滞在期間,術後合併症や在院日数で両群間に有意差はなかったが,F群で転院が多かった.歩行能力に関しては,F群で歩行開始と100 m歩行達成日が有意に遅延し,300 m歩行達成症例が52例(74%)でN群の197例(89%)に比べ有意に減少していた.術後300 m歩行の可否についてロジスティック回帰を行った結果,術前歩行速度,リハビリ開始遅延,術後脳合併症が関連因子として抽出された.ROC曲線で求めた300 m歩行可否の歩行速度のカットオフ値は0.88 m/秒であった.[結語]フレイルが心臓手術後におけるリハビリ経過の遅延と歩行能力の低下に関与し,転院を増加させた.また,術後300 m歩行の可否に関与する因子の1つとして,術前歩行速度が抽出された.心臓手術を要するフレイル症例の改善策として,術前リハビリテーションが期待される.
橋本 晃啓 調枝 孝治 北村 靖治 宮原 満男
広島大学総合科学部紀要. VI, 保健体育学研究 (ISSN:02893002)
vol.5, pp.53-66, 1988-02-28

本研究では, バスケットボールの系列運動課題の再生レベルを向上させるリハーサルのタイプを明らかにすることを目的とした。このため, 大学生男子216名を以下の6つの条件に36名ずつ分け, 各条件のもとでそれぞれリハーサルを行わせた後, 系列運動課題を再生させた。6つのリハーサル条件とは, 1)図, 2)図と言語的説明, 3)映像と言語的説明, 4)図と小筋運動感覚, 5)図と言語と小筋運動感覚, 6)図と大筋運動感覚である。再生パフォーマンスの測度は, 1)系列運動課題の遂行時間, 2)下位系列位置における再生率であった。その結果を要約すると, 系列運動課題遂行時間については, 条件6が最も速く, 続いて条件5であった。さらに, 条件1と条件4では最も遅かった。系列運動課題の再生率については, 条件2, 条件3, 条件6で再生率が高く, 条件1と条件4は低かった。このことから以下の2点が結論づけられた。1)言語的説明は系列運動課題の再生に重要な役割を果たしているが, 言語や図に実際の運動を結びつけたリハーサル, すなわち, 筋肉活動による出力に伴うフィードバック情報を付加的に用いて精緻化リハーサルを行う必要がある。2)時間的順序性を含むコード(たとえば, 言語・映像・筋肉運動)を用いたリハーサルを妨害すると再生レベルは低下する。In this paper we intended to make clear the effects of rehearsal types on recall of serial motor task in basketball. 216 male undergraduate students (18-20 yrs.) were divided into following six groups with different rehearsal conditions, i. e. 1) pictorial, 2) picture-illustrated, 3) model-illustrated, 4) pictorial and fine motor, 5) pictorial, verbal, and fine motor, and 6) pictorial and gross motor rehearsal. The students were required to recall the serial motor task after the engagement in one of these conditions. The speed and accuracy in performing the serial motor task were measured for each group.The results were as follows ;Subjects in rehearsal condition No. 6 were the fastest with respect to serial movement time, and in rehearsal condition No. 2, 3, and 6 they performed with high accuracy in contrast with rehearsal condition No. 1 and 4 which showed the slowest and poorly accurate performance. Therefore the elaborate rehearsal with current movements facilitated recall performance. The interference of verbal, model-illustrated, and/or motor rehearsal has caused decline in the level of recall.
宮原 真美子 佃 悠
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.790, pp.2541-2548, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-01)

COVID-19 state-of-emergency declaration issued on 7 April 2021 promoted employees' teleworking from home in Japan. In recent years many companies in the metropolitan area have been constructing the ICT infrastructure to adopt telecommuting during the Olympics and Paralympics to help ease traffic congestion; however, employees' workspace hasn't been discussed. What kind of issues with telecommuting employees who work remotely at dwelling house planned as a place where the family takes a rest and gets together? In this paper, the subjects of the questionnaire investigation were based on the employees working remotely from home under the state-of-emergency declaration from 7 April until 25 May. The purpose of this research is to represent the actual conditions and issues related to workspace at home. The survey was conducted by the web questionnaire, collected 209 valid answers, and 82 respondents submitted both floor plans and the photo, which showed the workspace. The attributes of respondents included 49 single-person households, 42 Households of couple only, 96 Households of a couple with unmarried children, 15 Households of a parent with unmarried adult or couple, four three-generation-family households, and three other households. The questionnaire survey asked the room's name, which is used as a workspace if the rooms were independent of other living spaces found following aspects of teleworking. Ninety-three households have their workspace in their living room or dining room, accounting for about half of all respondents, while 47 families have a workspace in their study or their private room. Some respondents used multiple rooms as a workspace depending on the situation of other family members at home, the weather, and the mood. 35 cases out of 42 in a single-person household and 35 points out of 49 in couple only household answered that workspace is not independent of the living space. On the other hand, 47 families consist of a couple with unmarried children, out of 94 couples answered it which accounts for only about half. On the other hand, the answer "independent of other living spaces" includes the living room or dining room. There are cases where secure a workspace in the corner of a living room or dining room, so it seems not to secure a space dedicated to work. The analysis of 82 cases in which respondents submitted both a floor plan and photograph showing the workspace in their house found the aspect below. Some single-person households have ingenuities, such as changing the low-table into a work desk and arranging the desk in front of the wall to protect privacy. In the case of a couple-only household working from home, they sit face to face and work at the dining table together and use the bedroom as an extra workspace to avoid noise. Under the state of emergency in April, educational institutions were closed, so households of a couple with unmarried children were required to balance childcare and work. Therefore, some cases in households of a couple with unmarried children intentionally secured workspaces in the living room and dining room to child-caring, even if there was room in the floor plan. When working from home, there is an issue of the house's size, but the impact of the life stage is even significant.
坂井 章浩 天澤 弘也 仲田 久和 宮原 要 木原 伸二
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集
vol.2012, 2012

宮原 ひろ子
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.3, pp.510-518, 2010-06-25
1 3

&emsp;The relationship between solar activity and climate change in the past can be examined using proxy records. Variations of solar activity can be reconstructed based on carbon-14 in tree rings, which are produced by galactic cosmic rays modulated by the solar wind, while climate change can be reconstructed from changes of tree-ring growth rate or content of stable isotopes in ice cores from the polar region. A comparison of solar activity and climate change at the Maunder Minimum in the 17<sup>th</sup> century and the Early Medieval Maximum Period in the 9-10<sup>th</sup> century suggests that the sun plays an important role in climate change even on a decadal time scale. The characteristic variations detected in climate change suggest the mechanism of solar influence on climate involves galactic cosmic rays. Variable features of eleven-year and twenty-two year cycles of solar activity and consequent variations of cosmic rays are possible origins of complex variations of climate change on decadal to multi-decadal time scales. We summarize variations of solar activity and cosmic rays during the past 1200 years and their possible influence on climate change.
山田 明夫 佐藤 基佳 宮原 和郎 広瀬 恒夫
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.37, no.12, pp.783-787, 1984

1981年1月から1982年11月までに, 北海道北部および東部で実施した大動物用X線診療車によって臨床的に一見健康な乳牛2,037頭の集団検診を行いその所見のうち, 第四胃が明視できた1,976頭における第四胃内異物の存在率とその性状について検索した.<BR>1) 第四胃内に全属異物が1,976頭中697頭 (35.3%), 砂粒状物が1,907頭 (96.5%), 磁石が9頭 (0.5%), 塊状陰影物が4頭 (0.2%) に認められた. この成績は, 一般酪農家に飼養されている乳牛の多くが, 金属異物や砂粒状物にもとつく胃粘膜への損傷ないし刺激が原因の一つと考えられている第四胃炎や第四胃潰瘍の危険に曝されていることが示唆された. また, 第四胃に金属異物が到達することはあっても, その可能性はきわめてまれであるという従来の見解を否定する成績であった.<BR>2) 第四胃内金属異物の存在率は, 第二胃内磁石存在群で25.7%, 第二胃内磁石非存在群で42.2%であり, そのうち5cm以上の金属異物は, 前者で2頭, 後者で43頭に認められた. したがって, 第二胃内の磁石は金属異物, とくに5cm以上の長い金属異物の前胃から第四胃への移動を阻止するのに効果のあることが示唆された.
宮原 俊之
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.72, no.2, pp.55-60, 2022-02-01 (Released:2022-02-01)


1 0 0 0 OA 全一論集

宮原清二 著