岡本 真
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.54, no.12, pp.808-818, 2012

岡本 真
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.124, no.4, pp.528-552, 2015-04-20

Previous research on the dispatch of tribute ships from Japan to Ming China (kenminsen 遣明船) during the Sengoku period claimed that the Ouchi Clan of the northern Kyushu and western Chugoku regions achieved a monopoly on this activity after the Ningbo Incident of 1523, in which ships dispatched by the Ouchi Clan attacked a ship dispatched by the Hosokawa Clan of the Kinai and Shikoku regions. However, whether this commonly accepted theory reflects the actual situation is questionable. The purpose of this article is to examine this theory by focusing on the ships referred to as "Sakai Totosen" 堺渡唐船 (tribute ships planned to embark from Sakai to China) in the primary sources, considering specifically the parties involved in their dispatch, their crews and passengers, the purpose of their dispatch, and their overall historical significance. First, the parties involved in the project of dispatching these ships are discussed. The sources, including Tenbun Nikki 天文日記, a mid-16th century diary written by the abbot of Honganji Temple, indicate that these ships planned to embark from Sakai and were prepared by the shogunal deputy (kanrei 管領) Hosokawa Harumoto and the Sakai merchants. The other players, Honganji Temple and the Ichijo Clan of Tosa Province, merely supported this project, while Sengoku Daimyo Ouchi Yoshitaka and Hatakeyama Tanenaga attempted to prevent the dispatch. Next, regarding those aboard the ships and the purpose of their dispatch, the author introduces two newly discovered diplomatic documents from Katto 活套, a mid-16th century miscellanea concerning Sakai, the content and dates of which prove that they are related to these ships. According to these documents, the ships were to be outfitted like their predecessors as bearing official tribute to the Ming Court. The Zen monk Chushuku Shojo was meant to be on board as ambassador along with the physician Nakarai Akifusa. The purposes of the dispatch were 1) to present the tribute goods carried by the previous Hosokawa ship and supposedly left behind in China after the Ningbo Incident; 2) to acquire the return of personal belongings of the previous ship; 3) to secure the release and return of Song Suqing, the member of the previous ship; 4) to acquire new tallies (kango 勘合) for tribute trade along with the related gold seal from the Chinese authorities; and 5) to secure permission for Nakarai to study Chinese medicine. Finally, concerning the historical significance of these ships, it is clear that Hosokawa Harumoto and the Sakai merchants intended this project to continue diplomatic negotiations with the Ming Dynasty, which had been carried out by the Muromachi shogun Ashikaga Yoshiharu and the shogunal deputy Hosokawa Takakuni in the aftermath of the Ningbo Incident. The transfer of the previously unknown provisional tally for tribute trade issued in the Jiajing period (Kasei jun-kango 嘉靖准勘合) illuminates the process leading from the original negotiations to this project. Furthermore, when comparing this project with the ships dispatched by Ouchi Yoshitaka in 1539, we find that both were meant to recover cargos related to the Ningbo Incident and to acquire new tallies. While it was previously thought that the Ouchi Clan eliminated competition from the Hosokawa Clan following the Ningbo Incident, the information above shows that the rivalry over the dispatch of tribute ships actually continued unabated.
岡本 真希子

早稲田大学授与学位論文(博士):制度:新 ; 報告番号:乙2183号 ; 学位の種類:博士(文学) ; 授与年月日:2008/11/19 ; 早大学位記番号:新4889 概要書あり
岡本 真彦
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.40, no.1, pp.81-88, 1992-03-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
6 10

The present study analysed metacognition in the process of solving arithmetic word problem. Sixty-three fifth graders were divided into high and low performer groups based on their achievement of an arithmetic criterion test. The arithmetic word problem used in this study was made of five sub-stages: prediction of result, problem comprehension, planning, executing and evaluation of result. Two procedures were used in the present study. First came the workseat measuring problem solving behavior and the second consisted of a stimulated-recall interview to measure awareness concerning problem solving (metacognition). Verbal response and behavior in the problem solving and interview were recorded by VTR and tape-recorder. The main findings were as follows: (1) High performer had significantly more metacognition scores than low performer; (2) High performer showed more self -monitoring activity than the low one.
岡本 真一郎 OKAMOTO Shinichiro

言語表現の状況的使い分けに関して体系的な枠組を得るため,社会心理学的な見地から実証的な研究を行った.主として,状況要因を独立変数として操作して言語反応等を従属変数とする実験的手法を用いた.これに加えて,結果のエコロジカルバリディティを確認するため,録音した会話やシナリオに現れた会話を分析して,事例的に検討したり,可能な場合は定量的に分析する方法でも研究を進めた.具体的な研究内容は以下の通りである.1. 感謝表現に関して,質問紙を用い状況要因を独立変数とした実験的研究をいくつかの観点から行い,実験結果を分散分析や重回帰分析等により解析することにより,感謝型と謝罪型の表現の使い分けに関与する諸要因の影響について全体的な考察を試みた.英語(英国)での感謝の表現の使い分けのとの比較・検討も行った.2. 対人配慮に関わる他の諸表現についても状況要因との関わりを検討した.具体的には「ごくろうさま」,「おつかれさま」,「たいへんでしたね」等のねぎらい表現,「失礼しました」等の謝罪表現,「そうです」,「いいです」等の評価的応答表現を扱った.3. さまざまの言語表現の使い分けに対する聞き手の反応を実験的に検討した.4. これまでに知見が得られた対人配慮表現に関して,日本語における状況と表現の関わりについて,従来の日本語の敬語に関する先行研究や欧米の諸研究もふまえて包括的なモデルを検討した.今後は4で示したモデルを修正発展させる中で,日本語の対人配慮表現を状況と関連づけて体系的に整理していくことを計画している.その際,他の言語における知見と比較して日本語の場合の特徴を明らかにするとともに,対人配慮の普遍性についても考察を進める予定である.
岡本 真希子 オカモト マキコ Okamoto Makiko
社会科学 = The social sciences (ISSN:04196759)
vol.42, no.4, pp.73-111, 2013-02

岡本 真理子 渡辺 勝彦 内藤 昌
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.369, pp.103-113, 1986-11-30

The architectural reference book "Gusikenki" is considered as the first encyclopedia for the architecture in Edo era. We examined the contents and bibliography of this book, and clarified the fact that the editor, Masataka Imaoku, then the Nakai's "Touryou" carpenter, wrote and compiled "Gusikenki" in the following four stages. 1st stage ; 1671 : Began the writings concerning the knowledges related to the nearby architecture as a Horyuuji carpenter. 2nd stage ; 1677 : Performed the writings about the architecture in the area controlled by the Nakai Family and about the buildings of temples and shrines. 3rd stage ; 1680/1684 : Wrote articles on the Kyoto Imperial Palace and accounts on matters such as divinity, mathimatics, weight and measures, and completed the whole volumes. 4th stage ; 1685/1686 : Added few items related mainly to time measurement.
鴨井 美帆 今村 武浩 山本 健 岡本 真理子 高橋 実里 園田 華子 西岡 千賀子 門松 伸一 山近 重生 斎藤 一郎 中川 洋一
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.30, no.3, pp.85-91, 2011-12-01 (Released:2012-02-07)

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sulpiride, an antidepressant, on xerostomia.Method: Fifty-five patients who visited the Dry Mouth Clinic, Tsurumi Dental Hospital with subjective oral dryness were enrolled in this study. The cause of the xerostomia in the patients was unknown. The patients did not meet Sjögren's syndrome criteria, and their condition was not congruent with xerostomia caused by radiation therapy to the head and neck, HIV infection, chronic graft-vs-host disease, or diabetes mellitus. The patients were divided into two groups: the dry group, with the chief complaint of dry mouth, and the pain group, with the chief complaint of pain. The patients received oral administration of sulpiride, and the clinical efficacy was evaluated by doctors' subjective judgment and by visual analogue scale (VAS).Results: Sulpiride was effective in both groups, but the response rate was higher in the pain group than in the dry group according to the doctors' subjective judgment. In the evaluation by VAS, improvements were not obtained in other items such as thirstiness and dysgeusia, although a significant decrease of VAS value was found in "dry mouth" in the dry group. In contrast, in the pain group, significant improvements were found in all items as well as pain.Conclusions: The results suggested that the dry and pain groups possessed completely different pathophysiologies. The results also suggested that subjective dry mouth may be a partial symptom of burning mouth syndrome (BMS), and that depression was one of the causative factors of xerostomia.
岡本 真
Japan Society of Information and Knowledge
情報知識学会誌 (ISSN:09171436)
vol.22, no.4, pp.308-315, 2012-11-04
