河上 淳一 後藤 昌史 松浦 恒明 寄谷 彩 政所 和也 永松 隆 今井 孝樹 烏山 昌起 原田 伸哉 工藤 憂 志波 直人
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.47, no.6, pp.587-592, 2020 (Released:2020-12-18)

【目的】本研究の目的は,腱板断裂患者に対し患者立脚評価を用いた治療方針の予測をすることである。【方法】対象は腱板断裂患者229 名で,初診1 ヵ月以降の治療方針(手術または保存)を目的変数,患者立脚評価を説明変数とした決定木分析と傾向スコア分析を行い,治療方針のオッズ比を算出した。【結果】決定木分析にてもっとも手術療法が選択される手術療法傾向群と,もっとも保存療法が選択される保存療法傾向群に分け,それ以外を中間群とした。傾向スコア分析を考慮したオッズ比は,保存療法傾向群に対して手術療法傾向群で11.50 倍,中間群に対して手術療法傾向群で3.47 倍の手術療法が選択された。【結論】腱板断裂患者の治療方針の予測には,SST における4 つの質問の重要性が示唆された。
後藤 昌弘 村上 譲
japan association of food preservation scientists
日本食品低温保蔵学会誌 (ISSN:09147675)
vol.20, no.4, pp.193-196, 1994

ベゴニアを食用花として収穫し, 2℃と20℃に保存した場合, 両温度区とも貯蔵2日では花の色 (品種) によって鮮度指数の低下が異なり, 赤花 (パーシティレッド), ピンク花 (フィナーレ) よりも, 白花 (パーシティホワイト) で大きかった。しかし, その後はどの花色も同様に指数が低下し, 商品性は2℃で約7日, 20℃で約3日保持された。この鮮度の低下は主として萎凋と花弁の変色によるもので, 萎凋はハーブ類よりも少ない重量減少で激しい症状がみられた。また, 花弁の変色は周辺部から起こることがわかった。<BR>花を手づみした場合とはさみで摘み取った場合, 両温度区とも手づみの鮮度の低下が速かった。<BR>以上の結果から,ベゴニアを食用花として収穫し,貯蔵する場合には,はさみで丁寧に摘み取り,低温に保存することが望ましいと思われた。
後藤 伸
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.18, no.4, pp.37-63,ii, 1984-01-30 (Released:2010-11-18)

In the Inter-War period, while “tramp shipping” was declining world-wide, Japanese tramp shipping developed remarkably well. This development was due to diversification in operating services, that was the development of “tramp linerization”.This is an analysis paper of the start of liner services and its development by tramp shipping enterprises-examining under what managerial environmental and cooperate strategies, this progress was made and maintained-through a case study of “MBK's Senpakubu” (Mitsui Trading Co's Shipping Div.) as a representative of the general merchant operator. The conclusions of this analysis are as follows : First the liner services by Senpakubu made a good start under circumstances in which there was suitable world-wide information and a trading network provided by the Bussan Co. But secondly, being an auxiliary unit of MBK's business, Senpakubu was requested to act on the whole organization's agreement in decision making, which sometimes reduced the strategic time horizon of Senpakubu's business. Thirdly, however, Senpakubu's strategy changed into soliciting a various or a wide range of different cargoes, loading more “Shagaini” (other shipper's cargoes) than “Shanaini” (its own cargoes) by steadily building a superior fleet, with which Senpakubu succeeded in new developments from an auxiliary unit into an autonomous functional operating unit within MBK's trades.
後藤 伸
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.17, no.1, pp.22-46,iii, 1982-04-30 (Released:2009-11-06)

In the international maritime history, the International Mercantile Marine (IMM) Co., established as an American concern in 1902, had an unique beginning as follows : firstly, J.P. Morgan & Co., a famous investment banking, played an important role in forming the IMM; secondly, Morgan & Co. combined several important liner companies engaged in a single operating route, the North Atlantic; and lastly, the IMM was composed of shipping firms whose nationalities were different, but mainly American and British. So far, many books and articles have treated of the IMM, usually, from a viewpoint of regarding the IMM as Morgan's Trust in the shipping industry. They analyse the financial aspects of the IMM, with pointing out failure as Trust because of poor financial performance. They are, however, little explanation of 'Americanization' policy that the IMM disposed of its foreign subsidaries and became an American shipping enterprise after the First World War. In order to inquire into the reason for and meaning of adopting Americanization policy, it should be required to analyse the IMM's strategy and structure rather than financial results up to the period of pre-War, and that is my task of the article. In conclusion, it is the reason for adopting Americanization policy that the IMM failed to formulate definite corporate strategy because of differences in managerial environment between constituent companies in the U.S.A. and U.K., and to create administrative control as a whole because of different approaches to organizational design between the top management in the U.S.A. and U.K. While, thus, Americanization policy taken by the IMM after the war was seen as a result of managerial failure of an earlier transnational enterprise in the maritime history, its policy was valid in the sense that it aimed to reconstruct effective organization for control and operation of fleets through unification of strategy by disposing of foreign flags under nominal control.
後藤 はる美
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.121, no.10, pp.1685-1720, 2012-10-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

Catholicism, as "recusancy", became a crime prosecutable in the secular courts of early modern England after the introduction of the "recusant penal laws" during the 1580s. Recusancy, however, remained one of the least effectively prosecuted crimes throughout the seventeenth century. This was especially true in the north of England, remote from the centre and close to the northern border. The present case study concentrates on a lawsuit brought before the Star Chamber in London which was fought between groups of leading magistrates of the East Riding of Yorkshire. The case stemmed from a conflict that arouse among local justices over a much-disputed recusant prosecution at the quarter session at Pocklington (Yorkshire) in January 1615. The conflict flared up against a backdrop of heightened rivalries among leading Yorkshire gentry, which were reinforced by religious antagonism. The conflicting reactions of magisterial factions on recusant proceedings caused various interactions and subtle negotiations among the justices and between them and the grand jury, which played a crucial role in indicting recusants. The interplay among those involved, reconstructed from the interrogatories, depositions and witnesses, highlights several problems that existed in enforcing the recusant penal laws in the north of England. It also illuminates different stances adopted by individual justices and the grand jury and their influences at different points in the legal process. Furthermore, the allegations of litigants and their alleged conduct both testify to how they justified themselves at the two courts in question, one in the centre (the Star Chamber) and the other in the locality (the quarter session at Pocklington). By reconstructing process of recusant prosecution, the author describes the negotiations that took place among the conflicting justices and the grand jury, each of them acting according to the rules of law and locality. The two courts bacame strong magnetic fields to which were drawn intersecting polemics of Catholic/Protestant, old/new, and the justices/the grand jury dichotomies. It was a process in which people fought, achieved and maintained order in their locality, thus determining the practices regarding recusancy and its prosecution in the North. Furthermore, participation of individual subjects in this judicial process itself worked as an important opportunity for forging how order in the kingdom would be constituted.
後藤 充夫 飯塚 幸三
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密機械 (ISSN:03743543)
vol.44, no.526, pp.1265-1267, 1978 (Released:2009-06-30)
1 1
四ツ柳 隆夫 山口 拓 後藤 克己 永山 政一
公益社団法人 日本分析化学会
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.16, no.10, pp.1056-1061, 1967

後藤 雄太
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.26, pp.31-40, 2008-10-22 (Released:2018-02-01)

This paper aims to criticize abortion and to present a vision of what our society and life should be. In Japan, abortion is technically illegal, but loopholes result in about as many as 300,000 approved pregnancy terminations a year. This paper insists that most abortions (including shady abortions) in Japan should not be approved (the paper does not dwell on abortion in cases of rape or when there is danger to the mother's life because space is limited). Broadly speaking, the main issues in the abortion debate are whether the fetus is a "person" or not, whether "rights" such as the reproductive rights of women and the fetal right to live should be recognized and whether a relationship between a pregnant woman and her fetus is formed. This paper argues against abortion from a relationalistic viewpoint; it criticizes the past relationalistic views and develops a new relationalistic view. Abortion is an act where adults unilaterally deny "the life of a child who is growing and affirming his/her own being", thereby destroying any relationship with the child. Moreover, it is an act of adults refusing a child's participation in society simply because the child was accidentally conceived by parents who did not want him/her, or simply because the child was diagnosed with a disability, etc. In brief, abortion ruins our conception of "society being a place that welcomes life hospitably". Welcoming life hospitably is to accept it unconditionally; just as it is. In order to actually solve the abortion problem, one must establish relationships where one can affirm one's own life, the opposite sex person's life, and the fetus' life, as well. This is much more important than abstractly arguing over rights, personhood, and such.