田中 愛子 後藤 政幸 岩本 晋 李 恵英 杉 洋子 金山 正子 奥田 昌之 國次 一郎 芳原 達也 Aiko TANAKA Masayuki GOTOH Susumu IWAMOTO Keiei LI Yoko SUGI Masako Kanayama Masayuki Okuda Ichiro KUNITSUGU Tatsuya HOBARA 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 和洋女子大学短期大学部 元山口県立大学看護学部 岡山大学大学院法医生命倫理学講座 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 山口大学医学部環境情報系・公衆衛生学講座 Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Department of Health and Nutrition Wayo Women's University Formerly of School of Nursing Yamaguchi Prefectural University Department of Legal and Bioethics Graduate School of the University of Okayama Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Department of Public Health. and. Human Environment and Preventive Medicine Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
山口医学 (ISSN:05131731)
vol.50, no.4, pp.697-704, 2001-08-31

In order to explore how to provide death education according to age groups, we examined the differences in the awareness of death between the adolescent and the middle age groups. A questionnaire survey was conducted using the Death Concern Scale. The subjects were students (n=627) aged between 19 and 29 (i.e. the adolescent group), company workers (n=149) and visiting nurses (n=94) aged between 30 and 64 (i.e. the middle age group). First, the question items were analyzed by content analysis and confirmed by factor analysis. Two factors were extracted from the Death Concern Scale:"thinking about death " and "anxiety and fear of death". Secondly, the data from both age groups were analyzed and compared by using the Mean Structure Model. The factor "thinking about death" had a greater value for the adolescent group than for the middle age group. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of the factor "anxiety and fear of death". These results imply that death education carries more importance for the adolescent group than for the middle age group.
後藤 敦史
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.124, no.9, pp.1583-1606, 2015-09-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The research to date on the fleet of the United States North Pacific Exploring and Surveying Expedition (NPSE), which visited Shimoda in May 1855, has concluded that the fleet's aim was to test the effectiveness of the treaty of peace and amity between Japan and the United States, known as the Kanagawa Convention (concluded 31 March 1854), under direct orders issued by the US Secretary of the Navy, despite the fact that the Convention had not yet been concluded when the NPSE departed from Norfolk, Virginia, in June 1853. The purpose of this article is to reveal more concrete detail the diplomatic purposes and reasons behind the NPSE's visit to Japan. It was in August 1852 that the NPSE was scheduled to be dispatched to survey the North Pacific maritime region, as part of US Navy and State Department policy aimed at challenging British hegemony and protecting whale fisheries in the region. While these objectives were similar to those of Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan, the NPSE also intended to negotiate with countries that Perry had not visited. This means that both Perry's expedition and the NPSE were equally important to US diplomacy regarding the North Pacific region. However, the two expeditions did not always cooperate. For example, the NPSE had to suspend its surveying activities when it arrived at Hong Kong in May 1854, because Perry had concentrated his vessels in Japan, leaving no US ships in the South China Sea to protect American merchants during the confusion created by the Taiping Rebellion. Finally, the author shows that when the NPSE did arrive in Shimoda, its aim was to open negotiations with Japan, not on the orders from the Navy, but on the decision of the NPSE Commander John Rodgers himself. Before heading for Japan, the NPSE visited the Ryukyu Kingdom, where Rodgers judged that the treaty between the Ryukyus and the United States, which had been concluded by Perry, was being violated by the government of the Ryukyus, a perception that probably influenced his decision to proceed to Japan. Contrary to the widely held view, the author shows that the Secretary of the Navy did not order the NPSE to visit Japan with the purpose of testing the effectiveness of the Convention of Kanagawa and calls for a reconsideration of the character of US diplomacy regarding the Pacific Ocean region, in general, and Japan, in particular during the mid-19th century.
後藤 顕一 松原 憲治 野内 頼一 宮内 卓也 北川 輝洋 寺谷 敞介 松原 静郎
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
科学教育研究 (ISSN:03864553)
vol.40, no.2, pp.166-179, 2016 (Released:2016-06-29)

Aiming to foster competencies expected in chemistry education, experimental lessons with model-based learning for chemistry were implemented. The study verified how competencies expected in the discipline were fostered with respect to the practices of instructions, practice, and evaluation, through implementing lessons with and without focus on model-based learning. The mutual evaluation table (Goto, 2013) was used for evaluating the practice, mainly looking at the description written in the discussion part of students’ reports. Verification of the practice was based on the curriculum management model for science lessons (Goto and Matsubara, 2015). The experimental lessons demonstrated revealed what kind of impacts and challenges exist for practicing model-based learning for future implementation.
西原 一秀 後藤 尊広 宮本 昇 佐藤 範幸
一般社団法人 日本口蓋裂学会
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 (ISSN:03865185)
vol.46, no.1, pp.33-40, 2021

北川 守 朝長 圀夫 江川 正 中村 泰 後藤 正治 三原 茂
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.38, no.2, pp.652-656, 1989-10-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

A comparative study was conducted on the 20 knees of 10 females with normal knee joints (age, 22-35 years) and on 7 knees of 7 patients with subluxation syndrome (age, 15-24 years), using axial radiography and CT. In axial radiography where the angle of knee flexion was 30° or 60°, no significant difference was recognized between the two groups with respect to tilting angle, patellofemoral angle, congruence angle and lateral shift. However, a significant difference was found using CT. Thus, CT was considered useful for diagnosis. Because of these results, all 7 cases underwent surgery for detachment of the lateral side and tightening of the medial side. Three cases underwent shifting of the tibial tuberosity to the anteromedial side, resulting in a favourable outcome. Here, we report the study.
橋本 洋美 後藤 栄 坪内 美紀 泉 陽子 吉村 由香理 笠原 優子 塩谷 雅英
Journal of mammalian ova research = 日本哺乳動物卵子学会誌 (ISSN:13417738)
vol.21, no.4, pp.209-213, 2004-10-01
1 1

IVFとICSIを回収された卵子の半数ずつに行うSplit ICSIを考慮すべき精液所見を検討することを目的とした.当院で初回ARTを施行した682症例の精液所見を目視法で調べ,精液濃度および運動率別の受精率,妊娠率の検討を行った.受精率30%が以下の症例では受精率50%以上の症例と比較し妊娠率は有意に低かった.精子濃度が2,000万/ml未満の症例では受精率は50.0~53.8%であり,2,000万/ml以上の症例における受精率の65.0~79.5%と比較して有意に低率であった.精子運動率が20%未満の症例では受精率は0~29.6%であり,運動率20%以上の症例の受精率66.8~76.8%と比較して有意に低率であった.精子濃度2,000万/ml未満または精子運動率が20%未満の症例に対してはsplit ICSIを考慮すべきと考えられた.<br>
小林 英知 朝日 亨 後藤 和宏 服部 敏温 清水 剛 石丸 新
一般社団法人 日本体外循環技術医学会
体外循環技術 (ISSN:09122664)
vol.24, no.3, pp.25-27, 1998-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

腹部大動脈瘤に対するY型人工血管置換術10例に対し, COBE社製洗浄式自己血回収装置BRATTM2を用いて洗浄効率を測定し,本装置の有用性について検討した。廃液および回収血を採取し, WBC・RBC・Ht・Hb・Plt・ヘパリン・Cr・BUN・T-Bil・TPについて回収率と洗浄効率をそれぞれ算出した。赤血球の回収率は良好な結果が得られたが,回収血のHtは49.7%と低値であったため,回収血にヘパリンの残在が確認された。しかし,ヘパリンの洗浄効率は95.3%と高値であった。また,他の血漿成分の洗浄効率も高い値を示した。
後藤 昌彦 安田 忠司 渋谷 俊昭
岐阜歯科学会雑誌 = The Journal of Gifu Dental Society (ISSN:03850072)
vol.41, no.2, pp.128-136, 2014-11-20

後藤 鉄男
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.35, no.4, pp.299-306, 1980-04-05 (Released:2008-04-14)

クォークの複合系としてのハドロンに関連して, 拡がりをもつ素粒子像についてのべる. クォーク模型による通常のハドロン像を概観したあとで, そのもっとも簡単な見方であり現象論的にも有効な多重局所模型について論ずる. 多重局所模型はクォーク模型の非局所理論的アプローチではあるが, より統一的なハドロンの理解をうるには励起子としてクォークを把えることが必要となる. このような考えはクォークの特異な性質を自然に理解することを可能にすると同時にSU(3)などの内部自由度を拡がりをもつ対象の属性として理解する可能性をあたえる.
後藤 和子
Japan Association for Cultural Economics
文化経済学 (ISSN:13441442)
vol.3, no.4, pp.1-17, 2003-09-30 (Released:2009-12-08)

The purpose of this paper is to make the theoretical framework of Creative City, from the point of view of cultural policy, cultural economics and economic geography, looking at the concepts of ‘creative milieu’ and ‘social interaction’ and solidarity. At first, I analyze when and how cultural policy made their connection to creative city idea and what was the main issue in these process. Secondly, circulation of cultural activities (production-consumption-evaluation-stock-learning-production) in cultural economics will be examined and the concept of ‘creative milieu’ and ‘social interaction’ in economic geography theory are looking into. Thirdly, I am suggesting the theoretical framework by situating the circulation of cultural activities in the context of place. Several cultural clusters will be provided as a sample of these framework.
福井 幸太郎 菊川 茂 飯田 肇 後藤 優介
The Association of Japanese Geographers
pp.100277, 2015 (Released:2015-04-13)

はじめに 「新湯」は立山カルデラの底にある熱水をたたえる池で現在の立山の火山活動の中心である地獄谷の南3.5 kmに位置する。かつてのマグマ水蒸気爆発でできた小規模な火口湖で直径は30 m、水深は5.6 m、表層の水温は65~70℃である。池中央にある複数の噴出口から熱水が湧出し続けているため常に満水で、熱水は北側の切れ口から溢れだし、立山カルデラ内を東西に流れる湯川に流れ込む。 近年、噴気や地熱活動が活発化している地獄谷周辺と異なり、新湯では水位や水温に全く変化がみられなかった。ところが2014年春先から突如激しい水位や水温の変動を起こすようになった。本発表では2014年6月中旬~10月末に発生した水位と水温変動について報告する。 方法 ・水位の変化を明らかにするため池の岸にインターバルカメラを設置して30分間間隔で湖面を連続撮影した。観測期間は2014年6月11日~10月29日である。 ・水温の変化を明らかにするために水深30 cmと水深2 mに自記温度計を用いて10分間隔で水温の連続観測を実施した。観測期間は2014年6月15日~10月29日である。 結果 ・インターバルカメラの画像の分析から、2014年6月11日~10月29日に新湯は合計11回干上がったり満水になったりを繰り返していたことが分かった(図1)。満水の熱水は噴出口に吸い込まれて1日で完全に排水し、干上がった状態が3~4日続いた後、噴出口から熱水が湧き出して4~5日で再び満水の状態に戻った。したがって、2014年春先から新湯は熱水をたたえる池から間欠泉に変化したといえる。 ・2014年6月15日~10月29日までの満水時の新湯の水温は平均で74℃であった(図2)。2006年10月22日~2007年8月9日の新湯の水温(水深30 cm)は平均64℃で(図2)、平均水温は10℃も上昇した。