岡崎 文明 一ノ瀬 正樹 小浜 善信 伊集院 利明 谷 徹 榊原 哲也 杉田 正樹 日下部 吉信 須藤 訓任 赤井 清晃 柏端 達也 塩路 憲一 古田 智久 三浦 要 菊地 伸二

森 由紀 伊神 久美子 杉田 明子 木岡 悦子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.56, no.4, pp.233-240, 2005-04-15

Pajamas are worn for long hours in direct contact with one's skin : so we assume that the contact sensation of the material of pajama cloth might influence the quality of one's sleep. In this study, we looked at pajamas made of RAFUMA-mixed cotton cloth, which is called "Wearable Chinese medicine" which is said to be good for one's health, and studied clothing comfort through wearing experiments. Subjects wore RAFUMA-mixed cotton pajamas (A) and nylon-mixed cotton pajamas (B) alternately. Their biological reactions were measured and subjective examinations were also performed. In Wearing Experiment (I), the subjects' EEGs were measured for 30 min when wearing pajamas. In Wearing Experiment (II), subjects' hormone secretion levels and skin temperature during normal sleep were measured. The EEG measurement results showed a significantly high ratio of α-waves when the subjects were wearing pajamas (A), proving that the subjects were in a state of relaxation at the time. It was also observed that melatonin secretion was promoted and small skin temperature differences occurred between the trunk and peripheral regions. From these observations, it is suggested that one can obtain effective sleep while wearing pajamas (A). The biological reactions observed while subjects wore RAFUMA-mixed cotton pajamas coincided with the results of the subjective examinations on wearing comfort and feeling of sound sleep.
杉田 元宜
日本物理學會誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.33, no.11, pp.884-886, 1978-11-05

物理学はいろいろの形で生物学や医学, 心理学などの後楯にならなければならないが, そのとき従来のままの形でよいものかどうか少し気になることがある.
杉田 稔 伊津野 孝
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.72, no.6, pp.234-245, 2006-11-30

Introduction: Over the past several years, differences and/or inequality within Japanese society have been pointed out from various study areas. The actual status of variations in differences and/or inequality in the economy and variations in health indicators was determined objectively from statistics collected in Japan. We forecast the differences and/or inequality in the economy and mortality rate in the future, and discuss countermeasures for health impairment due to economic inequality as a social epidemiologic study. Materials and methods: Gini coefficients, which show economic inequality, and mortality rateswere collected from statistical data published in Japan. An article in which the relationship between economic inequality and difference in health was noted and others were cited.Results: The Gini coefficients for inequality in income under 35 years of age and in consumptionof the thirties and the forties increased recently in Japan. Mortality rate for all causes ofmales aged 30-34 years increased and that for suicide increased notably except aged people in recent years. Discussion: The Gini coefficient increased in adults recently in Japan. The reason for this isbecause enterprises reduced the numbers of regular employees, whose salaries are higher, and increased the numbers of non-regular employees such as part-time and dispatched workers, whosesalaries are lower, in order to decrease labour cost after the bubble economy collapsed in 1990.Age-adjusted mortality rate for all causes and mortality rates for all causes by age decreased consistently in Japan after World War II. Recently, however, the mortality rate for all causes in males aged 30-34 years has increased. This indicates that socialization of anti-risk countermeasures are not sufficient in Japanese society in a recession, demonstrating the existence of a defective social system and/or of notable problems in the management of social systems in Japan. It should be recognized that if the situation is neglected and effective countermeasures are not taken, social chaos may result. Thus effective policies introducing sufficient anti-risk countermeasures are necessary to reduce the mortality rate.
青山 真人 駒崎 孝高 杉田 昭栄 楠瀬 良
Japanese Society of Animal Science
日本畜産學會報 = The Japanese journal of zootechnical science (ISSN:1346907X)
vol.74, no.2, pp.241-250, 2003-05-25

ウマ同士の社会行動にともない顔や体に現れる特徴の意味の把握は,ウマがヒトに対しても同じ行動を取ることから,現場でのウマの取り扱いにおいて重要な情報になると考えられる.そこでわれわれは,日常的にウマに接している者(ウマ取扱者)およびウマに接する機会が少ない者(非取扱者)を対象に,互いに社会行動をしている2頭のウマの写真からその社会的関係を推察し,さらに判断の手がかりとして注目した部位を回答させるアンケート調査を行なった.ウマ取扱者189名の正解問題数の平均は6.01問(全11問 ; 正解率54.6%),非取扱者53名のそれは5.26問(正解率47.9%)であった.両群とも,無作為に回答した場合よりも有意に高い正解率であったが,ウマ取扱者のそれは非取扱者のそれよりも有意に高かった.ウマ取扱者が回答の際に注目した部位については,耳が38.0%でその頻度がもっとも高く,次いで体全体33.5%,顔全体 23.9%の順であった.非取扱者による注目部位は,高い順に耳29.6%,顔全体20.6%,目15.6%であった.一方,回答者を7問以上正解者(7以上群)と6問以下正解者(6以下群)に分けて比較すると,ウマ取扱者については耳(ただしP=0.091)および顔全体において,非取扱者では首の向き・角度および体全体において,7以上群の方が有意に高い頻度でこれを注目した.各問題の回答を解析すると,一方のウマがその耳や首をもう一方のウマに向けている状態(社会的に劣位のウマが耳を上位のウマに向けて気にしている様子など)が正解の手がかりとなった状況については,ウマ取扱者と非取扱者の正解率や観察の仕方は類似した.しかし,ウマの耳や首がもう一方のウマの位置と関係なく特異的な状態になる場合(耳を後方へ倒す威嚇の表情など)は,ウマ取扱者と非取扱者の観察の仕方は異なり,ウマ取扱者の正解率が高かった.ウマに接して来た経験をもとにウマの耳および首の向き・角度に注目することは,ウマの社会的な状況を推察するのに有効であると示された.
杉田 久志
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.38, no.3, pp.217-227, 1988-12-31

At higher elevations on Mt. Asakusa, one of the mountains characterized by deep snow accumulation in Japan, the relationship between snow depth and the distribution pattern of plant communities was studied in connection with topographical conditions. Dwarfed Fagus crenata forests in the northwestern〜western part (N〜W slope), and scrubs and meadows in the southern〜eastern part(S〜E slope). The snow depth in meadows was the deepest among the four plant communities, and that in scrubs was deeper than those in Fagus crenata forests and dwarfed Fagus crenata communities. However, little difference in snow depth was found between Fagus crenata forests and dwarfed Fagus crenata communities. Therefore, it is difficult to explain the distribution of plant communities only by the snow depth. It is presumed that topographical conditions affect not only the distribution of snow depth but also the effects of the snow on plants, and that consequently the distribution pattern of plant communities is determined through the influence of the topography.