林 雅子 Hayashi Masako ハヤシ マサコ
阪大日本語研究 (ISSN:09162135)
no.20, pp.33-59, 2008-02

北林 雅志
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.26, no.4, pp.42-70,iii, 1992-01-30 (Released:2010-11-18)

In the last quarter of the 19th century, the history of eastern banking was dominated by the depreciation of silver in terms of gold. The continuous decline in the value of silver was a problem for all eastern exchange banks. The Oriental Bank, which was the largest bank in Asia, fell into a business crisis and stopped payment in 1884. Under these circumstances, the Hongkong Bank extended their business, made remunerative profits and became the largest bank in Asia. How could the Hongkong Bank get over the difficulties produced by the exchange fluctuation, and grow up in such bad times? The Hongkong Bank's activities in this era were marked by the Even Keel Policy. One purpose of this article attempts to examine what the Even Keel Policy was through contemporary evidence. Even though the Hongkong Bank adopted the Even Keel Policy, the Bank could not overcome all difficulties. The Bank suffered considerable losses on the exchange business in 1886. The other purpose of this article is to try to investigate why the Bank suffered heavy losses in 1886. The foreign exchange banks had to lay in fund largely at Hankow as preparation for the Chinese tea season. They had remitted a very large amount of their funds to Hankow in Shansi bankers' drafts since 1875. But this mode of remittance was stopped by the Shanghai financial crisis of 1883. Therefore, the Hongkong Bank had to send their fund in the form of “Sycee” to Hankow. In the spring of 1886, the silver panic happened suddenly, when the Hongkong Bank remitted large “Sycee” to Hankow. As a result, the Hongkong Bank could not avoid suffering heavy losses from the silver panic of 1886.
北林 雅志
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.21, no.4, pp.1-28, 1987-01-30 (Released:2010-11-18)

The price of silver began to fall after 1873. The silver question was one of the most difficult problems facing British colonial banks in the 19th century. British colonial banks, whose operations involved financial transfers between Europe and Asia, suffered from constant fluctuations in exchange rates. This paper is an attempt to investigate how British colonial banks coped with this problem.The violent fluctuations in exchange rates were undermining their business with all silver using countries by introducing into it a strong element of speculation and uncertainty. Under these circumstances, the nature of China's foreign trade, especially the import trade, was undergoing a cmplete change from the late 1880s to the early 1890s, The very unsettled state of exchange rates had been compelling foreign importers to alter their mode of doing business, the socalled “Indent trade”. Under this “Indent trade”, a good deal of the import business passed into the hands of chinese merchants, while foreign importers were becoming merely commission agents. After the Indian mints stopped producing silver coinage in June 1893, the bulk of the “Indent trade” changed from a silver basis to a sterling basis. At this stage, it became possible for manufacturers in Manchester to quote for their piece goods in sterling and to obtain payment by drawing bills of exchange payable sterling on chinese indentors. In this system, the exchange risks inherent in the trade were transferred to chinese importers.As a result, sterling bills came to be widely used in the East and most of the “Indent trade” was conducted on a sterling basis. Through this mode of business, British colonial banks were able to carry on exchange operations on a stable basis, and to make remunerative profits.
大林 雅之
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.10, pp.71-79, 1992-10-23 (Released:2018-02-01)

The study of genes, with the development of molecular biology, raises ethical issues in the basic and applied life sciences, including biotechnology and biomedical sciences. The ethical issues are connected with recombinant DNA experiments, the Human Genome Project, experiments on organisms with recombinant DNA in the field, gene diagnosis, gene therapy, etc. In this papar, I am particularly concerned with the structure of ethical problems in gene therapy and I consider it in terms of the biological meanings of genes. Ethical problems in the study of genes at the molecular level have occurred today because we can manipulate genes directly. However, when we know the biological meanings of genes, it is not easy for us to manipulate genes from the ethical point of view. The gene has three meanings: (1) It is the product of evolution, (2) It is what creates the identity of each human being, (3) It is the source of the continuity of the human species. Therefore, gene manipulation is connected with individual problems, the relations among generations, the problems between human beings and the ecosystem, and the whole world of organisms. When we consider the ethical problems in human gene therapy in terms of the three meanings of genes, we can see new problems concernings gene therapy as follows: Can we avoid the problems which appear among generations even if we can practice gene therapy not with somatic cells but with germline cells, given meanings (1) and (3) ? Moreover, will gene therapy exacerbate problems connected with the evaluation of genetic information for each person in terms of eugenics, given meaning (2) ?
大林 雅之
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.8, pp.65-78, 1990-07-31 (Released:2018-02-01)

From the late 1960s, arguments concerning ethical problems in clinical applications and experiments of life sciences and biomedical sciences began in the United States. They caused the birth of a new discipline, bioethics. This situation influenced American medical education and showed various difficulties in the traditional ways of training physicians in professional ethics. American medical schools had to make new educational programs, that is, medical humanities, whereby students would have special courses in human values. The purpose of this paper is to consider historically the connection between the bioethics movement and the development of humanistic medical education in the United States and to make clear the influence of bioethical ideas in medical humanities. The author concludes that the medical humanities program is based on the ideas of bioethics. One of these is that a patient's autonomy has to be respected in medicine. Another is that we must participate in interdisciplinary discussions in order to make correct decisions in ethical problems of life sciences and medicine. The necessity of humanistic medical education in Japanese medical schools is also discussed.
大林 雅之
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.32, no.2, pp.15-23, 1999-11-10 (Released:2009-05-29)

伊藤 徹 青山 太郎 平芳 幸浩 呂 佳蓉 藤田 尚志 廖 勇超 若林 雅哉 張 文薫

テクノロジーの高度な発展は、その母体となった近代の枠組みを掘り崩し、従来の文化や社会のカテゴリーを無効にしつつある。膨大な情報をしかも瞬時に複製する情報技術が、近代文化の属性である「オリジナリティー」や「個性」を揺るがせていることは、その一例だ。近代化とアジアをテーマに持続的に研究会をもってきた日本と台湾の学際的研究グループによる本シンポジウムは、ACG(アニメ・漫画・ゲーム)、あるいは映画などを手がかりに、「発信地としての日本」という「神話」を始め、創作の原点としての「主体性」や「土着性」、作品の「真正性」について考え直すことに目的を置き、以下の報告を行ない、参加者による総合討論をもった。1.青山太郎(名古屋文理大学)「ドキュメンタリー映画における主体性の成立について:小森はるか+瀬尾夏美作品からの考察」 2.平芳幸浩(京都工芸繊維大学)「東山彰良における台湾と日本―文化の内在化と異化」 3.呂佳蓉(台湾大学)「ACG文化の力:若者言葉とその意味変化」 4. 藤田尚志(九州産業大学)「家族の時間―是枝裕和の最近作における分人主義的モチーフ」 5.廖勇超(台湾大学)「日本SFアニメ・漫画のなかの怪物性と暴力」6.若林雅哉「《自主規制》という商業戦略―アニメーションにおける《黒い》血液」 7.張文薫(台湾大学)「日本大衆文化における漢字の記号性」。国際シンポジウム「ネット文化のなかの台湾と日本――オリジナリティー再考」、会場:京都工芸繊維大学60周年記念会館、開催日:2017年7月23日
小林 雅之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.101-125, 2007-05-31 (Released:2018-07-01)
4 2

In Japan, like in most countries, the equality of educational opportunities is a crucial issue both in academics and in governmental policy. However, the policy of equality of educational opportunities in Japanese higher education has been weakening. The first aim of this paper is to investigate the background of the policy and to clarify the reasons for its loss of importance. With this aim, the author gives an overview of policy and research works on the equality of higher education opportunities in Japan, in comparison with those overseas.The aim of higher educational policy and planning in post world-war II Japan was to rectify disparities in higher education opportunities between regions and social classes by increasing the supply of institutions providing higher education. However, the policy turned drastically from enlargement to suppression in 1975. The establishment of new universities and departments in the metropolitan area were strictly restricted by the Ministry of Education. This policy aimed to reduce regional inequalities in higher educational opportunities, and was largely successful in doing so. However, the policy concentrated on the regional inequalities, leading to a loss of concern on inequalities among social classes, with the exception of student financial aid programs.Secondly, the results of the Student Life Survey by the Ministry of Education (from 2004 by the Japan Student Service Organization) are often used to demonstrate the equality of higher educational opportunities in Japan. On the contrary, however, some researchers argue that the inequality of higher educational opportunity has been increasing or at least not decreasing, using other survey data. This paper examines the equality of higher educational opportunities using new survey data from 2005. The data show large inequalities in university education opportunities, particularly in private universities. In particular, the participation rate is very low among low-income, low-achievement, female high school graduates. This shows that there are still problems of inequality.Thirdly, this survey shows the existence of debt aversion among parents in the lowest income class and in families with mothers having the lowest education levels. It seems likely that debt aversion leads to serious problems because of the inadequacy of student aid programs, coupled with high tuition fees in Japan. The student financial aid programs of The Japan Student Service Organization, the largest public student program in Japan, gives loans, but not grants, to undergraduates. Some parents and students from lower income tiers may decide not to apply to university to avoid a debt burden. This result implies the need for grants to maintain the accessibility of higher education in the future.
金子 之史 末廣 喜代一 森 征洋 松村 雅文 西原 浩 高木 由美子 川勝 博 北林 雅洋 林 俊夫 高橋 尚志 佐々木 信行 稗田 美嘉 高橋 智香 大浦 みゆき 野崎 美紀 大西 千尋
香川大学教育実践総合研究 (ISSN:1345708X)
vol.8, pp.37-48, 2004-03

森 征洋 松村 雅文 末廣 喜代一 金子 之史 高橋 尚志 林 俊夫 佐々木 信行 西原 浩 高木 由美子 川勝 博 北林 雅洋 高橋 智香 大浦 みゆき 大西 千尋 野崎 美紀 稗田 美嘉
香川大学教育実践総合研究 (ISSN:1345708X)
vol.10, pp.99-110, 2005-03

金子 之史 末廣 喜代一 森 征洋 松村 雅文 西原 浩 高木 由美子 川勝 博 北林 雅洋 林 俊夫 高橋 尚志 佐々木 信行 稗田 美嘉 高橋 智香 大浦 みゆき 野崎 美紀 大西 千尋
香川大学教育実践総合研究 (ISSN:1345708X)
vol.8, pp.49-61, 2004-03

森 征洋 松村 雅文 谷山 穣 西原 浩 佐々木 信行 高木 由美子 林 俊夫 高橋 尚志 金子 之史 末廣 喜代一 川勝 博 北林 雅洋 高橋 智香 野崎 美紀 大西 千尋 稗田 美嘉 大浦 みゆき
香川大学教育実践総合研究 (ISSN:1345708X)
vol.8, pp.135-146, 2004-03

高橋 尚志 礒田 誠 大浦 みゆき 西原 浩 高木 由美子 佐々木 信行 藤原 佳代子 高橋 智香 金子 之史 末廣 喜代一 松本 一範 稗田 美嘉 森 征洋 松村 雅文 寺尾 徹 川勝 博 北林 雅洋 笠 潤平 福家 弘康 西川 健男 高橋 正人 久利 知光 林 雄二 東条 直樹 横川 勝正 上村 和則 武藤 成継 石川 恭広 長谷川 忍
香川大学教育実践総合研究 (ISSN:1345708X)
vol.16, pp.35-43, 2008

森 征洋 松村 雅文 末廣 喜代一 金子 之史 高橋 尚志 林 俊夫 佐々木 信行 西原 浩 高木 由美子 川勝 博 北林 雅洋 高橋 智香 大浦 みゆき 大西 千尋 野崎 美紀 稗田 美嘉
香川大学教育実践総合研究 (ISSN:1345708X)
vol.10, pp.87-97, 2005-03

川勝 博 北林 雅洋 礒田 誠 高橋 尚志 西原 浩 高木 由美子 佐々木 信行 金子 之史 末廣 喜代一 松村 雅文 森 征洋 大浦 みゆき 稗田 美嘉 高橋 智香 藤原 佳代子
香川大学教育実践総合研究 (ISSN:1345708X)
vol.14, pp.101-114, 2007

小林 雅文
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.9, no.1, pp.84-91, 1994-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

Cervico-omo-brachial syndrome consists of symptoms that include pain and paralysis extending from the neck, shoulders and arms to the fingers, muscle contracture or hypertonia of these parts and the inhibition of movement at the cervical vertebrae. Although the cause is complicated, it may be produced principally by compression and/or stimulation of the spinal cord and/or nerve root, plexis or periphery. Little literature describes psychogenic intervention in this syndrome. This study describes a case of the syndrome which exhibited psychosomatic influence.Patient: 40 years old housewife.First examination: August 8, 1993Chief complaint: Sensory disturbance of the neck, shoulders and arms together with pain in the mandibular joint produced by “close-bite malocclusion” of metal crowns set on the right and left mandibular molars several years previously.History of present illness: Patient complained of dry mouth, thoracic compression and cardiopalmus in addition to the above-described syndrome, although doctors told her that no abnormal state was found from clinical, physiological and biochemical examinations. Her sickness had changed from stiffness to paralysis after a miscarriage in the previous year, and the paralysis has extended to the arms. The syndrome was not improved during 30 days of taking (p. o.) of tizanidine hydrochloride prescribed by a plastic surgeon.Status praesens: The author advised her to stop taking tizanidine. Her complaint of maladaptation of metal crowns (765 567) was foud to have almost no physical basis when examined orally, including by x-ray. The result of CMI questioning was III.However, the author counseled the patient to accept and bear with her complaint on two occasions for one hour each and also devoted one hour to reassuring the patient that her sickness would heal, making a combined total of 3 hours during the 3 months' therapy. The author also adjusted the occlusion 65 567 65 567 and set the new metal crown at 7 after root canal treatment.Etizolam (0.5mg/tablet) was administered 3 times (1 tablet p. o. every time) per day for 5 days in the first month and 10 days in the second month, and then alprazolam (0.4mg/tablet) was administered twice (1 tablet p. o. every time) per day for 5 days during final week of the second month. Her sickness disappeared for the most part. Three weeks after stopping alprazolam, (0.5mg/tablet) was administered twice (1 tablet each time) per day for 5 days in the third month. Sleeplessness was also improved considerably.Her sickness has not recurred to date, i. e. 7 months since the final treatment.
丹波 寛子 高橋 久美子 大倉 雅絵 佐藤 栄子 佐々木 司郎 伏見 悦子 竹内 雅治 高橋 俊明 関口 展代 林 雅人
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会学術総会抄録集 第54回日本農村医学会学術総会 (ISSN:18801749)
pp.68, 2005 (Released:2005-11-22)

[はじめに]たこつぼ型心筋障害(以下TAKO)は冠動脈攣縮やカテコラミン上昇など種々の原因が想定されているが、その詳細は不明であり、また経過中に心尖部肥大(以下APH)様を呈した報告は非常に稀である。我々は、TAKO経過中にAPH様を呈した2症例を経験したので報告する。[症例]〈症例1〉76歳女性。平成16年8月冷や汗を伴う胸痛が出現し前医を受診。心電図(以下ECG)のV3-4でST上昇、心エコー図(以下UCG)で心尖部領域に壁運動異常があり急性心筋梗塞(以下AMI)あるいはTAKOが疑われ、当院へ救急搬送された。緊急冠動脈造影(以下CAG)で有意病変は認められなかったが、左室造影(以下LVG)では心尖部がakinesisであることからTAKOと診断された。胸部X-pで心拡大、肺うっ血像、胸水は認められなかった。peak CK 279IU/l、CK-MB 9.9ng/ml。UCG所見として初診時は、乳頭筋レベルの前壁中隔から心尖部でakinesis 、壁の菲薄化と内腔拡大があった。また左室基部が過収縮なため、左室流出路では60mmHg程の圧較差が認められ、左室全体の収縮能としてはEF20-30%に低下していた。血圧低下があり少量のβ遮断薬が使用された。第16病日、内腔が縮小、EF87%と改善され、左室流出路の圧較差も消失していた。しかし、心尖部短軸断面では急性期のakinesis部に一致して壁が肥厚し、拡張期の内腔狭小化と拡張障害の所見があり、心尖部肥大型心筋症様の形態を呈していた。6か月後のUCGでは肥厚はみられず、収縮拡張ともに良好に改善されていた。ECG変化として、初診時はV2-6の軽度ST上昇のみで、第16病日にはI,II,III,aVL,aVF,胸部誘導に陰性T波、特にV3-5は巨大陰性T波を示したが6か月後には消失していた。〈症例2〉65歳女性。前医にて平成14年12月くも膜下出血術後、約1か月後にV-Pシャント術を施行。術後よりECGのV3-6でST上昇があり、AMI疑いで当院へ救急搬送された。緊急CAGでは有意病変は認められなかったが、LVGでは心基部が過収縮で、中部から心尖部にかけてdyskinesisであった事より、TAKOと診断された。胸部X-pで心拡大、肺うっ血像、胸水は認められなかった。peak CK 276IU/l、CK-MB 29ng/ml。UCG所見として初診時、基部の収縮は良好だったが乳頭筋レベルから心尖部でakinesis、壁の菲薄化も認められた。第4病日、心尖部側は縮小していたが、心尖部短軸断面では肥厚があり、内腔の拡張期狭小化と収縮拡張能の低下があった。また乳頭筋レベルの前壁中隔も厚い印象をうけた。ECGは初診時、I,II,III,aVL,aVF,V2-6でST上昇があり、第4病日には同誘導は陰性T波へ、特にV2-4では巨大陰性T波と変化した。第10病日には前医へ転院し、5か月後のECGでは発症前にほぼ戻っていたが、その後、不慮の事故により他界されたため改善後のUCGのfollowはされていない。[考察]今回報告した症例は、一例はくも膜下出血術後、もう一例はβ遮断薬が奏功したことより内因性カテコラミンの過剰分泌状態であったことが示唆される。一方、心尖部肥大型心筋症においては、心尖部の交感神経受容体異常が知られ、その成因に内因性カテコラミンの関与が報告されている。以上より、今回の2症例が経過中にAPH様を呈したことにおいて、カテコラミンの過剰分泌の関与が強く疑われた。[結語]TAKO経過中にAPH様を呈する2症例経験したが、その原因は不明である。今後多数例の検討を重ね、その病態および原因を追究していく必要がある。