楊 暁捷
日本研究 (ISSN:09150900)
vol.46, pp.13-30, 2012-09

武田 裕吾 武田 はるか 渡邉 菜月 楊箸 隆哉 古川 勉寛
vol.19, no.4, pp.369-373, 2020

<p>While there are reports on the reliability of the universal goniometer (UG) and smartphone application goniometer (SG), there have been no reports on user impressions when using these devices. In this study, impressions of users of UG and SG that are used in clinical practice were clarified and reliability was compared. Questionnaires on user impressions were administered to 13 staff members who work in the clinical field. Measurements in the hip and knee joints of seven participants were taken by three testers, and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were obtained to assess reliability. Results showed that SG was superior in terms of appearance, weight, texture, portability, usability, versatility and readout. SG was inferior in terms of setting up measurement axes. However, SG demonstrated high reliability even when compared to UG. The intra-and inter-rater ICC were 0.51 to 0.89 and 0.65 to 0.75, respectively.</p>
何 英洛 楊 國輝 椿 範立
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集 (ISSN:24238317)
vol.30, pp.12-13, 2021

<p>As one of the Holy Grail reactions in C1 chemistry, direct selective oxidation of methane to methanol under mild and non-harsh conditions remains a big challenge. Hydroperoxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>), as a primary oxidant, applied widely in the lowtemperature direct selective conversion of methane to methanol. Moreover, the hydrogen and oxygen mixture gas achieves better reaction activity and higher methanol selectivity than H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> when using palladium-gold (Pd-Au) bimetallic nanoparticles as the catalyst. In this paper, we studied the key roles of the physical and chemical characteristics of Pd-Au nanoparticles in this direct selective oxidation reaction with hydrogen and oxygen as the oxidant at 50°C. For further clarifying the physical and chemical characteristics of catalysts, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Hydrogen-Temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR), and CO pulse adsorption measurement (CO-PULSE) analysis methods are also measured.</p>
楊 子震
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2010, no.162, pp.162_40-55, 2010-12-10 (Released:2012-10-20)

This paper focuses on Ryukyuans and Koreans living in Taiwan after the end of the Second World War, and by drawing a comparison of disparity in treatment between these two ethnic groups, examines the Chinese Nationalist government's seizure of Taiwan.The theme of this paper is “vicarious decolonization.” As a consequence, neither the ruling power (suzerain: Japan), nor the ruled (colony: Taiwan) were involved in the actual process of decolonization. For this reason the decolonization of Taiwan can be deemed to have been carried out vicariously.In this paper, I begin by discussing the Chinese Nationalist government's post-war relations with the Ryukyu Islands and the Korean Peninsula. Then, against the background of the collapse of the Japanese colonial empire and the Chinese Nationalist government's seizure of power, I compare the repatriation and conscription of the Ryukyuans and Koreans living in Taiwan by the Chinese Nationalist government by focusing the discussion on the drawing of boundaries among ethnic groups in Taiwan. Finally, I discuss the role played by the Chinese Nationalist government in Taiwan's post-war decolonization.Although the repatriation of the Ryukyuans and Koreans occurred slightly apart, there was little actual difference in the processes of repatriation. Soldiers and army personnel were repatriated at an early stage, followed by the repatriation of ordinary residents. The Chinese Nationalist government actively pursued the conscription of experts and engineers deemed useful for governing Taiwan.However, the conscripted experts and engineers were all outsiders, and the concept of conscription was nothing more than a temporary measure by the Chinese Nationalist government to secure its rule of Taiwan. The system of conscription conducted by the Chinese Nationalist government was a miniature copy of the pre-existing structure formerly adopted by Japan. Although there were some Ryukyuans amongst the experts and engineers working in the administration and research organizations, most positions were occupied by those born on the Japanese mainland. The fact that no Koreans can be found on the list of conscripts implies that Koreans were not included as part of the administrative side within the governing structure of the former colony of Taiwan.The Chinese Nationalist government's policy of repatriation and conscription of “Japanese people” reestablished borders among ethnic groups in Taiwan, and resulted in the vicarious decolonization and withdrawal of Taiwan from the Japanese colonial empire, while at the same time, through a continuation of existing occupation policies, was oriented toward maintaining the status quo.
有内 和代 楊河 宏章 宮本 登志子 井村 光子 西矢 昌子 中西 りか 苛原 稔
JNI (ISSN:13483722)
vol.3, no.2, pp.99-105, 2005-03

治験は医薬品の開発において必須であり,その過程では逸脱を防ぎ,データの質を確保することが必要である.CRC(clinical research coordinator)の立場から,治験依頼者と医療機関の意思疎通のためのミーティングをより効率的に活用し,治験の品質の向上を行うためのチェックリストを作成した.T大学病院臨床試験管理センターのCRCがこれまでのミーティングにおいて経験した問題点を抽出し,それらを統合してミーティングチェックリストの原案を作成した.原案を平成16年5月~6月に治験が開始された6件において主担当CRCが使用し,必要時には修正,補充を行い,それらを追記内容として直接チェックリストに記載した.治験開始後にこれらのチェックリストを回収し,追記内容等について検討した.詳細な追記は,除外基準や費用の負担(特定療養費の期間に関する規定,入院時の取り扱いなど)などの項目で見られた.画像の取り扱い,同種同効薬と併用禁止薬,条件付き可能薬の一般名表記等においても指摘があった.追加項目として受託事例数が,修正項目として表記方法やレイアウトについての意見があった.これらを総合的に評価し,またあまりに詳細なリストは実用的ではないという意見なども取り入れ,除外基準は疾患名を列記しチェックする形に,また検査,投薬に関しては詳しい内容とするなどの変更を加え,最終的なチェックリストとした.治験における逸脱の原因として,治験依頼者,治験責任医師の間での記載内容の解釈の微妙な不一致の関与の可能性が指摘されている.その克服にはCRCが中心となった品質保証のシステム化が必要であり,今回作成したチェックリストの活用などが有用と考えられる.今後は逸脱防止を目的とし,チェックリストの改良や活用法の検討を重ね対応するとともに,チェックリスト使用の有用性に関する評価を行う予定である.
良川 太河 山極 綾子 楊 添翔 後藤 正幸
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第35回全国大会(2021)
pp.3G1GS2g05, 2021 (Released:2021-06-14)

機械学習分野においてラベル分類の代表的な手法の一つである決定木は解釈性が高い識別器である.しかし過学習を起こしやすく,十分なデータ数がない場合予測精度が悪化する恐れがある.一方,アンサンブル識別器は過学習を防ぎ高い予測精度を示すが,複数の決定木を合成しているため解釈性が失われてしまう.そのため,アンサンブル識別器に近い予測性能を持つ単一の決定木を学習できれば,予測性能と解釈性を備えた有益なモデルとなる. そこで,学習データの生成により予測精度が高い単一の決定木を学習する手法が研究されている.その代表的な手法にBorn Again Treesがある.しかし,データ生成の際に膨大な計算量が必要となる上に,対象データの分布から外れたデータも多数生成してしまうため,学習した決定木が複雑になり解釈性が低下する恐れがある. そこで本研究では,生成モデルであるAutoencoderとオーバーサンプリング手法であるSMOTEを用いて対象データの分布に従うデータを少ない計算量で生成し,高い予測精度を持つシンプルな決定木の学習方法を提案する.最後に実データを用いた評価実験を行い,提案手法の有効性を示す.