渡辺 和子
vol.2008, pp.155-185[含 英語文要旨], 2008

People in Ancient Mesopotamia (ca. 3000-500 BC) believed that they would continue to exist as spirits (et.emmu) after death in the netherworld and they must be fed with kispu, which their living family had to periodically offer to them (see the author's "Offering for the Dead in Mesopotamia," Annual of the Institute of Thanatology 2007).If the spirits were not adequately buried or taken care of, they could cause various troubles for the living. These could be evil omens, frightening apparitions, or physical or mental diseases. The professionals who handled these problems were called ??ipu which is still defined by standard Akkadian dictionaries as 'magician.' Recent studies have shown that the ??ipu belonged to a temple and had not one but several functions including priest, magician and physician. And the asu, which is conventionally translated as 'physician,'was proved to have been the pharmacist, bone setter and performer of minor surgery and to have assisted the ??ipu. JoAnn Scurlock (esp. 2002, 2005 and 2006) contributed greatly in presenting a much clearer image of the ??ipu caring for spirits and healing diseases caused by them in Mesopotamia. It is not easy to understand ancient phenomena as belonging to several modern categories such as religion, magic and science, at the same time. These categories, however, are undergoing reconsideration today.Departed spirits are the responsibility of the living family. But many texts assumed the existence of all kinds of spirits, of both known and unknown people, which might cause trouble for unspecified reasons. It can be compared with the long Japanese tradition caring for not only メソポタミアの「慰霊」と「治療」 the spirits of one's own family, shouryou( 精霊), but also the spirits of strangers, muen-botoke( 無縁仏), mainly on the occasion of urabon( 盂蘭盆). Anthropology and Ethnology have been the analyzing ambiguous attitude of living people toward their ancestors and the dead who might be merciful or frightening for them.V. Jankelevitch (1966), a French philosopher, distinguished 'the death in the third person, in the second person and in the first person.' However, he added that death in each person is reflexively death in the first person. Ph. Aries (1977) adopted certain key terms such as 'the death of the self (la mort de soi)' and 'thy death (la mort de toi)' from Jankelevitch for his reconstruction of a history of Western Europe from the Middle Ages to fit the respective attitudes toward death. Aries added that death has come to be thought of as taboo in the latter half of 20th century in Europe.K. Yanagida (1995) applied the theory of 'person' in death to describe matters related to death in contemporary Japan. He explained that 'my death,' 'your death' and 'his/her/people's death' are all totally different. He later (2002) suggested, however, the idea of 'death in person two-pointfive(' 二・五人称), so that we could have an empathy with 'death in the third person.' It is not rare now in Japan to hear : 'His/Her death is for me the death in 'person two-point-three(' 二・三人称), that is: 'nearer to the second person than to the third person.' In Japanese, grammatical person is usually expressed in cardinal numbers, (such as 'person one' (一人称), not in ordinal numbers such as 'the first person' (第一人称). This makes it possible to add further divisions between two and three.It is not wrong to adopt foreign thoughts and terminologies and to improve on or change them to make them fit for our situation in Japan. We should, however, consider the ambiguity of both death and the dead. We should also be aware of distortions that occur when we use modern and contemporary terms for ancient phenomena.
福士 謙介 渡部 徹 渡辺 幸三

福士 謙介 渡部 徹 渡辺 幸三 浦 剣

菅並 秀樹 竹ヶ原 俊幸 田辺 逸雄 星野 良春 渡辺 馨 佐々木 文善 河合 直樹 氏原 淳一
テレビジョン学会誌 (ISSN:03866831)
vol.43, no.12, pp.1388-1397, 1989-12-20

ハイビジョンの音声信号を, MUSE信号の垂直帰線期間にベースバンド多重して伝送する方式を開発した.この方式においては, 音声信号の伝送容量が現行テレビ衛星放送の65%程度に制約されるため, 音声信号の符号化方式として準瞬時圧伸差分PCMを採用し信号の圧縮を行った.本符号化法による一般の番組音の音質評価実験を行った結果, 現行テレビ衛星放送のAモード, Bモードに比べほとんど遜色のない音質が得られることが確認された.また, 差分PCMの符号化, 復号化時に不完全積分を行うことで, 伝送中に生じた符号誤りによる音質劣化の改善を行った.この圧縮音声信号に, 音声以外のデータや訂正符号を付加し, 伝送レートが1.35Mb/sの多重化信号を構成する.これまでに, 本方式を用いたハイビジョンの衛星伝送実験を繰り返し実施し, いずれも良好な結果を得ている.
渡辺 馨 竹ケ原 俊幸 菅並 秀樹 小泉 悟 渋谷 一彦 星野 良春
テレビジョン学会誌 (ISSN:03866831)
vol.44, no.12, pp.1740-1749, 1990-12-20

NHKがHDTV地上放送用に開発したADTVシステムは, (1)NTSC Compatible MUSE-6(NCM6), (2)NTSC Compatible MUSE-9(NCM9), (3)Narrow MUSEの3種類がある.このうちNCM6とNCM9はNTSC信号と両立性のあるシステムである.NCM6システムは, 2チャネルのディジタル音声伝送が行え, 音声符号化はDANCE符号化を用いる, NCM9システムは, 4チャネルのディジタル音声伝送または2チャネルの高品質ディジタル音声伝送が行える.高品質音声はDANCE符号化信号に量子化精度の改善信号と帯域の拡張信号を加えて実現する.これらの音声データを時間軸圧縮して, 映像信号の水平ブランキングへ時分割多重して伝送する.
袴塚 高志 鎌倉 浩之 渡辺 淳子 香取 征典 松本 和弘 石丸 順之 諸田 隆 合田 幸広
一般社団法人 日本生薬学会
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13499114)
vol.74, no.2, pp.89-97, 2020-08-20 (Released:2021-09-08)

Dry extract preparations of Kampo medicines for prescription were approved for use approximately 40 years ago in Japan. Presently, most Kampo medicines are prepared in the form of granules with a few being prepared as tablets or capsules. Granule formulations are generally unsuitable for the elderly due to their bulky nature. Although patients and Kampo manufacturers have expressed a need for the introduction of more acceptable granule alternatives, their introduction has been a challenge due to the lack of guidelines based on bioequivalence evaluations for medicines that include multiple chemical components. For resolving this issue, the researchers at the National Institute of Health Sciences initiated a study in 2009 funded by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Several ingredients in Kampo extract products and corresponding standard decoctions were detectable and measurable in human plasma, and some compounds have been reported to be promising candidates for application in bioequivalence evaluations of Kampo formulations. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the potential to assess bioequivalence between kakkonto extract granules and tablets on the basis of the “Guidelines for Bioequivalence Testing of Generic Drugs (partial revision, PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0229010 dated February 29, 2012).”We investigated the pharmacokinetics of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, which are ingredients derived from Ephedra Herba in kakkonto formulations, following the oral administration of kakkonto extract granules (one pack) and kakkonto extract tablets (eight tablets). The study was conducted as a two-group, two-period, and open-label crossover study in healthy Japanese volunteers. The plasma concentrations of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine following the administration of the drugs were measured using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Subsequently, we calculated their pharmacokinetic parameters and evaluated their bioequivalence. Analysis of variance using the area under the plasma concentration time curve (AUC) and the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) of both ingredients revealed that while AUC indicated bioequivalence, Cmax values were significantly different. Plasma concentration levels in both formulations were similar in most volunteers and differed among some volunteers, which was attributed to a high number of tablets per dose as opposed to intra-individual variation. We concluded that ephedrine and pseudoephedrine in kakkonto extracts are good marker compounds for the evaluation of bioequivalence in different forms of kakkonto products. Our results suggest that the marker compounds exhibiting similarity in pharmacokinetic parameters following the administration of Kampo extract granules and the corresponding standard decoction could be applied as markers for the evaluation of bioequivalence between already-approved Kampo extract granules and novel Kampo products based on the same extract as that of granules.
野村 勝彦 渡辺 健一 藤井 辰義 谷 到 江本 克也 鮄川 哲二 沖 修一 荒木 攻
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.33, no.4, pp.444-450, 2011 (Released:2011-07-27)
1 1

三浦 由理 山賀 千博 山本 和郎 渡辺 圭子
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.25, pp.p19-31, 1985

§はじめに§生態学的心理学の概要1. 位置づけ2. Behavior Settingの概念§研究計画の概要§二団地におけるBehavior Settingの比較調査の目的§調査の概要1. 対象団地の特性2. 調査対象期間と団地コミュニティの境界3. 調査場所§調査手続きと内容1. Potential Behavior Settingのリストアップ2. B. S. の操作手続き(K-21法による)3. B. S. の最終リストアップ4. B. S. の量的・質的分析項目§調査結果および考察1. B. S. のカテゴリー化2. B. S. の量的分析3. B. S. の質的分析§まとめ§本調査の問題点と今後の展望1. 本調査の問題点2. 生態学的心理学の方法の有意義性3. 第2期調査研究計画概要§結語論文