若森 みどり
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.44, no.44, pp.45-58, 2003 (Released:2010-08-05)

Henry Clay [1883-1954] was known as a strong advocate of “rationalisation” in the decade of the 1920s. In 1933 he was appointed to an economic adviser of Montague Norman who was the governor of the Bank of England. The purpose of this paper is to examine Clay's ideas regarding the industry, economic organisation, and co-operation that evolved in the period from 1916 to 1929.Clay lectured on economics for the Worker's Educational Association between 1909 and 1917, and published a book entitled Economics: an Introduction for the General Reader [1916]. Clay's intention was to explain the social arrangements which make the business transaction “possible.” For Clay, economics should be the study of business in its social aspect; it is the object of economics to explain such arrangements in detail and to show how the system works, and economists should study what points of contact the economic order has with the political order, and how far the economic order harmonies with the moral order. Criticizing “a survival from the period of orthodox laissez faire, ” Clay suggested that the object of economics was not the advocacy of the present economic system. Focusing on specialisation and the production system's dependence on anticipated demand, Clay treated difficulties such as severe fluctuations, over-production, and the unemployment that accompanied them as “imperfections of co-operation.” Clay closely evaluated the social role of businessmen in organizing and co-ordinating industry both efficiently and morally, because they prevented those difficulties. In addition, Clay insisted that the economic organisation in the past had been moralized by the action of the State quite as much as through the economic actions of individuals; a few examples would be the reform of the early factories, the abolition of infant labour in mines, the regulation of dangerous trades, and the prevention of deleterious adulteration, all of which had needed the intervention of the State.After the First World War, the economic conditions and circumstances dramatically changed. Clay came to consider that the most urgent problem was how to reconstruct the British industry. Immediately following the war, Clay insisted on the need for the imperative leadership of government to reset an industrial order for peace (Clay 1918). However, the government did not take such measures. So Clay blamed the difficulties of the post-war unemployment problem and those of depressed industries on the mismanagement of the government including the return to the gold standard (Clay 1929a, 1929b). The greater comparative depression of the export industries was one of the most striking features of the post-war period. In late 1920s, Clay suggested “rationalisation”: the regeneration of private enterprise or the amalgamation of small businesses by banks. Clay regarded the banks to have the ability to reorganize finance and give strategic knowledge to firms, both of which were necessary for efficient management.
若森 みどり
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.39, no.39, pp.146-158, 2001 (Released:2010-08-05)

As did his many contemporary thinkers Karl Polanyi (1886-1964), in the last chapter of his The Great Transformation under the title of “Freedom in a Complex Society, ” dealt with the problem of freedom. In the keen distinction from the ordinal interpretation that the tendency “from laissez-faire to state intervention” or “from individualism to collectivism” directly led to Fascism, Polanyi described the institutional or historical origins of that crisis in the light of his “double movement” interpretation of the nineteenth century industrial society.According to him, the problem of freedom in his time arose on two levels: the institutional and the moral or religious. How is the “free society” reorganized? On the institutional level, Polanyi suggested that the improvement of industrial conditions and employment through the support of planning and control were important. On the moral and religious level, a new view of freedom was needed. It was in this regard that Polanyi respected Robert Owen, because Owen not only rejected the identification of freedom with the mere liberation of profit motives or with “individualization”, but favored the reconstruction of humanity and freedom in the form of “society as a whole”.
福島 若葉
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.55, no.11, pp.1029-1033, 2019

インフルエンザワクチンは, 国際的にも長く使用されてきたワクチンの1つであるが, その有効性について批判の絶えないワクチンでもある. 一方, そもそもワクチンの効果はどのように評価すべきか, 「ワクチン有効率」の数値が何を意味しているかについて, 正確に答えられない方も多いのではないだろうか. 本稿では, インフルエンザワクチンを例に, ワクチン有効性の概念について解説するとともに, 今後のワクチン開発の展望について述べる.
伊藤 祥輔 若松 一雅

メラニンには黒色のユーメラニン(EM)と赤褐色のフェオメラニン(PM)の2型がある。本研究は、両型のメラニンの紫外線(UV)-A(および可視青色光)による分解過程およびその生理的意義の解明を目的とした。EMのモデルとしてのDHICAメラニンについて、UVAにより酸化されてキノン体となり、さらに酸化されて特異的分解産物を生じるが、これらの過程において、スーパーオキサイドラジカルおよび一重項酸素が生じることを示した。さらに、合成EMおよびPMについて、300-550 nmの光照射により前記の活性酸素を生じるが、メラニンにより速やかに捕捉されることを示した。
若槻 壮市
日本結晶学会誌 (ISSN:03694585)
vol.62, no.4, pp.234-237, 2020-12-22 (Released:2020-12-26)

Future of structural life science will continue to rely on crystallography using X-ray and electron beams. Multi-modal, multi spatio-temporal scale imaging will be the key to understanding complex biological phenomena at both fundamental biology and translational biomedical or industrial applications. This transformation is influencing the way structural and functional studies are carried out around the globe, and large insfrastructure facilities and institutions are developing new modus operandi to enable biology and medical communities accessing vast and diverse range of technologies, including X-ray, electron, photon, and neutron sources, and AI/ML.
若田 忠之 森谷 春花 齋藤 美穂
一般社団法人 日本色彩学会
日本色彩学会誌 (ISSN:03899357)
vol.42, no.3+, pp.96, 2018-05-01 (Released:2018-07-17)

前報であるWakata&Saito(2017)に引き続き,複数の感覚間の関係性に着目したCross-modal 研究における,色(視覚),音楽(聴覚),香り(嗅覚)の3つの感覚に共通する印象次元を抽出し,その印象次元における各感覚の関係性の検討および前報の結果に加えて香り,音楽に対する調和色の傾向と印象との関係性を検討することを目的とした.その結果,色の明るさとあざやかさと対応する印象次元が認められ,特に因子1は明るさ,あざやかさの判断と関連し,その判断が香りと色,音楽と色の感覚間の調和関係に影響を与える傾向が示された.