後藤 武士
一般財団法人 日本英文学会
英文学研究 (ISSN:00393649)
vol.26, no.2, pp.185-220, 1949

<p>All the books that come between Liza of Lambeth and The Moon and Sixpence are regarded in this essay as so many records of Mr. Maugham's long pilgrimage to find himself. Among them Mrs. Craddock and Of Human Bondage are especially important for the study of his later works. There are two minor characters worthy of note in Mrs. Craddock. The one is Miss Ley, whose attitude towards life is a shrug of the shoulders, and whose temperate philosophy of "live and let live" is also entirely that of the author. The other is Dr. Ramsay, whose position in this novel is the very one which Mr. Maugham later steps into to write in the first person. For all its defects as a novel, the attractive sincerity of the author makes Of Human Bondage a highly original book. Seeing that his own philosophy of life as outlined in The Summing Up about twenty years later is practically that of Philip almost unmodified, I felt justified in accepting the hero's spiritual adventure which ends in a triumphant nihilism or refined agonsticism as the foundation of the author's compassion and tolerance, the keynotes of his later works. Of Human Bondage, however, is, like Liza of Lambeth, an isolated attempt which has no successor. In The Moon and Sixpence we see the emergence of Somerset Maugham, the mature writer who has found his material and his style. His outlook on life has acquired new freedom and composure. Moreover, he adopted a new technique of writing in the first person singular. This may be but a variety of the autobiographical form suggested by the method of Henry James, but it is a technique so perfectly in keeping with his disposition that it makes us feel the more that he has at last found himself. In spite of the author's disapproval of the technique of "the stream of consciousness," the psychoanalytical view is found reflected in the treatment of Strickland's art and in the author's own reference to the psychology of the writer in creating scoundrels. Cakes and Ale and The Razor's Edge are direct successors to this novel. Importance is attached to those written in the first person as works most characteristic of Mr. Maugham and more detailed comments are given to them than to the rest. The importance of The Painted Veil, otherwise a negligible book, lies in the fact that it is the first instance of Mr. Maugham taking up the theme of the reality of the spirit. In Cakes and Ale the art of Mr. Maugham is revealed in full maturity. It is indeed the work of a man who knows his own limitations. Rosie is most typical of his excellent characterizations. The Narrow Corner reflects a conflict in the author-a conflict between the self that has accepted the actualities of human life as they are and another self that now begins to suspect the existence of the spirit that the former has tried to believe non-existent. Those who were disappointed by Theatre, Up at the Villa, and Christmas Holiday must have been pleased to find a worthy successor to Cakes and Ale in The Razor's Edge. From every point of view it shows the culmination of Mr. Maugham's novels written in the first person. Its central theme makes one suspect the presence, in the author's heart, of a craving for God and immortality which his reason has forced back to the deep recesses of the subconsciousness. Both of the two latest works Then and Now and Catalina are to be regarded as the products of Mr. Maugham's belief that the novelist should turn to the historical novel towards the end of his career, a lesson the author learned from the failure of his second book. Mr. Maugham has rightly complained that the critics have, using the word in a slightly depreciatory sense, called him "competent." But it can not be denied that what we feel after we have read some of his novels is not unqualified admiration. For all the merits they have, they always leave for (at</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>
平井 晃一 佐々木 章史 近藤 武 秋山 知宏 金内 昭憲 天田 望 斉藤 祐二 中野 清治 高瀬 真一
一般社団法人 日本体外循環技術医学会
体外循環技術 (ISSN:09122664)
vol.40, no.2, pp.149-154, 2013 (Released:2013-07-24)

開心術体外循環中に生じた高カリウム血症(K=5.5mmol/L以上)を補正する手段として、体外循環中でも簡便に施行できる落差灌流式血液透析濾過法を考案した。体外循環中に高カリウム血症を呈し本法を施行した連続11症例(男:女=2:9、平均年齢63.6&pm;12.9歳)を対象とした。本法では輸血セット(内径3.0mm)を用い、血液濾過用補充液(サブラッド®BSG)を落差により血液と向流になるように血液濃縮器(MAQUET BC140plus®)ホローファイバー外側を灌流させた。総落差は150cm、血液流量は400mL/minとした。体外循環中の心筋保護液注入によるカリウム負荷量は69.0&pm;33.1mmolで、照射赤血球濃厚液輸血量は5.5&pm;3.6単位であった。血中カリウム濃度の最高値は6.41&pm;0.76mmol/Lであったが、本法の施行により体外循環離脱までに4.82&pm;0.22mmol/Lと有意に(p<0.0001)低下した。また体外循環開始直後と離脱直前ではナトリウム、カリウム、水素イオン濃度指数、重炭酸イオン濃度に有意差を認めなかった。本法は体外循環中に生じた高カリウム血症の補正に有用であった。
井門 彩織 足立 樹 楠田 哲士 谷口 敦 唐沢 瑞樹 近藤 奈津子 清水 泰輔 野本 寛二 佐々木 悠太 伊藤 武明 土井 守 安藤 元一 佐々木 剛 小川 博
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.54, no.2, pp.257-264, 2014 (Released:2015-01-30)

チーター(Acinonyx jubatus)において,種を保存するうえで飼育下個体の繁殖は極めて重要である.しかし,飼育下での繁殖は困難とされ,繁殖生理の解明が重要となっている.本研究では,飼育下での環境変化がチーターの発情に与える影響と要因を探ることを目的として,4頭の飼育下雌チーターの行動観察及び糞中エストラジオール-17β含量の測定を行った.各放飼場には,1日に2~3個体を交代で放飼し,雄の臭いや鳴き声などが雌の行動と生理にどのような影響を与えるのか調べた.その結果,4頭中1頭で,放飼方法を雌2頭交代から雌雄2頭交代に変化させることによって,行動の増加と糞中エストラジオール-17β含量の上昇が見られた.また,一部の雌の繁殖状況が同時に飼育されている他の雌の発情に影響を与えるのかを調査するため,育子中個体の有無で期間を分け,各期間で行動数と糞中エストラジオール-17β含量を比較した.その結果,同時飼育の雌に育子中個体がいた期間では,行動数と糞中エストラジオール-17β含量が発情と共に増加した.しかし,育子中個体の育子が終了した後の期間では,糞中エストラジオール-17β含量の変化と関係なく行動数に増減が見られた.以上のことから,雌チーターにおいては雄との嗅覚的接触が発情を誘発するとともに,同一施設で飼育される雌の繁殖状況が他雌個体の繁殖生理と行動に影響を与えている可能性が考えられた.
鎌田 浩毅 須田 恵理子 齋藤 武士 飯澤 功 酒井 敏
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.51, no.2, pp.168-175, 2002-02-15

Volcanic debris avalanche is a large-scale landslide which occurs at unstable volcanic edifice and often creates horseshoe-shaped crater at its source with hummocky deposits of volcanic debris including large blocks inside. Dynamic pressure model has recently been proposed to explain flow behavior of volcanic debris avalanches: Kinetic friction of debris avalanche decreases systematically at threshold of a certain critical speed for flotation. We have done a sliding experiment using flour powder as debris avalanche matrix and metal disks that slide on a powder layer as incorporated large blocks. Sliding traces left on a powder layer showed that a disk was floating over a certain critical speed. Kinetic friction coefficients, calculated by the position of a sliding disk recorded on a digital video, become small at a higher speed which exceeds critical floating speed, and provide smaller coefficient than those of normal surface of a rigid body. The critical floating speed deduced from dynamic pressure model is consistent with our experiment. In order to verify this model as the major driving force to float megablocks incorporated commonly in a volcanic debris avalanche, critical floating speeds for two geological cases at the collapses of 1980 Mount St. Helens and 1984 Ontake, central Japan, are examined and compared with the observed flow velocities. Estimated velocities deduced from the dynamic pressure model correspond fairly well to the actual velocities. This strongly suggests that the model gives the most convincing explanation for transportation and deposition mechanism of volcanic debris avalanche.
久保田 正 佐藤 武
vol.6, no.3, pp.11-17, 2008 (Released:2011-03-05)

松元 隆志 射場本 忠彦 百田 真史 近藤 武士 開口 善典 船戸 剛 釼持 尚紀 稲田 雄大
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 (ISSN:18803806)
vol.2013, pp.493-496, 2013
