鈴木 秀和 遠藤 健司 松岡 佑嗣 西村 浩輔 関 健 堀江 真司 前川 麻人 小西 隆允 山本 謙吾
脊椎脊髄ジャーナル (ISSN:09144412)
vol.30, no.4, pp.265-269, 2017-04-25

はじめに 成人脊柱変形患者は社会の高齢化に伴い増加し,脊椎矢状面アライメントに関する知見の重要性は増している.加齢による姿勢変化は,胸椎が後弯化し頸椎前弯が増強する傾向にあり,頸椎症の発症に大きく関与することが知られているが1,2,13),骨盤を含めた全脊椎アライメントと頸椎アライメントに関する定量的解析は多くなされていない.頸椎形態は,直線状,S字状,すべりの存在など多様性があり,頸椎前弯の計測法にもさまざまなものがある6).C2-7角は,途中の形態が不明となり前弯の形成の程度が不明となるため,C2-7角で頸椎矢状面アライメントを述べることにも問題があるといわれてきた9).また,頸椎矢状面アライメントは年齢,性差や個体差があるため,正常の定義,病的アライメントの解釈を明確に決めることは難しい11).1968年,石原8)は頸椎弯曲指数(石原指数)を用いて頸椎アライメントの性差,年代による変化があることを述べた7,8)が,徐々に,全脊椎矢状面アライメントとの関連が明らかになり,頸椎アライメントの概念は変化しつつある.近年,日本人を対象にYukawaらは626人の性別,年代別に全脊椎矢状面アライメント計測と,1,200人の頸椎矢状面アライメントと頸椎可動域(range of motion:ROM)を示した11,12).頸椎前弯の消失や後弯発生は,C2-7sagittal vertical axis(SVA)やT1椎体の傾斜と大きな関連があり,頸椎症発生は隣接脊椎のアライメントに強く影響を受ける2,4).本稿では,日本人のデータより得られた健常人の頸椎矢状面アライメントと全脊椎矢状面アライメントとの関係について述べる.
井関 正久
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2001, no.126, pp.169-184,L19, 2001

East and West Germany were in a turbulent period in the 1960s. On the one hand the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961 determined the division of both German states and symbolized East-West tensions. On the other hand the first postwar generation that criticized the Nazi generation began protest actions against the establishment. &ldquo;1968&rdquo; was a symbolic date for the protest movements of the 1960s in both German states.<br>Today, &ldquo;1968&rdquo; is the focus of public attention again because the parties of the &ldquo;sixty-eighters&rdquo;, the &ldquo;Greens&rdquo;, have become the ruling parties as partners of the Social Democrats. The protagonists of &ldquo;1968&rdquo; seized the authority and are now on the side of the establishment. But some young people of the post cold war generation tend to look for an alternative to the &ldquo;sixty-eighters&rdquo; and call themselves the &ldquo;eighty-niners&rdquo;.<br>In the 1960s the generation conflict became a social phenomena and caused the student revolt in West Germany. Students pursued not only the reform of the universities but also the democratization of society as a whole. They were the main actors in the extra parliamentary opposition and sought out political coalitions with labor unions and pacifists to oppose the passing of the Emergency Law. The antiauthoritarian movement formed a new political public space in which everyday life was politicized. The sixty-eighters in West Germany were the main actors of the &ldquo;new social movements&rdquo; in the 1970s and initiators of the &ldquo;Greens&rdquo;. They brought the idea of grass-roots democracy, feminism and ecology to parliaments and constantly changed the political culture.<br>In East Germany there were also protest activities in the 1960s, in spite of suppression by the state. Under the influence of western subculture and student movements in West Germany the postwar generation opposed the cultural policies of the SED. During the &lsquo;Prague Spring&rsquo; in 1968, hopes of democratization of socialism rose in East Germany also. The Soviet repression of the Prague Spring brought about different protest activities, which were immediately put down by the police. The sixty-eighters in East Germany organized political alternative movements through the 1980s and formed several civic groups like New Forum in the autumn of 1989. They were also the initiators of Round Table as a dialogue forum, which symbolized the &ldquo;peaceful revolution&rdquo;.<br>The German protest movements in the 1960s contributed to forming the current democratic political culture. Since then public space has been made the place of political participation and social learning. Therefore, &ldquo;1968&rdquo; can be regarded as the beginning of the long democratization and emancipation process of German society.
立花 美紀 前田 駿太 田中 佑樹 佐藤 友哉 嶋田 洋徳 小関 俊祐
公益財団法人 パブリックヘルスリサーチセンター
ストレス科学研究 (ISSN:13419986)
pp.2016001, (Released:2016-10-28)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of attainable goal-setting on speech-related cognition in socially anxious individuals. Forty undergraduates completed 2 speech tasks, and we examined changes in speech-related cognition depending on the presence or absence of goal-setting. Participants in the goal-setting condition set attainable goals for speech tasks using worksheets by themselves, and participants in the control condition completed arithmetic tasks. Unexpectedly, in the control condition, perceived social standards in those with a high level of social anxiety were attenuated. In addition, state anxiety after speech tasks decreased in the control condition regardless of social anxiety. These findings suggest that goal-setting in the method of this study led to an increase of perceived social standards and state anxiety.
首藤 一幸 関口 智嗣 村岡 洋一
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.44, no.6, pp.1570-1582, 2003-06-15

IA-32プロセッサは,IEEE 754準拠であるにもかかわらず,ある浮動小数点演算に対して他のプロセッサとは異なる結果を返す.IA-32プロセッサ上で他のプロセッサと同一の演算結果を得るための対処をJava Just-in-Timeコンパイラに実装した.倍精度数の演算ではストア--リロードとスケーリングを行う必要があるが,単精度数の演算では丸め精度を倍精度としたままストア--リロードだけ行えば十分であることが明らかになった.また,いくつかの実装方法について性能への影響を調べたところ,スケーリング専用命令ではなく乗算命令を用いることで性能の低下幅は約40%にまで抑えられることが分かった.

2 0 0 0 OA 近体文編

関根正直 著

2 0 0 0 OA 歴代文学

関根正直 編
vol.続編, 1895

2 0 0 0 OA 歴代文学

関根正直 編
vol.[正編], 1895
関根 剛 小川 捷之
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.25, pp.127-139, 1985-10-30

The purpose of this study is to discuss archetypal dreams and their relations to the dreamers personalities. A questionaire consisting of questions related to the frequency of dream recall and one's interest in dreams and a section for describing freely one's vividest dreams was given to 156 female university students. At the same time MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) for Jung's typology was also given to them. To determine whether or not it was archetypal, each dream was rated on the basis of the four criteria of the Archetypal Dream Scale composed by Kluger (1975). The following 4 points were discussed: (1) The frequency of occurence of control dreams and vivid dreams; Kluger's study was followed in part. (2) The relation between collected archetypal dreams and the functions of personalities in Jung's theory. (3) The relation between the frequency of dream recall and functions of personalities or occurence of archetypal dreams. (4) The relation between the subjects' interest in dreams and functions of personalities or occurence of archetypal dreams. The results were as follows: (1) Vivid dreams were significantly (p<.001) more archetypal than control dreams. (2) The occurence of archetypal dreams had a close relation to Perceiving (Irrational function), especially Intuition in it. Those who had archetypal dreams were superior in their Perceiving and Intuition to those who did not have any archetypal dreams. (3) The frequency of dream recall had a certain relation to Judging (Rational function) and no relations to the occurence of archetypal dreams. Those who had a high frequency of dream recall were superior in Thinking to those who had a low frequency. (4) There were no relations between the degree of the interest in dreams and the function of personalities or the occurence of archetypal dreams.
関口 晃
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測 (ISSN:04500024)
vol.8, no.10, pp.616-621, 1958-10-01 (Released:2010-01-21)

To investigate into the errors caused in setting an index by an interpolation at a certain position between 1mm graduations with an accuracy of 1/10mm, results of the calculations performed by 40 persons with slide rules were examined. In these tests, each person was requested to repeat five times a round of calculations-1/(55.0)10, 1/(55.1)10, 2/(55.2)10, ……and 1/(56.0)10. The errors caused in setting an index at each position could be estimated from the difference between the values obtained by the above method and true values. As a result of statistical treatment by means of one-way layout in analysis of the variance, it was found that the error can satisfactorily be represented in such 3 items as mean value and variance of personal biases and variance of accidental error. Obtained results are as follows: 1) Biases set at the middle position of the graduation interval and on the graduation are much smaller than those at other positions. 2) Mean values of personal biases set at various positions are symmetrically distributed to the middle position of the graduation interval and there is a tendency to set the cursor line near to the middle position. 3) Variances of personal biases set at various positions are symmetrically distributed to the middle position and are particularly large at 1/10, 2/10, 3/10, 7/10, 8/10 and 9/10 positions. 4) Accuracy in setting biases at the middle position is almost same as that on the graduation. 5) Due to the effect of training, time required for calculation gradually decreases until about 200-time operations (e.g. 1/55.1).
田中 宏昌 関雅 樹 阿部 英彦 野辺 武 稲葉 紀昭
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木史研究 (ISSN:09167293)
vol.20, pp.105-116, 2000-05-01 (Released:2010-06-15)

The paper deals with the pin-connected railway truss bridges, which were used for as longas 114 years across Daiyagawa River. The authors present their brief history, structuralfeatures, and deterioration of structural parts which was caused by such a long service, especially wearing of pins and holes in eye bars. Also the restoration works for preservationis described.
関屋 昇
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.16, no.3, pp.139-143, 2001 (Released:2001-12-27)
3 2

北神 慎司 村山 航 坂口 結香 武野 全恵 井関 紗代
日本認知心理学会発表論文集 日本認知心理学会第17回大会
pp.26, 2019 (Released:2019-10-28)
