旗野 翠 安原 美帆 髙山 良子 小畑 裕之 茂呂 修 佐伯 秀久 船坂 陽子 畑 三恵子
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.44, no.1, pp.6-12, 2020-03-31 (Released:2021-03-31)

We investigated the safety and usefulness of transparent solid soaps in parallel with ongoing treatment in patients with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis with symptoms on the face. The soap is designed to be low in stimulation to the skin. Although there were no severe adverse effects, a minor one was noted related to the soap. One of the subjects discontinued the test product due to worsening of itching and eczema. After using the soap for four weeks, a significant improvement in the symptoms of drying and lichenification was observed. The visual analog scale score related to the skin condition also significantly improved, compared to that during the start of the study. In the questionnaire-based test response, approximately 90% of the subjects liked the feeling of using the soap. Overall, this study indicated that the investigated solid soap was safe and did not hamper the ongoing treatment.
髙橋 忠志 尾身 諭 泉 圭之介 菊池 謙一 遠藤 聡 尾花 正義 太田 岳洋 長谷川 士朗 柚木 泰広 北澤 浩美 方波見 裕子 八木 真由美 長井 ノブ子
pp.271-274, 2019-03-10

はじめに 荏原病院(以下,当院)は東京都の区南部医療圏における中核病院の1つである.リハビリテーション科においては,中枢神経疾患や運動器疾患,廃用症候群,呼吸器疾患などを中心に,急性期から早期リハビリテーション介入を行っている.がん患者に対するリハビリテーションは2015年に所定のがんのリハビリテーション研修を修了し,がん患者リハビリテーション料が算定可能となった. がんのリハビリテーションガイドラインでは,周術期がん患者に対するリハビリテーションは呼吸器合併症の減少・入院期間の短縮のため勧められるとされている1).しかし,当院ではがん患者リハビリテーション料算定可能となった後も,がん患者のリハビリテーション科依頼は少なく,周術期がん患者に対して十分なリハビリテーション介入を行えていなかった. さらに,周術期の呼吸器合併症の予防で有効な手段として口腔機能管理が挙げられる.周術期の口腔機能管理は,口腔ケアによる口腔細菌数の減少,口腔感染源の除去,挿管・抜管時の歯牙保護が主な目的であり,周術期口腔機能管理料を算定できる.2016年度の診療報酬改定において,医科歯科連携の推進として,周術期口腔機能管理後手術加算の引き上げ,栄養サポートチームに歯科医師が参加した場合の歯科医師連携加算が新設され,現在,医科歯科連携がいっそう求められている. 当院では2016年度に外科,歯科口腔外科(以下,歯科),看護部,リハビリテーション科が協働して,がん患者の周術期サポートチームを立ち上げた.このチームをSupport Team of Rehabilitation,Oral care and Nursing care Group for perioperative patientsの頭文字を取り“STRONG”とした. これまで,医科歯科連携として,手術を行う主科と歯科の連携の報告は散見するが,歯科とリハビリテーション科が連携して呼吸器合併症を予防する取り組みは報告が少ない. 今回,当院の外来におけるがん患者周術期サポートチーム“STRONG”の取り組みを紹介する.
髙杉 洋平
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.126, no.4, pp.34-58, 2017

髙松 俊介 宮川 誠一郎 佐藤 久弥 鈴木 航 西澤 剛 中村 雅美 梅田 宏孝 崔 昌五 加藤 京一 中澤 靖夫 池田 純
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.70, no.6, pp.549-555, 2014 (Released:2014-06-20)

The hamate bone, one of the carpal (wrist) bones, has a large uncinate process protruding from the palm side. In sports such as golf and tennis, the hamate bone can break if is subjected to a high external force, such as from the handle of a racquet or club. At our hospital we take X-ray images of the hamate bone from two directions: an axial image through the carpal tunnel and an image at the base of the hamate hook (conventional method). While the conventional method makes it easy to create images of the base of the hamate hook, the patient may suffer pain during image-taking because the hamate bone is pulled to cause radial flexion. We therefore investigated a method of imaging that would create three-dimensional computed tomography (3DCT) images of the base of the hamate hook in which the patient would only have to only rotate the wrist externally and elevate the fore-arm without any radial flexion. Our results suggest that it is possible to obtain images of the base of the hamate hook as clear as those acquired using the conventional method with the patient in a comfortable and painless position taking images at an external rotation angle of 50.3° and a forearm elevation angle of 20.3°.
髙橋 淳
Will : マンスリーウイル
no.192, pp.162-175, 2020-12
髙橋 哲
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.41, pp.37-55, 2015 (Released:2019-03-20)

The Purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of national policy on teacher evaluation in Japan, from the view point of the comparative study on those policies in the United States.To make the comparative view point, this paper analyzed on the following law reforms and policies surrounding the teacher evaluation in the U.S: 1)the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), 2)the Race to the Top Program (RTTT), 3)the NCLB waiver policy, and 4)the state education policy centralizing the teacher evaluation system. Through the analysis of those matters, the author found that, under the federal education initiatives, most states were urged to amend teacher tenure laws and collective bargaining laws so that students' test scores could be significant evidence to dismiss the “ineffective” teachers. Under the competitive based federal grant and its selection criteria of the RTTT, as well as the conditions to waive the duty of the NCLB, the federal government strengthened its political influence on the teacher policy which had been within the authority of each state and local government.In order to examine the teacher evaluation system in Japan, the author focused on the political background and the purpose of the new Local Public Employee Act (LPA) of 2014, which mandated all public employers to implement the new personnel assessment system for local public employees including public school teachers. The author clarified that the purpose of the law was to decrease the personnel expenses, and that the law provided the public employers with comprehensive discretion to conduct the assessment, while the law strictly ordered them to use the assessment for personnel decisions and to take actions against the ineffective public employees. In addition to the analysis of the LPA, the author inquired into the personnel assessment for national public employees, which had already been implemented from 2008 and was supposed to be the model for local public employees. The author found that the assessment system was strictly systematized on usage of the assessment for personnel decisions including promotions, pay raises, and dismissals.Through those findings, this paper examined the similarities and the differences of the teacher evaluation policies between the U.S. and Japan. The similarities could be found in the centralization of the teacher policy, and in the consequences of which those policies transformed not only the teacher evaluation system but whole traditional teacher law system in both countries. The differences of the policies also could be found; while the U.S. federal government intervened into the teacher evaluation system at the expense of federal grants, the national government in Japan introduced the new assessment system with the aim of decreasing the personnel expenses. Whereas the federal government placed the teacher evaluation at the core of the “education policy,” Japanese government introduced it without “educational” policy, but with a policy of structural reform to decrease the national public expenses.
髙見 宗広 遠藤 広光 福井 篤
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-010, (Released:2021-05-10)

The alepocephalid genus Conocara Goode and Bean, 1896 is characterized by the dorsal-fin origin located posterior to the anal-fin origin, dorsal-fin base shorter than the anal-fin base, body covered with small scales (> 80 in longitudinal row above the lateral line), tubular lateral line scales, the maxilla toothless, upper jaw equal to or longer than the snout, and photophores absent. Six specimens of Conocara werneri Nybelin, 1947, collected from Hyuga-nada Sea, Japan in a depth of 1,453–1,481 m, on 3 April 1991, are distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characters: 17–20 dorsal-fin rays, 30–34 anal-fin rays, 159–179 longitudinal series scales above the lateral line, 19–22 scales between the dorsal fin insertion and lateral line, 25–32 scales between the anal fin insertion and lateral line, premaxillary bony crests present, the upper jaw reaching a vertical through the orbit anterior margin, an uninterrupted inner row of gill rakers on the first gill arch, the absence of palatine teeth, and raised insertions of the dorsal and anal fins with well-developed anterior cariniform skin folds. The gut contents of the six specimens represented the following higher taxa: Amphipoda, Copepoda, Ostracoda, Gastropoda (conch), Diatoma, Pyrosomata, and Foraminiferida. Four specimens possessed 113–550 developed ovarian eggs (maximum diameter 4.6 mm). Conocara werneri has been recorded previously only from subtropical zones of the eastern Atlantic and off New Zealand (south-western Pacific), the present specimens therefore representing the first record of the species from Japanese waters and northernmost record in the Pacific Ocean. The new standard Japanese name “Sedaka-yajiri-iwashi” is proposed for the species.
位髙 啓史
Drug Delivery System (ISSN:09135006)
vol.35, no.1, pp.27-34, 2020

髙橋 洋一
暮しの手帖. 第5世紀
no.11, pp.74-77, 2021-04