髙 哲男
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.55, no.1, pp.75-85, 2013 (Released:2019-08-23)

The rapid economic growth from the late 19th century in America was achieved with policies representing ʻAmerican Exceptionalism.ʼ It jus-tified the protection of infant industries to make America independent from the old and feudalistic European Powers. The main econom-ic policies consisted of the internal laissez-fair and the external protectionism. American eco-nomic thought was obliged to change from the traditional field of moral philosophy to explain-ing practical economic policies when modern scientific technologies created the emergency of labor management conflict in factories employ-ing high industrial productivity and a mass of unskilled labors. The outbreak of the so-called social problem promoted the establishment of economic depart-ment in universities, educating new business men for managing new large industries and oth-er public services. The universities required the training of faculty members to teach graduate courses. In the graduate courses of economics, main textbooks sifted from J. S. Millʼs Principles to A. Marshallʼs Economics and the writings of German Historical School. Since graduate stu-dents wanted to learn practical economics, seek-ing appropriate policies for solving social prob-lems, studentʼs research works into fundamental theories and thoughts of economics slighted. This situation began to change in the 1920ʼs, when economists and graduate students began to seek new methods to achieve a theoretically uni-fied system of economics appropriate for the American economy. The making of American economics, therefore, indispensably accompa-nied with the study of the economic thoughts in order to ascertain its origins and significances in the historical studies, and not a few outstanding works were written at that time. JEL classification numbers: B 1, B 13, B 15.
髙 哲男
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.53, no.2, pp.1-20, 2012 (Released:2019-08-22)

Abstract: Adam Smithʼs social theory analyzes and interprets both the unfolding and accumula-tive structures of human nature and society, while considering the foundation of hu-man instinct. My reinterpretation makes it possible to achieve a coherent understand-ing of The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations, and to recognize the commonalities among Smith, Hume, and Darwin with respect to the viewpoint of evolutionary point of view. Smithʼs concept of “instinct” is distinctly biological; it differs obviously from Lockeʼs philosophical concept and Humeʼs psychological one. There is no doubt that Smith followed Locke and Hume in terms of his empirical understanding of human knowledge and ways of thinking; nonetheless, Smith remained convinced that ani-mals had instincts-that is, they are born with innate programs. As shown in his de-tailed descriptions in “Of the External Senses”-including those of instinctual per-ception among the young of the partridge, the goose, and suckling animals, as well as worms that have no head but yet search for food-Smith came to this idea through elaborate direct observations and indirect observations via the work of Linnaeus. For Smith, the human species incorporates the instincts of self-interest (self-preserva-tion) and mutual altruism (sociability, the propensity to exchange). This understand-ing is maintained without any change from that outlined in the “Letter to Authors of the Edinburgh Review” to that in the sixth edition of The Theory of Moral Sentiments. JEL classification numbers: B 10, B 31, B 41.
髙阪 勇輔
日本結晶学会誌 (ISSN:03694585)
vol.60, no.4, pp.185-190, 2018-08-31 (Released:2018-08-31)

We report enantiopure crystal growth and chiral helimagnetic ordering in chiral inorganic compounds CsCuCl3 with a chiral space group of right-handed P6122 or left-handed P6522. Our 2-step crystallization process makes it possible to grow centimeter sized enantiopure single crystals. Polarized neutron diffraction experiments probed that crystallographic chirality of CsCuCl3 strongly combined with helimagnetic chirality via Dzyalloshinskii-Moriya interaction.
髙木 俊範 原 英彰
脳循環代謝(日本脳循環代謝学会機関誌) (ISSN:09159401)
vol.27, no.2, pp.277-280, 2016 (Released:2016-07-29)

脳卒中には様々な病態が含まれることは周知の事実である.脳梗塞の最も有効な治療が閉塞した血管の再開通であることは間違いないが,その中にも様々な病態が含まれ,それぞれに対し個別治療が望まれるようになってきた.またそれらは極めて短期間の間で時代とともに変遷してきた.直接神経を保護する薬剤の検討から始まり,組織プラスミノゲンによる再開通療法が始まれば,その時間的制約や出血性合併症に対する検討が必要となった.また神経保護のために,neurovascular unit を包括した保護戦略が謳われ始めた.こうしたその時々の臨床課題に対し,当研究室ではシロスタゾールという単一の薬剤での解決を目指し,基礎研究の視点からアプローチしてきた.抗血小板薬として開発されたシロスタゾールを用いた一連の研究を通して,薬は単一の薬効をのみを有するのではなく,マルチファンクションを有することがあると示された.
日髙 裕介 友添 秀則 小野 雄大
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.40, no.1, pp.31-50, 2020

<p>High school "sports strong teams" are a part of school education and serve as an important foundation of Japanese competitive sports. However, even though their importance has been pointed out, up to now there has been little research focusing on "sports strong teams." Therefore, this study sheds light on the historical characteristics of the high school "sports strong team" formation process.</p><p>The results of our research are as follows:</p><p>1. During the period of the establishment of high school reforms, the first health and physical education classes in Japan were taught at Tokyo Metropolitan Komaba High School. The first baby boom</p><p>generation went on to high school. Later, when the number of high school students suddenly decreased, private high schools began to position sports as an important pillar of a "distinctive education."</p><p>2. In the 1980s, while various high school educational reforms were taking place, the educational value of sports became recognized, and the number of high schools that used sports and operated in distinctive</p><p>ways increased. However, now that the declining birthrate society has arrived, simply using sports for their educational value is no longer enough to call something distinctive education. Therefore, under these circumstances, some high schools have begun to aim aggressively for "strong" extracurricular sports activities.</p><p>3. However, during this period, comments were beginning to be made about the adverse effects of "strengthening" extracurricular sports activities. Specifically, schools where extracurricular sports</p><p>activities are employed excessively by school management have received criticism from the standpoint of education.</p>
髙橋 美保 田口(袴田) 理恵 河原 智江
一般社団法人 日本地域看護学会
日本地域看護学会誌 (ISSN:13469657)
vol.23, no.2, pp.43-51, 2020 (Released:2020-08-20)

平田 晶子 髙野(竹中) 宏平 相原 隆貴 中尾 勝洋 津山 幾太郎 唐 勤 松井 哲哉 肱岡 靖明
一般社団法人 環境情報科学センター
環境情報科学論文集 Vol.34(2020年度 環境情報科学研究発表大会)
pp.210-215, 2020-12-07 (Released:2020-12-07)

奥津 果優 門岡 千尋 小城 章裕 吉﨑 由美子 二神 泰基 玉置 尚徳 髙峯 和則
一般社団法人 日本生薬学会
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13499114)
vol.71, no.1, pp.41-48, 2017-02-20 (Released:2018-08-21)

“Shinkiku” is a traditional digestive drug prepared by the fermentation of wheat and some herbs with fermentative microbes. Shinkiku is manufactured in China and Korea, and also used in Japanese Kampo medicine as a component of Hangebyakujutsutemmato. However, there are currently no quality standards for shinkiku, and thus, the quality of shinkiku has considerable variation depending on its manufacturer. Although these variations would be partially derived from the differences in fermentative microbes, there are no studies about microbial diversities or chemical constituents in commercial shinkiku. Thus, we investigated the microbial diversity and chemical constituents of 15 commercial shinkiku samples to standardize its quality. PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rDNA and ITS1 sequences revealed that different microbes such as Lactobacillus sp. and Candida sp. were present in each shinkiku sample. On the other hand, most shinkiku samples showed amylase (12/15 samples) and lipase activities (9/15 samples) that behave as digestants. In addition, all samples commonly contained ferulic acid (>10 nmol/g), which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities. Thus, enzyme activities and ferulic acid were suggested to be one of the candidates for use as reference standards for the quality control of shinkiku. Exceptional shinkiku samples without enzyme activities showed a baked brown color, and ferulic acid content was inversely related with the brightness color of shinkiku (R2=0.47). Therefore, it seems that color indices would be effective to predict the quality of shinkiku such as enzyme activities and ferulic acid.
八髙 隆雄 坂本 智 大谷 忠 印南 輝久
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.17-00128, (Released:2017-08-03)

The radiation shielding effects on the gamma ray with the effective energy Ee = 661.7 keV and X-rays with that of Ee = 74 keV and 38 keV were examined by using the tungsten-mesh (W-Mesh) made of the tungsten wires of 18μm and 50μm, as candidate for radiation shielding materials having breathability and flexibility. The results showed that the radiation shield rate “η” of W-Mesh sample material represented by mass “Ma” per unit area was almost the same value as in that of the tungsten plate and the lead plate, excepted for the irradiation of gamma-ray at the range under Ma = 1 kg/m2. The value of η at the region of less than Ma = 0.3 kg/m2 also transited to the negative range on the gamma ray irradiation. Therefore, we found that use of W-mesh in the region of Ma = 0.3 kg/m2 or below should be avoided.
中村 絵美 髙見 貴之 加藤 頼子 吉田 葉子 谷口 暢
一般社団法人 日本環境感染学会
日本環境感染学会誌 (ISSN:1882532X)
vol.31, no.2, pp.100-106, 2016 (Released:2016-07-29)

医療施設における環境由来による微生物の感染予防には,手指衛生に加えて環境表面の清掃が非常に重要であり,時として消毒も必要となる.近年,病院環境の整備に,洗浄剤や消毒薬(薬液)を不織布等のクロスに含浸させた環境清拭用クロスが頻用されている.しかし,環境清拭用クロスには,薬液中の成分がクロスに吸着し成分濃度が低下する場合があるにもかかわらず,その殺菌性能の評価の多くは,クロスに含浸させようとする薬液を微生物に作用させる方法が実施されている.そこで,3種類の市販品(市販品A, BとC)と消毒用エタノールクロスについて(1)クロスからの絞り液と供試微生物を作用させるクロス含浸後定量的懸濁法と(2)環境清拭用クロスを直接利用した清拭法によって殺菌効果およびウイルス不活化効果を検討した.その結果,市販品Aは,市販品BおよびCと比較してクロス含浸後定量的懸濁法と清拭法ともに高い殺菌効果およびウイルス不活化効果を示した.さらに市販品Aは,消毒用エタノールクロスと比較しても,清拭法において高いウイルス不活化効果を示した.また,市販品B,Cおよび消毒用エタノールクロスでは,クロス含浸後定量的懸濁法と清拭法で結果に明確な差が認められた.そのため,環境清拭用クロスの有効性評価には,クロス含浸後定量的懸濁法による評価に加えて,実際の環境整備を想定した清拭法も評価法として重要と考えられた.
渡邊 趣衣 八巻 ゆみこ 富澤 早苗 増渕 珠子 上條 恭子 中島 崇行 吉川 聡一 山本 和興 髙田 朋美 小鍛治 好恵 大澤 佳浩 大塚 健治 橋本 常生
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.61, no.6, pp.247-253, 2020-12-25 (Released:2020-12-25)

LC-MS/MSによる乾燥唐辛子中残留農薬分析法の開発を行い,その妥当性評価を実施した.分析法はマトリクス効果を抑制するため,LC条件,精製カラムおよび試験溶液の希釈倍率を検討した.精製カラムはENVI-CarbIITM/PSA (300/600 mg,6 mL)を使用した.さらにマトリクス効果を抑制するため試験溶液の検討では,マトリクス効果および一律基準値相当の測定感度の観点から,8倍希釈液を採用した.これらを元に107農薬について2濃度(0.01および0.1 μg/g)で2併行5日間の妥当性評価を実施した結果,96農薬で真度70.1~112.6%,併行精度11.5および3.4%以下,室内精度24.3および19.9%以下となり,ガイドラインの基準に適合した.また不適合であった主な原因はマトリクス効果と抽出での低回収であると示唆された.