Nobutake Matsuo Tomohiro Ishii John I Takayama Masayuki Miwa Tomonobu Hasegawa
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
pp.EJ14-0069, (Released:2014-06-13)
4 21

The present study set forth the reference values for penile size and determined the prevalence of buried penis in Japanese full-term newborns. The stretched penile length was measured and the presence of buried penis was assessed at 1-7 days of age in 547 Japanese full-term newborn infants born between 2008 and 2012 in Tokyo. The stretched penile lengths were compared at 1-12 hours and 1-7 days of age in 63 infants and by two observers in 73 infants to estimate postnatal changes and interobserver variation, respectively. The mean stretched penile length was 3.06 cm (SD, 0.26; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.04-3.08) and the mean ratio of penile length to body length was 6.24×100-1 (SD, 0.55×100-1), both of which were significantly smaller than those in Caucasian newborn infants. Buried penis was identified in 20 of 547 infants (3.7%; 95% CI, 2.1-5.2%). The first measurements of penile length at 1-12 hours were significantly smaller than the next measurements at 1-7 days (95% CI of the difference, 0.22-0.34). The 95% CI for the limits of agreement in the penile lengths measured by the two observers was -0.58 to -0.40 for the lower limit and 0.33 to 0.51 for the upper limit. These findings indicate that the penile length should be assessed after 24 hours of age by the reference standard of the same ethnicity for identifying micropenis and that buried penis is not uncommon in Japanese full-term newborns.
三輪 健太朗 Kentaro Miwa
学習院大学人文科学論集 = Gakushuin University studies in humanities (ISSN:09190791)
no.19, pp.239-274, 2010-10

This paper discusses the issue of realism in Japanese manga and American animation and suggests that we should change the framework which is dominant in Japanese criticism of manga in recent years by focusing the history of American animation. First, we refer to discussions by Eiji Otsuka and Go Ito who are the most influential critics of manga today. Otsuka insists that Japanese manga originated from American animation, whose characters have bodies which are never injured. Then he argues that Japanese manga got realism after the war by giving realistic bodies to such non-realistic characters. On the other hand, Ito insists that the reality of the character is based on the simplicity of drawing. Although there are differences between them, they both focus on the “character” and their frameworks prevent us from capturing another kind of realism which could be found by focusing contemporary 3DCG animations. 3DCG animations led by Pixar resulted from the development of techniques to represent physical space in reality. This paper describes it as a shift from “dots of ink” to “the falling body”. In Disney’s early works, we often find gags such that a character in the air doesn’t fall until he notices that he doesn’t have supports. Such meta-fictional gags reveal that the animation is nothing more than “dots of ink” rather than “representations of reality”. The history from early Disney to Pixar has aimed to represent physical space which has the law of gravity, hiding its origin as “dots of ink”. This shift also occurred in Japanese manga, but it is hard to find it because of the framework which focused on “character”. Therefore, this paper suggests the change from “character” to “space”. Of course, manga and animation have retained its origin despite the progress of tendency to represent reality. Therefore, we can describe the history of them as the history of conflicts between “dots of ink” and “representations of reality”.
Nobuyuki Katsumata Daisuke Harama Takako Toda Yuto Sunaga Masashi Yoshizawa Yosuke Kono Yohei Hasebe Keiichi Koizumi Minako Hoshiai Tomohiro Saito Sho Hokibara Koji Kobayashi Miwa Goto Tomoaki Sano Makoto Tsuruta Makoto Nakamura Sonoko Mizorogi Masanori Ohta Mie Mochizuki Hiroki Sato Hiroshi Yokomichi Takeshi Inukai
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
vol.31, no.11, pp.573-580, 2021-11-05 (Released:2021-11-05)

Background: Kawasaki disease is suspected to be triggered by previous infection. The prevention measures for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have reportedly reduced transmission of certain infectious diseases. Under these circumstances, the prevention measures for COVID-19 may reduce the incidence of Kawasaki disease.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study using registration datasets of patients with Kawasaki disease who were diagnosed in all 11 inpatient pediatric facilities in Yamanashi Prefecture. The eligible cases were 595 cases that were diagnosed before the COVID-19 pandemic (from January 2015 through February 2020) and 38 cases that were diagnosed during the COVID-19 pandemic (from March through November 2020). Incidence of several infectious disease were evaluated using data from the Infectious Disease Weekly Report conducted by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases.Results: Epidemics of various infectious diseases generally remained at low levels during the first 9 months (March through November 2020) of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the incidence of COVID-19 was 50–80 times lower than the incidence in European countries and the United States. The total number of 38 cases with Kawasaki disease for the 9 months during the COVID-19 pandemic was 46.3% (−3.5 standard deviations [SDs] of the average [82.0; SD, 12.7 cases] for the corresponding 9 months of the previous 5 years. None of the 38 cases was determined to be triggered by COVID-19 based on their medical histories and negative results of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 testing at admission.Conclusion: These observations provide a new epidemiological evidence for the notion that Kawasaki disease is triggered by major infectious diseases in children.
Yukihiro Umeda Miwa Morikawa Masaki Anzai Yasuyuki Sumida Maiko Kadowaki Shingo Ameshima Takeshi Ishizaki
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
vol.49, no.21, pp.2333-2336, 2010 (Released:2010-11-01)
15 34

We report a case of acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (AE-IPF) after pandemic influenza (H1N1) vaccination. A 57-year-old man, who had been diagnosed with IPF in September 2008, was admitted to our hospital in December 2009 because of aggravation of dyspnea and fever two days after H1N1 vaccination. Chest computed tomography showed diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacities superimposed on preceding reticular opacities. We diagnosed AE-IPF. Corticosteroid and cyclophosphamide were effective. Although the efficacy of influenza vaccination in patients with chronic lung diseases is well established, physicians should keep in mind that influenza vaccination has the potential to cause AE-IPF.
国際生命情報科学会誌 (ISSN:13419226)
vol.37, no.2, 2019

ベリーダンスの起源は古代エジプトで、「豊穣祈願」「女神信仰」などのために踊られていたと言われています。紀元前シュメール人が築いた都市文明や、古代エジプト文明の壁画や工芸品にこの踊りの原型のようなものが描かれている事から、最も歴史ある舞踊だと考えられています。また、「子宮の踊り」、「出産の踊り」とされ、今でも中東地域では 子孫繁栄のため結婚式などで踊られています。19世紀になるとイギリスによるエジプトの植民地化によって、中東文化と西洋文化の融合が起きました。カイロの富裕層向けのナイトクラブで、パリのキャバレーやニューヨークのブロードウェイなどを模したエンターテイメント性が強くショー的に洗練されたベリーダンスが踊られるようになり、現在のベリーダンスの原型が確立されました。20世紀になるとアメリカでベリーダンスブームが起こり、大きな舞台でショー的に踊られるようになりました。本来の優しい動きではなく、見た目が派手な激しい動きに変化したことにより、身体を痛めるダンサーが増えました。遅れること、日本でも2005年頃ベリーダンスブームが起こり、このような理由により身体を痛めるダンサーが後を絶ちませんでした。私自身もブームにのり同じように腰と股関節を痛めてしまいました。その時女性性を高めるためのダンスなのに体を痛めるのはおかしいと思いました。そして、その矛盾を追求し、辿り着いたのがボディーロジックだったのです。これこそが本来のベリーダンスの動きだったのです。エジプトをはじめとする中東の人々は生活の中に踊る習慣があるので誰でもすぐ踊ることができるのですが、西洋人はその習慣がないため動かし方が分からずに表面的に動いている部分を意識して動かしていたのが、体を痛める原因だというが分かりました。このワークショップでは人間の自然な動きのボディーロジックを意識して踊ってゆきます。それではワークショップを始めましょう。このワークショップでは最初に身体をさすり身体をゆるめていきます。するとロックが解かれたように筋肉の緊張がほぐれてゆきます。体が十分ほぐれたら次に歩きましょう。人間にとって一番自然な動きは二足歩行で歩くことです。そのことを基本とし、延長線上に身体に無理のない動きがあります。この自然な動きこそが癒しのベリーダンスの基本となる動きです。(お腹の伸びとゆるみを感じながら歩きましょう)このようにボディーロジックを意識することにより身体が素直に動くようになり、体を痛めることなく踊り続けることができるようになります。
Nobuhiro Nakanishi Koichi Kaikita Masanobu Ishii Yu Oimatsu Tatsuro Mitsuse Miwa Ito Kenshi Yamanaga Koichiro Fujisue Hisanori Kanazawa Daisuke Sueta Seiji Takashio Yuichiro Arima Satoshi Araki Taishi Nakamura Kenji Sakamoto Satoru Suzuki Eiichiro Yamamoto Hirofumi Soejima Kenichi Tsujita
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Reports (ISSN:24340790)
vol.2, no.3, pp.158-166, 2020-03-10 (Released:2020-03-10)

Background:Direct-activated factor X (FXa) plays an important role in thrombosis and is also involved in inflammation via the protease-activated receptor (PAR)-1 and PAR-2 pathway. We hypothesized that rivaroxaban protects against cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction (MI).Methods and Results:MI was induced in wild-type mice by permanent ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. At day 1 after MI, mice were randomly assigned to the rivaroxaban and vehicle groups. Mice in the rivaroxaban group were provided with a regular chow diet plus rivaroxaban. We evaluated cardiac function by echocardiography, pathology, expression of mRNA and protein at day 7 after MI. Rivaroxaban significantly improved cardiac systolic function, decreased infarct size and cardiac mass compared with the vehicle. Rivaroxaban also downregulated the mRNA expression levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, transforming growth factor-β, PAR-1 and PAR-2 in the infarcted area, and both A-type and B-type natriuretic peptides in the non-infarcted area compared with the vehicle. Furthermore, rivaroxaban attenuated cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase in the non-infarcted area compared with the vehicle.Conclusions:Rivaroxaban protected against cardiac dysfunction in MI model mice. Reduction of PAR-1, PAR-2 and proinflammatory cytokines in the infarcted area may be involved in its cardioprotective effects.
Hajime Kasai Akane Matsumura Toshihiko Sugiura Ayako Shigeta Nobuhiro Tanabe Keiko Yamamoto Hideki Miwa Ryogo Ema Seiichiro Sakao Koichiro Tatsumi
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-15-1080, (Released:2016-03-11)
2 8

Background:Mean pulmonary arterial pressure (MPAP) is an important pulmonary hemodynamic parameter used in the management of patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). We compared echocardiography-derived estimates of MPAP with right heart catheterization (RHC) to identify reliable noninvasive methods of estimating MPAP-derived RHC (MPAPRHC) in these patients.Methods and Results:Echocardiography and RHC were performed in 56 patients with CTEPH (60.5±12.0 years; 44 females). We measured the tricuspid regurgitation (TR) pressure gradient (TRPG) using echocardiography. The mean systolic right ventricular (RV)-right atrial (RA) gradient was calculated by tracing the TR time velocity flow. Systolic and mean pulmonary artery pressures (SPAPTRand MPAPTR) estimated from TRPG and mean systolic RV-RA gradient were calculated by adding RA pressure based on the inferior vena cava. MPAPChemlawas calculated using Chemla’s formula: 0.61×SPAPTR+2 mmHg. MPAPRHCand pulmonary vascular resistance were 35.9±11.3 mmHg and 6.6±3.6 Wood units, respectively. The mean difference from MPAPRHCand limits of agreement were −1.5 mmHg and −19.6 to 16.5 mmHg for MPAPTR, and −4.6 mmHg and −24.5 to 15.2 mmHg for MPAPChemla. Accuracy within 10 mmHg and 5 mmHg of MPAPRHCwas 80.4% and 46.4% for MPAPTR, and 71.4% and 48.2% for MPAPChemla, respectively.Conclusions:MPAPTRand MPAPChemlaare reliable estimates for MPAPRHCin patients with CTEPH.
Shohei Kataoka Daigo Yagishita Kyoichiro Yazaki Miwa Kanai Shun Hasegawa Morio Shoda Junichi Yamaguchi
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-23-0058, (Released:2023-06-21)

Background: The association between the T-peak to T-end interval (Tp-e) and ventricular arrhythmia (VA) events in cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) is unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether Tp-e was associated with VA events in CS patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) or cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillators (CRT-Ds).Methods and Results: We retrospectively studied 50 patients (16 men; mean [±SD] age 56.3±10.5 years) with CS and ICD/CRT-D. The maximum Tp-e in the precordial leads recorded by a 12-lead electrocardiogram after ICD/CRT-D implantation was evaluated. The clinical endpoint was defined as appropriate ICD therapy. During a median follow-up period of 85.0 months, 22 patients underwent appropriate therapy and 10 patients died. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that the probability of the clinical endpoint was 28.3% at 2 years and 35.3% at 4 years. The optimal cut-off value of the Tp-e for the prediction of the clinical endpoint was 91 ms, with a sensitivity of 72.7% and a specificity of 87.0% (area under the curve=0.81). Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that Tp-e ≥91 ms (hazard ratio [HR] 5.10; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.99–13.1; P<0.001) and a histological diagnosis of CS (HR 3.84; 95% CI 1.28–11.5; P=0.016) were significantly associated with the clinical endpoint.Conclusions: Tp-e ≥91 ms was a significant predictor of VA events in patients with CS and ICD/CRT-D.
Kenji Miura Yuriko Nagai Akira Yokouchi Kazuya Miwa
Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology
Plant Biotechnology (ISSN:13424580)
vol.40, no.1, pp.63-69, 2023-03-25 (Released:2023-03-25)

Lactoferrin is a non-hematic iron-binding 80-kDa protein that exhibits antimicrobial activity. Higher plants function as “green bioreactors” for large-scale recombinant protein production. In this study, we transiently expressed recombinant human lactoferrin (rhLF) in Nicotiana benthamiana at a yield of approximately 40 µg g−1 fresh mass (gFM) using the Tsukuba system. Additionally, the expression level of rhLF increased when it was fused with KDEL, an endoplasmic reticulum retention motif. Purified plant-derived rhLF possesses antibacterial activity that inhibits the growth of Escherichia coli. These results indicated that rhLF containing antimicrobial activity can be produced in N. benthamiana using the Tsukuba system.
津田 みわ Tsuda Miwa
vol.52, pp.64-77, 2014

西條 結人 ジュヌシャリエワ アセーリ ダウレトバエワ ジャミリャー メデルベコワ チョルポン 知念 美和 吉川 巧也 幾田 伸司 Yuto SAIJO Asel DZHUNUSHALIEVA Zhamilia DAULETBAEVA Cholpon MEDERBEKOVA Miwa CHINEN Takuya YOSHIKAWA Shinji IKUTA
鳴門教育大学国際教育協力研究 (ISSN:18810799)
no.10, pp.11-17, 2016

Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.18-0447, (Released:2019-04-30)

Many of the reports summarizing neurological disorders in cats considered only a limited disease group(s). There is only one large-scale survey on neurological disorders in cats based on the histopathological viewpoint. We described the localizations and frequencies of neurological diseases in a large population of cats that were referred to the Kyoto Animal Referral Medical Center between 2009 and 2016. We attempted to determine the localization of lesions at the time of the examination in each case and to classify the disease etiologies of these 276 cats with neurological disorders retrospectively. There were 174 cases with lesions in the brain region, 14 cases with lesions in the cervical cord region, 34 cases with lesions in the thoracolumbar cord region, and 54 cases with lesions in the peripheral neuromuscular region. High morbidity rates were observed in cases of idiopathic epilepsy and intracranial tumor in the brain region, spinal cord infarction in the cervical cord region, spinal cord infarction and spinal cord tumor in the thoracolumbar cord region, and peripheral vestibular dysfunction arising from otitis media/interna in the peripheral neuromuscular region. It was suggested that there is a higher number of brain diseases than spinal cord and peripheral neuromuscular diseases in cats. Idiopathic and neoplastic diseases were common in the brain region, vascular diseases were common in the spinal cord region, and infectious diseases were common in the peripheral neuromuscular region.
Takahiro Muroya Hiroaki Kawano Seiji Koga Satoshi Ikeda Fumi Yamamoto Takashi Miwa Yusuke Kohno Koji Maemura
International Heart Journal Association
International Heart Journal (ISSN:13492365)
pp.17-459, (Released:2018-10-10)

The consumption of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) reduces the incidence of cardiovascular events and sudden cardiac death. Coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD) is a predictor of cardiac mortality, but little information is known on the relationship between CMD and omega-3 PUFAs. This study aimed to identify the relationship between the serum levels of omega-3 PUFAs and the CMD evaluated by the hyperemic microvascular resistance index (hMVRI) to assess coronary microvascular function in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD).Intracoronary physiological variables (fractional flow reserve (FFR), hMVRI, mean distal coronary pressure (Pd), and average peak velocity (APV)) were measured in 108 patients. These parameters were evaluated in 150 coronary arteries with stenosis of intermediate severity and without significant ischemia (FFR > 0.80). The PUFA levels and atherosclerotic risk factors were also measured. Univariate analysis shows that hMVRI was negatively correlated with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)/arachidonic acid (AA) ratio (β = −0.31, P = 0.001) and EPA (β = −0.25, P = 0.009) and was positively correlated with dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (β = 0.26, P = 0.006). Multivariate regression analysis shows that the EPA/AA ratio was the only independent determinant of hMVRI (β = −0.234, SE = 0.231, P = 0.024). Furthermore, hMVRI decreased significantly from the lowest to highest tertiles of the EPA/AA ratio (P = 0.007). The EPA/AA ratio was positively correlated with APV at hyperemia (β = 0.26, P = 0.008) but not with Pd at hyperemia.A lower serum EPA/AA ratio may cause CMD in patients with stable CAD.
Yasutsugu MIWA Asuka KUROSAWA Hiroyuki OGAWA Hiroyuki NAKAYAMA Hiroshi SASAI Nobuo SASAKI
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.71, no.4, pp.397-402, 2009 (Released:2009-05-02)
24 36

The objective of this study was to collect epidemiological data on neoplasms in pet ferrets in Japan. A questionnaire to collect information was made available to Japanese veterinary practitioners through the web site of the Japanese Society of Exotic Pet Medicine. Completed questionnaires were returned from 29 practices, and 945 neoplasms met the criteria for inclusion in the study. Neoplasms were found in every organ system except the respiratory system; the endocrine (418; 44.2%), integumentary (196; 20.7%) and hemolymphatic (184; 19.5%) systems were most commonly affected. The most common tumor types were pancreatic islet cell tumor (211: 22.3%), adrenal gland tumor (207; 21.9%) and lymphoma (152; 16.1%). The age of the affected ferrets ranged from less than 3 months to more than 7 years of age. Tumor incidence was highest in ferrets between 4 and 6 years of age. No sex predilection was found. These results were similar to those recently published in North America. Most Japanese pet ferrets are imported from North America, and their husbandry including diets is similar to that in North America, which may explain the similar tendencies in the incidence of neoplasms in this study and those of findings in North America.
Yusuke Miwa Ryo Takahashi Yuzo Ikari Airi Maeoka Shinichiro Nishimi Nao Oguro Tomoki Hayashi Mika Hatano Sakiko Isojima Ryo Yanai Tsuyoshi Kasama Yoichi Toyoshima Katsunori Inagaki Kenji Sanada
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
vol.56, no.8, pp.903-906, 2017-04-15 (Released:2017-04-15)

Objective Although previous studies have reported the prognostic factors for functional remission, no reports have cited the predictive factors. Our aim was to study the predictive factors for functional remission, which is a treatment goal in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), after receiving biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) treatment for six months. Methods The study consisted of 333 RA patients treated with bDMARDs for six months. The following patient characteristics were investigated: age, gender, disease duration, type of bDMARDs, baseline steroid and methotrexate dosage, and levels of serum rheumatoid factor, matrix metalloprotease, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptides antibody, tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-6. In our evaluation, we used the Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI) for RA disease activity, health assessment questionnaire disability index (HAQ-DI) for activity of daily living, Short Form (SF)-36 for quality of life, and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) or Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) to determine the patients' depression status. The subjects were divided into two groups: patients with HAQ-DI≤0.5 and HAQ-DI>0.5 at 6 months. Results A univariate analysis comparing a group of RA patients without functional remission (n=68) showed that the patients with functional remission (n=164) had the following in common compared with those without remission: younger age, shorter disease duration, lower baseline steroid dosage, lower SDAI, lower HAQ-DI, higher SF-36, and lower HAM-D. Only lower HAQ-DI scores and "mental health" score on the SF-36 were detected using a logistic regression analysis. Conclusion These findings suggested that RA patients with lower HAQ-DI and lower depression scores at baseline were more likely to achieve functional remission using bDMARDs treatment than those without these variables.