柴田 寛 髙橋 純一 行場 次朗
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.571-578, 2014 (Released:2015-02-25)

The current study used video clips of bowing actions depicted by three-dimensional computer graphics. The bend angle (15° and 45°) and duration of the bent posture (0–4.5 seconds) were varied. In the first experiment, the participants rated their subjective impressions of the bowing actions. The bowing actions that were made at a 45° angle and held for more than 1 second were rated as courteous. Bowing motions held for shorter durations were rated as smooth. In the second experiment, the participants evaluated whether a bowing action was appropriate for a specific social context. The participants judged 15°-angle bowing of no / very short duration appropriate for greeting, 45°-angle bowing of no / short duration appropriate for gratitude, and 45°-angle bowing for about 2 seconds appropriate for an apology. The results of these two experiments are discussed in terms of how angle and duration influence the impressions and evaluations of the appropriateness of a bowing action.
石井 政憲 城戸 滉太 太田 力 柴田 寛之 山田 健太郎 鈴木 孝治 チッテリオ ダニエル
一般社団法人 日本画像学会
日本画像学会誌 (ISSN:13444425)
vol.55, no.1, pp.94-105, 2016-02-10 (Released:2016-02-13)

患者のすぐそばで行える医療診断 (その場診断) が重要であるという考えが,臨床現場において普及しつつある.近年,マイクロ流路を紙の上に設けることで,コストやユーザーの負担を抑えながら,実用に即した分析ができる検査チップを開発する研究が世界的に盛んである.2007年,Whitesidesらにより提唱されて以来注目を集め,現在ではmicrofluidic paper-based analytical devices (μPADs) の呼称が定着している.マイクロ流路と身近な素材である紙の組み合わせにより,複雑な操作を伴う分析や多重項目測定を,比色法や蛍光法,電気化学的手法などを用いて,低コストかつ簡便に行えるμPADsが数多く開発されている.μPADsは基材が紙であることから,主に印刷による作製技術が進歩を見せている.中でも,様々なデバイス生産で工業的にも活躍しているインクジェット技術が,μPADsの大量生産や機能性付与が可能なアプローチとして着目されている.本稿では,将来の実用化に期待の集まるμPADsの製作技術や応用例の現状について,特に汎用性の高いインクジェット技術に焦点を当てながら解説する.
柴田 寛子 野村 祐介 河上 強志 山本 栄一 安藤 大介 内山 奈穂子 徳本 廣子 小出 達夫 迫田 秀行 吉田 寛幸 阿部 康弘 袴塚 高志 五十嵐 良明 蓜島 由二 石井 明子 伊豆津 健一 本間 正充 合田 幸広
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.142, no.8, pp.867-874, 2022-08-01 (Released:2022-08-01)

Particular batches of Moderna mRNA Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine were recalled after foreign particles were found in some vaccine vials at the vaccination site in Japan in August 2021. We investigated the foreign particles at the request of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis suggested that the foreign particles found in the vials recalled from the vaccination sites were from stainless steel SUS 316L, which was in line with the findings of the root cause investigation by the manufacturer. The sizes of the observed particles ranged from <50 μm to 548 μm in the major axis. Similar foreign particles were also detected in 2 of the 5 vaccine vials of the same lot stored by the manufacturer, indicating that the foreign particles have already been administered to some people via vaccine. Observation of the vials of the same lot by digital microscope found smaller particles those were not detected by visual inspection, suggesting that more vials were affected. Contrarily, visual inspection and subvisible particulate matter test indicated no foreign particles in the vials of normal lots. Possible root cause and strategies to prevent such a deviation were discussed from technical and regulatory aspects.
柴田 寛 杉山 磨哉 鈴木 美穂 金 情浩 行場 次朗 小泉 政利
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.13, no.3, pp.301-315, 2006 (Released:2008-11-13)

According to a widely held view, the object-subject-verb word order in Japanese is derived from the subject-object-verb word order by shifting the object to the sentence-initial position. This movement of the object, called scrambling, is hypothesized to leave “a trace” in the original object position (Saito, 1985). With regard to this view, during online sentence processing, a fronted object must be associated with its trace (filler-driven parsing). If a human actually processes scrambled sentences by filler-driven parsing, it is assumed that an object is reactivated and the processing load increases at the trace position. Although many psycholinguistic studies have been conducted in order to investigate the processing of a trace at the trace position, few studies have focused on processing around the trace positions. In the present study, by using a cross-modal lexical priming (CMLP) task that is capable of measuring the processing load and the activation level of an object at arbitrary positions, we investigated the processing around the trace positions in Japanese clause-internal scrambled sentences. In this study, in order to correct the problem encountered in the preceding study (Nakano et al., 2002) using the CMLP task, we did not measure the direct priming effect; however, we measured the indirect priming effect as a method of investigating the activation level of an object. When the data of all the participants were analyzed together, the increases in the processing load and the reactivation of an object around the trace position were not revealed. However, because of the difficulty of the CMLP task, the previous study (Nakano et al., 2002) presented the reactivation of an object at the trace position for participants who responded to lexical decisions quickly and possessed a high working memory capacity. Therefore, the participants in this study were divided into fast and slow groups based on their lexical decision latencies during the task. The results that reflect the filler-driven parsing were revealed only for the fast group. In the fast group, the processing load at the trace position was found to exceed the load at the position preceding and following the trace position. Further analyses of the results showed that the activation level of an object increased only at the trace position.
谷口 幸治 土井 尚 柴田 寛一 堀田 一 川口 誓爾
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.26, no.1, pp.74-77, 1972-01-20 (Released:2011-10-19)

口腔, 顔面にみられる裂奇形のうち, 口唇, 口蓋裂に遭遇する機会は多いが, これらに比較すると横顔裂は稀れであるとされている. 本邦においては田口, 園山ら, 川上, 吉岡ら, 三輪ら, 山口ら, 宇賀ら, 塩谷, 巨山ら, 佐藤ら, 河合らの報告をみる.この裂は第1鰓弓より分化してきた上顎突起と下顎突起の間の凹みが, 頬軟組織形成のさいに癒合不全として残つた状態である. したがつて裂は, 口角から横に伸びて咬筋の前縁で止まるものが多いが, 程度が進むと咬筋に達するもの, さらには耳珠付近に達するものまである. (田口, 塩谷.)外観はどのばあいにも口裂が大きく, 開口時には大臼歯部が直接見えるようになる.われわれは21才の女性と生後3カ月の女児の2例に形成手術をする機会をえたので,その概要を報告する.
柴田 寛 行場 次朗
vol.2007, pp.39-39, 2007

本研究では二者間で行われる協同動作の適切さを評定しているときの事象関連電位を調べた。二枚一組の写真が刺激として使用され、一枚目の写真では一方の人間が物体を手渡し、二枚目の写真ではもう一方がその物体を受け取った。実験参加者は、写真の組み合わせが適切か不適切かの判断を受け取り動作に対して行った。二つの時間枠において不適切な動作の観察が適切な動作の観察よりも大きな陰性電位を生じさせた。第一の陰性電位(300-500 ms)は頭頂付近で最大であったが、第二の陰性電位(700-900 ms)は前頭付近で最大であった。N400は意味的プライミング、N700は心的イメージを反映して引き起こされる傾向が知られている。そのため、第一の陰性電位は手渡し動作の観察が適切な受け取り動作をプライミングさせた処理を反映したのかもしれない。第二の陰性電位は不適切な受け取り動作を心的に修正させた処理を反映したのかもしれない。
大久保 隆男 柴田 寛彦 高橋 寛 斉藤 芳晃 野村 武男
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.15, no.7, pp.373-379, 1977-07-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

To investigate the buffer mechanism of cerebrospinal fluid in acute hypercapnia in vivo, we have studied the acid-base status of CSF in 14 mongrel dogs, changing their inspiratory CO2 concentration, from room air to 6% and then to 12%. Each condition was maintained for two hours, and at the end of each CO2 loading, arterial and CSF samples were taken anaerobically for the determination of PO2, PCO2, pH and [HCO3-] by electrode and Van Slyke-gas chromatograph system. Buffer values, Δ[HCO3-]/ΔpH were calculated for blood and CSF between room air and 6% CO2 breathing and also between 6% and 12% CO2 breathing.As results, followings were concluded:1) The buffer values of CSF in vivo in acute hypercapnia were significantly higher than those of arterial blood.2) The buffer values of CSF increased significantly with increases of CSF PCO2.3) An active transport system is presumably necessary for the explanation of this PCO2 dependent buffer mechanism, in which the participation of carbonic anhydrase would be suggested.
本多 明生 柴田 寛 行場 次朗 岩谷 幸雄 鈴木 陽一 大内 誠
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.12, no.4, pp.487-496, 2007
1 1

Several studies have examined the transfer effects of playing action video games. Recently, some researchers have proposed auditory virtual reality games with three-dimensional virtual auditory display. These studies were intended to apply auditory virtual reality games to the auditory education of visually impaired people. However, few studies have investigated the transfer effects of playing auditory games. In this paper, we introduce previous studies that investigated transfer effects of playing virtual three-dimensional auditory games. Moreover, we proposed new perspectives and future assignments of auditory virtual reality games.
柴田 寛 行場 次朗
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HIP, ヒューマン情報処理 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.103, no.522, pp.31-36, 2003-12-12

本多 明生 神田 敬幸 柴田 寛 浅井 暢子 寺本 渉 坂本 修一 岩谷 幸雄 行場 次朗 鈴木 陽一
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.18, no.1, pp.93-101, 2013

Senses of presence and verisimilitude are affected differently by temporal asynchrony between audio-visual components of audio-visual content. To investigate whether this result is valid more generally, we conducted an experiment using a clip of western orchestral music. Results revealed that the sense of verisimilitude is more sensitive to audiovisual synchronicity than to the display size, whereas the sense of presence is more sensitive to the spatial size than the temporal property. These findings corresponded well with those of the previous study, which indicated that the sense of verisimilitude is distinguishable from the sense of presence. Furthermore, we discussed important considerations related to measurement for Kansei information such as the sense of presence and verisimilitude.