畑 久三
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.15, no.8, pp.375-379, 1949

In order to examine the effect of various color rays on hatching of fishegg, colorless, blue, red, orange and dark color rays were used on the hatching of eggs of Wakasagi (<i>Hypomeius olides</i>), Ugui (<i>Tribo'odon hakueucsis</i>), Carp (<i>Cyprinus caupis</i>), and gold fish (<i>Carassius carassius</i>).<br> The result of experimints is shown as follows:<br> 1. In the case of eggs of Wakasagi, there was no difference on the rate of hatching when they were exposed in orange, red and dark color rays, and other rays showed a good result on hatching. But blue color ray proved no good result and colorles ray was the worst (Table 1).<br> 2. In the experiment of eggs of Ugui, blue, orange and red color were produced good results. There was no difference on rate of hatching among these three color rays. The dark color ray was not good result and the colorless ray was the worst<br> 3. In the case of eggs of carp and gold fish, I can not recon nize the difference of the rate of hatching among those color rays (Table 3 & 4).<br> 4. According to the different fish species and kinds of color rays, there was some difference in the average of days of ha ?? ching and mean variation of days of hatching. On the whole, however, in the case of good percentage of hatching, the value of variation was small.
斉藤 英俊
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.84, no.1, pp.87-93, 2018 (Released:2018-01-19)
1 5

張 成年 今井 正 池田 実 槇 宗市郎 大貫 貴清 武藤 文人 野原 健司 古澤 千春 七里 浩志 渾川 直子 浦垣 直子 川村 顕子 市川 竜也 潮田 健太郎 樋口 正仁 手賀 太郎 児玉 晃治 伊藤 雅浩 市村 政樹 松崎 浩二 平澤 桂 戸倉 渓太 中畑 勝見 児玉 紗希江 箱山 洋 矢田 崇 丹羽 健太郎 長井 敏 柳本 卓 斎藤 和敬 中屋 光裕 丸山 智朗
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.84, no.4, pp.674-681, 2018-07-15 (Released:2018-08-31)

スジエビには遺伝的に異なる2タイプ(AとB)が知られているが,簡便に判別できるマーカーがない。18S rDNAの塩基配列に基づき,これら2タイプを判別するマルチプレックスPCRアッセイを考案した。日本における本種の分布範囲を網羅する152地点で採集した422個体を分析したところ,各タイプ特有の断片を併せ持つ個体,すなわちヘテロ型は観察されず,AとBタイプは生殖隔離しているものと考えられた。両タイプとも全国的に分布するがAタイプは河川及び湖沼に分布する一方,Bタイプは河川のみで見られた。
小林 牧人 頼経 知尚 鈴木 翔平 清水 彩美 小井土 美香 川口 優太郎 早川 洋一 江口 さやか 横田 弘文 山本 義和
vol.78, no.5, pp.922-933, 2012 (Released:2013-10-08)

浜谷 祐司 舊谷 亜由美 福井 洋平 矢野 豊 武輪 俊彦 里見 正隆
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.84, no.5, pp.1007, 2018-09-15 (Released:2018-10-20)

日本水産学会誌80(6), 956-964 (2014)「シメサバ調味液から分離されたヒスタミン生成乳酸菌の分類と増殖特性」 浜谷祐司,舊谷亜由美,福井洋平,矢野 豊,武輪俊彦,里見正隆 https://doi.org/10.2331/suisan.80.956 上記報文について,不適切な研究結果の図を使用し,科学的な事実を正確に記載しなかったことを理由とした著者からの撤回の希望を受け,投稿規程第9条に基づき本論文の掲載を取り下げる。
ラザニ ホセイン 羽生 功 会田 勝美
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.54, no.9, pp.1513-1520, 1988
3 10

Under natural condition, yearling male goldfish <i>Carassius auratus</i> started regression by late July and completed in August. Then gonadal development commenced and proceeded to milting by October. Spermatogenesis was arrested in winter. However, milting fish appeared again in March.<br> When transferred to 24&deg;C, the male fish matured within a short period at both 12L and 16L in off breeding seasons. However, the minimum time needed for reaching milting was shorter at 16L than at 12L. On both regimes, the spawning stage did not last long but passed to the post-spawning stage. Conversely, males matured and stayed in milting condition at 16&deg;C regardless of photoperiod. The speed of maturation was slower at 16&deg;C than at 24&deg;C regimes.<br> Plasma testosterone levels were high when the fish was maturing or matured but low in immature fish. Plasma gonadotropin levels were more dependent on the water temperature than on the maturation stages. Plasma thyroxine levels did not show clear relationship to the testicular activity at both 16&deg;C and 24&deg;C regimes.
崔 相 大島 泰雄
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.27, no.2, pp.97-106, 1961-02-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
32 46

The sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus, is widely distributed along all the coast of Japan. Commercially it is divided into three forms due to the body color, the green, red and black. Of these three, the former two are important, through they have a different market value. As for the taxonomy of this species, there are Stichopus japonicus and S. armata described by E. SELENKA (1867); S. japonicus var. typicus by H. THEEL (1886); and S. armatus and S. roseus by E. AUGUSTIN (1908). K. MITSUKURI (1897) and H. OHSHIMA (1918) made it clear that these were all but synonyms of the S. Japonicus and this remains still accepted. The two forms of the Green and the Red, on the other hand, were first reported by K. MITSUKURI (1912) and were ascribed by the same author to a color variation due to the difference in habitat and thereafter his opinion has been widely accepted by the investigators. Between these two forms, however, there are found some distinct differences, not only morphological but also ecological. The present authors have studied this problem and hereby propose to separate them into two independent communities, ecologically and taxonomically different from each other with the following grounds: 1) The predominant color of the Green is dark bluish green, which varies with individuals from light bluish green to yellowish brown or dark brown. The key tone for the Red is red or brownish red, and the ventrum being in red without exception and to be its characteristic. There are, though very low in their occurrence (no more than 1 to 2 per cent), some intermediate forms with the dorsum similar to the Green and the ventrum similar to the Red, and vice versa. 2) The Polian vesicles of the Green are usually of stumpy shape with dully round tip, while those of the Red are slender with projected tip. 3) The body contractibility of the Red is remarkable and under a mechanical stimulus, for example, it contracts into an almost round shape, while no such habit is observed with the Green. 4) The shape of the ossicles of tentacles is much more complicated in the Red than the Green, whereas the disk of the tables of the former is more round-shaped and the circum-ference of its holes is broader than the latter. As for the size of the disk of tables, when compared with individuals of the same body weight, the Green wins over the Red. 5) The Green has a preference to somewhat lower salinity and eventually finds its favorite habitat on sand and muddy-sand grounds, while the Red with fondness for higher salinity lives mainly in the rock, pebble and gravel grounds. 6) The matured egg of the Red has a gelatinous coating 23-26 microns thick, while the Green has without it. In the coasts of Mie and Aichi Pref., the spawning period of the Red is earlier and shorter than that of the Green. 7) In view of the modes of reaction to the environments, such as growth and adaptation for salinity, the Green and the Red are judged to belong to a different environment, respectively. 8) In summer season when the water temperature is high, almost all of the Red take aestivation, on the contrary 50 per cent of the Green of 6 to 30gr. (weight of body-wall) and 75 per cent of the grown-up are found in aestivation, and younglings of less than 5gr. totally dispense with it.
柏田 研一 柿本 大壱 金沢 昭夫 黒木 敏郎 野沢 洽治
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.25, no.10-12, pp.652-657, 1959 (Released:2008-02-29)
3 4

In the work reported here the vitamin B12 content and its variation in lake and river water was measured. In May 1958, the vitamin B12 content in the water of Lake Ikeda, mesured by Euglena method; it was very small (e. g. less than 1 mγ/l) and no distinct variation in the vertical and horizontal distribution was observed, however, in August, the vitamin increased in content more than twice as much as that of the spring value, the vertical distribution of it showed a close correlation with the quantity of dissolved oxygen and the maximum was shown at the depth of 20m. (Fig. 2) Fish school were also observed in this region. Similar seasonal change in vitamin B12 content was found in water from Kotsuki River, with a low spring level (about O.1 mγ/l) (Table 2, I) and a high autumn level (0.4-4.5 mγ/l) (Table 2, II). And in the river water, high level of vitamin B12 was observed in the morning, and in the daytime the vitamin content decreased with the lapse of time. It was found also that considerable amount of vitamin B12 poured into the river water from the banksoil with the rain-water. (Table 2, II)
松本 美鈴 山中 英明
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.58, no.4, pp.787-791, 1992 (Released:2008-02-29)
3 1

Culinary “arai” was prepared by washing the muscles from the legs of live tanner crab in water at 0°C for 2 min, at 18°C for 1 min, and at 49°C for 20s, respectively. Sensory panel members distinguished “arai” prepared at 49°C from the others, in addition to which they showed an overall preference for it. “Arai” prepared at 49°C was significantly opaque, elastic, and tasty. After “arai” treatments, ATP and arginine phosphate decreased and lactate increased in the muscle, especially in “arai” prepared at 49°C. This means that a rapid degradation of ATP, which was produced from arginine phosphate and glycolysis, occurred in the “arai” treatment at 49°C. In addition, it was observed that muscle fiber curved distinctly in optical microscopy of “arai” prepared at 49°C. The total amounts of free amino acids were lower in “arai” prepared at 49°C than in the others. The amounts of glucose, organic acids except lactate, and homarine did not differ among the three “arai” samples. However, a large amount of AMP was accumulated and GMP was detected in “arai” prepared at 49°C. These results suggested that AMP and GMP in “arai” prepared at 49°C contributed to its strong taste. The composition of extractive components in “arai” prepared at 49°C was similar to that of cooked tanner crab muscle.
友田 努 黒木 洋明 岡内 正典 鴨志田 正晃 今泉 均 神保 忠雄 野村 和晴 古板 博文 田中 秀樹
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.81, no.4, pp.715-721, 2015 (Released:2015-08-15)

マリンスノーの供給源となる可能性のある餌料生物を培養し,それらの産生物質を含んだ培養水について,ふ化後 5-28 日齢ウナギ仔魚に対する給与効果を観察した。微細藻類 4 種を用いた事例では,10-28 日齢仔魚が藻体とともに増殖過程で産出される透明細胞外重合体粒子(TEP)を摂取することを確認した。一方,尾虫類を用いた事例においても,9 日齢仔魚が発生段階初期の幼生と放棄ハウスを摂取することを確認した。これにより,飼育条件下の人工仔魚が天然仔魚と同様にマリンスノーの起源物質を摂取することを追認できた。
林 周 山下 洋 川口 弘一 石井 丈夫
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.55, no.6, pp.997-1000, 1989
7 43

Japanese sardine larvae <i>Sardinops melanostictus</i> hatched out from field-collected eggs, were successfully reared for 30 days with the survival rate of 13% of initial egg number. The relation between rearing days (<i>D</i>) and number of sagittal otolith rings (<i>N</i>) was expressed by the linear regression of <i>N=0.99D</i>-1.88 based on the 31 reared larvae, and the slope is not significantly different from 1(<i>p</i>>0.05). It is proved that ring on the otolith is formed daily. The first ring is formed mainly 3 (2-5) days after hatching which coincides with the first feeding.
保 聖子 杉田 毅 鶴田 和弘 福田 裕 木村 郁夫
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.78, no.3, pp.454-460, 2012 (Released:2012-06-15)
2 7

蓄養サバ流通品を調査した結果,氷蔵 9 h 後でも筋肉の ATP 濃度は高く維持され高品質を示した。そこで,まき網で漁獲されたゴマサバを短期蓄養した場合の品質に与える影響を検討するため,漁獲ストレスの影響とその回復について検証した。生け簀で 20 分間の強制運動をさせた後,72 h 蓄養し,体内代謝変化を測定した。強制運動により血漿コルチゾル濃度や筋肉乳酸濃度は上昇するが,蓄養により低下し,肝臓グリコーゲン濃度も回復した。一方,筋肉 ATP 濃度は,強制運動直後でも高い値を示し,蓄養による変化は認められなかった。