萬谷 惇 中川 誠司 小谷 賢太郎 堀井 健
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.114-120, 2007 (Released:2008-06-05)

Although several studies have reported that the rise-time of sound stimulus affects on auditory evoked magnetic fields, effects of each parameter which vary in connection with rise-time—whole energy, rising-speed (dL/dt), spectrum—have not been clarified. In this study, N1m amplitudes and latencies were examined using noise-bursts with varying rise-time and constant energy or rising-speed. The results showed that N1m increased in amplitude and decreased in latency as rise-time increased (i.e, energy increased) under the rising-speed-constant condition. In contrast, N1m amplitudes and latencies did not vary significantly as rise-time increased (i.e., rising-speed decreased) under the energy-constant condition. These results indicate that sound energy has greater effects on N1m amplitude and latency than rising-speed.
成瀬 康
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual58, no.Abstract, pp.130, 2020 (Released:2020-08-05)

平田 智之 井上 敬介 古川 大介 佐伯 壮一 塚原 義人
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.59, no.6, pp.169-173, 2021-12-10 (Released:2022-02-05)

In recent years, the regenerative treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) by transplantation of autologous cultured cartilage has been developed, but biomechanical diagnostic evaluation of cartilage has not yet been performed in the follow-up after transplantation as well as typical OA diagnostic treatment. In this study, we constructed an Optical Coherence Doppler Velocigraphy (OCDV) system based on low coherence interferometer (OCT) and a compression tester as loading device, which can provide micro-tomographic visualization of tissue deformation and joint fluid flow inside cartilage tissue. The constructed system was applied to not only the normal sample of porcine knee cartilage but also the simulated degenerative one by collagenase enzyme treatment for 2 hours. As experimental results, during compression period, the both cartilage samples in the middle layer were observed to move toward surface, generating the compressive strain further in superficial layer. Doppler velocity of the degenerated cartilage was detected to be about 50µm/sec in the middle layer, which was twice as high as that of normal cartilage. Just after stress relaxation, Doppler velocity decreased immediately to be less than 5µm/sec in the normal cartilage, whereas are keeping about 10µm/sec in the degenerated one. These are considered to be due to the decrease in biomechanical properties, i. e. visco-elasticity, of degenerated cartilage. In conclusions, the proposed method can discriminate quantitatively between normal and OA cartilage from the spatiotemporal change of the detected Doppler velocity, in the virtue of revealing microscopic tissue deformation and joint fluid flow with high spatio-temporal resolution, therefore OCDV has an effective potential as a real-time diagnostic imaging system.
中尾 善明 高田橋 篤史 鎗田 勝 藤元 登四郎 田村 俊世
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.49, no.6, pp.805-814, 2011-12-10 (Released:2012-04-10)

Remarkable progress in cognitive neuroscience has revealed the involvement of the prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex in human working memory, but the orbitofrontal cortex is still one of the least understood regions in the human brain. To elucidate the contribution of the orbitofrontal cortex to human working memory, we studied EEG P300 activity in n-back task. We elicited early P3 around 300 ms and late P3 around 360 ms of P300 components in n-back ERP. The amplitudes of the respective peaks changed depending on the working memory load (0-back, 1-back, 2-back, 3-back). We used source analysis to evaluate the orbitofrontal cortex in P3 components. A source model was constructed with the sources seeded from fMRI meta-analysis of n-back task and additional sources in the orbitofrontal cortex and the visual cortex estimated with P100 and late P3 components in the n-back ERP. This source model had more than 99% of GOF (goodness of fit) in n-back ERP. It gave us an insight of brain activity at the positions where sources existed. Early P3 was mainly produced by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, the inferior parietal lobule, the medial posterior parietal and the visual cortex. Late P3 was mainly produced by the medial premotor, the lateral premotor, the frontal pole and the orbitofrontal cortex. The contribution of the frontal pole and the orbitofrontal cortex had peaks around 390 ms which were later than late P3 component. In this study, the method to evaluate the orbitofrontal cortex activity in n-back ERP was provided. Our results elicited the involvement of the orbitofrontal cortex in late P3 component of n-back ERP.
岡 久雄 福原 真一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.57, pp.S188_1, 2019

<p>スポーツ等での運動能力(筋トレ効果)は最大筋力や繰返し回数,最高タイムなどで評価されることが多く,直接的には対象筋の収縮能力を評価していないことが多い。著者らは表面筋電図:EMGと,筋の収縮に伴うせん断応力波の伝搬振動を,皮膚表面に置いた変位計で測定する筋音図:MMGを同時計測できるMMG/EMGハイブリッドセンサを用いて,上腕二頭筋の等尺性収縮を行った際のMMGとEMGを測定した。被験者は20代健常成人10名,起座位で右肘関節を60度に保ち,センサを右上腕二頭筋腹上に貼付した。等尺性収縮は10%から100% MVCまで10%ずつ上昇させ,収縮時のMMG/EMG時間波形をそれぞれ二乗和した値を求めた。MMGは10~30%MVC:緩やかに増加,30~70%MVC:やや急激に増加,70%MVC以上:減少した。50%MVCの値で規格化し,%MVCの区間を区切って1次式近似(数値は傾き:相関係数r<sup>2</sup>が0.8以上)を行った(表)。本結果は運動単位の動員や発火頻度をもとに上腕二頭筋の等尺性収縮過程を説明した報告を支持するものであった。今後は本センサシステムを動的な運動計測へと展開したい。</p>
佐々木 紀幸 香川 正幸 鈴村 和季 松井 岳巳
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.53, no.4, pp.209-216, 2015-08-10 (Released:2015-12-10)

Disturbed sleep has become more common in recent years. To improve the quality of sleep, undergoing sleep observation has gained interest in an attempt to resolve possible problems. Additionally, the classification of real-time sleep states without interference is needed in nursing and medical settings. In this paper, we discuss a non-restrictive and non-contact method for estimating real-time sleep stages and report its potential applications and problems. The system we used measured body movements and respiratory signals of a person while sleeping using dual 24-GHz microwave radars placed underneath the mattress. We first determined a body movement index to identify wake and sleep, and fluctuation indices of respiratory intervals to indicate sleep stages. The data of movements and respiratory signals derived from 11 healthy university students were used for feature selection and training of the classification model parameters. For identifying wake and sleep, the rate of agreement between the body movement index and the result using the R & K method as reference was 83.5±6.3%. Five-minute standard deviation, a fluctuation index of respiratory intervals, had a high degree of contribution and showed a significant difference (p<0.001) among three sleep stages (REM, LIGHT, DEEP). Th e degree of contribution of the 5-min fractal dimension of respiratory intervals, a fluctuation index, was not as high as expected but showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between REM and DEEP. For validation, we applied canonical discriminant analysis to classify wake or sleep and to estimate the three sleep stages in two additional university students. The accuracy was 79.3% and 59.5% for classification of wake/sleep and 71.9% and 64.0% for estimation of three sleep stages. The novelty of this study includes measurements of body movements and respiration-induced body surface movements withh ighsensitivities using microwave radars, and systematic analysis of the indices of body movement and respiratory interval. The method allows easy measurement of sleep stages in nursing care and home settings and may be employed to increase the quality of sleep. Although we successfully estimated three sleep stages, the method requires further study to determine the five stages of sleep.
朔 啓太
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.59, pp.154, 2021

本井 幸介 中村 心也 田中 直登 山越 憲一
Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering = 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 = Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering : 日本エム・イー学会誌 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.51, no.4, pp.268-275, 2013-08

Recently, the freak accidents in home have been increased and they are caused by the asphyxiation, drowning, falling, fire, and toxicosis. Especially in bathroom, the accident frequently arise and thus the healthcare monitoring and the accident detection system can be useful for attainment of safe and untroubled daily life. While some monitoring systems for moving state using infrared ray and ultrasonic wave were already developed, these methods distinguish only whether or not a bather is moving. Also, detailed motion analysis using CCD camera has the problem of privacy for the practical use. From these viewpoints, we designed the monitoring system for the electrocardiogram and respiration signal using bathtub-installed electrodes, showing its usefulness for the healthcare and the drowning alarm during taking a bath. However, the range over which this method is possible is limited in the bathtub and thus the detection in washing place are impossible. To solve this drawback, we developed a new system capable of detecting the accident in the washing place together with the pulse and respiration rate using a bath mat type multipoint pressure sensor located in washing place of bathroom. From the results of the accuracy evaluation in 20 healthy subjects, it is demonstrated that the present system can accurately detect the accident [60/60, 100%] and show the good correlation between the pulse [r=0.99] and respiration [r=0.95] obtained from the system and those obtained from the conventional methods using the sensors attached to the body surface.
上野 太郎 伊藤 誠 小川 潤 青山 敦
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.56, pp.S310, 2018

<p>前庭感覚系は, 体の傾きを察知するのに重要な役割を担っており,視覚系を始めとする複数の感覚系から情報を受け取っている.しかしながら, 前庭感覚系を調べる脳計測実験を設計するのは技術的に難しく,前庭感覚情報と視覚情報の相互作用については不明な点が多い.そこで本研究では,前庭感覚入力を操作するために反転台,前庭感覚入力の手掛かりを視覚的に与えないために Virtual Reality (VR) Display を使用し,反転台によって実験協力者の体勢を変えた上で VR Display を介した落下映像に対する脳波の計測を行った.事象関連電位解析において,視覚的な落下方向に関わらず, 倒立状態では直立状態と比較して落下開始後 100-200 ms から 視覚活動の減衰が確認された. また,Granger Causality 解析において,頭頂前庭領域から視覚領域への有意なコネクションが確認された.以上の結果により,異常な前庭感覚情報によって視覚活動が抑制され,視覚処理の比較的早い段階から視覚と前庭感覚の相互作用が始まることが示唆された.</p>
植田 隼平 野村 泰伸 清野 健 藤田 壌 西田 直樹 藤尾 宜範 林 洋行 田口 晶彦 川瀬 善一郎 真田 知世 金井 博幸
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.56, pp.S126, 2018

山下 政司 伊藤 佳卓 相川 武司 横山 徹 北間 正崇
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.59, pp.422, 2021

横井 涼 野中 一洋 福井 康裕 舟久保 昭夫
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.50, no.1, pp.168-173, 2012-02-10 (Released:2012-07-13)

Total Liquid Ventilation (TLV) is an innovative experimental method of mechanical-assisted ventilation in which lungs are totally filled and then ventilated with a tidal volume of Perfluorocarbon (PFC) by using a dedicated liquid ventilator. So far, we developed the TLV system which consists of membrane oxygenator and a cylinder pump. In this system, PFC gas exchange is performed when passing through the oxygenator. Therefore, this system is largely dependent on the oxygenator performance, and carbon dioxide removal is difficult. In this study, we developed the recirculation TLV system and examined gas exchange ability. This system consists of the conventional TLV system and the recirculation circuit. As a result, the recirculation TLV system as compared to the conventional systems, improved about 25% carbon dioxide removal capability, and partial pressure of carbon dioxide was less than 5 mmHg. This system has a high gas exchange performance.
秋吉 駿 古居 彬 平野 陽豊 隅山 慎 棟安 俊文 三戸 景永 曽 智 笹岡 貴史 吉野 敦雄 神谷 諭史 中村 隆治 佐伯 昇 吉栖 正夫 河本 昌志 山脇 成人 辻 敏夫
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual57, no.Abstract, pp.S236_2, 2019 (Released:2019-12-27)

【目的】ヒトの疼痛を客観的に定量評価することを目的として,著者らは末梢交感神経活動を反映する血管剛性と電気刺激時の主観的疼痛度の間に有意な関係があることを見出した.本報告では,血管剛性から筋交感神経信号の分散を非侵襲推定し,推定した分散から主観的疼痛度をより高精度で客観的に定量評価する方法を提案する.【方法】広島大学・医の倫理委員会承認のもと事前にインフォームド・コンセントが得られた健常成人男性22名(22.7±1.0歳)を対象に皮膚電気刺激実験を行った.刺激中の心電図,血圧,指尖容積脈波から求めた血管剛性を用いて筋交感神経信号の分散を推定した.その後,ウェーバー・フェヒナー則を用いて筋交感神経信号の分散と主観的疼痛度の関係をモデル化し,モデルによる推定値と実測値との相関解析を行った.比較のため,血管剛性と主観的疼痛度の間においても同様の解析を行なった.【結果】筋交感神経信号の分散から推定した主観的疼痛度と実測した主観的疼痛度の相関は,血管剛性の場合と比較して上昇した(提案法: r = 0.60, p < 0.001, 血管剛性: r = 0.47, p < 0.001).【結論】提案法は主観的疼痛度を従来法より高精度かつ客観的に定量評価可能であった.
秋吉 駿 神谷 諭史 中村 隆治 佐伯 昇 吉栖 正夫 河本 昌志 山脇 成人 辻 敏夫 古居 彬 平野 陽豊 隅山 慎 棟安 俊文 三戸 景永 曽 智 笹岡 貴史 吉野 敦雄
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.57, pp.S236_2, 2019

<p>【目的】ヒトの疼痛を客観的に定量評価することを目的として,著者らは末梢交感神経活動を反映する血管剛性と電気刺激時の主観的疼痛度の間に有意な関係があることを見出した.本報告では,血管剛性から筋交感神経信号の分散を非侵襲推定し,推定した分散から主観的疼痛度をより高精度で客観的に定量評価する方法を提案する.【方法】広島大学・医の倫理委員会承認のもと事前にインフォームド・コンセントが得られた健常成人男性22名(22.7±1.0歳)を対象に皮膚電気刺激実験を行った.刺激中の心電図,血圧,指尖容積脈波から求めた血管剛性を用いて筋交感神経信号の分散を推定した.その後,ウェーバー・フェヒナー則を用いて筋交感神経信号の分散と主観的疼痛度の関係をモデル化し,モデルによる推定値と実測値との相関解析を行った.比較のため,血管剛性と主観的疼痛度の間においても同様の解析を行なった.【結果】筋交感神経信号の分散から推定した主観的疼痛度と実測した主観的疼痛度の相関は,血管剛性の場合と比較して上昇した(提案法: r = 0.60, p < 0.001, 血管剛性: r = 0.47, p < 0.001).【結論】提案法は主観的疼痛度を従来法より高精度かつ客観的に定量評価可能であった.</p>
田中 莉沙子 重國 聖羅 松田 清香 小林 千尋 森 晃 平田 孝道
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.55, no.4, pp.380, 2017

寺田 信幸 山田 博之 吉田 善一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.43, no.4, pp.785-789, 2005 (Released:2007-01-19)

Many studies have been carried out in order to understand the real effects of space environment on the human body. Our aim is to create a very small, energy-saving vital signs monitoring device capable of facilitating simple and precise blood tests in an orbiting vehicle where harsh technical conditions experienced. The device also has the potential to be used portable and ubiquitous diagnostics systems for medical care at home or bedside. In this study, we developed a micro-fluid device using laser-processing and resin-lamination methods. A number of heat-hardening resin films are layered on a soda glass. A laser is used to fabricate part of the channel on each film for every lamination. The channels are 45 μm in depth and 50-150 μm in width. The components we have currently produced were : 1) a trident channel structure ; 2) a solid-body flow channel with a micro-pipe, both of which were designed to make blood cells flow in a single line in the channel for cell counting ; and 3) a micro-flow channel simulating a capillary vessel for measuring blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, and transformation of red blood cells. We have successfully observed blood cells flowing in these micro-fluid devices.
土井 正裕 並木 幸久 設楽 佳世 甲斐 昌一
Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering : BME (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.47, no.6, pp.477-483, 2009-12-10

In order to validate Total Body Score (TBS) as an index for comprehensive evaluation of human body, we examined relationships between TBS and parameters which are correlated with metabolic syndrome (MS). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed that TBS is a useful index for MS screening. TBS had statistically significant correlations with systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, neutral fat, HDL cholesterol, visceral fat, and subcutaneous fat. The subjects who had low TBS showed statistically high probability to have one or more MS risk factors. The result suggested that assessment with cross-sectional biomedical data is useful for screening of MS risks.
清水 あずさ GOH Wei Huang 橋本 道尚 三浦 重徳 尾上 弘晃
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual57, no.Abstract, pp.S104_1, 2019 (Released:2019-12-27)

血管の内壁に単層の組織を構成する血管内皮細胞は,血流によるせん断刺激や筋の拡張収縮による伸展刺激など複数の力学刺激を受容して,カルシウム応答などの細胞応答や形態変化を呈することが知られているが,その詳細なメカニズムはいまだ解明されていない.このメカニズム解明のために、これまで細胞外マトリクス(ECM)で構成されたマイクロ流体デバイスに内皮細胞を播種することで血管の生体内環境を模したin vitro実験系が報告されてきた.しかしながら,従来の実験系では流体せん断刺激に対する細胞応答は報告されてきたが,伸展刺激を加味した細胞応答は明らかになっていない.そこで本研究では,複数の力学刺激を再現することにより,生体内環境をより模倣したin vitro血管モデルの構築を目的とする.具体的には,コラーゲンを用いたマイクロ流体デバイスにより,流れによるせん断刺激と伸展刺激の両方を印加可能な3次元培養系を提案する.本研究では,3Dプリンタで作製した水溶性モールドを犠牲層として用いてコラーゲンで構成されたマイクロ流路を構築した.また,外部より伸展刺激を負荷することで,コラーゲン流路内に培養した細胞が伸展している様子を確認した.
山口 喬弘 荒船 龍彦 佐久間 一郎 大内 克洋 柴田 仁太郎 本荘 晴朗 神谷 香一郎 児玉 逸雄
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.43-49, 2005

In heart failure, QT interval and action potential duration (APD) is prolonged and <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub>, a slow component of delayed rectifier potassium current, decreases. We have reported that the KCNE1 gene, coding <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> channel, increases and QT interval is prolonged in patients with heart failure. Since it is known that increasing KCNE1 increases the maximum conductance of the <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> channel, the mechanism of APD prolongation is not explained by the over expression of KCNE1. In this study, we construct a cardiac membrane action potential simulation model based on the experimental data from oocytes expression to investigate the relationship between the increase of KCNE1 and APD. In the experiment of oocyte expression, 1 ng and 5 ng of KCNE1 were co-injected with 5 ng of KCNQ1. Expressed currents were recorded 1-2 days after injection by the double-microelectrode voltage clamp method at 35 degrees centigrade. Maximum <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> conductance and relationships between time constants, maximum activation parameter and membrane potential were obtained from fitting functions describing <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> channel properties in the Luo-Rudy model to experimental results with the Nelder-Mead simplex method. In simulations, APD was prolonged by increasing the co-injected amount of KCNE1. APD at 5 ng KCNE1 was 183 ms, which is 3.4% longer than that at 1 ng KCNE1 (APD=177 ms). This study shows that increasing the KCNE1 expression level makes maximum <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> conductance increase and <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> channel open slowly and <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> conductance decrease according to the APD time scale. Therefore increasing the KCNE1 expression level may prolong APD with this mechanism. This method of constructing a simulation model based on experiments helps to explain the relationship between KCNE1 expression ratio and QT interval prolongation.