嵯峨井 勝 ウィンシュイ ティンティン
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.70, no.3, pp.220-229, 2015 (Released:2015-09-26)
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Traffic-related air pollution is a major contributor to urban air pollution. Diesel exhaust (DE) is its most important component of near-road and urban air pollutions and is commonly used as a surrogate model of air pollution in health effects studies. In particular, diesel exhaust particles (DEPs) and nanoparticles in DEPs are the components considered hazardous for health. It is widely known that exposure to DEPs is associated with mortality caused by respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Recently, evidence has been accumulating showing that DEPs and nanoparticles may cause neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we introduce evidence suggesting their association with these disorders. The chemical components and the translocation of DEPs and nanoparticles to the brain are described in part 1. In part 2, we introduce the mechanism of development of neurodegenerative diseases such as stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease via oxidative stress and inflammatory events. Furthermore, there are many lines of epidemiological evidence showing that the particulates impair cognitive function and ability of memory through oxidative and inflammatory events in the brain. These lines of evidences are supported by many animal experiments on neurological disorders.
阪本 州弘 若林 一郎 吉本 佐雅子 増井 秀久 勝野 眞吾
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.46, no.2, pp.635-638, 1991-06-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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天野 由紀 西脇 祐司
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.3, pp.168-174, 2013 (Released:2013-09-28)

Background: Eyelash extensions involve the attachment of synthetic eyelashes made of chemical fibers or other materials individually onto natural lashes. However, there are no uniform or well-established guidelines for this procedure. Consultations with ophthalmologists and local consumer centers regarding eyelash-extension-related skin and eye disorders have been increasing yearly throughout Japan. This study was conducted to obtain epidemiologic data on eyelash extensions and their related health problems among the Japanese. Methods: A web-based survey was prepared and conducted with questions regarding the basic characteristics of the study participants, their experience with eyelash extensions (including the number of procedures, frequency of extension, year of first extension, and years since the first extension), and any extension-related health problems. Data from 2000 women, aged 15 to 59 years and randomly selected from across the country in accordance with the demographic composition of Japan, were included in the analysis. Results: In total, 205 (10.3%) respondents reported having experienced eyelash extensions (average, 6.2 procedures; median, 3.0), with a peak among those aged 25 to 29 years and a larger proportion of those living in urban areas than in rural areas. Of these women, 55 (26.8%) experienced health problems such as ocular hyperemia, pain, and itchy swollen eyelids. Multivariate analysis revealed that short intervals of extensions were associated with health problems (multiadjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval); 2.88 (1.09–7.61)). Conclusions: Eyelash extensions are a popular procedure, especially among urban, young women. However, attention must be paid to the potential health risks of the procedure.
吉丸 博志 大竹 正徳 藤越 康祝 William J. Schull
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.46, no.3, pp.747-754, 1991-08-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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As a part of the continuingassessment of the effects on the developing embryonic and fetal brain of exposure to ionizing radiation, the school performance of prenatally exposed survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and a suitable comparison group have been studied. Inthis report, the changes in performance in seven school subjects according to dose are compared under the dosimetry system (DS86) instituted in 1986 at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation. The sample involves 929 children whose fetal absorbed dose are known and includes 14 severely mentally retarded persons.The findings can be summarized as follows:1) Damage to the 8-15 week fetal brain appears to be linearly related to the absorbed dose, as judged by the simple regression of average school-performance score on dose. Damage to the fetus exposed at 16-25 weeks after fertilization appears similar to that seen in the 8-15 week group. Canonical and multiple correlations also show a highly significant relationship of exposure 8-15 weeks and 16-25 weeks after fertilization to achievement in school. This trend is stronger, however, in the earliest years of schooling.2) In the group exposed within 0-7 weeks following fertilization, or 26 or more weeks after fertilization, there was no evidence of a radiation-related effect on scholastic performance.3) These results parallel those previously found in prenatally exposed survivors with respect to achievement in standard intelligence tests in childhood and development of severe mental retardation.
古田 和恵 山田 和子 森岡 郁晴
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.1, pp.69-75, 2016 (Released:2016-01-30)

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to clarify whether the explanation received from the guardian at the time of inoculation of a HPV vaccine is related to preventive behaviors against uterine cervical cancer among junior high school girls. The preventive behaviors were set as “wishing to receive the HPV vaccination” and “considering on sexual behaviors (dating, kissing, sexual relations).” Methods: An anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was performed on 206 second-year junior high school girls who were candidates for the inoculation of the HPV vaccine in the previous year. We considered that a subject received an explanation on HPV vaccination if she received explanations on this topic, such as “an HPV vaccine prevents uterine cancer.” We considered that a subject received an explanation on pubertal events if she received explanations on this topic, such as “the importance of a life.” Including these two variables among the independent variables, multiple logistic regression analysis was performed. Results: The knowledge on uterine cancer was promoted when the subjects received explanations about the HPV vaccination. Many subjects received explanations on pubertal events by receiving explanations on HPV vaccination. The guardian’s explanation about HPV vaccination was one of the factors related to “wishing to receive the HPV vaccination” and “considering on sexual behaviors.” Conclusion: It is important for guardians to explain to their children about HPV vaccination without hesitation at the time of the vaccination.
西岡 笑子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.2, pp.178-184, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)
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In this paper, we describe the historical transition of sexuality education in Japan and the direction of sexuality education taken by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Reproductive health/rights, a key concept in sex education, is also discussed. In Japanese society, discussion on sexuality has long been considered taboo. After the Second World War, sexuality education in Japan began as “purity education.” From 1960 until the early 1970s, physical aspects such as genital organs, function, secondary sexual characteristics, and gender differences were emphasized. Comprehensive education as a human being, including physiological, psychological, and social aspects, began to be adopted in the late 1970s. In 2002, it was criticized that teaching genital terms at primary schools and teaching about sexual intercourse and contraceptive methods at junior high schools were “overdue guidance” and “extreme contents.” Sexuality education in schools has become a problem and has stagnated for about 10 years. Currently, schools teach sexuality education that does not deviate from the MEXT course guidelines. The direction of MEXT regarding sexuality education should be examined from the basic position that sexual activity by children is inappropriate. Reproductive health/rights apply the concept of human rights to sexuality and reproduction. Reproductive health/rights are key concepts that support sex education and women’s health.
津田 敏秀 馬場園 明 三野 善央 松岡 宏明 山本 英二
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.51, no.2, pp.558-568, 1996-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Changes of causal inference concepts in medicine, especially those having to do with chronic diseases, were reviewed. The review is divided into five sections. First, several articles on the increased academic acceptance of observational research are cited. Second, the definitions of confounder and effect modifier concepts are explained. Third, the debate over the so-called “criteria for causal inference” was discussed. Many articles have pointed out various problems related to the lack of logical bases for standard criteria, however, such criteria continue to be misapplied in Japan. Fourth, the Popperian and verificationist concepts of causal inference are summarized. Lastly, a recent controversy on meta-analysis is explained. Causal inference plays an important role in epidemiologic theory and medicine. However, because this concept has not been well-introduced in Japan, there has been much misuse of the concept, especially when used for conventional criteria.
小栗 朋子 吉永 淳
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.177-186, 2014

Objective: The objective was to estimate the inorganic arsenic (iAs) intake of the general Japanese adult population by a probabilistic approach. Methods: Bioaccessible iAs concentrations in rice (n=56) and hijiki (n=32), the two food items that are the major iAs sources for the Japanese, were measured by liquid chromatography-ICP mass spectrometry. The concentration in cooked rice was estimated from the measured concentration in a raw rice sample while taking into consideration the loss of iAs during cooking. The iAs concentration in hijiki was measured using soaked hijiki samples. The daily consumption of cooked rice and soaked hijiki was taken from published data. The distribution profile of daily iAs intake was estimated by multiplying the bioaccesible iAs concentration in cooked rice and soaked hijiki samples by the amount of these samples consumed daily, which were randomly extracted according to the respective distributions. This process was repeated 10,000 times. Results: The distribution profiles of iAs concentration in rice and hijiki were normal and log-normal, respectively, and those of the amount of cooked rice and soaked hijiki consumed were beta and log-normal, respectively. The daily bioaccessible iAs intake values were estimated to be 19 and 59 μg/day at 50 and 95 percentile. At 50 percentile iAs intake, the contributions from rice and hijiki were estimated to be equal, whereas the contribution from hijiki increased with the estimated total daily iAs intake. Conclusions: The iAs intakes of Japanese subjects estimated in previous duplicated portion studies were fairly consistent with the present estimation. Moreover, it was confirmed that the cancer risk derived from dietary iAs intake of the general Japanese population was not negligible.
内田 博之 小林 瑞希 細渕 亜実 太田 彩乃 大竹 一男 八巻 努 内田 昌希 小田切 陽一 夏目 秀視 小林 順
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.215-224, 2014 (Released:2014-09-24)
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Objectives: We aimed to determine the effects of age, period, and birth cohort on cervical cancer mortality rate trends in Japanese women, by age-period-cohort (APC) analysis. Additionally, we analyzed projected mortality rates. Methods: We obtained data on the number of cervical cancer deaths in Japanese women from 1975–2011 from the national vital statistics and census population data. A cohort table of mortality rate data was analyzed on the basis of a Bayesian APC model. We also projected the mortality rates for the 2012–2031 period. Results: The period effect was relatively limited, compared with the age and cohort effects. The age effect increased suddenly from 25–29 to 45–49 years of age and gently increased thereafter. An analysis of the cohort effect on mortality rate trends revealed a steep decreasing slope for birth cohorts born from 1908–1940 and a subsequent sudden increase after 1945. The mortality rate projections indicated increasing trends from 40 to 74 years of age until the year 2031. Conclusions: The age effect increased from 25–29 years of age. This could be attributable to the high human papilloma virus (HPV) infection risk and the low cervical cancer screening rate. The cohort effect changed from decreasing to increasing after the early 1940s. This might be attributable to the spread of cervical cancer screening and treatment before 1940 and the high HPV infection risk and reduced cervical cancer screening rate after 1945. The projected mortality rate indicated an increasing trend until the year 2031.
宇田川 潤 日野 広大
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.3, pp.188-194, 2016 (Released:2016-09-30)
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Epidemiological studies suggest that exposure to prenatal stressors, including malnutrition, maternal immune activation (MIA), and adverse life events, is associated with increased risks of schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms are unclear. The first trimester of pregnancy is particularly a vulnerable period. During this period, the self-renewal of neural stem cells and neurogenesis vigorously occur, and synaptic connections are partially formed in the telencephalon. Disturbance of this neuronal proliferation and migration during the first trimester may underlie the increased susceptibility to these disorders. Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone modification, are critical mechanisms for regulating gene expression. They can be affected by stress and are associated with an increase in susceptibility to schizophrenia and developmental disabilities. Injection of polyinosinic–polycytidylic acid or lipopolysaccharide induces MIA, enhances the expression of proinflammatory cytokines, and leads to the activation of microglia and the subsequent epigenetic modification of neurons or glia in the offspring. Furthermore, maternal high-fat diet and obesity similarly induce MIA and therefore may increase the risk of developmental disabilities. In addition, maternal stress reprograms the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, which regulates the stress response in the offspring. Thus, exposure to prenatal stress may increase the susceptibility to schizophrenia, ASD, or ADHD in the offspring through epigenetic modifications, MIA, and alteration of the HPA axis.
稲益 建夫 石西 伸 児玉 泰
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.33, no.3, pp.528-537, 1978-08-30 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Health examination was carried out on subjects (2 males and 5 females) who used arsenic containing hot water from the geothermal power station in Kyushu, Japan. They used the hot water only to take a bath over 4 years. The arsenic concentration measured by the atomic absorption method after generating AsH3 was 3.53μg/ml in the hot water. Waste water from the bath drained into a brook at the backyard and arsenic concentration in the brook were 0.54, 0.03 and 0.01μg/ml at the points of 0, 200 and 600m from the outlet, respectively.A special health examination was carried out on the following items: 1) Physical examination by doctors (dermatologist and general physician) 2) blood examination 3) urine analysis 4) biochemical and enzymological serum examination by SMA-12 5) determination of arsenic in urine and hair.Arsenic concentration in urine measured 3 times per day for each subject ranged from 58 to 178μg/l and it was within normal range, Arsenic concentration in hair was higher than normal range: the highest was 5.2μg/g, and for 5 of 7 subjects it was over 1μg/g. The result was suspected to be responsible for exogenous contamination such as washing of hair by hot water containing arsenic. There were no particular findings related to the arsenic poisoning.It must be emphasized that special attention should be paid to prevent the environmental popllution and health hazard caused by the hot water from geothermal power stations.
千葉 百子 大道 正義 稲葉 裕
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.53, no.4, pp.572-579, 1999-01-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
7 10 7

This report reviews the biological effects and case reports of suicidal or accidental ingestion of, and occupational exposure to sodium azide. Ingested doses of sodium azide were estimated for the 6 survival and 4 fatal cases studied. The lowest dose among survival cases was 5-10mg. The patient reported headache, sweating, and faintness within approximately 5 minutes of ingestion. Four victims ingested 20 to 40mg and recovered within 2 hours. However, a man who took 80mg reported chest pain for 6 months after ingestion. The smallest doses among fatal cases were 0.7-0.8g for women and 1.2-2g for men. All victims suffered from hypotension, tachycardia, hyperventilation, diaphoresis, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. There is no antidote for sodium azide. Detoxicants for cyanide such as sodium nitrite or thiosulfate were tried, but were unfortunately, ineffective. Sodium nitrite may worsen the hypotension caused by sodium azide, and is not recommended. Occupational exposure to sodium azide is thought to be common, however, fatal exposure is rare. NIOSH “Recommended Exposure Limits” for sodium azide is 0.3mg/m3.
内田 満夫 金子 稔 山本 洋 本田 孝行 川 茂幸
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.2, pp.103-117, 2013 (Released:2013-05-29)
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Schools were closed worldwide during the 2009 influenza A/H1N1 pandemic to prevent the viral spread; however, to date, there has been insufficient evidence to conclude that the closures were beneficial. Therefore, in the present review, we evaluated the effects of school closure during the 2009 influenza A/H1N1 pandemic in Japan. A search of PubMed and Japanese journals identified 24 articles that evaluated the effects of school closure using the following methods: descriptive epidemiology, changes in absenteeism rate, a simulation model, and reproductive number. Almost all of the retrieved studies showed that school closure effectively reduced the number of new infections and thus subsequently suppressed the epidemic. On the other hand, two major sets of confounding variables were identified. First, the effect of school closure was confounded by the methods used to measure, viral infectivity, subject characteristics, increased immunization rates, nonpharmaceutical interventions, antiviral administration, student contact patterns during school closure, and individual household environments. Secondly, school closure implementation was affected by differences between proactive and reactive closures, differences between seasonal and pandemic influenza, decision factors regarding school closure, socioeconomic cost, and ethics of imposing restrictions on individuals. Therefore, a comprehensive, longitudinal study is necessary to clarify the effects of school closure during viral pandemics.
矢田 浩紀 安部 博史 大達 亮 岩永 靖 山根 俊恵
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.1, pp.47-54, 2016 (Released:2016-01-30)

We studied the characteristics of psychiatric social workers (PSWs) and present research on job-related stress among them; we also provide insights into the future of such research. In recent years, studies on job-related stress among PSWs have been gaining interest. In particular, stress associated with the repeated revisions of related laws has increased. Subsequently, it was found that occupational stress in PSWs differs qualitatively and quantitatively depending on educational history, years of experience, and service department. However, no scale captures the specific characteristics of job-related stress among PSWs. Moreover, the development of a mental health care program for PSWs seems difficult. To develop a mental health care program that caters specifically to this group, future research should focus on developing a scale that determines the specific characteristics of job-related stress among PSWs, which should be evaluated on the basis of each PSW’s educational history, years of experience, and service department.
石原 信夫
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.1, pp.100-105, 2016 (Released:2016-01-30)

Immediately after the official recognition of Minamata disease (1956.5.l) a study group at Kumamoto University suggested that Minamata disease was caused by food poisoning. The next year, this suggestion was accepted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW). Prior to the decision to apply the Food Sanitation Act (FSA), the local government asked MHW for the application of FSA. Soon after, the chief of the Public Health Bureau replied to the local government that the application of FSA to the Minamata area was impossible. Epidemiological investigations of residents and polluted areas, therefore, were not carried out. Data essential for the screening for exposed residents were unavailable. The criteria for the screening were presented. The Environmental Agency (EA) presented the criteria in the form of notice in 1971, which were revised in 1977. Notwithstanding the clear difference between the original and revised criteria, EA insisted that these two sets of criteria were quite similar. This insistence by EA and the absence of epidemiological data on residents and polluted area resulted in the present confusion about Minamata disease. The application of FSA was stopped by bureaucrats who had no interest in the environmental problems and by several scientists patronized by stakeholders (Chisso, Japanese Association of Chemical Industries, MHW and EA). Stakeholders suppressed science.
高橋 美保子 丹後 俊郎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.57, no.3, pp.571-584, 2002-09-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of recent influenza epidemics on mortality in Japan.Methods: We applied a new definition of excess mortality associated with influenza epidemics and a new estimation method (new method) proposed in our previous paper to the national vital statistics for 1975-1999 (ICD8- ICD10 had been adopted) in Japan. This new method has the advantages of removing a source of random variations in excess mortality and of being applicable to shifting trends in mortality rates from different causes of death in response to the revision of ICD. The monthly rates of death from all causes other than accidents (all causes) and some cause-specific deaths such as pneumonia, malignant neoplasm, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (C. V. D) and diabetes (D. M.) were analyzed by total and by five age groups: 0-4 years, 5-24 years, 25-44 years, 45-64 years, and 65 years old or older.Results: The following findings were noted:1. For each epidemic in every other year since 1993, large-scale excess mortality of over 10, 000 deaths was observed and the effect of those epidemics could be frequently detected in mortality even among young persons, i. e., 0-4 years or 5-25 years.2. Excess mortality associated with influenza epidemics influenced mortality by some chronic diseases such as pneumonia, heart disease, C. V. D., D. M., etc. For some epidemic years since 1978, excess mortality rates were detected even in mortality by malignant neoplasm.Conclusions: It has been definitely shown by applying the new method to the national vital statistics for 1975-1999 in Japan that influenza epidemics in recent years exerted an influence on overall mortality, increasing the number of deaths among the elderly and the younger generation. Monitoring of the trends in excess mortality associated with influenza epidemics should be continued.
田邉 剛 山口 奈津 奥田 昌之 石丸 泰隆 髙橋 秀和
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.70, no.2, pp.115-119, 2015 (Released:2015-05-21)
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Environmental pollutants (such as diesel exhaust particles and silica) cause disorders ranging from bronchial asthma to malignant tumors. In recent years, it has been reported that some of the signaling pathways in which environmental contaminants act in vivo are associated with innate immunity. Innate immunity recognizes ligands and induces inflammation. Those ligands are pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs: e.g., lipopolysaccharide) and danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs: e.g., cholesterol crystallization or uric acid crystal). Activation of innate immunity stimulates the acquired immunity system. Therefore, innate immunity regulates the strength of the general immune system. Furthermore, crystal silica, which is an environmental pollutant, activates innate immunity as a ligand. Innate immunity involves the membrane-bound Toll-like receptors (TLR) and cytoplasm-localized nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLR). We reported the innate immunity-system-related diseases such as Crohn’s disease, Blau syndrome, myelogenous leukemia, and sarcoidosis. An inflammasome complex containing NLR has attracted attention owing to its correlation with the onset of several diseases. It is reported that the inflammasome activation is related to the development of lifestyle-related diseases such as myocardial infarction and fatty liver. It is also reported that the mechanism by which crystal silica and asbestos cause inflammation involves the inflammasome activation. Analyzing the genes of innate immunity contributes to the clarification of the mechanism of disease onset caused by environmental pollutants.
横井 克彦 縄田 隆三 降井 佐太郎 長沢 武夫 柳瀬 杉夫 木村 美恵子 糸川 嘉則
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.46, no.5, pp.1009-1013, 1991-12-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

The quality of the sacred “temizu” water in shrines in Kyoto was surveyed. It was found that the sources of “temizu” were the municipal water supply or domestic wells and that the “temizu” was usually used for washing the hands and mouth, while in certain shrines it was drunk as well. Of 50 visitors responding to questions, 26 persons said that they drank “temizu”. In some shrines using the municipal water supply as “temizu”, the free residual chlorine concentration was lower than that in the municipal water supply itself. Contamination of “temizu” by Escherichia coli or Aeromonas hydrophila was observed in some shrines.
戸田 雅裕 森本 兼曩
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.54, no.4, pp.592-596, 2000-01-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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The fasting month of Ramadan is the ninth lunar month of the Islamic calendar. It is the most important month for Muslims because in which the Qur'an was revealed, and they abstain from food and drink from dawn to sunset to express their gratitude to God. Eating and drinking is permitted only at night, and Muslims typically eat two meals each day, after sunset and just before dawn. People tend to stay up late watching TV with the family, praying or reading the Qur'an.Ramadan teaches Muslims self-restraint and reminds them of the feelings of the impoverished. On the other hand, the biological effects of changes in lifestyle during Ramadan may also be expected.Some studies have reported substantial weight loss, signs of dehydration, raised serum concentrations of uric acid and cholesterol, etc. during Ramadan. However, these changes are unlikely to have much effect on healthy individuals, because generations of Muslims have undertaken fasting year after year. In conclusion, the observance of the Ramadan fast may produce some ill-effects in patients with some disease, e. g. hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, hyperuricaemia, hyperglycaemia, and heart, liver and kidney disease.