榎本 みのり 有竹 清夏 松浦 雅人
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.46, no.2, pp.144-148, 2008-04-10 (Released:2008-10-06)
下村 理雄 磯野 正太郎 船瀬 新王 内匠 逸
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual60, no.Abstract, pp.147_2, 2022 (Released:2022-12-01)

水野 (松本) 由子 田中 康仁 林 拓世 岡本 永佳 西村 治彦 稲田 紘
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.48, no.1, pp.11-24, 2010-02-10 (Released:2010-11-17)

The aim of this research was to assess the physiological signals which were relevant working efficiency under mental workload. Eleven healthy subjects were examined. In the first step, their mood status and stress level were evaluated with questionnaire methods:“Profile of Mood States (POMS)” and “Stress Self Rating Scale (SSRS)”, respectively. In the second step, electroencephalography (EEG) and photoplethysmography under the mental workload tasks in four auditory stimuli (silent circumstance, white noise, classical music, and up-tempo music) were measured. The mental workload tasks consisted of two parts:performing Uchida-Kraepelin test (calculating task:CAL) on PC monitor in two minutes and fixating on a crosshair image (after CAL) in two minutes. A procedure of the mental workload task in each auditory stimulus was repeated three times. EEG data were analyzed using a discrete Fourier transform to obtain power spectral density (PSD) in theta, alpha, and beta bands. Pulse waves from photoplethysmography were analyzed for estimating the pulse wave amplitude (PWA) and length (PWL). PSDs of theta band in silent circumstance and classical music under and after CALs, alpha band in classical music under and after CALs, and beta band in up-tempo music under CAL on most or all areas were significantly larger than those in the other auditory stimuli. The results of photoplethysmography analysis showed that changes of PWA and PWL in silent circumstance and classical music were more stable than those in the other auditory stimuli. It was suggested that the classical music would not only affect brain activity under the mental workload and augment the efficiency of it, but also facilitate recovery of the physiological conditions from the stressful situations. These events from the physiological point of view showed that working environments could be considered to avoid adding stress on the brain function and autonomic nervous system during and even after the tasks.
水野 貴斗 氏原 嘉洋 中村 匡徳 杉田 修啓
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual58, no.Abstract, pp.311, 2020 (Released:2020-08-05)

毛細血管再充満時間(CRT)とは,トリアージで循環機能を簡易的に判定する指標で,爪を5秒間加圧した後に解除し,爪の赤みが回復するまでの時間である.CRTは,脱水症の判定など循環機能の判定以外への応用も検討された(McGee et al. 1999)が,水分とCRTの関連性が低く,実用には至っていない.また,CRTは体温に影響されることが知られている(Schriger et al. 1988).本研究では,指標に影響を与える要因を把握し,この要因による影響を補正して正確なCRTを計測できれば,水分量の判定も含む他の病状診断に応用できる可能性があると考えた.そこでまず,CRTを定量的に計測するために,一定の力を負荷できる加圧装置を作製し,加圧を解除した後の爪の色の変化を撮影した.このとき,爪の輝度値の時間変化を測定し,得られたデータに指数関数を回帰し,輝度値が一定値に漸近するまでのうち90%変化するまでの時間を本法でのCRTと定義した.また,信頼性の高いCRTの算出方法を決めるために,連続してCRTデータを得た後,画像処理方法を変えてCRTを算出し,各解析法での値のばらつきを評価した.輝度値をRGB色空間とHSV色空間に分解し,各チャンネルの輝度値の変化からCRTを算出したところ,Greenチャンネルで計測毎のばらつきが最小となった.これは,爪上から見られる白から赤への輝度値の変化が,Greenチャンネルで最大となり,ノイズの影響が最小になるためと考えられる.
相川 慎也 芦原 貴司 天野 晃 有末 伊織 安藤 譲二 伊井 仁志 出江 紳一 伊東 保志 稲田 慎 井上 雅仁 今井 健 岩下 篤司 上村 和紀 内野 詠一郎 宇野 友貴 江村 拓人 大内田 研宙 大城 理 太田 淳 太田 岳 大谷 智仁 大家 渓 岡 崇史 岡崎 哲三 岡本 和也 岡山 慶太 小倉 正恒 小山 大介 海住 太郎 片山 統裕 勝田 稔三 加藤 雄樹 加納 慎一郎 鎌倉 令 亀田 成司 河添 悦昌 河野 喬仁 紀ノ定 保臣 木村 映善 木村 真之 粂 直人 藏富 壮留 黒田 知宏 小島 諒介 小西 有人 此内 緑 小林 哲生 坂田 泰史 朔 啓太 篠原 一彦 白記 達也 代田 悠一郎 杉山 治 鈴木 隆文 鈴木 英夫 外海 洋平 高橋 宏和 田代 洋行 田村 寛 寺澤 靖雄 飛松 省三 戸伏 倫之 中沢 一雄 中村 大輔 西川 拓也 西本 伸志 野村 泰伸 羽山 陽介 原口 亮 日比野 浩 平木 秀輔 平野 諒司 深山 理 稲岡 秀検 堀江 亮太 松村 泰志 松本 繁巳 溝手 勇 向井 正和 牟田口 淳 門司 恵介 百瀬 桂子 八木 哲也 柳原 一照 山口 陽平 山田 直生 山本 希美子 湯本 真人 横田 慎一郎 吉原 博幸 江藤 正俊 大城 理 岡山 慶太 川田 徹 紀ノ岡 正博 黒田 知宏 坂田 泰史 杉町 勝 中沢 一雄 中島 一樹 成瀬 恵治 橋爪 誠 原口 亮 平田 雅之 福岡 豊 不二門 尚 村田 正治 守本 祐司 横澤 宏一 吉田 正樹 和田 成生
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Dictionary.1, pp.1-603, 2022 (Released:2022-03-31)
後藤 優仁 星野 貴行 青山 敦
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual58, no.Abstract, pp.449, 2020 (Released:2020-08-05)

近年,上側頭溝での cross-frequency coupling (CFC) が視聴覚の統合錯覚に関連する現象として注目されている. 理論的には,視覚と聴覚に確度の差があるため,より信頼度の高い感覚によって他方が捕獲される事で説明がされている.しかし,実験的に確認されている上側頭での CFC がこうした感覚統合処理を直接的に担っているのかは不明である. そこで本研究では, 音声の定位方向が視覚情報に引き寄せられる錯覚である腹話術効果に着目し, 上側頭溝近傍への経頭蓋ランダムノイズ刺激 (tRNS) によって当該部位での位相活動に外乱を与え,CFCを乱す事で腹話術効果を阻害する事が可能であるかを検討した. 実験参加者の正面を0度としてモニターを設置し, -30~30度に21個のスピーカーを等間隔で配置した. モニターには口唇動作が映され, 参加者はいずれかのスピーカーから流れる音声に対して音源定位を行った. この際の実際の音源方向と知覚された音源方向との誤差を腹話術効果の指標として tRNS による電気刺激時とシャム刺激時での比較を行った.実験の結果,シャム刺激時では角度の誤差も大きく,腹話術効果が観測されたが, 電気刺激時においては誤差やその分散が小さく錯覚の効果が弱まった.tRNS は位相活動に外乱を与えるため,上側頭溝近傍への tRNSが腹話術効果を阻害したと考えられる.この事から,上側頭溝での CFC が視聴覚の統合処理を直接反映している可能性が高まった.
野口 洋文
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.57, pp.S195_2, 2019

林 達郎 周 向栄 陳 華岳 原 武史 藤田 広志 横山 龍二郎 桐生 拓司 星 博昭
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.45, no.4, pp.256-266, 2007-12-10 (Released:2008-09-12)

The number of osteoporosis patients is increasing every year in Japan. Multi-detector-row CT is widely used in clinical environment including diagnoses of osteoporosis. However, quantitative evaluation of osteoporosis based on CT images is not defined. This paper investigates the distribution of bone mineral density (BMD) values measured in vertebral trabecular bones from the twelfth thoracic vertebra to the first sacral vertebra in Japanese subjects. Using X-ray CT images of 136 subjects, CT number of vertebral trabecular bones in these regions was measured, and BMD values were estimated from CT number using a bone mineral reference phantom. In addition, the relation of BMD values of each vertebra was investigated, and correlation with age, gender, and fusion at lumbosacral portion was shown. The present study showed that there was no statistical significant difference in BMD values of vertebral trabecular bones from the twelfth thoracic vertebra to the fifth lumbar vertebra. Therefore, among these vertebrae, if the CT number of one vertebra is known, the BMD values of the other vertebrae can be estimated based on the relationships shown by our research.
小澤 利行 浅野 薫 沼田 成弘 蓮井 康嗣 高地 泰浩 石原 謙
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.93-102, 2005 (Released:2007-01-19)

We have developed a new noninvasive method for measuring hemoglobin concentration called the “near-infrared spectroscopic imaging method.” This method is based on Lambert-Beer's law and on estimating the path length of light transmitted in a blood vessel using the analysis of near-infrared optical images that visualize peripheral blood vessels in the human finger. To investigate the validity of this method, basic studies were conducted using a prototype device, finger phantoms and a human finger. The experimental results of these basic studies were consistent with a theoretical equation derived from a simple light transmission model under the assumption that the cross-sectional shape of a blood vessel is completely circular. As the result, our noninvasive method was shown to be valid. To apply this method to human fingers, reproducibility and correlation tests were conducted on volunteers. Reproducibility (CV %) with five volunteers was less than 3.5%. Good correlation was obtained between predicted hemoglobin concentrations using this method and reference values obtained by the SLS hemoglobin method using an automated blood cell counter (r=0.86, n=54). These results on volunteers suggest that our noninvasive method can be applied to human fingers. As our method has the advantage of not requiring blood sampling, we will evaluate the usefulness of this noninvasive method for anemia screening.
赤澤 堅造 奥野 竜平 一ノ瀬 智子 竹原 直美 松本 佳久子 益子 務
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.54Annual, no.Proc, pp.3OS2-3-5-1-3OS2-3-5-2, 2016 (Released:2016-11-19)

There is an important cohort study indicating that frequent performance of music instrument has the significant effect of reducing the risk of dementia in the elderly. We have been developing a novel electronic musical instrument Cymis (Cyber Musical Instrument with Score), showing that persons with neural or motor impairments such as cerebral palsy can play the piece easily. The aim of the present study is to develop a network system enabling the ensemble of the Cymis. Firstly we found that the elderly can play the Cymis easily under support of a music therapist. Secondly, four university students including two female majoring music and two beginners of music were able to perform ensemble with the Cymis, where two beginners watched guide of performance on the monitor. By measuring time differences in performances of four people, it was indicated that beginners also could perform ensemble with slight time differences against others.
新川 拓也 河内 了輔
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.44, no.1, pp.94-100, 2006 (Released:2008-02-27)

The aim of this research is to develop a human-computer interface system for quadriplegic patients. In this study, we developed a two-channel human-computer interface system for inputting characters of the Japanese language using mandibular and tongue movement. The interface consists of a polymer mouthpiece and a slide potentiometer. Operation involves the user looking at character patterns displayed on a PC screen and selecting elements by making a 'biting' movement with the upper and lower incisors. The final selection of a character element is made by pushing a switch with the tip of the tongue. The display is a two-dimensional matrix composed of 50 syllables of the Japanese alphabet, as well some symbols used in writing. The operator first selects the line of the character element, and then the column corresponding to the element of choice. The illumination of a pilot lamp provides the user with a visual means of confirming the exact position of the character element selected. The time taken for the whole operation was recorded. Two subjects carried out the experiments over a period of three days. It was possible to input Japanese syllables in about 4 s.
武田 理宏 真鍋 史朗 松村 泰志
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.55, no.4, pp.151-158, 2017-08-10 (Released:2018-01-23)

In hospitals that introduced electronic medical records (EMRs), the data on EMR database was transferred to the analytical database and has been used for the analysis such as the clinical research. As the standardization of the medical data by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (SS-MIX:Standard Structured-Medical Information eXchange) has advanced, the clinical research using not only the data from single facility but also the data from plural facilities can be carried out. On the other hand, the structure of the EMR database is not suitable for clinical research, because the EMR database was designed only for the duties purpose. For this reason, the clinical study only with the data accumulated in the EMR database passively is limited. It is necessary to accumulate the data actively. For example, the usage of the template with required items for clinical research is helpful. The Health Insurance Claims (receipt) data and the Diagnosis Procedure Combination (DPC) data are the clinical data that standardization has been achieved. However, these data were designed for medical service fees request use and does not have the result information. For the secondary use of clinical data, it is necessary to capture the characteristic of EMR data, receipt data and DPC data, and to select which data should be used. The clinical research using EMR data is focused on observational research. The high quality findings could be achieved by handling the loss data appropriately and by adjusting the patient background factor. In this report, we discuss the outline of the current situation and issues of the secondary use of electronic medical record data.
二川 健
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.58, pp.180, 2020

<p>寝たきりや宇宙フライトなどの身体に無重力ストレスが加わる状態においては骨格筋の萎縮が進展することが知られている。当研究室はこれまでの研究で、無重力ストレスによってユビキチンリガーゼCbl-b の発現が増大し、それがIRS-1 のユビキチン化、分解を誘導しIGF-1 シグナルが阻害され筋萎縮が発生することを明らかにしてきた。しかし、細胞が無重力ストレスをどのように感知しCbl-b の発現を亢進しているかは依然として不明なままであった。そこで、我々はこの細胞による重力の感知機構を明らかにするため、国際宇宙ステーション宇宙実験、地上の模擬微小重力培養装置である3D-Clinorotationを用いた検討を行った。まず、Myolab 宇宙実験において、1 週間無重力空間で培養した宇宙サンプルのメタボローム解析を行った。その結果、細胞中の酸化ストレス蓄積量とエネルギー代謝に関連したミトコンドリアに局在するタンパク質の発現に変化が見られた。3D-Clinorotation による実験でも、宇宙サンプルと同様に細胞内の酸化ストレスの上昇が見られること、この上昇した酸化ストレスによってミトコンドリア内のエネルギー産生に重要な酵素アコニターゼの機能が低下すること、さらにミトコンドリアの形態に異常が引き起こされていることが明らかとなった。また、siRNA を用いたアコニターゼノックダウン実験では、3D-Clinorotation を行った際と同様のミトコンドリアの形態変化が引き起こされた。これらの結果は、アコニターゼをはじめとしたミトコンドリアの構成タンパク質が細胞の重力感知の初期応答に重要な働きを担っていることを示唆している。</p>
赤羽 智幸 保坂 良資 大谷 真
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.48, no.6, pp.609-615, 2010-12-10 (Released:2011-06-07)

RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) is new individual identification media which takes the place of bar-code. If RFID tag is applied to medical environment, human error in the environment are prevented, since RFID uses wireless communication in its identification. However, its communication is affected by another wireless communications as electrical noise. In this paper, effects of mis-identification by Home use PLC (Power Line Communication), electrical-lamp shaped fluorescent lamp and electrical-lamp shaped LED lamp are estimated. An effect for aging of inverter circuit in electrical-lamp shaped fluorescent lamp is also estimated. In this experiment, capacitance in the inverter circuit is changed as a virtual aging.
久保 肇 森 武俊 佐藤 知正
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.48, no.6, pp.595-603, 2010-12-10 (Released:2011-06-07)

A microwave Doppler sensor can sense wide range of human motion, from minute displacement of body surface caused by respiration to large movement like walking, without contact. To apply the sensor to monitoring human daily activity for safety and health, it is necessary to estimate the current state from the raw signal of the sensor output. In this paper, we propose a method to detect the following three state, “move”:the target is changing his/her position or pose, “resp.”:the target sits still and is breathing, and“hold”:the target sits still and holds his/her breath. The observed sensor signal is classified by three binary classifiers prepared for each state. For input of the classifiers, three kinds of features, energy, frequency-domain entropy, and histogram are extracted from the raw signal. The result of the experiment showed that the proposed detector surpassed that of previous related works especially in respiration detection. We tested three classification methods, least squares, SVM and AdaBoost. There was no significant difference between the performances of classification methods. Cross validation was done by two different ways of data division. In one way of the data division, both training and test data contain data of all the subjects who participated in the experiment. In the other way, training data do not contain the data which belong to the subject of the test data. As the result of this test, the classifiers trained by other persons'data were not inferior to those trained by data which contain the target's own data. This means that the state detection does not depend on the individual target. The parameters can be configured at the factory.
木村 裕一 杉町 勝
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.53, no.Supplement, pp.S283-S284, 2015 (Released:2016-06-18)

加藤 大樹 大兼 幹彦 藤原 耕輔 城野 純一 永沼 博 桂田 弘之 安藤 康夫
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.53, no.Supplement, pp.S187_02-S187_02, 2015 (Released:2016-07-09)

Tunnel magneto-resistance (TMR) effect can be applied to magnetic field sensors because this effect is resistance change of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) by external magnetic field. We have to develop the MTJs with a very high sensitivity (=TMR/2Hk, Hk: magnetic anisotropy field) above 100%/Oe to detect a small bio-magnetic field. In this work, MTJs using CoFeSiB electrode with a low Hk were fabricated. A very high sensitivity of 115%/Oe was achieved by optimization of the CoFeSiB thickness. This sensitivity is the highest value among single MTJ devices and the MTJs with such a high sensitivity can be applied to bio-magnetic field sensor devices.
小野 敦央 大兼 幹彦 永沼 博 安藤 康夫
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.53, no.Supplement, pp.S187_01-S187_01, 2015 (Released:2016-07-09)

Magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) have great advantages for the magnetic field sensor applications. However, a significant improvement of tunnel magneto-resistance (TMR) ratio is needed to detect a small bio-magnetic field. In this study, we fabricated MTJs with half-metallic Co2Fe0.4Mn0.6Si(CFMS) Heusler alloy which are expected to increase TMR ratio. The fabricated MTJswere annealed twice to achieve sensor-type TMR curves. Figure shows the 2nd annealing temperature dependence of TMR curves. In MTJ annealed at 200℃, TMR curve showed a linear resistance response, which is required for sensor applications. This work was supported by the S-Innovation program, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).