山崎 信寿 高橋 直己
no.17, pp.235-244, 2004-08-25

Body care motions apply a large amount of stress on caregivers' muscles and spines, so most of them suffer from low back pain. One of the major factors of low back pain is the low back muscular load to keep the deep flexion posture. This study concerned development of a suit-type back muscle supporter named "the care suit," which reduces low back load. Elastic fiber belts (support lines) are arranged on the back and leg parts of the suit. The support lines are relaxed so as not to interfere with daily trunk motion, arm motion, walking, and sitting motion, but to exert tensile force and extension moment in the deep flexion posture. The care suit is a two-piece design to improve comfort and convenience. To optimize the layout of the support lines we developed a small reel-type device to measure body surface deformation. As the result of measurement by this device and a system for posture measurement during several motions, the back support lines are arranged in an x-shape from the side neck point to the point internally dividing the Jacoby-line at a ratio of 1 to 2. The leg support lines branch at the rear face of the thigh and are attached to the apex of the patella. The maximum tension of support lines is limited by the user's shoulder pain to 140 N for males and 85 N for females. The effect of the care suit was evaluated by electromyograms of back muscles. The action potential in the deep flexion posture was 25% decreased. In comparison with the conventional corset, the effect of the care suit for back muscle was equal, but the care suit is superior in that it does not interfere with flexion motion. The lumbar joint muscular moment during a diaper change operation was calculated from body posture through a rigid body link model. The results of this calculation showed that the stored load during the operation was decreased by 30% by the care suit. Furthermore the summation of intervertebral disk compressive force was reduced by 15% during the operation. Therefore the care suit is effective for reduction of not only continuous muscular load but also spinal load. Practical use by caregivers also resulted in good evaluations as it reduced continuous muscle load for a diaper change operation, bed making operation, etc. Conclusively, the low back load during body care motions can be reduced by the care suit developed in this research. This care suit is under patent application.
久野 譜也
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.24, no.3, pp.148-152, 2000-08-01 (Released:2016-11-01)
2 2

高西 淳夫 谷 知之 田名瀬 崇 加藤 一郎
vol.10, pp.71-81, 1990
5 1

Numerous studies on the neurophysiology and anatomy of the control system of mastication have been done, but most of them are only qualitative, not quantitative and dynamic. The authors believe that the mechanism of mastication can be analyzed quantitatively using a mathematical model and that an artificial mastication system can be developed on the basis of the results. The purpose of this study was to develop a 3 DOF (degrees of freedom) artificial mandible model WJ (Waseda Jaw)-2 and to simulate mandible motion in mastication. We hypothesized that a mandible modeled as a rigid body has 4DOF because the left and right condylar paths are constrained by the kinematic axis. The WJ-2 has 3DOF since the thrust movement along the kinematic axis is so small that it can be negligible. Artificial muscle actuators (AMAs) using DC servo motors drive the WJ-2. The WJ-2 has four kinds of AMAs: the m-colliant. (to open), the m-masseter (to close), the m-pterygoideus lateralis (to move forward), and the m-temporalis post. (to move backward). They are assigned around the jaw with reference to the anatomic data and the authors' computer simulation. We decided that the incisal point tracing shown by Gysi is the target motion of the WJ-2. It consists of 4-phases. Phase 1 is the opening phase, 2 is the turning phase (opening to closing), 3 is the closing phase, and 4 is the occlusal phase. The authors considered that the incisal point tracing can be drawn by fixing the working side condyle, moving the balancing side condyle, and rotating the jaw around the kinematic axis. The authors have determined that there are 2 levels of control systems in mastication. One is the muscle control system of each masseter muscle, which is the lower-level system. The other is the mastication control system, the upper-level system, which supervises and controls the muscle control systems. The muscle control system controls the muscle by position and velocity feedback of the muscle spindle. Feedback gain is variable. The mastication control system creates movement patterns of the mandible, sends it to the muscle control system, and supervises jaw reflexes. The control sequence of the WJ-2 is also divided into 4 phases according to Gysi's theory. The change from the occlusal to the opening is under the control of a normal position pattern. The jaw opening reflex and unloading reflex are used when accidents occur in mastication. And the WJ-2 has the function that the maximum mandible opening position changes adaptively as food is deformed. The authors conducted a mastication experiment with food. As a result, the WJ-2 realized mandible movement that suits Gysi's 4-phase theory and realized mastication movement that matches deformation of food.
藤本 浩志 滝田 久芳 有田 道生 小金沢 鋼一 加藤 一郎
vol.9, pp.241-251, 1988
4 3

Conventional A/K prostheses have been designed only for level walking, so A/K amputees have been compelled to walk on stairs with unnatural posture. To expand A/K amputees' daily mobility, the goal of this study is to develop an A/K prosthesis which allows amputees to ascend/descend stairs as well as to walk on a flat surface. The WLP-8 R developed in our study featured a mechanism that can generate a powerful moment at the joints large enough to ascend the stairs. First, this paper presents the Hydraulic/Electric Hybrid Actuator composed of a hydraulic power assembly and an electric power assembly to realize level and stairs walking. In level and downstairs walking, the amputee can walk only with the hydraulic power assembly that generates the extension moment of knee joint during a swing phase using the hydraulic power which has been previously accumulated by the passive rotation of the two joints (knee and ankle) during the last stance phase. So no additional power system is necessary as to realize level and downstairs walking. In upstairs walking, the amputee can walk using the Hydraulic/Electric Hybrid Actuator. The electric power is transmitted through the ball-screw driven by the DC motor to the piston-rod of the knee joint, which has also been pushed up by the hydraulic power as well as level walking so that the knee joint is extended by the combined powerful force of hydraulic and electric power. Second, the Automatic Dorsal-Flexion Mechanism that improves the posture during level walking is described. Third, the construction of the WLP-8 R system is described. Performance of amputees wearing the WLP-8 R and walking is described and discussed. Two A/K amputees could walk on a flat surface and stairs like normal subjects. These walking experiments confirmed the applicability of this system.
関 喜一
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.25, no.2, pp.71-74, 2001
1 2

阿江 通良 宮下 憲 飯干 明
vol.9, pp.105-113, 1988
3 2

The purposes of this study were to analyze energy flows between lower limb segments during a cycle of sprinting and to clarify the characteristics of two different running motions, starting dash and sprinting at a constant speed, by comparing their energy flows. Three male sprinters dashed 20m and ran 100m giving their full effort. They were filmed at the 1-step and 5-step points after the start and at the 80m mark of the 100m sprint with a motion-picture camera. Ground reaction force data were simultaneously sampled at 500Hz. Digitized x and y coordinates of the body marks were smoothed by a digital filter cutting off at 8Hz for the start dash and 10Hz for sprinting. A 14-segment link modelling was used to compute linear and angular kinematics, joint forces, and net muscle moments. Joint force and muscle moment powers (abbreviated JP and MP) were computed as defined by Robertson and Winter (1980). Analysis and comparison of energy flow in a starting dash and sprinting at a constant speed revealed that: 1) Magnitude of energy flow by JP was much greater than that of MP in sprinting, while the difference in power level of JP and MP was less 1 step after the start. 2) In the early recovery period of sprinting, energy in the lower limb flowed from the trunk toward the foot, and it flowed in the reverse direction in the late recovery period. In the support period, the muscles at the ankle and knee joints absorbed most of the energy. Energy flowed from the trunk and thigh to the shank in the first half of the support period, and from the foot to the shank and from the trunk to the shank through the thigh in the second half. 3) In the recovery period of the starting dash energy flowed in the same manner as in sprinting. However, in the support period, the energy flowed from the foot to the thigh and the trunk. Notable was energy flow from the opposite thigh (i.e., the recovery thigh) to the trunk. From the viewpoint of energy flow patterns in the lower limb, a starting dash may be characterized as the running motion that accumulates as much mechanical energy in the trunk as possible through the generation of energy by the knee joint muscles and the transfer of energy to the trunk from the leg, especially the opposite leg at the support stage. Sprinting at constant speed may be characterized as the running motion to redistribute the energy between the body segments and the trunk with the minimum loss of energy.
明和 政子
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.29, no.1, pp.9-13, 2005-02-01

木塚 朝博
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.23, no.3, pp.166-171, 1999
1 7

前田 太郎 安藤 英由樹 渡邊 淳司 杉本 麻樹
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.31, no.2, pp.82-89, 2007
2 5

両耳後に装着された電極を介する前庭器官への電気刺激 (Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation,以下 GVS)は装着者にバーチャルな加速度感を生じさせることが出来る.この刺激は従来メニエル氏病などのめまい疾患の原因部位特定に際して前庭機能の異常を検出する方法としての caloric testに代わる手法として用いられてきた.本解説ではこの刺激を感覚インタフェースとして能動的に利用する工学的手法について論じる.
木村 忠直
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.24, no.3, pp.141-147, 2000

荻原 直道 工内 毅郎 中務 真人
no.18, pp.35-44, 2006-09-15

広川 俊二 松村 公志
vol.11, pp.153-165, 1992

The anterior-posterior displacement of the tibia elicited by the loading of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles was determined as a function of joint angle and muscle load using the data collected from five fresh cadaver knees with a highly accurate computerized radio-graphic technique. A two-dimensional mathematical model, taking into account movements and forces of the patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joints in the sagittal plane, was described and a computer simulation was performed to verify the experimental results. The simulated and experimental results closely coincided. Both the results demonstrated that quadriceps contraction can result in an anterior displacement of the tibia in the range of 0°to 40°of flexion, and in a posterior displacement in the range of 80°to 120°of flexion. However, hamstrings contraction always causes a posterior displacement of the tibia, irrespective of knee flexion angle. Thus it was concluded that quadriceps contraction has a direct impact on ACL stress, as hamstring contraction does on PCL stress. It was further concluded, however, that the absolute magnitudes of both the cruciate ligaments were not so much influenced by the thigh muscles' contraction as they were influenced by knee flexion angle, a conclusion that throws into question the assessment of cruciate ligament stresses by anterior-posterior displacement of the tibia. Some useful parameters that serve as a function of knee flexion angle were also introduced through the simulation: contact force and slipping ratio of the patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joints, variation of the patellar ligament force, and thigh muscle length. There is a linear relationship between quadriceps muscle force and patellofemoral contact force, whereas there is little relationship between quadriceps muscle force and tibiofemoral contact force. A semilinear relationship is observed between knee flexion angle and patello-femoral contact force. The tibiofemoral contact force shows a bell-shaped pattern against knee flexion angle. Variation of the patellofemoral slipping ratio shows a complex form in which the glide and roll of the patella on the femur take place in the opposite direction for 0°to 95°of knee flexion while glide and roll take place in the same direction for more than 95°of flexion. Variation of tibiofemoral slipping ratio shows that the femur mainly glides on the same position of the tibia between 30°and 90°of knee flexion. Linear relationships do exist between knee flexion angle and, respectively, quadriceps length and hamstrings length. Patellar ligament force varies from a similar value to about 60% of the quadriceps force as the knee flexes.
浅見 高明 石島 繁 種谷 明美
vol.7, no.2, pp.35-46, 1983

西井 淳
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.28, no.1, pp.8-12, 2004 (Released:2004-08-13)
1 2

大内 誠 岩谷 幸雄 鈴木 陽一
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.31, no.2, pp.95-100, 2007 (Released:2008-07-04)

著者らは, 3次元音響バーチャルリアリティを実現するための聴覚ディスプレイ装置を開発した.この装置は,ヘッドフォンを用いて音場を精密に再現するものであり,そこに音源が存在しないにもかかわらず,聴取者は音源の位置を知覚することが可能である.したがって,視覚から情報を得ることの困難な盲人や強度の弱視者にとって,本装置は今までにない情報提示装置になりえることが期待される.著者らはこの装置を応用して,身辺空間認知や認知地図形成のためのコンテンツソフトウェアを開発し,実際に訓練を行った.その結果,いずれも訓練効果が認められ,本装置が視覚障害者にとっての新しい情報提示装置として有効であることが立証された.
長谷 和徳 西口 純也 山崎 信寿
vol.15, pp.187-198, 2000
20 6

Many computer simulation studies of human bipedal walking have been conducted in the field of biomechanics. The musculo-skeletal systems in previous models, however, have been simplified two-dimensionally, and theoretical methods in robotics have been applied for the motor control mechanisms. The purpose of this study was to develop a more precise simulation model of human walking in order to improve the practicability of the simulation method. As a result, a model was created in which the musculo-skeletal system of the entire body is modeled three-dimensionally, and a mechanism for motor control was constructed by a neuronal system model having a hierarchical structure. The inertial properties of the entire human body were represented by a three-dimensional , 14-rigid-link system. These links include the feet, calves, thighs, pelvis, lower lumbar region, upper lumbar region, thorax, upper arms, and forearms. The body's dynamic model is driven by 42 muscles for the entire body. The arrangement of each muscle was represented as a series of line segments, the direction of which changes according to joint angle. Energy consumption, including heat production, in the muscle was calculated from the generating tension. The hierarchical neuronal system includes three levels. First, at the highest level, there is a neuronal system corresponding to the higher center level. The function of adjusting changes in walking pattern is assumed to exist at this system level. The model was expressed by a computational multi-layered neural network. Second, at the middle level , there is a neuronal system corresponding to the spinal cord level. This neuronal system, representing a rhythm-generation mechanism, was modeled as a network system consisting of neural oscillators. They generate the neuronal stimulus combined for each degree of freedom by receiving nonspecific stimulus from the higher center and feedback signals from the somatic senses. Each neural oscillator is mathematically expressed by two differential equations. Third, at the lowest level, there is a neuronal system corresponding to the peripheral level. The neuronal system divides the combined neuronal stimulus from the neural oscillator into the neuronal stimulus to each muscle. The model is mathematically represented as an optimization problem. The simulated walking pattern was continuous and stable. The walking pattern closely agrees with actual human walking in terms not only of joint movement but also of muscle activities and energy consumption. In order to investigate the effects of higher center system functioning in adjusting walking patterns, we compared a walking pattern generated by a model incorporating a higher center system with the patterns obtained from a model without the higher center system, in terms of robustness of mechanical perturbation. Although the model without the higher center system could not stabilize its walking pattern and finally fell down, the model with the higher center system could perform continuous walking without falling down.
齋藤 佐智子
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.30, no.2, pp.55-58, 2006-05-01
