原田 亜紀子 川久保 清 李 廷秀 岩垂 信 池田 千恵子 茂住 和代 南 伸子
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.50, no.2, pp.229-236, 2001-04-01
9 1

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of two different measures of physical activity under normal living conditions. The 24-hour physical activity diary method (24 HD) and accelerometer (Lifecorder) were analyzed. Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and daily variation of energy expenditure (EE) were compared employing the two measures in conjunction with the minute-by-minute heart rate method (Flex HR) in middle-aged people with a mean age of 57.9 yr (N=17), and in young people (college students) with a mean age of 23.5 yr (N=11). The TDEE as measured by the 24 HD and Lifecorder was 2576.4±514.7 kcal・d^<-1> and 1973.1±290.2 kcal・d^<-1> respectively. The TDEE as measured by the Flex HR method was 2718.3±625.5 kcal・d^<-1>. The TDEE as measured by the Lifecorder method was significantly lower than that of the Flex HR method (p<0.01). The correlation coefficient (r) for the 24 HD and Flex HR measured values for TDEE (kcal/day) was 0.64 (p<0.01), and that for Lifecorder and Flex HR was 0.38. The daily variation of energy expenditure pattern measured by Lifecorder was similar to that of the Flex HR 24 HD measurements, on the other hand, were slightly lower than Flex HR measurements during the afternoon period. The 24 HD method was reasonably accurate in the testing. The daily variation of energy expenditure measured pattern by Lifecorder was similar to that of the Flex HR method l but the fact that the TDEE results were underestimated suggests that the Lifecorder method has merit in the measurement of daily activity patterns. It follows from this that to improve measurement of the TDEE, it is necessary to modify the Lifecorder method of calculating the algorithm.
宮崎 俊彦
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.48, no.6, 1999-12-01
武田 秀和 中原 凱文
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.51, no.1, pp.101-107, 2002-02-01

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a continual cycling exercise program on endurance and body mass index (BMI) in persons with residual type schizophrenia. Twenty-one inpatients (14 males and 7 females, 50.0±7.2 years of age, height of 161.4±9.4 cm, weight of 67.0 ±9.5kg, duration of illness : 23.8±8.6 years) participated in this study. The subjects were prescribed a cycling exercise program, and endurance and weight were assessed at the beginning, as well as at six months, twelve months, and twenty-four months after starting the program. Endurance was measured by the sub-maximal bicycle exercise test, and body mass index (BMI) was calculated as body weight in kilograms/(height in meters)^2. The exercise program consisted of 30 to 45 minutes of cycling once or twice per week. As a result, eleven subjects (7 males and 4 females, 51.5±8.5 years of age : exercise group) underwent cycling exercise regularly for twenty-four months ; seven subjects (4 males and 3 females, 49.7±5.7 years of age : control group) dropped out within six months ; three subjects were discharged from the hospital and discontinued participation in the study. The exercise group showed an increase in endurance after six months and a significant increase after twenty-four months (p<0.05), Concerning BMI, the exercise group showed a tendency to decrease ; however the control group showed an increase in BMI after twenty-four months. These results suggest that long-term and continual regul ar exercise is important for inpatients with residual type schizophrenia to increase their endurance. This study's findings indicate that a cycling exercise program is effective for such patients.