長谷川 清三郎 伊藤 敬一
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.24, no.4, pp.315-316, 1956-07-01

Experimental researches were performed on the growth and yields of kidney bean plants as affected by the treatment of pinching-off one or two of the three leaflets of every leaf at its very young stage. 1) The growth in the stem length was retarded, while the numbers of leaves and flowers were increased by the treatment. 2) The leaflets left on the treated leaves developed generally larger than those of the corresponding positions on the untouched control plants. While the areal ratio among the three leaflets on every normal leaf was nearly 1 : 1:, the ratio between the two leaflets left on every treated leaf was still found to be 1 : 1, not disturbed by the treatment, though they developed respectively larger in their absolute areas. The central leaflet however proved itself somewhat peculiar in areal growth, differing from the side leaflets. 3) There were obseved a tendency that pinching one of the leaflets of every leaf favoured the yield, while to pinch two of them reduced the yield.
長戸 一雄 河野 恭広
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.32, no.2, pp.181-189, 1963

The studies reported here were undertaken to explore the relations among hardness distribution, the three dimensions of kernel and structure of endosperm tissue with reference to varietal differences of grain texture. 1. Hardness ratio. Hardness distribution of rice kernel is represented by hardness distribution along the dorsiventral line and the lateral line crossing at the central point on the cross section of kernel as reported previously. However, it is more concise and convenient to be indicated by the ratio of hardness of the middle point to that of the central point (Hardness ratio). On the cross section of the kernel of which hardness ratio is less than 1.0, the central core is hardest and hardness becomes smaller toward the peripheral region, and distinct difference can not be found between the hardness of dorsiventral line and that of lateral line. (fig. 1 Century Patna and Zenith) On the section of which hardness ratio is more 1.0, hardness is largest on the middle region and becomes smaller toward the central core and the peripheral region, moreover the dorsiventral region is softer than other region (fig. 1 Asahi, Cody and Yamadanishiki). It is assumed that the former is the characteristic of Indica and the latter characterizes Japonica. 2. Relation between hardness ratio and length-breadth ratio of rice variety. Negative correlation is found between hardness ratio and length-breadth ratio. Regression lines are Y=-0.036X+1.042 and Y=-0.303X+1.603, in Indica and Japonica varieties respectively, neverthless, some Japonica varieties of which hardness ratios are more than 1.18 distribute fairly apart from Japonica line and their length-breadth ratios are 1.7 or thereabout (fig. 2). 3. Relation between length-breadth ratio and thickness-breadth ratio. Generally speaking, positive correlation is recognized between length-breadth ratio and thickness-breadth ratio, but this correlation is scarcely applicable to Japonica varieties (Fig. 3). 4. Relation between hardness ratio and thickness-breadth ratio. There is negative correlation between hardness ratio and thickness-breadth ratio in Indica varieties, yet this correlation is ambiguous in Japonica varieties as well as the relation between length-breadth ratio and thickness-breadth ratio (fig. 4). 5. Structure of endosperm tissue on the cross section. Shapes of the cross sections of kernels vary from round to spindle-shaped according to the thickness-breadth ratios and correspond roughly to hardness ratios as above mentioned (Fig. 5). (1) Cells of the central core. Cells of the central core of A-group (hardness ratio approximately 0.93) are somewhat isodiametric and arranged radially, while those of E-group (hardness ratio approximately 1.20) are uneven and markedly flattened and arrangement of them is disordered. Shapes and arrangement of cells of other groups show intermediate figures between A-and B-groups according to the hardness of central core of each variety. Shapes and arrangement of cells of central core may be affected by the density of strarch in cells, therefore they are correlated with the hardness of central core (fig. 1). (2) Cells along the dorsiventral line. Cells along dorsiventral line are not much different from thme of other region in A-group, but those of E-group are extremely flattened along the dorsiventral direction and arrangement of them is disordered, and those of C-and D-groups are flattened to the extent according to the hardness of dorsiventral line. In Japonica varieties (C, D-and E-groups) starch accumulation in cells of several layers along the dorsiventral line is slightly or markedly insufficient, for this reason, these cells are nattened and arrangement of them is disordered by the oppression of surrounding cells. This characterisic of endosperm structure may be the making of the facts that the kernels of E-group become often white-cored during development and dry kernels of Japonica especially of E-group make frequently dorsiventral
西村 美香 小西 あや子 南 峰夫 根本 和洋
北陸作物学会報 (ISSN:03888061)
no.35, pp.70-72, 2000

普通ソバは異型花型自家不和合性を持ち, 主に虫媒による他家受粉が必要なため, 収量は開花期の天候に左右され, 低収かつ不安定である.そこで自家和合性を導入して収量の安定多収を図る目的で, 自家和合性の近縁野生種Fagopyrum homotropicumと種間交雑を行い, 自家和合性の種間雑種F_1を得た.その後代F_3およびF. esculentumとの戻し交雑後代における花型, 自家和合性, 種子脱落性の分離ならびに自殖弱勢の発現を調査した.その結果, 生育旺盛で非脱落性の自家和合性系統の選抜が可能であり, 安定多収な普通ソバ自殖系統を育成できると考えられた.
持田 秀之 小林 透 立石 靖 生駒 泰基
日本作物学会九州支部会報 (ISSN:02853507)
no.62, pp.71-75, 1996-05-15

石川 哲也 横田 修一 平田 雅敏 小川 春樹 小笠原 慎一 中村 隆三 吉永 悟志
日本作物学会紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.90, no.2, pp.222-229, 2021

渡邉 健太 寳川 拓生 福澤 康典 上野 正実 川満 芳信
日本作物学会紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.90, no.3, pp.324-333, 2021

<p>南大東島では大規模かつ効率的なサトウキビ生産が行われている一方で,サトウキビの単収は低く,年次変動が大きい.この理由として,夏場の降水量が少なくしばしば干ばつに見舞われることが挙げられる.島では積極的に灌漑設備の導入に取り組んでいるが,依然としてサトウキビ生産は降雨に大きく左右されている.その影響を解明し合理的な灌漑方法を提案するため,本研究では南大東島の過去の気象データに基づき株出しサトウキビ畑における水収支を算出し,特に夏季の水収支とサトウキビの生育および収量との関係について明らかにした.梅雨明け後の降水量は少なくサトウキビの消費水量が有効雨量を大きく上回ったため,7~9月における不足水量は多く,この3か月間の不足水量は年全体の46%にも相当した.そこで,7~9月に着目し解析を行ったところ,各月の不足水量と茎伸長量および単収との間には負の相関関係が確認され,特にこの時期の不足水量が増加するとサトウキビの成長が著しく制限され,収量を低下させると考えられた.また,この傾向は最大風速が25 m s<sup>–1</sup>以上となる台風年度を除くとより顕著であった.非台風年度において7~9月の合計不足水量から合計伸長量および単収を推定する回帰式を用いると,この時期の不足水量が100 mm増加するごとに伸長量が25.1 cm,単収が14.1 t ha<sup>–1</sup>低下することが明らかになった.以上より,7~9月の水収支がサトウキビの生育および収量に強く影響を与え,この時期における灌漑が高単収の実現に必要不可欠であることが本研究から改めて示された.</p>
小川 義雄 佐田 利行 下山 伸幸
日本作物学会九州支部会報 (ISSN:02853507)
no.59, pp.1-5, 1992-12-21
