本吉 勇
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.3, pp.304-313, 2014-09-01 (Released:2015-05-12)

Humans easily recognize objects and perceive their attributes such as shape, color,and material. To achieve these high-level functions, it has generally been assumed that the visual system must reconstruct three dimensional surfaces from the retinal image via deep neural computations. However, recent advances in computer vision and psychophysics lead to an alternative scheme that the human visual system utilizes low-level image features and their statistics directly to recognize 3D objects, scenes,materials, and even arts. This heuristics-based vision requires shallow computation,and is indeed suitable for quick and efficient comprehension of objects and stuffs in the real world. However, such a shortcut is insufficient to explain our ability of ’looking through the truth’ via careful scrutiny. The present paper reviews recent findings and debates concerned with this paradigm shift.
小亀 淳
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.3, pp.498-503, 2008 (Released:2010-02-15)

The substance of the mirror-reversal problem can be thoroughly understood by a completely logical analysis based on the physical knowledge about mirror images without special mental⁄psychological idea, except to see the observer's own mirror image as a real object.
日髙 昇平
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.4, pp.504-508, 2019-12-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

In their paper of this issue, N. Tsuchiya and H. Saigo have proposed a new approach to understand some aspect of consciousness on the basis of category theoretic notions. In my commentary on it, I will raise a few questions on a central assumption of their arguments, which their theory implicitly requires. That is, first of all, the level and the content of consciousness would be respectively represented by a category. Taking this argument, and extending their instantiation of a category of conscious content, it leads a poorly structured category such as something equivalent to a discrete category. With this, and other critiques raised in this commentary, their category theoretic formulation of consciousness would need a major revision on their presumptions to be any useful model of consciousness.
布山 美慕
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.4, pp.478-481, 2019-12-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

Tsuchiya & Saigo (2019) proposed the way of understanding consciousness based on category theory. In this commentary, I discussed four points about their article: 1.Validity of their treatment of the definition and model of consciousness, 2. Verifiability and novelty of their proposal using Yoneda lemma, 3. Lack of extensive review of consciousness studies, and 4. Readers' images and the unity of image.
平 理一郎
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.4, pp.492-495, 2019-12-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

“Understanding consciousness through category theory” by N. Tsuchiya and H. Saigo is an ambitious attempt to build up a framework for understanding the level and content of consciousness by category theory with specific examples. I basically agree with all attempts to develop new mathematical tools and apply them to psychological phenomena. However, it seems that there are some mistakes or lack of consideration in the paper, as I point it out as follows. First, I discuss problems that arise when linking the phenomenon of consciousness to the concept of category theory. Second, I argue the significance of using category theory for structural comparison between two systems. Third, I point out a fundamental difficulty in “defining” consciousness by mathematical concepts. Overall, like integrated information theory, the application of category theory does not seem to have solved the conceptual and philosophical problems when dealing with consciousness so far.
小田 淳一
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.3, pp.253-268, 2007 (Released:2009-04-24)

Born as a technique of persuasio, rhetoric has been organized according to five canons in Latin rhetoric. These canons were subsequently reduced down to onlyelocutio, due to various factors such as the invention of typography where the written text replaced the verbal text as the object of elocutio. Elocutio itself was later gradually reduced to kinds of tropes, then to tropes pairings of metaphor and metonymy, and finally to the metaphor. In spite of its declared demise at the end of the 19th century, rhetoric was revived after the latter half of the 20th century by structural linguistics, and modern rhetoric continues to transform in close contact with poetics and semiotics. Among neo-rhetorical researches on the figures, Groupe μ's approach seems to provide one of the most elaborate models. The model regards figures as a system of metaboly, where four simple operations are executed on a text at various elemental levels. The aim of this article is to reinvestigate the whole system of rhetoric from a cognitive viewpoint by presenting not only rhetorical resources -- specifically the figure system of Latin rhetoric (Cicero and Quintilianus) and French classical rhetoric (Dumarsais and Fontanier) which is the legitimate heir to the former -- but also Groupe μ's several productions which have yet to be introduced to academic research apart from Rhétorique générale.
金山 範明 大隅 尚広 大平 英樹 飯高 哲也 開 一夫
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.50-63, 2011-03-01

Intact face perception is an important function for individual identification in highly socialized human community. Recent studies revealed that there are hereditary individual differences on the cognitive skills related to face identification, named congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia. The investigation on the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia would advance our understanding of the face identification mechanism, however, has not been conducted with Japanese samples. The development of the Japanese version of the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia screening scale is the first step of the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia study in Japan. In this study, we attempted the translation of the original screening scale into Japanese, and also investigated the relationship between the score of scale and behavioral⁄physiological responses on face stimuli. As a result, we found highly internal consistency and test-retest reliability for the Japanese version of the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia screening scale. Also we have revealed the score was related to some behavioral performances and ERP responses related to the self-face perception.
高橋 麻衣子 川口 英夫 牧 敦 嶺 竜治 平林 ルミ 中邑 賢龍
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.3, pp.296-312, 2009-09-01

This study proposes a new framework for teaching programs, introducing the practice of “Reciprocal Observation of Thought”, and subsequently examines its effect on fostering children's practice of observing others' thought reciprocally, we used the “Digital Pen” system, an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) system used to share information between all children in a classroom. Using this system, we conducted a five-day program for 35 fourth-graders. In each class, lectures about how to read and write critically were provided first; then, students worked independently on the given questions, presented their ideas to the others, and observed others' work using the Digital Pen system. After the program, it was found that the students who had evaluated others' ideas effectively during the program developed their skills to write essays with more objective and effective arguments, and also to make appropriate counterarguments against others' essay including problems of logical structure. These results were interpreted in terms of the function fo the meta-cognition framework.
村山 綾 三浦 麻子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.2, pp.213-219, 2017

 This study investigated false alarm effects against interacting with a person who had been indicted in an attempted murder case. Two hundred and forty participants were asked to read a fictional story about such a case. The degree of physical injury of the victim (i.e., minor or permanent damage) and the subsequent truth (i.e., the person was guilty or not) were manipulated. After reading the scenario, the participants were asked to rate their desire to avoid the indicted person and to estimate the risks of either gazing at him or having a conversation. Consistent with Error Management Theory (EMT), the strongest false alarm effect was obtained against having a conversation with a person who was actually guilty as well as when the physical injury of the victim was more severe. We also confirmed false alarm effects in some conditions where the indicted person was not guilty. These results indicate that the general tendency to avoid a person who possibly threatens one 's safety, as suggested by EMT, could be applicable to situations of interaction with the former accused in a criminal case.
横澤 一彦
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.4, pp.489-490, 2015-12-01 (Released:2016-06-01)
上市 秀雄 楠見 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.3, pp.326-340, 2015

This study examined the relationship between the amount of legal knowledge, knowl-<br>edge of the lay judge system, cognitive factors (i.e., perceived risk to one's life, perceived<br>cost to act as a saiban-in "lay judge," perceived benefit to act as a saiban-in), emotions<br> (anxiety, stress, and anticipated regret), and behaviors (i.e., intentions and requests to<br> act as a saiban-in) in the lay judge system. First, we surveyed a sample of 307 citizens<br>in 2007 and 700 citizens in 2012, and compared the decision-making processes in these<br>two years using structural equation modeling. The results indicated that the effect of<br>perceived benefit to act as a saiban-in on intentions was weaker in 2012 than 2007.<br>In contrast, the effect of perceived cost was stronger in 2012 than in 2007. This may<br> explain why the intention to act as a saiban-in was low in 2012, despite the greater<br> knowledge of saiban-in processes in 2012 than in 2007. Second, the groups in 2012 were<br> (1) males with a decision-making style defined by low responsibility scores, (2) males<br>with high responsibility scores, (3) females with low scores, and (4) females with high<br>scores. We examined the decision-making processes among the groups. For all groups,<br>there was a cognitive process that perceived risk to one's life affected intentions to act<br>as a saiban-in, mediated by the perceived cost to act as a saiban-in. However, emo-<br>tional process differed among groups. Therefore, in order to increase intentions to act<br> a saiban-in, it is necessary to provide information that draws on individual differences<br>(e.g., gender, decision-making style), particularly including emotional content.
川端 良子 松香 敏彦 土屋 俊
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.2, pp.153-168, 2017-06-01 (Released:2017-12-01)

The present study has investigated how mutual briefs about task executions are updated during collaborative tasks using the Japanese map task corpus. The results have shown that the current models describe only part of mutual brief updating processes, and that there exist other types of processes. According to the current models, a mutual belief is considered to be achieved when the instruction follower accepts instructions given by the instruction giver and gives some sign of actually completing the given task. However, the present study has shown that mutual beliefs could be achieved even when the follower neither follows the instruction nor gives any sign of completion. The analysis indicates that the conversations in map tasks do not necessarily require prior planning and conversations to obtain clear mutual briefs about the goals to achieve the way the current models expect. Rather, ambiguous mutual beliefs and somewhat independent actions, coupled with inference about mutual goals, are sufficient to achieve the map tasks. In order to explain these results, we have proposed more detailed mechanisms about how mutual beliefs update.
野村 亮太 丸野 俊一
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.1, pp.9-21, 2012 (Released:2013-12-27)

橋田 浩一 嶋田 総太郎 今井 むつみ
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.1, pp.65-73, 2016-03-01 (Released:2016-09-01)

Language acquisition is a process of symbol grounding, which is construction of sym-bol systems adapted to environment. Environmental adaptation defines the values which cognitive agents pursue primarily by means of hypothesis-test cycles encompass-ing both the inside and outside of their bodies. In addition to these directly grounded cycles, there are also hypothesis-test cycles within cognitive agents. Cognitive processes are combinations of these cycles, where cycles embody typical cognitive phenomena such as navigation and language use. Cycles are essentially countable, so that systems comprising cycles necessarily have discrete structures. A cognitive agent is hence formulated as a discrete system consist-ing of cycles including both directly grounded cycles and symbols (indirectly grounded cycles), where each cycle embodies some value or meaning directly or indirectly associ-ated with environmental adaptation. Computational models of cognition as combina-tion of such cycles (values = meanings) are far more efficient (simpler and less prone to overdesign) than traditional models stipulating possibly non-cyclic information flows. Environmental-adaptation cycles operate at multiple spatiotemporal scales, including real-time adaptive behavior, middle-term learning, and evolution across generations. It is vitally important to address real-time adaptation behavior in terms of cycles, which will raise the efficiency of the computational model not only at the level of real-time adaptation but also accordingly at higher levels. Cycle-based (meaning-based) com-putational models are necessary also because cycles derive meta-level constraints such as symmetry bias and naming insight, which are indispensable for abductive reasoning and language acquisition. Existing technologies including deep learning fail to reflect such a value-based (meaning-based) architecture of cognition. For the sake of thorough symbol grounding,novel approaches are necessary which should integrate environmental-adaptation cycles in the entire computational model at multiple levels of meaning and value.
斎藤 洋典
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.4, pp.499-507, 2009 (Released:2010-09-10)

Hosoma (2009) and Joh & Hosoma (2009) presented a new approach for conversation analysis over the speaker-hearer framework in order to expand the previous framework of gesture studies in which generation of speech and gesture in a speaker was mainly discussed (McNeill, 1992; Saito & Kita, 2002). We suggest a guideline for the new conversation analysis to serve as a promising research field that bridges the speech and gesture studies between speaker and hearer. The guideline consisted of two main suggestions in order to reconsider the speaker-hearer framework from a viewpoint of the bilateral character of human nature. The fist is to construct a theory in the new conversation analysis. The recommended task is to examine critical words such as “synchronization”of speech and gesture, and “spontaneous” gesture used in the speaker oriented gesture studies. The second is to consult related research areas such as brain science and sports science in order to share the benefits of using of measurement hardware such as brain imaging. Taken together, conversation and gesture studies will lead to interesting new findings coming from the cooperation among various studies.