南部 美砂子 原田 悦子 須藤 智 重森 雅嘉 内田 香織
vol.13, no.1, pp.62-79, 2006

This study reports the characteristics of communication between a nurse and surrounding persons, especially patients and other nurses, in medical wards. The 21 nurses were equipped with IC recorders during time studies of nursing workloads, and all of their conversations were recorded and transcribed. Discourse analyses focused on dialogue for sharing risk information in medical treatments. Several cases showed that ambiguous or inadequate utterances frequently emerged in dialogue among nurses, which showed some potentiality of serious errors in medical care or communication. In other hands, some cases showed effective risk sharing, with open questions which facilitated mutual risk cognition and constructed a new context of dialogue for risk management. These results suggests that risk sharing communication, as problem solving based on collaborative cognition, could be one key concept for medical safety.
坂本 勉
vol.2, no.2, pp.2_77-2_90, 1995

This paper is concerned with the question of how &ldquo;transparent&rdquo; the relation is between the parser and the grammar with respect to filler-gap associations. Some previous research has argued for non-transparency; this would invalidate a whole line of psycholinguistic research in which the representations assigned to sentences by the parser are taken as revealing the representations assigned to sentences by the mental grammar.<br>The experimental results on Japanese sentence processing reported here show a constant preference for the object filler as a filler in both Subject-Object word order and Object-Subject word order. On the standard assumption that scrambling of word order leaves a trace, this consistency of object filler preference suggests that the trace is recognized by the processor as a legitimate filler. Thus, the findings here do not support the non-transparency hypothesis, which is based on the following two claims: (i) the parser uses a strategy that depends on recency (the &ldquo;Most Recent Filler, MRF&rdquo; strategy) and (ii) the parser does not accept an empty category as the filler for another empty category (the &ldquo;Lexical Filler Only, LFO&rdquo; hypothesis). Rather, the findings are compatible with the transparency hypothesis, which assumes that the parser can make use of all the information available from the grammar. Furthermore, the results presented here support the hypothesis that the language module is independent of general inference mechanisms.
横山 慶子 山本 裕二
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.2, pp.284-298, 2011 (Released:2011-12-16)

This study was designed to elucidate collective dynamics in ball sports by developing an index to quantify team cooperation; it also aimed to confirm the validity of that index by applying it to actual game data. Cooperation within a team was quantified in terms of the team divergence coefficient (TD), which was expressed as team convergence-divergence during play. To evaluate use of space on the court or field, a team pressure-field (TP) was calculated as the sum of individual pressure-fields (IPs), based on the pressure-field model developed by Kijima (2008). The TD was then calculated from the TP using Shannon's entropy. We analyzed the relationship between the TD and team distance which was confirmed as a control parameter for pattern of game, by analyzing data from two actual field hockey games played by six-player adult and youth teams. The adult game has shown that it switched the cooperation patterns between divergence and convergence according to the team distance, however, the youth game has not shown. Our results suggest that the team distance would be considered as a control paramter for a team cooperation. We discussed a collective dynamics of team cooperation from a dynamical systems perspective.
渡辺 美紀 小川 浩平 吉川 雄一郎 石黒 浩
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.4, pp.411-419, 2016-12-01 (Released:2017-05-31)

Human judgment and decision making is influenced by artifacts as well as other people. Human-robot communication in real life has been attracting attention and robots have begun to be utilized as a human interlocutor in recent years. For instance,Watanabe et al. (2015) reported that an android as a salesperson could influence human preferences through a touch display conversation. In order to apply robots as inter-locutors for human decision making, we need to understand how people are influenced during interactions with robots. Thus, we investigated how semi-forced choices through a touch display conversation with an android and human interlocutor influenced human preferences based on cognitive dissonance theory. The results indicated that people are more willing to accept a semi-forced choice with an android as an interlocutor rather than with a human interlocutor.
福井 直樹
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.3, no.1, pp.1_51-1_71, 1996 (Released:2008-10-03)

This paper argues that there are rather unexpected fundamental connections to be made between the principles of language and the laws governing the inorganic world. After summarizing the major development of economy principles in physics and the basic results of discrete optimization problems in combinatorial mathematics, I will argue that the economy principles which theoretical linguists are currently trying to discover in the theory of language are something comparable to the Principle of Least Action in physics. This provides us with a concrete interpretation of the point Chomsky has repeatedly made (Chomsky, 1991a,b, passim), i.e., language, despite its biological nature, shares the fundamental property of the inorganic world; it is designed for “elegance,” not for efficient use. I will then discuss the nature of two types of economy principles of language proposed in the literature, “economy of derivation” and “economy of representation,” from the point of view of the theory of computational complexity, and claim that the two economy principles exhibit quite different properties with respect to their computational complexities: economy of representation is efficiently solvable and therefore seems to be in the complexity class P in the sense of the theory of computational complexity, whereas economy of derivation is fundamentally computationally intractable and appears to belong to the class NP-P. How, then, can language be ever used, if its fundamental property (economy of derivation) poses an intractable optimization problem? I will suggest that language is equipped with certain mechanisms, the real-world counterparts of the “heuristic algorithms” studied in the theory of optimization, that facilitate its efficient use. Thus, to the extent that these mechanisms are available, language becomes usable, despite its fundamental computational intractability.
杉森 絵里子 楠見 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.13, no.4, pp.512-522, 2006 (Released:2008-11-13)

We investigated how automatic⁄controlled process affect output monitoring under the condition where action phrases are well learned previously and dual task is performed. In fixed sequence condition, the order of action phrases was same during input session, while in random sequence condition, the order of action phrases was different. It was revealed that the fixed sequence condition enables participants to remember action phrases more easily and faster than the random condition. However, the fixed sequence condition makes the response to &ldqup;I'm not sure” more than random sequence condition in output monitoring session. We concluded that action phrases were remembered automatically as a series of actions in the fixed sequence condition and load of cognition decreased. However decreasing load of cognition made output monitoring difficult. We further discussed the output monitoring error in the relation to human error in everyday life.
小方 孝 堀 浩一 大須賀 節雄
vol.3, no.1, pp.1_72-1_109, 1996

Currently, we have developed a basic framework of general narrative generation system for the purpose of supporting human creative tasks. In this paper, we examine the narrative conceptual generation process by computer through analysing a short detective story. As a result of the analysis, we could devide narrative structure into three aspects; story, plot and construction. While the story is an events sequence that was arranged according to a temporal order in a narrative world, the plot is an events sequence that was reorganized by an order which each event is introduced into a narrative. The construction is the most detailed conceptual representation. A narrative generation process is performed by expanding or transforming a tree structure through these levels. In this paper, we introduce some kinds of relational knowledge that operates the narrative tree based on the analysis.
Alonso H. Vera Herbert A. Simon
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.2, no.1, pp.1_5-1_15, 1995-02-28 (Released:2008-10-03)

本論文では, 状況的行為 (Situated Action: 以下SA) アプローチと記号処理アプローチとの違いについて, 記号の概念, 表象, プラン, インタラクションの4点で検討する.第一に, SA派は物理記号系仮説が人間の日常の認知には不適切だと主張しているが, 彼らは記号概念を誤解している. 物理記号系においては, 記号とは「何かを指示するパターン」である. それは感覚刺激から形成され, 記憶に貯えられ, 処理され, 運動を生じるものである. ところがSA派は, 物理記号系の「記号」は言語のような明示的な意味解釈を受けるものに限られており, 道の曲がり具合や温度計の水銀柱の高さといった日常生活で扱われている非言語的な「信号」を扱うことができないと誤解している.第二に, SA派は表象が不要であると主張する. 確かにある種の状況においては行為者の持つ表象は単純なもので間に合うが, 表象を持たずに知的な行為をするシステムは未だかつて記述されたことがない. 少なくとも行為が合目的的である限り, 目標や目標と状況や行為との関係については表象されていなければならない. さもなければ, 行動主義心理学に戻ってしまう. また, 生態学的アプローチでは, 行為者と環境との関係である「アフォーダンス」は直接に知覚され, 何のプロセスも必要としないという. しかし, メンタル・プロセスが無意識あるいは意識下で生じるということは, それらが記号処理プロセスでないという証拠にはならない. また, 行為が柔軟であるということは, すべてが新しく生成されていることを意味しない.第三に, SA派の言うように行為はしばしばプランなしに行われる. しかし, それは人間がプランを全く用いていないことを意味しない. プランは常に抽象的であり, 実行時に下位レベルの実装を必要とする. また, プラン通りに遂行されるかどうかは, その遂行途中で生じる出来事に依存している. プランの重要な特徴は, 状況的な行為を必要とするような機会を最小化することにある. ゆえに, 人間がプランを形成し, 行動がそれに影響されることと, 多くの行為が状況的であることとの間には, 何の矛盾もない.第四に, SA派はインタラクションを重視し, アフォーダンスを引き出して適切に反応することによって, 環境に適応できるのだと主張する. しかし, それは環境が比較的独立な構成要素に分割でき, システムが備える方略で間に合うほど環境が単純である場合に限られる. 方略が用意されていない状況は無視されてしまうため, システムは不適応な行動をとることになる.結局, SA派のように, もし研究の目的がSuchmanらが研究したようなコピーをとるというような課題を活動として理解することならば, 活動に注目するのは適切であり, 人間は活動の中の相互作用的構成要素として研究されれば十分である. しかし, その状況の中で人間は思考している. われわれの目的が, 人間が外界とどのように相互作用するかを理解することであるなら, 思考のプロセスに注目することが重要である. 記号派とSA派を分けているのは異なる課題と行動への注目である. 問題は両者の知見をどう統合するかであり, 両者を共約不可能なパラダイムと考えていては認知の理解は進まない.
広田 すみれ
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.3, pp.409-425, 2015-09-01 (Released:2016-03-01)

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the numeracy and educationallevels on biases in five decision tasks: denominator neglect, risk-format effect in breastcancer screening risk communication, misunderstanding of correlation, framing effect,and conjunction fallacy. An internet survey was conducted with Japanese citizens inmetropolitan areas (n = 960) whose numeracy scores were previously measured by theJapanese version of Lipkus et al.’s (2001) numeracy scale, aged from their 20s to their60s with high and low educational levels. Data were analyzed based on 3 criteria ofnumeracy levels: median split (10), split according to the previous study’s criterion(9), and top-quartile (11) vs. bottom-quartile (7 and under). In the results of analysisby median split, there were no significant differences except the denominator neglect.There existed significant differences in educational levels across the three tasks. In theresults by the other criteria, there were significant differences in the tasks of conjunctionfallacy and framing effect, but those biases were rather stronger in the high-numeracygroup. The influence of the ceiling effect measuring numeracy in Japanese citizenscompared to the previous studies’ participants was discussed, as were the kinds of tasksand the difference of response by numeracy.
遠山 紗矢香
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.2, pp.177-203, 2013-06-01 (Released:2014-11-28)

In order for students to constructively interact for rebuilding their own thoughts with peers, they should hold initial understanding of a topic before starting a discussion. The initial understanding should consist of both concrete evidence and abstract summaries that can be re-related to each other in discussion. This paper analyzed the effect of scaffolding for constructing initial understandings in university. “Question-Answer Tool” (Q-A tool) was provided to help students to extract structural elements such as theme, experiment procedure, results, implications, and assertions from research findings about cognitive science for a collaborative learning called“Dynamic Jigsaw. ”Students explain research findings to each other and summarize multiple research find-ings with their colleagues in the Dynamic Jigsaw. “ReCoNote” was also provided for students. It imports the extracted elements into each student’s concept map to support making relations among the elements. We compared 19 students who were supported by the Q-A tool and ReCoNote in 2004 and 17 students who were only supported by ReCoNote in 2003 using design experiment paradigms to measure the effect of the Q-A tool. All the concept maps and three explanations about research findings per group were analyzed. The Q-A tool-supported students could describe implications and asser-tions with appropriate evidence in their concept maps. In contrast, the non-supported students could refer to evidence but not implications or assertions. Furthermore, the Q-A tool-supported students described their original advanced implications drawn from the research findings through making relations between the structural elements and their original thoughts, and prepared summaries using two of the research findings by comparing and relating the two research findings’ structural elements in constructiveinteraction with peers.
白水 始 三宅 なほみ
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.3, pp.348-376, 2009-09-01

When one starts to learn a new discipline, it is essential to understand the terminology, to the point where one can use it comfortably across many situations. This study shows some effects of collaborative reflection on such learning, or transfer. We devised a two-year curriculum of teaching cognitive science to lower-division undergraduates, including the term of &ldquo;schema,&rdquo; and revised it along with our four-level model of collaborative conceptual change into enriching concrete, hands-on experiences and collaborative reflection. By comparing three sets of curricula, we found that ample experience with reflection yields durable understanding and promotes students' spontaneous use of &ldquo;schema&rdquo; in their end-term reports or conversations. Detailed analyses of five students' use over one-and-a-half years showed that one's understanding differed from that of others, but was highly correlated with her or his own preceding understanding. These results imply that ample experience provides a &ldquo;core&rdquo; to start one's learning and collaborative reflection makes the diversity of such cores explicit, which propels further constructive interactions that promote each one's deeper understanding and cross-situational learning.
池田 慎之介 針生 悦子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.1, pp.49-64, 2016-03-01 (Released:2016-09-01)

In an utterance, paralinguistic information sometimes conveys the speaker’s affect differently from that which the lexical content indicates. In such a case, adults rely on paralinguistic information more heavily than lexical content to judge the speaker’s affect. However, young children often show a lexical bias (Friend & Bryant, 2000);they rely on lexical contents rather than paralinguistic information. Why do young children show this bias although even infants are very sensitive to speaker affect con-veyed by emotional prosody? We reviewed the literature and found two factors that may contribute to the appearance of this bias in young children. First, once children become capable of understanding speech, they rely more on lexical contents than emo-tional prosody, as their ability to infer speaker affect based on emotional prosody is still not as developed as adults’. Second, due to their immature ability to shift attention,young children have difficulty in transferring focus from lexical contents to emotional prosody when they encounter utterances whose lexical content indicates a different af-fect from the one inferred from the emotional prosody. We also suggest that future research should explore cultural influence on the appearance and disappearance of lex-ical bias as well as investigate the relationship between infants’ implicit sensitivity to,and children’s and adults’ explicit understanding of, speaker affect through speech.
梶川 祥世 針生 悦子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.1, pp.37-48, 2016-03-01 (Released:2016-09-01)

Onomatopoeias are frequently used in daily Japanese conversations and are a part of children’s early vocabularies. Previous studies have revealed that the phonetic structure and rhythm of onomatopoeia promotes word memory and production, and that sound symbolism functions as a cue to infer word meaning. This study examined whether the acoustic feature of speech is another factor that facilitates onomatopoeic word learning in children. The focus of the study was on voiced/unvoiced consonant contrasts related to the size of the referred object (e.g., dondon-large / tonton-small). First we analyzed mothers’ speech while reading a picture book that included onomatopoeic pairs contrasted with word-initial voiced/unvoiced consonants. Mothers read onomatopoeias that referred to small objects with higher fundamental frequency (f0) and lower amplitude than those of large objects. Then three-year-old children’s understanding of the onomatopoeic pairs was examined. The conditions were 1) original (acoustic features are almost identical between the onomatopoeias of small and large objects), 2) high 50 (the f0 of the onomatopoeias of small objects was 50 Hz higher than that of large objects), 3) high 100 (similar to the high 50 condition, but the difference was 100 Hz). The results indicated that the f0 is a possible cue to infer the meaning of onomatopoeias related to object size, and that the acoustic feature of speech would facilitate children’s learning of onomatopoeias.
池田 彩夏 小林 哲生 板倉 昭二
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.1, pp.8-21, 2016-03-01 (Released:2016-09-01)

In the field of language development, one interesting issue is how Japanese-speaking children acquire the case markers that play a role in understanding a sentence’s struc-ture, because previous studies reported that caregivers often omit them when talking to their children (e.g., Rispoli, 1991). Although grasping the characteristics of parental input on case markers is crucial for understanding a child’s acquisition process of them,the studies so far have shown insufficient data to clarify the qualitative and develop-mental characteristics of case marker inputs because of small sample size or a limited target age. This study used a larger sample of mothers (N=52) with children who ranged from 1 to 3 to measure their tendency to talk to their children using a struc-tured production-elicited task. Our results revealed that Japanese-speaking mothers tended to omit case markers more frequently when speaking to children than to adults. The omission rate also differed depending on the child’s age, the type of case mark-ers, verb transitivity, and maternal views about speech to children. Additionally, the mothers tended to omit arguments more frequently when speaking to children, sug-gesting that Japanese-speaking children have fewer opportunities for listening to case markers because of sentence simplification. These findings have important implications for investigating the relationship between parental language input and child language development.