谷口 俊一
no.8, pp.147-165, 2000-12

This article deals with the image of Japanese people serving in the army during the interwar period. To analyze this topic, I mainly used readers' columns of newspapers. At this time dining which disarmament conference like the Washington Conference took place, Japanese armed forces became a target of criticism. As a consequence, the land forces reduced their armaments without holding an international conference. Critics about the armed forces increased while, on the other hand, the practice of conscription, among other things, was not questioned, and pacifist opinions were hardly heard either. Besides, soldiers having accomplished their military service were highly considered by certain people. Especially from the Manchurian Incident on, critics towards the army faded away. Japanese people became aware of the importance of supporting the army because everyone had a relative or a friend engaged in the army, with the result that many of them unwillingly started to get involved into the war efforts. In such a perspective, one can wonder about the fact that, among all critics formulated against the army after World War I, which clearly influenced the disarmament process in Japan, most ones have been made towards the army as an institution but surprisingly not towards the soldiers themselves. It is also interesting to notice that, rather than diminishing the army officers' strength, on the contrary, all those critics tended to reinforce their intentions of pursuing the militarization of the country. To a certain extent, we may conclude that all those critics might have helped to the constitution of a military state, which would also mean that Japanese people failed in preventing the rise of militarism.
塩田 教子
活水論文集. 生活学科編 (ISSN:0919584X)
vol.38, pp.1-8, 1995-03

1991年より食肉は自由化されたが国産肉と比較して、輸入肉は熟成されていないので硬くて風味が少ないことなどが日本人に歓迎されない理由としてあげられている。しかし、国産肉より安価であることから、家庭料理に利用される可能性はある。そこで、輸入肉の肉質を改善するためにマリネ法を検討した。本報ではフローズン(輸入冷凍肉)を用いて、オイル系マリネとワイン系マリネが肉の柔らかさにおよぼす効果の差異を調べてみた。1) 焼く調理の場合ではオイル系マリネ処理3時間の試料の官能検査値は国産牛肉と比較して柔らかさ、肉汁性、味や匂いの好ましさ、総合評価とも高い値が得られ、この処理の効果が認められた。一方、ワイン系マリネ処理では効果は認められなかった。さらに、オイル系マリネ処理3時間の試料の理化学的性状では保水性が高くなり加熱後の重量は増加し、官能検査の肉汁性と一致した。物性値では針入度は高くなり、弾性率・強靱性・弾力性とも低値を示し、官能検査の柔らかさと一致した。これらのことから、フローズンの焼く調理用の肉は予めオイル系マリネ処理3時間行えば、国産牛肉よりもよい肉質に改善されることがわかった。2) 煮込み調理の場合ではワイン系マリネ処理3時間の試料の官能検査値は国産牛肉やオイル系マリネ処理試料と比較して柔らかさ、味の好ましさ、総合評価について高い値が得られ、S1との間に有意差がなかった。さらに、物性値では弾性率・強靱性・弾力性とも低値で官能検査の柔らかさと一致した。このことから、フローズンの煮込み用の肉はワイン系マリネ処理3時間行えば、国産牛肉と有意差のない肉質に改善されることがわかった。3) 挽き肉調理として最も利用されるハンバーグステーキ用の肉も予めオイル系マリネ処理3時間行うことによって肉質が改善され、国産牛肉製品と有意差のない製品ができることがわかった。
長山 泰介
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
ドクメンテーション研究 (ISSN:00125180)
vol.33, no.9, pp.431-435, 1983

難波 功士
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
no.101, pp.161-168, 2006-10

The term 'subculture' has been used with many different meanings. Especially in Japanese, the loan word 'sabukaru (tya)' has been used in various ways. It has ordinarily referred to works, such as popular music, comics, animation films, programmes or magazines for the youth, video-games, and the latest fashions. Using Raymond William's definition that culture is a whole way of life, subcultures means a subset of practices in each society. From the point of view what culture was supposed to be against the term 'sub-' culture, I try to classify the uses of subculture into four groups. 1) Subculture as an antonym of high culture, i.e. subculture as low culture. 2) Subculture as an antonym of total culture, i.e. subculture as partial culture. 3) Subculture as an antonym of main or dominant culture, i.e. subculture as alternative or counter culture. 4) Subculture as an antonym of conventional culture. I have chosen the last definition. I think when a certain subculture emerges, conventional culture, which is opposed to the subculture, makes its appearance a posteriori. Not until a certain subculture emerges and it reflects an aspect of our social conventions, are we aware of some "taken-for-granted-ness" which all of us hold in our everyday life. And furthermore, now we are living in a world where we cannot easily assume a definite high, total, or main culture. Therefore, we should not reify any high, total, or main culture a priori.
柳井 修一 青木 一勝 赤堀 良光
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.6, pp.1079-1124, 2010-12-25 (Released:2011-03-17)
25 64

Median Tectonic Line (MTL) and Fossa Magna (Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line) had long been considered to be the most critical fault boundaries controlling development of the Japanese Islands since Naumann (1885) and Kobayashi (1941). After the appearance of plate tectonics, several new interpretations emerged, e.g., sub-surface Benioff plane for the MTL. In this paper, we propose that those tectonic lines, major faults, and Tanakura Tectonic Line (TTL) were formed through a process at micro-plate boundaries during the opening of the Japan Sea in the Miocene. MTL could have been formed along the consuming boundary between the PHS plate and Japan Sea microplate, which has shifted southward to the Nankai trough, accompanying large-scale tectonic erosion. Fossa Magna was formed as a gigantic transform fault with a transtension component in the Medial-Japan Sea when opening was initiated. The eastern and western boundaries of the Japan Sea must be a strike-slip fault, corresponding to TTL to the east, and a newly proposed strike-slip fault called the West Kyushu Tectonic Line, respectively. Fossa Magna, a medial region defined by two NS-trending Miocene parallel faults in central Honshu, defined by Nauman (1885) could be interpreted to be the largest transform fault in the Medial-Japan Sea to offset the spreading axis when the Japan Sea opened. It should be emphasized that large-scale tectonic erosion occurred in front of consuming plate boundaries facing the PHS and PAC plates oceanward during the opening of the Japan Sea. The volume of tectonic erosion is calculated to be 17,581,500 km3, which is equivalent to 2/3 of the present-day Japan arc crust, which is sufficient to reach the depth of the megalith between the upper and lower mantle boundary, even with 10 km thickness of materials eroded and transported along the Benioff zone. Although MTL, Fossa Magna, and TTL are remarkable in the geology of Japan, these young faults never affected the orogeneses of Japan back to 520 Ma, which grew the continental crust of Japan. We propose that microplate boundary processes decreased the volume of the Japan crust.
鈴木 英鷹
大阪ソーシャルサービス研究 (ISSN:13466399)
no.4, pp.19-25, 2003-12

Vegetarians are divided into three categories; Vegans, or pure vegetarians who abstain from all foods of animal origin; lacto-vegetarians who include milk and dairy products in their diets; and lacto-ovo-vegetarians who consume egg products as well as milk and dairy products. Vitamin B_12 deficiency has been reported in strict vegans. A nutritional analysis was conducted on the dietary intake of a group of 19 vegans aged 7 to 72 years who had been living on a vegan diet for from 7 to 50 years, and on that of age-matched control group. In addition, their serum vitamin B_12 levels were determined. In vegans' diets, 2-4g of nori (dried laver), which contained B_12, were consumed daily. Not a single case of symptoms due to B_12 deficiency was found. There were no stastistically significant differences between the two groups with respect to vitamin B_12 levels. Therefore, consumption of nori may keep vegans from suffering B_12 deficiency.
江藤 裕之 岸 利江子 岩崎 朗子 坂本 ちより 頭川 典子 青木 三恵子 久保田 智恵 杉浦 絹子 八尋 道子
長野県看護大学紀要 (ISSN:13451782)
vol.4, pp.31-39, 2002-03-31


20 0 0 0 OA 大字典

上田万年 等編

20 0 0 0 OA 鉄路

清計太郎 著