恒木 健太郎

新制・課程博士 甲第15461号 人博第491号
渕上 恭子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.119, pp.337-372, 2008-03 (Released:2008-00-00)

第2部 民俗宗教から観光研究まで投稿論文 序「シバジ」 : 韓国の代理出産母のルーツI. 「シバジ」の民族誌 : 映画『シバジ』にみる朝鮮時代の代理母出産と祈子習俗II. 「シバジ」の身分層形成の時代背景 1. 父系血統主義 : 血筋のよい「借り腹」としての「世襲シバジ」 2. 「七出三不去」の礼法 : 女性に対する儒教教化と両班に対する離婚抑制策 3. 「庶孽禁固」 : 両班の妾の子孫達に対する差別III. 韓国朝鮮の文献史料にみる「シバジ」 1. 「シバジ夫人」 : 韓国の代理母出産研究の先駆 2. 朝鮮時代後期の実学派にみる「シバジ」研究の系譜 : 男尊思想の定着による祈子習俗の浸透IV. 「現代版シバジ」の群像 : 生殖技術の発達による「シバジ」の変貌おわりに 韓国の代理母出産問題の根源を探る「シバジ」研究 'Ssi-baji' means, literally a 'womb for rent', so-called a 'surro-gate mother'. In Chosun era (1392-1910), because of Confucian morals, it had been regarded as the most important obligation toward ancestors to give birth to the son to carry on the paternal family line. The 'yang-ban' (the governing classes in Chosun era) nobleman who had not been blessed with his male heir to hold the Confucian service for his ancestors employed a 'ssi-baji' woman to have sexual relations with him on behalf of his lawful wife unable to conceive in order to make her bear his son. She had secretly borne a baby boy in order to hand over it to him after giving birth, pretending that his lawful wife had borne his son. A 'ssi-baji' woman who was a surrogate mother giving birth to a male heir "by profession" for a respectful 'yang-ban' family got a lot of reward such as arable land when she had borne a baby boy. However, she could not get anything but a bite of grain as the expenses for bringing up her child if she had borne a baby girl. The baby girl was taken home together with her and her daughter also became a 'ssi-baji' woman like as her mother. The social status and occupation of a 'ssi-baji' woman had been succeeded by the maternal line, and 'ssi-baji' women who rent out their wombs to live had been actually existing until before the liberation from Japanese colonial rule. In my paper I'll examine the historical backgrounds that a 'ssi-baji' woman who was not a secondary wife but a professional surrogate mother giving birth to a male heir had been needed among respectful childless 'yang-ban' families in Chosun era. In the age of Chosun-Dynasty, it was actually impossible for respectful 'yang-ban' family member to divorce or keep a mistress even though his lawful wife was unable to give birth to a son be-cause of the reputation of his family. In those days the descend-ant whose mother was a mistress had been prohibited from holding a government post even if his father was a 'yang-ban' noble-man. It was no use keeping a mistress in order to obtain his son, for his descendants from the illegitimate would have no chance of success in 'yang-ban' society. Therefore, in the 'yang-ban' society in Chosun era that paternal line had been highly estimated, a 'ssi-baji' woman of noble descendent blood whose biological father was a 'yang-ban' nobleman and whose origin didn't surface was suitable for a surrogate mother of a respectful 'yang-ban' family's male heir. Although the class system in Chosun Dynasty was officially abolished in 1894, a 'ssi-baji' woman, as a means of obtaining son, didn't actually disappear in Korea where 'son-preference' due to Confucian tradition since Chosun era had been deeply rooted. Since 1950s infertility treatments such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization have been introduced in Korea, gestational surrogacy with these infertility treatments have come to be carried out by a surrogate mother so-called 'a present-day ssi-baji' woman, in place of a former 'ssi-baji' in Chosun era. The technology of infertility treatments have made it possible to conceive without sexual intercourse, and recently highly developed assisted reproductive technologies have made it also possible to 'rent' only a womb in order to bear a baby boy with sex-selection technology of IVF (in vitro fertilization) surrogacy. The development of assisted reproductive technologies has made a former 'ssi-baji' woman in Chosun era change into 'a present-day ssi-baji' to rent her womb and bear a baby boy which is not related to her by blood, a literal 'womb for rent', which has been causing serious bio-ethical problems on surrogate mother-hood in contemporary Korea. In my paper I'll study these bio-ethical problems on the 'ssi-baji' surrogate motherhood in contemporary Korea from the standpoint of ethnology.
小野田 奈穂
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.211-219, 2008-03-10 (Released:2009-11-06)

The purpose of this study was to investigate "the personal-self" for women raising their children. 12 participants were interviewed, and date was analyzed using the KJ method. The main results were as follows. First, "the personal-self was classified into four types : (1)participation to society, (2)physical time, (3)psychological time, (4)interpersonal relationship. Second, it was suggested that the level of stress of "the personal-self" influence the level of stress resulting from child care.
森下 嘉之
スラヴ研究 (ISSN:05626579)
vol.59, pp.93-114, 2012-06-15

Right after WWII, Eastern European countries stood at a crossroads, witnessing, to name but a couple, communization of the state and transfer of millions of ethnic minorities, most notably Germans. Postwar Czechoslovakia was no exception. Czechoslovakia had had three republican periods: the first republic from its independence in 1918 to the collapse in 1938, the second from 1938 to the Nazi occupation in 1939, and the third from 1945 to the beginning of Communist Party rule in 1948. The third republic in particular embraced many alternatives for future social policies, neither capitalistic nor communistic. Focusing on the housing policy from 1945 to 1948, this article aims to elucidate postwar Czechoslovakia's search for the optimum social policies, addressing the difference between the prewar and the postwar period. I also examine the policy of the transfer of the German population and the settlement of Czechs in the Czech border area, as it was against this backdrop that the new housing policy took form. While the last president of the first republic, Eduard Beneš, returned as president of the new Czechoslovakia, the Communist Party was dominant in the government. On the one hand, the new republic resembled its prewar predecessors in terms of parliamentary democracy. On the other hand, undertaking the nationalization of large enterprises, land reform, and a planned economy, the postwar government attempted to differentiate itself from the prewar regime that had resulted in the Nazi's invasion and the collapse of the state. The Communists as the largest group in the government could propose their own postwar reforms disposed not toward Soviet-type socialism, but toward "the Czechoslovakian way" or "the bridge between the East and the West." The highest on the agenda for postwar reconstruction was the housing policy. The postwar government launched a "two-year plan," the first planned economy for the reconstruction of Czechoslovakia. Notably, the government planned to build and supply 125,000 houses from 1947 to 1948. The government and architects worked in tandem to upgrade the poor prewar housing conditions by revising prewar housing laws. On the one hand, socialist parties and architects criticized the prewar liberalist housing market, exhorting the introduction of state control of the market. Some architects were enthusiastic about grand apartment buildings containing small houses as the socialist type of housing of the future. On the other hand, based on the housing law of 1921, the government decided to provide subsidies for family houses with 80 m2 of floor space, instead of 34 m2 as had been stipulated in 1937, with a view toward improving the housing environment. Moreover, the new government adhering to the Czechoslovakian way, neither liberalist nor socialist, even allowed private properties, while some architects influenced by Soviet architecture insisted on the entire socialization of houses and land. It is definitely necessary to contextualize the postwar Czechoslovakian housing policy in the removal of more than 2,000,000 Germans and the settlement of Czech people in the borderland (pohraniči). There, the "settlement office (Osidlovací úřad)" led by the Communist Party played a particularly essential role. The settlement office as well as the national board, which was also ruled by Communists, fulfilled the task of furnishing new Czech settlers with houses that had been expropriated from Germans and Hungarians as well as managing the housing market. The Communist Party had a good reason to expect support from those new settlers who could obtain huge properties, such as houses, thanks to the Communist policy. Despite the abundance of confiscated empty houses, this period did not see the solution to the housing problem, as the condition of these houses remained atrocious. Although the postwar housing policy held an opportunity to realize ideal plans for the future Czechoslovakia, it did not thrive due to the tough reality in the borderland. The policy and the ideal were consigned to oblivion after the establishment of the Communist regime in 1948.
大澤 類里佐 中山 知士
大学図書館研究 (ISSN:03860507)
no.93, pp.36-41, 2011-12 (Released:2013-12-25)

国立情報学研究所CSI 委託事業「オープンアクセスとセルフ・アーカイビングに関する著作権マネジメント・プロジェクト」(SCPJ)について,その発足からの経緯を振り返り,データベース作成を中心に現在の活動について述べた上で,課題と今後の展望について報告する。
馬場 謙介 星子 奈美 工藤 絵理子 吉松 直美 伊東 栄典
九州大学附属図書館研究開発室年報 (ISSN:18813542)
vol.2010, pp.1-4, 2011-08 (Released:2011-10-19)

本稿は機関リポジトリへの文献登録をサポートするシステムを紹介している.機関リポジトリは学術情報への オープンアクセスを実現する重要なサービスであるが,登録されている文献数は十分とは言えない.本稿の著者らは,機関リポジトリへの文献登録作業のうち,文献の著者とリポジトリの管理者による作業を部分的に自動化するシステムを開発した.このシステムは,論文誌や学術会議等で発表された文献についての外部データベースを利用し,該当する著者へ本文の登録を促す.また,各文献の出版社等の著作権ポリシーについても,外部データベースを参照し自動的に確認を行う.本稿は,現行の機関リポジトリの問題点を挙げ,その解決方法として開発されたシステムの詳細を述べている.このシステムにより,文献著者とリポジトリ管理者の文献登録の手間を省くことができ,機関リポジトリの登録文献数の増加が期待できる.
深澤 のぞみ

取得学位: 博士(学術), 授与番号: 甲第1646号, 授与年月日: 平成11年3月25日, 授与大学: 金沢大学, 指導教員: 大瀧 敏夫
関場 武
三田國文 (ISSN:02879204)
no.3, pp.45-66, 1985-03 (Released:1985-00-00)

青山 千彰 日本山岳レスキュー協議会
情報研究 : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要 (ISSN:1341156X)
vol.21, pp.1-58, 2004-10-30

我が国における山岳遭難事故者は,1994年より増加し始めて以来,右肩上がりに増加し続け,2003年には1666人にまで達した. この増加の背景には中高年の登山ブームがあると言われている. 事故の全体的な傾向については警察庁の事故統計以外は分からず,加えて本調査データの大部分は公表されないため,事故者数の増加に関する分析ができない現状にある. そこで,三団体(日本山岳協会,日本勤労者山岳連盟,東京都山岳連盟) の山岳遭難保険請求時に事故調査を行い,2002年よりデータベースを作成した. その内容は事故者の基礎情報(体力,経験),計画・装備,事故発生時と発生前後に関して約150に及ぶ項目から構成される. 警察庁データと併せて,山岳遭難事故の実体,原因,発生のメカニズム等について言及し,知見を得たので報告する.The number of mountaineering accidents in Japan has increased continuously from 1994 to 2003. However, the increasing mechanism of the accidents has not been analyzed still now, because there are no detailed mountaineering accidents data in Japan except for simple and small data acquired by National Police Agency. To construct mountaineering accidents database, questionnaires to the member of Alpine clubs who had accidents in the mountains were done. The contents consists of 5 blocks; (1) Outline of accident, (2) Basic ability and Planning (3) Physical condition before accident, (4) Causal factors in the accident, (5) Injured condition before rescue arrives. This database helped to understand what kind of mountaineering accidents happen in Japan. This paper showed the mechanism of accidents and classified the type of mountaineering accidents to devise a countermeasure.
増田 聡
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13434403)
vol.18, pp.13-21, 2003-03-07

In this paper, it is discussed that Fumio Koizumi's famous studies in Japanese popular music have some problems. His studies have been influential in the Japanese musicological studies in popular music, and the method in that studies is mainly based on a theory of musical scales that used in the succeeding study by Yoshiaki Sato. Sato's study is better for explaining how some scales of Japanese popular music have taken roots, than Koizumi's, But Sato's study has same problem in Koizumi's, which became clear at Sato's appearance in a famous T.V. news show program, "News Station." Studies based on a theory of musical scales often cut the music to abstract entities which are not heard by audience, so the studies will fail to catch a whole of the musical event. This paper suggests that popular music studies should stare on three levels of productive neutral receptive in a music event, not accord a privilege to "music itself."
楜澤 雅子
人文研究 (ISSN:04913329)
vol.34, no.8, pp.400-415, 1982
公文 溥 Kumon Hiroshi
社会志林 (ISSN:13445952)
vol.59, no.3, pp.1-15, 2012-12