土田 耕司
川崎医療短期大学紀要 = Bulletin of Kawasaki College of Allied Health Professions (ISSN:02873028)
no.35, pp.51-55, 2015

谷 謙二
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.71, no.1, pp.171-182, 2022

During the 1930s and 1940s, some factory directories were created in Japan. This paper discusses the characteristics of three factory directories and examines their usefulness in comparison with the census of manufacture. The "National Directory of Factories” (‘Zenkoku kojyo turan’) is a list of factories employing five or more workers, compiled from the factory forms in the census of manufacture conducted Ministry of Commerce and Industry. However, depending on the period, the number of workers is not listed, and for the period from the 1930s to the 1940s, the size of the number of workers is listed from the 1947 edition. The "Survey of Factories and Mines employing more than 100 workers"(‘Jyoji siyo rodosya 100 ninn ijyo wo yusuru kojyo kozan tou sirabe’) is a confidential list of factories prepared by the Social Affairs Bureau's Labor Department of the Ministry of Home and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. This survey is thought to have been based on a labor-related survey. The “National Directory of Factories and Mines” (‘Zenkoku kojyo kouzan meibo’) is a list of factories employing more than 50 workers prepared by the Cooperative Association, using data from the Social Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Home. With regard to the usefulness and comprehensiveness of the data, the "Survey of Factories and Mines employing more than 100 workers" and the “National Directory of Factories and Mines” are close to the number of factories and workers in the census of manufacture and are considered to cover most of the factories with more than the prescribed number of workers. On the other hand, few factories in the 1947 of the he "National Directory of Factories” and the 1946 of the “National Directory of Factories Mines and Plants” (‘Zenkoku kojyo, kozan, jigyojyo meibo’) were listed in common with both, revealing that both had significant omissions.
溝口 彰子 岩橋 恒太 大江 千束 杉浦 郁子 若林 苗子
Gender and Sexuality (ISSN:18804764)
no.9, pp.211-225, 2014-03-31

This paper lists ethical and procedural points that the co-authors believeare crucial for both researchers and research subjects in the realm of queerstudies. While the definition of the term “queer(kuia)” in Japanese tendsto be broader and more ambiguous than in English because there is nostrict equivalent to “queer” in Japanese language, in this paper the authorsstart with the premise that Japanese-language research projects in thequeer realm tend to be interdisciplinary and tend to involve people whoidentify themselves as sexual minorities, commonly called “LGBT(lesbian,gay, bisexual, and transgender).” As such, research endeavors in the queerrealm have different kinds of difficulties and risks from those in otherrealms. Though each researcher usually belongs to another, moretraditional discipline such as sociology, art history, and literary studies,among others, in addition to queer studies, the existing guidelines andtextbooks in such traditional disciplines do not address the risks andproblems particular to research in the queer realm. As the first attempt in the Japanese language to “spell out” such queerrelatedrisks, issues, and also possible ways to alleviate them, this tentativeguideline nevertheless does not profess to be comprehensive or universal.Yet the authors believe that it is imperative for Japanese-language “queer”researchers to start to acknowledge specific risks and issues. In order tohelp the researchers(including graduate and undergraduate students),instructors(including the ones that are not at all aware of LGBT issues),research subjects or collaborators(who give interviews and provideinformational materials such as the back issues of self-published zines),this paper is organized in four categories. They are: 1)“what needs to beconsidered in the field of queer inquiry by both the researchers andresearch subjects,” 2)“what both the instructors and students of queersubject matter need to be careful about in the academic context,” 3)“important points about textual analysis of queer material,” and 4)“necessary procedures at the time of publishing and presenting the resultsof queer research topics.” This paper discusses the complex dynamicsbetween researchers and research subjects especially in cases in which theresearchers themselves are members of sexual minorities. In such cases,the researchers might encourage research subjects of the same minoritygroup to participate in their research without obtaining enoughinformation about the skill, scope and aim of the researcher and theresearch project. This paper also examines the differences between queerreadings and outing the artists and authors of the texts and representations,among many other issues.
鳴海 史生 Fumio NARUMI 尚美学園大学芸術情報学部
尚美学園大学芸術情報研究 = Journal of Informatics for Arts, Shobi University (ISSN:18825370)
vol.16, pp.35-42, 2009-11-01

菊地 達夫
北翔大学北方圏学術情報センター年報 = Bulletin of the Northern Regions Academic Information Center, Hokusho University (ISSN:21853096)
vol.7, pp.165-170, 2015


特集 天理教とフェミニズムわが中山みき 福島ひとみ「不在」の女性たち 金子珠理「フェミニスト天理教学」の展開を目指して 勝又美保フォーラム「生命・女性・環境」に参加して 中島枝美子存命の教祖と女性たち 薄井篤子ひらかれた「ひながた」 井桁碧女と国家―観念による呪縛―A『古事記』(二〇) 河野信子かたちなきものの宗教 津田広志地理学と女性 斉藤元子苦節二十年、神様みーつけた 岡村聡子考えはじめました 平縞三生子生殖技術と宗教-ヨーロッパの場合 支倉寿子
尾沼 玄也 加藤 林太郎
拓殖大学日本語教育研究 = Journal of research in teaching Japanese language (ISSN:24239224)
vol.7, pp.165-180, 2022-03-25

天沼 寧
vol.13, pp.59-82, 1981-03