西城 洋
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.51, no.1, pp.1-11, 2001-04-25 (Released:2017-05-25)

Faunal composition and seasonal changes in the number of aquatic Coleoptera and Hemiptera were investigated in paddies and an adjacent irrigation pond in Shimane Prefecture, Japan. The paddies held water from mid April to mid June, and then were irrigated intermittently until the end of August. The irrigation pond was filled with water throughout the year. Twenty-two species of Coleoptera and nine species of Hemiptera were collected from both the paddies and the pond. The number of species of adult insects in the paddies increased from May to June, then gardually decreased toward autumn. In contrast, the number in the pond was highest during autumn. The number of species of larval insects was high in paddies especially from May to July, but low in the pond throughout the year. Thirteen of the aquatic insect species observed were classified into four types on the basis of their habitat utilization pattern : A) those using the pond for both non-reproductive and reproductive purposes, B) those using the pond as the main habitat and the paddies for reproduction, C) those using both the pond and paddies as a living habitat and also the paddies for reproduction, and D) those using the paddies for both non-reproductive and reproductive purposes. Paraplea indistinguenda was the only species belonging to type A, and stayed in the irrigation pond throughout the year. Hyphydrus japonicus, Laccophilus difficilis, Cybister brevis, Cybister japonicus, Hydrophilus acuminatus, Ranatra chinensis and Notonecta triguttata were type B insects. Their adults immigrated (probably from the pond) into the paddies and reproduced from May to July. The new adults then migrated to the irrigation pond before the watered area of the paddies dried up. Type C included Agabus conspicuus, Rhantus suturalis and Appasus major. Laccotrephes japonensis and Sigara sp. were classified as type D, and they were seldom found in the pond. My observations indicate that paddies play an important role in the reproduction of aquatic Coleoptera and Hemiptera, whereas the pond provides stable habitat for non-reproductive stages, as well as a place for reproduction of some species. This means that the coexistence of paddies and ponds is important for the species richness of aquatic insects in this region
Semra Aktürk Arzu Kaya Derya Çetintaş Gürkan Akgöl Arif Gülkesen Gül Ayden Kal Tülin Güçer
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.30, no.3, pp.448-453, 2018 (Released:2018-03-02)
5 13

[Purpose] The purpose of this study is to compare effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), ultrasound (US) and sham ESWT in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome (MPS). [Subjects and Methods] Sixty MPS patients aged 18–60 years were included in the study. The patients were randomized equally into 3 groups. Group 1 received ESWT for 4 session with 3 day-intervals. Group 2 received 4 sessions of sham ESWT. US was applied to Group 3 for 10 sessions. All patients were recommended an exercise program. The patients were evaluated before-post and 6 weeks after treatment. Measurements were made using pressure pain threshold (PPT), pain score (PS) and visual analogue scale (VAS). Patients were evaluated by using SF-36 and HADS (hospital anxiety and depression scale). [Results] A significant posttreatment difference was found in VAS, PPT and SF-36 subparameters in group 1. In group 2, a significant difference was not found in any parameter. In group 3, a significant difference was detected in parameters of VAS and PPT. A significant difference was found between groups 1 and 2 as for subtitles of PPT, VAS, SF-36. [Conclusion] These results suggest that ESWT is as effective as US. ESWT and US are significantly more effective than sham ESWT.

11 0 0 0 OA 帝国最新軍艦帖

「海軍」編輯局 編

11 0 0 0 OA 元帥東郷平八郎

伊藤痴遊 著
大久保 澄子 田中 克浩 野村 長久 山本 裕 池田 雅彦 山本 滋 紅林 淳一 園尾 博司
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.63, no.10, pp.2358-2361, 2002-10-25 (Released:2009-01-22)

当科で経験した小児・若年者甲状腺癌14例について検討した.男女比1:2.5, 年齢6~19歳だった.主訴は頸部腫瘤が13例と最も多く,術前診断は血中サイログロブリン値測定と穿刺吸引細胞診が比較的診断率が高かった.手術方法は全摘6例,亜全摘7例,葉切除1例で,リンパ節郭清は12例に行った.全例乳頭癌でリンパ節転移陽性は10例(71%)だった.肺転移は3例(21%)に認めたが現在全例生存中である.小児・若年者は早期からリンパ節転移や肺転移をきたしやすいため,正確な術前評価,手術方法の決定,厳重な術後経過観察が必要だと考えた.
日経ビジネス (ISSN:00290491)
no.1368, pp.50-55, 2006-11-27

嘉本 伊都子
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.48, no.1, pp.62-82, 1997-06-30

本稿は, 近代日本の搖籃期における「国際結婚」を『明治前期身分法大全』を通して分析する。明治政府は, ナポレオン法典を模しながら, 明治6年に内外人民婚姻条規を制定した。国籍法, 帰化法制定よりも実に四半世紀も早く国際結婚に関する法律を定めたことになる。「外国人の婿養子」が「日本人タルノ分限」を得ることを許した規定は, 世界でも稀であった。分限とは, 「家」の成員になることによって得られる社会的地位を指す。<BR>ナポレオン法典と内外人民婚姻条規との相違を, 婚姻によって, 妻の国籍は夫に従い, その結果父の国籍が子に伝わる西洋型の「父系血統優先主義」と「分限主義」とに分けて考察する。さらに, 「国際結婚」の歴史的実態に密着した分析枠組みを提案する。国籍法制定以前の考察期間における「国際結婚」の分析は, 夫あるいは妻の国籍別で分類するよりも, 婚姻形態と「分限」の得失に着目した以下のカテゴリーを利用したほうが, 有益であると考える。<BR>(a) 日本人女性と外国人男性の組み合わせで日本人女性が「婚嫁」する場合<BR>(b) 日本人女性と外国人男性の組み合わせで外国人男性が「婿養子」となる場合<BR>(c) 日本人男性と外国人女性の組み合わせで外国人女性が「婚嫁」する場合<BR>(d) 日本人男性と外国人女性の組み合わせで日本人男性が「婿養子」となる場合<BR>上記のような歴史社会学的類型を用いて, 分限主義時代の「国際結婚」の特徴を明らかにする。
松尾 加代子 上津 ひろな 高島 康弘 阿部 仁一郎
日本野生動物医学会誌 (ISSN:13426133)
vol.21, no.2, pp.35-40, 2016-06-30 (Released:2016-08-20)
2 13

岐阜県内で捕獲されたホンシュウジカ63頭およびニホンイノシシ30頭の筋肉について住肉胞子虫の調査を行ったところ,シスト保有率はそれぞれ95.2%および50.0%であった。ホンシュウジカおよびニホンイノシシから得られた住肉胞子虫のブラディゾイトは,いずれも馬肉の生食による住肉胞子虫性食中毒の原因とされる毒性タンパク質に対する免疫染色で陽性を示した。ニホンイノシシの筋肉からはHepatozoon sp.も検出された。分離株の18S rDNAの系統樹解析により,ホンシュウジカ由来住肉胞子虫株は遺伝的に多様で主に5つのグループに分類され,ニホンイノシシ由来のHepatozoon sp.はタイの野生イノシシ寄生マダニ由来のHepatozoon sp.と最も近縁であった。
中島 理恵 白神 誠
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.37, no.1, pp.9-18, 2018-06-10 (Released:2018-07-10)

When establishing new pharmacy services, they must be in line with the needs of individual community residents. In our research, it was clear that services provided by the newly implemented health support pharmacies and primary care pharmacist system in recent years satisfy the needs of patients as well as the public in general. We collected information via a survey that used a structured questionnaire. In addition to basic information (age/sex), it also covered details of their pharmacy use, their thoughts on pharmacy services, and the actual usability of pharmacy services. Differences in respondent’s opinions and the actual usability of each pharmacy service were compared between age groups and sexes. Female respondents had more favorable opinions about the antismoking, nutrition, and sickness prevention consultation services than male respondents did. The proportion of survey respondents in their 40s and 50s who proactively used pension and welfare consultation services was significantly higher than for other age groups. The younger generation perceived 24-hour pharmacies and the primary care pharmacy system as necessary. There is a large disparity between people’s thoughts and opinions on the actual usability of the services that primary care pharmacies aim to offer, and this differ in people’s ages and sexes. The younger generation tend to expect the pharmacy services. It is important for pharmacies to address the needs of the generation which is skeptical toward the separation of medical and dispensary practice and recognize them the new role of pharmacies.

11 0 0 0 OA 猶太禍

西宮三城 著
渡邉 雅子 WATANABE Masako Ema
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.58, no.2, pp.1-13, 2012-03

Using a structural comparison of the dissertation and the essay (French and American academic writing), this paper attempts to clarify the differences in thought and written expression of these writing structures in the two countries, examining the societal and cultural background that has influenced both styles of writing. In contrast to the dissertation, which has a dialectical three-stage structure of thesis-antithesissynthesis, the essay focuses on the thesis, the author's claims, and supporting evidence. The essay in its simplified structure is likened to the "arrow shot at the target" in a straight line, whereas the dissertation is more of a "bird's eye view" depicting the largest possible structural outline for the theme and the integrating of opposing viewpoints. The two styles clearly have contrasting features, for the essay places importance on creating a firm link between the claim and the grounds, while the dissertation accepts the complexity of the theme and attempts mostly to describe the full picture. The elimination of the antithesis and synthesis from American academic writing is relatively recent, tracing back to the 1960s, when American higher education became rapidly popularized. It was created from the necessity to have a form of academic wiring that could be easily written by students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. The American style of essay is designed to work well in a popular democracy. By contrast, the dissertation was introduced at the end of the 19th century as a symbol of the new society and education after the French Revolution. With the arrival of the dissertation, it can be said that the traditional education of France in the classical languages and rhetoric was transformed into a discipline that makes use of dialectics to build up a robust form of personal thought. However, the intellectual tradition descended from Greek and Roman thought remains in the dialectical structure of the dissertation and in the common culture of French literature and philosophy. The French dissertation presupposes that the educated are the successors of the ancients, their raison d'étre based on a cultural superiority inherent in the classics, the knowledge of which inspires a method of thinking that necessitates a comprehensive viewpoint integrating opposing views. The dissertation, then, is the written embodiment of this pedagogical, philosophical perspective. I suggest that this way of thinking could offer a counterpoint to globalism, which imposes a uniform set of rules and viewpoints on everyone.