山田 貴史
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.48, pp.332-333, 2001-10-15

;Recently, digital fonts became to be designed easily by widespread use of computers.However, the font design process is not clear. So, in this study, the purpose is to make it clear by systematic approach. To design digital font, at first, it is necessary to decide on the design concept.This is one of the most important process.Afterwards, designing the typeface.This is divided into seven processes. 1)Configuring font environment 2)Making the font image 3)Designing font elements 4)Assembling font elements 5)Putting typeface into shape 6)Regulation of all 7)Assigning character code, and bringing digital font to completion.With these processes, I think that the font design process is more clear.
木下 尭博
九州産業大学芸術学部研究報告 (ISSN:02867818)
vol.29, pp.137-144, 1998

First printing media in Japan is one million of little pagodas-Hyakumatou-Dharani-pubulished in AD 770. There is the oldest printing matter existing in the world. It exists to the matter which the saving condition is bad from good printing matter by this Hyakumantou-Dharani preserving 3076 volume in Horyu Buddhist Temple in Nara Prefecture at present. Is printed the Hyakumantou-Dharani Pagodas by stamp system or block system and metal or wood materials? In West Branch of the Japanese Soc. of Printing Science and Technology these research results were opened to public in 1987. However, these are many uncertain circumstance on this printing system. The Tensho-Kenou Boys Mission had introduced metal type printing which Johannes Gutenberg invented from Portugal to Nagasaki in Japan at 1611. The publications that it called this the Amakusa edition had printed it in the metal type, and they exist in all over the world. Since the Christianity was forbidden in these period, Amakusa Book of the 13 volume for 6 years was published to the Macao exile of 1597. It is based of the metal type printing in the establishment of the letterpress manufacture by Shouzou Motoki in 1869. He thought that future development of Japan consists with printing technology and purchased printing machine, metal type, printing ink and paper from the Netherlands ship. The printing technology was widely spread by the research of the electroplate matrix. From China, Korea and Europe, the metal type printing technology in Japan was mainly accepted like this and succeeded with industrialization.
椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.11, no.2, pp.23-42, 2001-02

Various research programs in the "new" sociology of scientific knowledge emerged in the latter half of 1970s. British sociologists such as Barnes, Bloor, Mulkay, Collins and so forth were challenging the Mertonian functionalist sociology of science. The aim of the new sociology of scientific knowledge has been to investigate and explain the "contents" of scientific knowledge per se. Ethnomethodological studies of scientific practices were surrounded by the emergence of these "new" programs in social studies of science. Although ethnomethodological studies of science have often been understood without being distinguished from these "new" programs, it seems that ethnomethodological studies differ from these programs in their perspective on language, science and action. In spite of their commitments to a supposedly "radical" view of scientific knowledge, the new sociologies use some conventional social science terminologies and explanatory formulae, and seem caught in a trap concerning the usage of ordinary language in social science and philosophy. Garfinke's ethnomethodology appears to advocate a complete departure from these conventional views of language and science which the new programs have taken over. We will make sense of ethonomethodological studies of science by reviewing how ethonomethodology sees the "new" programs. In this paper we would like to leave a port to the sea of argumentation by regarding ethnomethodologist M. Lynch's studies of science as leading light. Ethnomethodology's agenda is, according to Lynch, to reconsider what it means to produce observations, descriptions and explanations of something "actual." Garfinkel's program is not interested in explaining scientific facts by reference to the social context of their production. The program does not try to construct comprehensive models of activities and institutions. Its objective is to examine how scientific works are produced from the disciplinary-specific Lebenswelt of scientific projects. The aim is not to explain "discovery" as a matter of "social construction" but to try to gain a better understanding of scientific work.
佐野 信行 仁尾 正記 佐々木 英之 小寺 厚志 大井 龍司
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会
日本小児外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0288609X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.679-683, 2005

複数磁石誤飲による小腸内瘻形成に起因した絞扼性イレウスの1例を経験した.症例は3歳4カ月の女児, 主訴は腹痛, 嘔吐.異物誤飲に関連するイレウスの疑いで, 発症36時間後に紹介となった.腹部症状は軽度で発熱はなく, CRPも陰性であった.CTで上腹部に径2cmのリング状に配列する金属片を認め, 家族からの情報で, 8個の磁石と考えられた.X線写真上, 前日と同じ部位に停滞しており, 複数磁石による腸管損傷の可能性を考慮して緊急手術を行った.腹腔鏡下に磁石カテーテルを用いて異物の位置を同定し, 臍部創から病変部腸管を体外に引き出したところ, Treitz靭帯より40cmおよび120cm肛側の空腸同士が磁石で圧挫され内瘻を形成しており, それに伴って生じたblind loopの一部が絞扼性イレウスに陥っていた.同じ創より絞扼腸管を切除した.内瘻の存在によりイレウス症状が軽減されていたものと考えられ, 稀な病態であった.術後経過は良好である.
中川 久嗣
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.84, pp.228-214, 2006-03-30

Michel Foucault strongly practiced his power criticism throughout his life and his power criticism was based on the basic concept of "Power/Knowledge" which focused on the strong and inevitable relations between power and knowledge in the diverse field of human sciences of Western civilization. However, late in life, he declared that the general theme of his research had not been power but the subject. What does this declaration mean? Did he abandon his power criticism by turning to the new ethics of the self? In this study, especially analyzing his later works, I investigated the substance of this change to reveal that Foucault never abandoned his principle of power criticism. I also took up the earlier works which treated the individual as the passive subject, and I verified that Foucault analyzed such a subject as an executor of the Will to Knowledge, and as a important component of power. So, his analysis of the subject has not been different from power criticism. Foucault's analysis of the subject fundamentally supported his critical theory of power and was consistent throughout his life.
中川 久嗣
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.82, pp.96-79, 2005-03-31

L'Absence du fondement normatif pose les problemes les plus populaires et serieux a la pensee de Michel Foucault. Nancy Fraser, par example, accuse Foucault de n'avoir ni fondement normatif, ni solution de rechange, ni espoire pour l'avenir de notre societe. Mais Foucault a toujours critique la psychanalyse, la medecine, la raison, notre humanite, le sujet, la discipline, la politique, le pouvoir, et presque toutes les institutions. Comment il peut les critiquer ? Quelle est la base ou le criteTe de son critique, c'est-a-dire, le fondement normatif de Foucault ? Dans cette etude, j'ai essaye de trouver ce fondement en analysant l'idee de (pouvoir-savoir) de Foucault. Cette idee contient une direction critique pour accuser le savoir de violation des objets a connaitre. Autrement dit, pour le sujet du savoir, c'est la violation de l'Autre. Pour Foucaut, c'est un effet du pouvoir mauvais et negatif. fiviter la violation de l'Autre peut etre pense un imperatif negatif. Mais on peut poser cette imperatif comme le fondement normatif solide de la critique de Michel Foucault.
軍司 敏
宇都宮大学国際学部研究論集 (ISSN:13420364)
vol.15, pp.89-101, 2003-03-01

Toutes les theories politiques concernent au probleme difficile de pouvoir. Deux questions peuvent etre posees sur le pouvoir. La prmiere qestion est celle-ci: <<Qu'est-ce qui rend le fonctionnement de pouvoir legitime?>> Les theories fondees sur le contrat social s'interessent a cette question. Ici, le modele de pouvoir est juridique, centre sur le seul enonce de la loi et le seul fonctionnement de l'interdit. Ce pouvoir est lie au fonctionnement negatif. La deuxieme question est cell-ci: <<Comment fonctionne le pouvoir?>> C,est a cette question que Michel Foucault s'interesse. Il demande pourquoi on rabt les dispositifs de la domination sur la seule procedure de la loi d'interdiction, et il insiste sur lemergence du nouveau mecanisme de pouvoir au XII^e et XIII^e siecle. C'est l'emergence du pouvoir disciplinaire qui rend les forces sociales plus fortes. La discipline est le procede technique unitaire par lequel la force du corp est aux moindres frais reduite comme force politique, et maximalisee comme forece utile. Les dispositifs disiciplinaires secretent une penalite de la norme si bien que le domaine indefini du non-conforme est penalisable. Ainsi la discipline normalise des individus et exclut l'anormal. Il faut voir dans les disciplines une sorte de contre-droit, puisque la discipline est le pouvoir normalisateur. Les Lumieres qui ont decouverfe libres ont aussi invente les disciplines.
北田 了介
関西学院経済学研究 (ISSN:02876914)
vol.31, pp.123-141, 2000-12-20
柳内 隆
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.51, no.1, pp.417-448, 2000-04

Introduction I Les Lumieres comme l'ontologie II Sur Kant III La critique de Harbermas Conclusion
柳内 隆
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.41, no.4, pp.p881-928, 1990-12

Preface I Le sol theorique de M. Foucault II La pensee du dehors III La archeologie et le genealogie IV L'apercu du pouvoir V La technologie et le sujet Conclusion