武石 悠霞 金 中
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:24363316)
no.49, pp.119-226, 2023-03-24

ディープランニングが進歩に伴い、人工智能(AI)による詩歌の創作研究が盛んに行われるようになった。著者の研究チームは最近深層学習による和歌生成モデル「和歌VT」を提案した。「和歌VT」は条件付き変分オートエンコーダーと自己注意メカニズムを組み合わせ、指定されたキーワードによって質の高い和歌を生成することができる。本論文ではDice 係数による類似和歌の検索方法を提案し、「和歌VT」モデルによって生成された3首のAI 和歌を例に挙げ、人間和歌との比較の観点から分析を行った。Dice 係数を計算するこの検索方法で類似和歌を客観的に順位付けし、膨大な和歌データから最も目標和歌と近い和歌を選び出すことができる。この和歌検索方法は研究者が和歌を検索する上での参考の一つとして提示することが出来ればと考えている。同方法によって、和歌生成モデル「和歌VT」が創作したAI 和歌と類似する人間和歌を選び出し、その文法や語彙の組み合わせを比較し、AI 和歌の特徴と独創性を分析した。分析結果により、「和歌VT」モデルは人間和歌の主題、文法、句の構造、及び用語を正確にマスターし、独創的な単語の組み合わせ方により斬新的な和歌を生成できることが認められた。 With the development of artificial intelligence(AI)technology, research on poetry creation has been receiving increasingly close attention. In this article, a Waka retrieval method that calulates the similarity index of Waka based on the Dice coefficient is proposed. The method can objectively rank similar Waka poems based on the similarity index, and provide an objective method by which researchers can select similar Wakas from a large number of Waka poems. Using this Waka retrieval method, we select human Waka poems that are similar to the AI Waka generated by the WakaVT model, and analyze the originality of AI Waka through comparing AI waka and human Waka in terms of the features of vocabulary matching. The analysis results show that the WakaVT model has accurately learned the words and grammar of human Waka, as well as the logical structure and causality between sentences, and can generate novel AI Waka using new word collocations and metaphors. This research is expected to be useful not only for the study of AI Waka but also for the study of human Waka poems.
会田 安明

佐久間文庫 . 最上流算書
舩木 礼子
神女大国文 (ISSN:09166068)
no.24, pp.157-137, 2013-03-15

著者別名: 橋本, 礼子
中村 秀臣

序論 11.研究テーマの背景・目的 12.先行研究を踏まえた本研究の新規性と達成目標 43.論文の構成 11Ⅰ部 電化の進展過程 141章 電燈・電力需要の変遷 17 1.1 電燈需要の変遷 20 1.2 電力需要(電動機、電力応用機器等)の変遷 43 1.3 需要特性の変遷 61 1.4 需要想定の変遷 772章 電力供給システムの変遷 82 2.1 発電用資源の潜在資源量 83 2.2 分散型石炭火力の変遷 90 2.3 水力発電の変遷(水主火従の定着) 99 2.4 水火併用の台頭と本格化 111 2.5 広域連系構想の台頭 1863章 電力需給バランスと料金水準 234 3.1 電力需給バランスと対応状況 234 3.2 料金水準と対応状況 2714章 小括 307Ⅱ部 公益事業化の進展と変転過程 3165章 電化の進展と公益事業規制の変遷 319 5.1 公益事業の概念形成と変転 319 5.2 公益事業規制の変遷 3706章 公益性を巡る議論と事業者行動の変遷 410 6.1 1910 年代の電灯競争(「三電競争」) 410 6.2 1920 年代~1930 年代前半の「電力競争」と合同構想 419 6.3 1930 年代後半以降の「電力国家管理」論争 4467章 小括 483結論 結果の総括、現代への教訓、今後の課題 489参照番号注記リスト 512参考文献等リスト 610
廣部 千恵子 ヒロベ チエコ Chieko Hirobe
vol.54, pp.87-138, 2006-12-26

The influence of foods on the telomere was checked according to Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Method. There were some foods which lower values of telomere, although their nutritional evaluation was good. There were also many good foods which raise the value of telomere considerably. If we eat foods which lower the value of telomere extremely for a long period of time, the telomere of the body will lower, whereas the values such as a telomere, Integrin Cfos Ab2, mercury and thromboxane B2 in tumor cells rise. If we eat foods which raise the value of telomere, the above values in the tumor decrease. It means foods which raise the values of telomere have ability for curing tumor etc.

5 0 0 0 OA 青の色彩表象

井本 英一 Eiichi Imoto 桃山学院大学文学部(元)
no.36, pp.1-32, 2007-06-20

The color blue is seen on the borders of the inside and outside of a home, in this world and the next world, so it is the color of the funeral, the marriage and other rites. Messengers from the other world used to wear blue clothes, and maids or servants of this world had blue clothes on. The executioner's clothes had something blue and the condemned criminal's had, too. A sacrifice, human or animal, had something blue. A man on his deathbed would change his usual clothes for blue ones. The dead person was thought to be an offering to the gods. The color blue was the symbol of giving vigor and energy to the god. The blue colors were used from the royal divine families to the common people. On the New Year, Emperors of China and Japan put on blue clothes. The Virgin Mary also wore a blue mantle.
西嶋 雅樹 Masaki Nishijima
甲南大学学生相談室紀要 = Bulletin of Konan Student Counseling Room
no.17, pp.39-51, 2010-02-26

What is important in student counseling is to understand the psychological theme of client. And the attitude of counselor toward the theme of his/her client is also important. For comprehending these theme more deeply, this paper is intended as an exploration into the work of comic, "Mushi-Shi", which is written by Urushibara Yuki. In this work, there are important images that are substantial for understanding the process of psychotherapy. Examples of these images are the ones of "initiation" and "wounded healer" and so on. Firstly, in this paper, the background of "Mushi-Shi" was mentioned. Secondly, Minakata Kumagusu who was a Japanese naturalist was introduced as the model of the main character, Ginko. And then, the process in which Ginko accepts "Mushi", which is grotesque and lively being, and create his attitude toward "Mushi" was discussed. On the story titled "Sugame-no-Uo (which means 'fish blind in one eye')", Yoki, who is the precursor of Ginko, was swallowed by Tokoyami, which is one of Mushi. Yoki was deprived his name and memory by Tokoyami, and called himself Ginko. In this process, there is an image of initiation. Afterwards, on the story titled "Kusa-no-Shitone (which means 'bed of grass')", young Ginko accepted his strange constitution and anguish. The motif of "wounded healer" is especially found in this story. For psychotherapy, it is substantial to comprehend these images. But the most substantial point is not to remain on this comprehension mentioned in this paper, but to go back to original work itself. We are able to experience more fertile image by going back there.
加藤 知子 Kato Tomoko
vol.15, pp.13-28, 2015-03-27

Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace (wam) is a Christian-affiliated institute, which is situated on the second floor of the AVACO (Audio Visual Activities Commission) Building in Tokyo. On the 6th of July, 2014, AVACO Building was targeted by conservative, nationalistic Japanese demonstrators, who most likely confused Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace with the AVACO Building. Such a demonstration has served as an opportunity for people, however, to think anew of what kind of institution wam is, what activities they are actually doing, and what sort of idea is behind them and their daily activities. The Asahi Shimbun, in its issues of the fifth and sixth of August, 2014, finally admitted that they had spread some misinformation about so-called Comfort Women who had allegedly been taken by force to offer sexual pleasure to Japanese Imperial Military officers and soldiers. Even after these articles were published, however, certain Christian-affiliated organizations, including wam, instead of rethinking their unique historical perspective on the Modern History of Japan, continued criticizing the country for her treatment of the so-called Comfort Women during the first half of the 20th century. The historical perspective on Modern Japan, like the one adopted by wam, has dominated the Japanese Christian circles since the end of the Second World War. In this paper, I will argue that such a historical perspective may drive Japan into havoc by showing that the wam’s endeavors (largely determined by their unique historical perspective) and the Chinese Communist Party’s military strategic zones somehow overlap. Finally, in Chapter Ⅴ of this paper, I will ask Japanese Christian priests and pastors to work on ways to interpret the passages in the Bible that include not only pacifist messages but also apparently militaristic ones. I will close this paper with a humble request that Christians in Japan should first seek for the Holy Spirit (ruach ha-kodesh, in Hebrew), who believers hold will guide them to the true knowledge including secular interpretations of the historical facts as well as religious understanding of Bible passages themselves.
服部 正貴
vol.60, no.11, pp.1090-1095, 2019-10-15

Google,Microsoft,Apple,およびアドビが共同で開発した最新のOpenTypeフォント形式「バリアブルフォント」とはいったいどんなものか? いま注目される話題の次世代ディジタルタイプ技術について,開発に至った背景,その考え方と仕組み,そして今後に期待される表現の可能性をフォント開発者の視点から解説する.
杉浦 功一 Koichi SUGIURA
和洋女子大学紀要 = The journal of Wayo Women's University (ISSN:18846351)
vol.64, pp.65-76, 2023-03-01

現在、「民主主義の後退」が注目されているが、その考察に民主的正統性のインプット/スループット/アウトプットの側面に注目する枠組みを適用し、新たな知見を得ることを試みる。第1節では民主主義の後退の議論を整理・検証し、第2節ではV. A. シュミットの3つの民主的正統化のメカニズムの議論をまとめ、第3節ではその適用を試みる。結論として、民主主義の後退の議論で注目されてきたのは、民主的正統性のうちインプットの側面に関わるものであり、アウトプットやスループットの民主的正統性まで視野に入れると、権威主義化する政権がそれらによる「補完」によって支えられている可能性が見えてくる。