岡 惠介
総合政策論集 : 東北文化学園大学総合政策学部紀要 = Policy management studies (ISSN:13468561)
vol.4, no.1, pp.61-75, 2004-12-31

In Japan, many people in past times imagined Tibet as an "uncivilized", "unexplored" region. These conceptions were based on the journalism of the day, the influence of the particular individuals introducing Tibet, and the general historical background. In the revival period of the Showa 20s, the term "Tibet" was applied to the Iwate prefecture. In most cases this indicated the area's need for development, Iwate had lost many farmers who had settled in Manchuria, and the area suffered greatly under the farm village depression of the early Showa years. Iwate's postwar revival depended heavily on resettlement, including many repatriated farmers. Use of the "Tibet" reference reflected awareness of this need for development.
若林 素子 Motoko Wakabayashi
鎌倉女子大学紀要 = The journal of Kamakura Women's University (ISSN:09199780)
no.20, pp.21-26, 2013-03-31

カリタ式ペーパードリップ法において、 湯を、 蒸らし時間を加えながら 4回に分けて注ぐ抽出法Iと、 同量の湯を一度に注ぐ抽出法IIによりコーヒー抽出を行い、 それぞれのカフェイン濃度の違いを HPLC により定量分析した。 コーヒーとしては市販の焙煎直後のブラジル、 コロンビアおよびマンデリンの 3種を使用し、 抽出直前に粉砕した。 抽出法 I では65-93 mg/100g、 抽出法IIでは48-55 mg/100gのカフェインが抽出液に含まれることが明らかとなり、 3種いずれのコーヒーにおいても、 抽出法 I においてはIIと比較して約1.4倍から約1.7倍有意に (p < 0.01) カフェイン濃度が高くなることが示された。
赤澤 真理
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature ,Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.44, pp.275-320, 2018-03-15

本稿は、「境界をめぐる文学」の共同研究のなかで、建築空間の境界に着目する。平安時代から江戸時代における上層住宅に存在した境界において、女性の領域を外部に示した打出の装束をとりあげる。打出は、二つの領域を分割させ「覗かせる」作為のある境界とされている。本稿では、宮内庁書陵部蔵『女房装束打出押出事』に導かれながら打出の用法を整理した。打出の用法と領域は、①妻戸に設置する(使者のための明示など)、②儀礼の空間を装飾する、③女性の座を示す機能がある。従来絵巻等では、外部の簀子や庭に向かって装飾された打出が表現されることが多いが、内部空間に出されている事例を確認できる。打出の意匠は、制約のなかでも多種多様な選択がある。特に『兵範記』仁平二年(一一五二)三月七日条 鳥羽天皇五十算賀における女院の女房達の打出は、四色に限定しながらも、一人ひとりがすこしずつ色彩が異なるなどの院政期の趣向がみられる。女房装束の打出は、室町後期以降、王朝主題の絵画にも示されなくなるが、本史料から、江戸末期の学者に関心が復活したことを窺うことができる。現実に江戸後期に復原されなかったのは、あくまでも私的な装束と考えられたことが予見され、今後の課題としたい。This article, written as part of the NIJL collaborative research project entitled "Borders," takes a close look at the establishment of borders in architectural space. In high-class mansions from the Heian down through to the Edo period, the precincts of women’s living quarters were clearly indicated by the presence of trailing sleeves or hems (of female gowns) made to protrude from under hanging blinds-a custom known as uchiide, literally, (clothing that is made to) stick out. These protruding bits of ladies’ garments served at once to separate the women’s quarters from the outside, as well as to allow those without to effectively get a little peek at what lay behind the otherwise concealing blinds. This article, by making reference to a work entitled Nyōgo sōshoku uchiide oshiide no koto, stored in the Kunaoichō Library, seeks to clarify the precise manner in which the custom of uchiide, protruding garments, was employed. There were three distinct locations or occasions in which uchiide were used: first, at the entrance of a mansion, as a means, among other purposes, of clearly indicating the identity of a messenger that happened to be present; second, as a means of decorating a space designated for worship; third, as a means of indicating the presence of women during rituals and Buddhist services. Illustrated scrolls often depict uchiide garments decorating outer lattices and the edges of gardens. It is possible, furthermore, with the aid of written documents, to confirm examples of uchiide being used indoors, as well. Designs of uchiide were numerous, even when restricted by various other conventions. An entry in the Heian-period diary Heihanki for the date 3.7.1152 (Ninpyō 2), we read how the uchiide of those ladies-in-waiting attending Emperor Toba’s fiftieth birthday celebration, while strictly limited to only four colors, yet displayed great variety in terms of individual combinations. Ladies-in-waiting active during the period of cloistered emperors, while inheriting the clothing traditions of their eleventh-century predecessors, did bring about certain innovations, such as the use of shade gradations within a single-colored garment. The uchiide of ladies-in-waiting cease to appear in those illustrations depicting court life produced during and after the latter half of the Muromachi period. Nyōgo sōshoku uchiide oshiide no koto reveals, howeverm, that some scholars as late as the Edo period were interested in the subject. That the practice of uchiide was never reinstituted during the Edo period might have been due to a notion that such practices were personal and not a matter of public concern. To be sure, more research must be done in this area.
澤田 次郎
拓殖大学国際日本文化研究 = Journal of the Research Institute for Global Japanese Studies (ISSN:24336904)
vol.4, pp.75-228, 2021-03-25

松田 裕貴
vol.62, no.11, pp.e49-e54, 2021-10-15

尾崎 竜史 一杉 裕志
研究報告自然言語処理(NL) (ISSN:21888779)
vol.2016-NL-228, no.8, pp.1-4, 2016-09-22

双閉モノイド圏 (biclosed monoidal category) を紹介し,これが古典的な範疇文法のモデルとなることを説明する.また,このモデルでは古典的な範疇文法において ad hoc に導入されていた文法範疇の同値性 (X\Y ) /Z ● X\ (Y/Z) のようなルールが自然同型として構成されることを示す.また,単一の文に対して同じ意味を与えるような二通りの構文解析が可能な現象を,双閉モノイド圏における図式の可換性を通して捉えることを提案する.最後に,組み合わせ範疇文法への拡張を簡単に検討する.
林 文子
vol.58, no.2, pp.123-149, 2008-03

This note presents a selection and organization of words related to food culture from The Japanese-Portuguese Dictionary. The Japanese-Portuguese Dictionary, the translation of VOCABVLARIO DA LINGOA DE IA PAM corn a declaracao em Portugues, was published in 1603 by the Society of Jesus for use by their missionnaries in the propagation of the Christian faith. These words are fragmented, ambiguous, and somewhat limited. Not all words in The Japanese-Portuguese Dictionary were well known by everybody at that time, but most of words were practical and widely used, and thus helpful for the propagation of the Christian faith. Food is a mainstay of life, and plays a key role in forming our identities. What to eat and how to eat is not only a matter of individual taste, but also a part of culture that reflects time and geography. The observations of strangers from strange lands (Europe) gave structure and clarity to the everyday things taken for granted by people living in the visited country (Japan). For example, unexpected food for Europeans included unknown grasses, unusually fish, uncommon seaweed, salted fish guts, and above all fermented things, such as fermented soybeans. Based on actual experience, this selection is not in merely an enumeration of foods, but a reconstruction of food scenery at the end of the 16th Century in Japan. Some excerpts from The Japanese-Portuguese Dictionary are as follows. Japanese at that time thought that food can be either power or poison. Thus, "Dokudachi (literally Poison cut-off)" indicates when a sick person fasts reduces food intake. A meal includes Ii (rice), Shiru (soup), and Sai (vegetables or fish or meat). Shiru, the soup was essential for every meal. Rice was graded by difficulty of polishing. Damage resistant red rice spread through the country, and came to be boiled in iron pots. The multi-faceted abilities to harvest, hunt, and produce were expanding, as can be seen from the specific names for rice gruels, rice cakes, noodles, beans, underground vegetables, mushrooms
山本 征孝 島田 雄宇 椿野 稔 栗田 雄一 大宿 茂
研究報告高齢社会デザイン(ASD) (ISSN:21894450)
vol.2015-ASD-3, no.7, pp.1-5, 2015-11-07
