岡本 健

蓑毛 雄吾 佐藤 誠 鈴木 寿晃 神崎 正斗
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会誌 (ISSN:13426907)
vol.70, no.3, pp.J75-J79, 2016 (Released:2016-02-25)

羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.60, no.4, pp.p643-655, 1985

朴 晋熯 田中 俊光
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 (ISSN:18802249)
no.10, pp.155-174, 2014-03

本稿では、玉尾家によって作成されて保管された年代記を通して、労働と余暇がまだ分離されなかった江戸時代の農村における庶民の余暇と旅についてその実態と意義を調べようとした。中山道に面する鏡村に住む玉尾家は近隣の神社や寺で開催される祭りや娯楽行事に積極的に参加した。労働と余暇、宗教と世俗を二分法的に分ける現代社会と異なって江戸時代の神社や寺の宗教活動は庶民の余暇活動と密接な係わりを持っていた。江戸幕府は奢侈禁止令などを通して庶民の娯楽や余暇を規制しようとしたので、庶民たちは祭礼の名目を借りてその正当性を獲得しようとした。一般の人々は寺院で開催される秘仏行事や神社の儀礼として行われ始めた歌舞伎や能、相撲などの行事を楽しんでから日常生活に戻ったのである。一方、玉尾家は子供を含む家族旅行の形態で最も人気の高い旅行地である伊勢神宮へ行ってきた。そして当主の地位を相続する男性は30歳を前後にした時期になると故郷を離れて長距離旅行に行ってきた。こうした長距離旅行は彼にとって故郷を離れて新たな人間関係に接しながら、見聞を広める絶好の機会になったと思われる。このように江戸時代の長距離旅行は個人の人生において通るべき一種の通過儀礼として、重要な意義を持っていたといえる。This paper examines the aspects of travelling in a rural community and the meaning of leisure in the Edo period when the labor and the leisure were not yet separated, using a chronicle kept by the Damao family (玉尾家)as a historical text.The Damao family members participated with great interests in various religious festivals hosted by the neighboring shrines and the Buddhist temples. Differing from the modern time divided into two area such as labor and leisure, religious rituals and secular festivals, the Edo religious activities of the shrines and the temples were closely related to the commoners' leisure time activities. This became even true, considering that the sumptuary legislation by the Edo Shogunate forced the commoners to pursue religious outlook to justify their leisurely activities. The exhibition of a Buddhist image of a Bibul (a Buddhist statue not usually shown to the public) and the plays such as, Kabuki, Noh, and Sumo, all offered enjoying and refreshing moments to the commoners before they returned to the daily routine.The Damao family made it their ritual to visit the Ise Shrine, the most popular attraction site, during the childhood accompanying the father or brothers. Especially in the case of a male heir of the family upon reaching the age of thirty, he would leave the hometown going on a long-distance trip. This custom was to offer him a golden opportunity to experience human relationship beyond the locality and to broaden his views on worldly businesses. As shown from the Damaos case, a long-distance trip of the Edo period was considered to be important rite of passage which an individual should go through in his life.
内務省土木局 編
vol.第21回, 1913
江玉 睦明 影山 幾男 熊木 克治
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2010, pp.AbPI2033, 2011

【目的】大腿直筋の肉離れはハムストリングスに続いて多く,発生部位は近位部に集中している.今回,大腿直筋について肉眼解剖学的に筋構造を明らかにし,肉離れ発生部位との関連を検討した.<BR><BR>【方法】日本歯科大学新潟生命歯学部に献体された成人3遺体5側を用いた.検索方法は主に肉眼解剖学的手法を用いた.<BR><BR>【説明と同意】本研究は死体保護法で同意を得て行った.<BR><BR>【結果】大腿直筋は下前腸骨棘と寛骨臼蓋上縁から起こり,遠位1/4から内側広筋,外側広筋,中間広筋とで共同腱を形成し膝蓋骨上縁に停止した.表面の近位1/3まで幅広い起始腱膜があり,そこから遠位1/3まで筋内腱が存在した.裏面では停止腱膜が近位1/4まで幅広く存在した.下前腸骨棘と寛骨臼蓋上縁から起こる起始腱は混同して起始腱膜となり,近位部で徐々にねじれて筋内腱を形成した.筋内腱は起始腱膜の延長であり,薄い膜状構造を呈した.近位部の特徴として,起始腱膜から筋内腱の筋線維は両側へ走行し羽状構造を呈して停止腱膜に停止していた.起始腱(下前腸骨棘)からの筋線維は,半羽状構造を呈し,起始腱(臼蓋上縁)からの筋線維は長軸方向に平行に停止腱膜に付着しており,表層と深層では異なる筋線維走行を呈した.また起始腱膜の形状は一様ではなく,加えて近位部で徐々にねじれて筋内腱を形成していることで近位部表面の筋線維走行は部位により異なる走行を呈した.<BR><BR>【考察】肉離れの発生メカニズムとして羽状構造,筋腱移行部,遠心性収縮がポイントとして挙げられる.大体直筋は羽状筋であり,サッカーのシュート動作時などに受傷することが多く,近位部の筋内腱部,筋束の筋膜が好発部位とされている.今回の結果から近位部は,表層と深層では異なる筋線維走行をしており,また,起始腱膜の形状は一様ではなく,加えて近位部から徐々にねじれて筋内腱を形成しているため,近位部前面は部位により異なる筋線維走行を呈していた.このため,近位部は収縮時に部位により異なる収縮動態を呈する可能性があり,このことが肉離れの発生に関与しているのではないかと考えられた.今後は,超音波を使用しての筋収縮の動的評価を行い近位部の収縮動態を明らかにしていきたい. <BR><BR>【理学療法学研究としての意義】本研究は,肉眼解剖学的観点から大腿直筋の肉離れの発生原因を考察しており今後更に発展させていくことにより肉離れの治療や予防の一助となるものと考える.
vol.24, no.2, 1971-05
阪井 裕一郎 本多 真隆 松木 洋人
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2015, no.28, pp.76-87, 2015-08-07 (Released:2016-10-12)

In many developed societies, there is an increase in the number of couples who are cohabiting in unregistered marriages. This trend is often used as an example to indicate changes in consciousness that are part of the transformation of a modern society. Those who have adopted the Japanese term “jijitsukon (unregistered marriage)” to refer to their cohabitation often regard themselves as “married,” yet the question of “why couples in an unregistered marriage choose that option” has received little attention to date. We conclude that the practice of “unregistered marriages” is neither a simple secession from the idea of a conventional “marriage” nor is it restricted to a “traditional” vocabulary. Instead, it should be viewed in terms of a “reinterpretation” of marriage.
河口 由佳 川瀬 直人

学術コミュニケーション技術セミナー(JPCOAR Monday), 2020年11月2日(月), オンライン
納富 信留
西洋古典学研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.46, pp.44-55, 1998-03-23 (Released:2017-05-23)

Critias is known as the leader of the cruel "Thirty Tyrants", who governed defeated Athens after the Poloponnesian War(404/3 B.C.), and killed over 1500 people under their reign of terror. Critias raises two important issues in the history of philosophy. First, as a relative of Plato, he seems to have influenced young Plato ; Plato later says in the Seventh Letter that he was initially attracted by Critias' invitation to the oligarchic government, but soon got disappointed on seeing its evil deeds(324B-325A). Second, Critias is regarded as a major cause of the decision to bring Socrates to trial in 399 ; the Athenians believed that Socrates was guilty of "corrupting youth" because he had educated anti-democratic politicians, such as Critias and Alcibiades(cf. Aeschines, 1. 173). These events kept Plato away from real politics and forced him to contemplate politics in philosophy. I believe that Plato confronted the issues concerning Critias in his early dialogue, the Charmides, in which young Critias plays a major role in discussing sophrosyne(temperance or prudence). However, the commentators have scarcely considered political issues in this dialogue, probably because they take the "evil image of Critias" for granted. First, therefore, I reexamine the historical figure of Critias and show how his image was created. It is Xenophon who is most responsible for making up our image of Critias. He describes Critias as a cruel tyrant and ascribes all evils of the Thirty to his personal motivations. Xenophon's account in the History of Greece II. 3. 11-4. 43 reflects the strong reaction against oligarchy in democratic Athens, and originates both in his hostility against the Thirty and his intention to defend Socrates' education(Memorabilia 1. 2. 12-38, 47). This has concealed the Thirty's real political intentions under the "evil image of Critias". On the other hand, we have some positive evidence to indicate that the Thirty originally intended to restore justice and morality in Athens (Lysias 12. 5 ; P1. Ep. VII 324D) ; they executed the sycophants("villains" in democratic Athens). We cannot deny the possibility that Critias and his group seriously aimed for ideal justice, and philosophical examination of the ideology of Critias is therefore necessary. The problem lies in what they understand as justice and sophrosyne. This is the main target of Plato's examination of Critias in the Charmides. Most commentators have ignored the political aspect of the dialogue. Sophrosyne is(unlike Aristotle's definition in the Ethics)a major political virtue along with justice, and the leading ideal for the Spartans and the oligarchs. Sophrosyne is said to bring about good government(Charm. 162A, 171D-172A, D). A crucial point in interpreting the Charmides is how we can understand the shift and relationship between several definitions of sophrosyne which Critias provides. He often gives up his earlier definitions easily and presents new ones ; there seems no logical relation between these. I see his definitions not as logically consequent, but as implying and revealing Critias' underlying ideology. I focus on two shifts : the first comes when Critias abandons his first definition "to do one's own", and gives a new definition "to know oneself" (164C-D) ; the second shift explicates "to know oneself" as "knowledge of the other knowledges and of itself" (166B-C). In each case, the direct cause of shift is Socrates' using an analogy between sophrosyne and techne (skill). Critias opposes Socrates' analogy and tries to separate two kinds of knowledge : self-knowledge and particular skills. Since the relation between the two is explained in terms of "rule" and "supervise" (173C, 174D-E) , I conclude that the clear distinction between the two(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)