高橋 愛
一般財団法人 日本英文学会
英文学研究 支部統合号 (ISSN:18837115)
vol.7, pp.229-236, 2015

Moby-Dick has been considered to be the most masculine of Herman Melville's novels. However, few studies have extensively considered the masculinity of those on board the Pequod despite the possibility that Melville had worked hard to express masculinities that deviated from the norms of American society in the nineteenth century. This paper discusses Queequeg, a harpooner from the South Seas, as a character onto whom Melville projected a facet of his multiple ideas of masculinity, by examining his body and his behaviors. First, Queequeg's race and ethnicity are ambiguous, though he is introduced as a Pacific Islander. His tattooed body characterizes him as non-white, but at the same time he transgresses the color line with his phrenologically excellent skull. His tattoos do not reveal any ethic characteristics, though it is said that he is based on a real Maori chief. Additionally, Queequeg's sexuality and gender are also ambiguous. He has a cordial friendship with Ishmale, a common sailor and the narrator of the novel. However, their friendship often seems too sensual to presume that they are just friends: Queequeg caresses his friend many times and his actions anticipate the homoerotic ecstasy that Ishmael experiences later. There also seems to be indications that Queequeg is transgender: for instance, his affectionate huging of Ishmael and his rescue of Tashtego, another harpooner. Given these points, Queequeg seems to be portrayed as an amorphous man who transgresses the boundaries of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender. It is possible that his amorphous self is a projected image of what Melville regards as masculine.
能川 泰治
歴史学研究 (ISSN:03869237)
vol.673, pp.1-16, 1995-07-01

小松 和暉 宮路 祐一 上原 秀幸
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications = IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (ISSN:15361276)
vol.17, no.6, pp.3768-3780, 2018-06

This paper presents a basis function selection technique of a frequency-domain Hammerstein digital selfinterference canceller for in-band full-duplex communications. The power spectral density (PSD) of the nonlinear selfinterference signal is theoretically analyzed in detail, and a nonlinear self-interference PSD estimation method is developed. The proposed selection technique decides on the basis functions necessary for cancellation and relaxes the computational cost of the frequency-domain Hammerstein canceller based on the estimated PSD of the self-interference of each basis function. Furthermore, the convergence performance of the canceller is improved by the proposed selection technique. Simulation results are then presented, showing that the proposed technique can achieve similar cancellation performance compared with the original frequency-domain Hammerstein canceller and a time-domain nonlinear canceller. Additionally, it is shown that the proposed technique improves the computational cost and the convergence performance of the original frequency-domain Hammerstein canceller.
Akifumi Nishi Hiroyuki Kusaka Lidia Lazarova Vitanova Yuma Imai
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.15, pp.132-136, 2019 (Released:2019-06-20)

We quantitatively evaluated the contributions of foehn winds and the urban heat island (UHI) effect to an extreme high-temperature nocturnal event at Niigata city on 23-24 August 2018. During this event, southeasterly winds blew continually across the Niigata Plain and temperatures on the plain were higher than those in the windward region of the mountain range. Back-trajectory analysis and numerical simulations with and without topography showed that the southeasterly winds were foehn winds that caused precipitation and latent heating on the windward slope of the mountain range. The foehn winds and UHI contributed about 2.8°C and 1.9°C, respectively, to the extreme high-temperature of 31.0°C at 2100 JST in Niigata city. The combined impact of the foehn winds and the UHI at Niigata was about 4.0°C during the night. The contribution of the foehn winds was greater at around midnight, whereas that of the UHI was greater during the early night.
都司 嘉宣 日野 貴之
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.68, no.2, pp.91-176, 1993-09-30

伊藤 亜紀
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.50, pp.1-23, 2000-10-20

Il Trattato dell'arte della seta scritto da un anonimo fiorentino tra la fine del XIV e l'inizio del XV secolo, ci offre molti dai preziosi sulla tintura nella fine del Medioevo, e el capitolo che trartta della tintura dell'azzurro, comincia come segue: ≪…gli azzurri, questi sono colori di piccola portanza e piuttosto da tacergli, che dirgli≫. Questa frase rappresenta francamente l'idea di "azzurro" degli italiani in quel periodo; nei manuali tintori le ricette per la tintura in azzurro sono poche rispetto a quelle del rosso e del verde, ed anche in alcune liste di vestiti in dati personali - come inventari, diari, lettere, ecc. -, i vestiti di questo colore sono molto rari, Inoltre nella letteratura di quel periodo non compaiono quasi mai personaggi con vestiti azzurri. \L'assenza dell'azzurro" e un fenomeno generale in tutta l'Europa di quell'epoca, perche il guado, tipica pianta che produce la materia tintoria dell'azzurro, era disponibile a prezzo relativamente basso senza difficolta. Percio anche i vestiti azzurri sono portati principalmente dalla classe media e bassa. Per questa popolarita, nella sistema del simbolismo cromatico, agli azzurri erano attribuiti di solito dei significati negativi come la volgarita e la beffa. Ma nei Cinquecento, questa idea tradizionale dei colori subisce un leggero cambiamento. Alcuni trattati del simbolismo cromatico come Del significato de colori e de mazzolli di Fulvio Pellegrino Mrato (1535), Il mostruosissimo mostro…Nel primo de' quali si ragiona del significato de' colori di Giovanni de' Rinaldi (1559) e Il Dialogo nel quale si ragiona delle qualita, diversita, e proprieta de i colori di Lodovico Dolce (1565), valutano molto il turchino come il colore del 'pensiero elevato'. Infine nella Iconologia di Cesare Ripa (terza edizione: 1603), viene presentato come il colore dell'abito della donna allegorica Sapienza. Si possono enumerare alcune ragioni per questa valutazione del turchino-una tonalita dell'azzurro; quando la rotta per l'India fu scoperta alla fine del XV secolo, grandi quantita di indaco, che puo tingere in azzurro a un prezzo inferiore, e meglio del guado, giunsero in Europa e si diffusero in Italia, percio i bei panni azzurri o turchini erano abbondanti sul mercato. Inoltre mi pare che anche la diffusione in tutta l'Europa della moda del colore scuro - soprattutto del nero-dalla fine del XV secolo, e il erollo della gerarchia dei colori, alla cui cima era posto il rosso, richiamino l'attenzione della gente verso altri colori-anche verso gli azzurri. Oltre a cio in Francia il bleu era gia molto valutato dopo la meta del XIII secolo come colore del mantello della Madonna, e nel Blason des Coulerus, trattato del simbolismo cromatico scritto in francese da Sicille (1435-58), il bleu e definito il colore della 'science'. Puo darsi che questa idea francese dei colori esercitasse un'influenza su quella italiana. Pero cenche la domanda dei panni azzurri fosse qumentata, e nei trattati del simbolismo cromatico, al turchino fosse attribuita una buona immagine, questi colori non sono stati valutati come gli altri. In effetti, anche dopo il XVI secolo, gli azzurri non sono stati mai consigliati per l'abbigliamento, e gli abiti di questo colore non erano portati volontariamente dalla gente. Possiamo quindi dire che nella vita quotidiana l'interesse della gente per l'azzurro fu basso, e non ci fu una grande promozione dell'azzurro nel costume italiano.
興亜会支那語学校 編
vol.散語ノ部, 1880
井上 美香子
日本の教育史学 (ISSN:03868982)
vol.50, pp.84-96, 2007-10-01 (Released:2017-06-01)

The purpose of the study is to reexamine the process that led to the revision of "articles concerning General Education" in 1950 (Thereafter, "the revision of 1950") and the estimation of the Committee on General Education. The Committee had the responsibility of leading the introduction of General Education during postwar university reform. It has been acknowledged that the Committee on General Education, as well as acting Committee Adviser Thomas H. MacGrail, strove for the introduction of General Education. For this reason, the revision of 1950 is considered to be the embodiment of the principle of General Education, as well as the result of the Committee's efforts. Until now, the details of the process that led to the revision of 1950 have been considered only through material from the "Proceedings of the Fifth General Session". This paper will consider the revision of 1950 through the study of material that has not previously been considered, namely the "Proceedings of the Committee on General Education, " held in the archives of the Japanese University Accreditation Association and GHQ/SCAP RECORDS. MacGrail expected the Committee to devise the revision of 1950 to thoroughly reform courses in three equal fields: cultural sciences, social sciences, and natural sciences. However, the Committee did not accept the "Recommendation" from MacGrail. The Committee's primary concern with the revision of 1950 was how to ensure a certain level of university discretion in the application of the "articles concerning General Education." At this point, MacGrail changed his recommendation into an order at the conference held with CIE concerning the overall revision of university standards. As a result, the "final draft" of the Committee was rejected and MacGrail himself carried out the revision of "articles concerning General Education." Considering the circumstances, the Committee on General Education was actually the chief obstacle in the implementation of MacGrail's recommendation. This meant that the Committee thought that discretion was an important element of university education. In this way, the problem was that CIE, MacGrail and the Committee on General Education held different views about university education. This was the main issue involved in the 1950 revision of "articles concerning General Education."
今村 成和
北大法学論集 (ISSN:03855953)
vol.16, no.2-3, pp.3-22, 1965-12