上野 俊昭 内藤 雄一郎 中込 忠好
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.40, no.1, pp.19-23, 2012 (Released:2012-07-11)

We sought to compare medical costs of coiling and clipping for treatment of cerebral aneurysms. Data of total medical costs for coiling and clipping from 2006 to 2009 were retrieved from the medical reimbursement database at Teikyo University Hospital. There were 32 and 29 cases, respectively, for coiling and clipping of ruptured aneurysm who presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage, and 41 cases each with unruptured aneurysms for coiling and clipping. In patients with ruptured aneurysms, basic hospitalization costs were lower in the coiling group even with higher device-related costs. As a result, total medical costs during hospitalization were equivalent between the coiling and clipping groups. In patients with unruptured aneurysms, however, total medical costs during hospitalization were much higher in the coiling group than those in the clipping group. The difference in an amount of basic hospital costs was not enough to absorb the higher device-related costs in the coiling groups due to relatively shorter length of hospital stays in patients with unruptured aneurysms. Medical costs for treatment of cerebral aneurysms are well balanced between coiling and clipping in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Coiling of unruptured aneurysms, however, pushes up the total amount of medical costs significantly due to higher device-related costs compared with clipping.
友田 正彦 大田 省一 清水 真一 上野 祥史 小野田 恵 ファム レ・フイ ブイ ミン・チー グェン ヴァン・アイン

上野 アキ
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.269, pp.1-35, 1970-11-10

An enormous amount of artistic and literary materials were brought from Tun-huang by Sir Aurel Stein and Paul Pelliot. The paintings among them are now in British Museum, London, National Museum, New Delhi and Musée Guimét, Paris. As for the Stein Collection, there are descriptions in Serindia, Oxford, 1921, and Thousand Buddhas, London, 1921, and there is a comprehensive study by Dr. MATSUMOTO, Eiichi, Tonkōga no Kenkyū (Studies on Tun-huang Paintings), Tokyo, 1937. On the other hand, no comprehensive documentation has not yet published as to the Pelliot Collection. In the present paper, the author discusses banner paintings representing Buddha's life from both collections. She here treats long narrow banners in which scenes from Buddha's life are vertically arranged and she does not treat so called side scenes belonging to a larger painting. There are thirty-two pieces which are generally regarded to be of this category including fragments, namely, eighteen in Brisith Museum, eleven in National Museum, New Delhi, and three in Musée Guimét. Some of these works have been illustrated in the above mentioned books. In preparing the plates of the present number, the author puts emphasis on the unpublished works. For instance, those shown in the colour plate are works which have not been published in colour before. The present paper consists of two parts. In the first part in this number, the author gives detailed descriptions to the works and in the second part she will discuss their subjects, styles, techniques and dates. As for the works of Stein Collection, she uses the numbering system now in use in British Museum, that is, the numbering system adopted in Catalogue of Paintings Recover ed from Tun-huang by Sir Aurel Stein, London, 1931. The correspondence with the original numbering system by Stein is shown in the table in page 3. The main works discussed in the present paper are as follows: Stein Collection No. 84 (Pl. IIIa) has short explanation phrases as well as No. 86 (fig. 1), a work of the same type. Both explanations are of naive letters written with a sort of pen. Stein Collection No. 85 (Pl. II) is a work chiefly done in line drawing. The rendering technique of the profiles of men seen at the upper part is characteristic. It depicts the pursuers galloping their horses after Siddhartha's "great departure," Siddhartha's horse Kanthaka and the groom Chandaka leaving him in the mountain and Kanthaka coming back to the palace. Stein Collection No. 88 is a part of a larger composition judging from the seam running vertically at the right portion, and therefore it is hard to count it as a banner painting of Buddha's life. Nos. 88 (fig. 3) and 90 (fig. 4) might be called the best among the works discussed here, with very fine brushwork, precise rendition and brilliant colours. No. 88 depicts the scenes with the aged and the sick of the four scenes Prince Siddhartha saw outside the four gates of the palace. No. 90 shows his training in literary and military arts in his boyhood. The fringes on the both sides and between the sections has patterns decorated with rainbow grading in which the T'ang style combinations of blue with red and green with violet are consistently observed. Stein Collection Nos. 91 (Pl. IIIb) and 89 (Pl. IIIc) are proved to have belonged to the same composition depicting the dream of Mahāmāyā, the birth of Siddhartha, his bath in the Lumbini Garden and the scene of the seven steps. Stein Collection No. 92 (fig. 5) is a complete banner with its top at the upper end and also with the bottom fringe. Stein Collection No. 93 has a drawing of the seven treasures of Cakravartin. Stein Collection No. 94 (Pl. Ia) depicts the three scenes of the "simultaneous birth". A sheep suckling a lamb, a cow licking the head of its calf and a mare suckling a foal are seen. The grasses each of which has one red flower and one violet flower are characteristic. Stein Collection No. 95 (fig. 7) is a work with brilliant colours depicting the scenes of the farewell of Chandaka and Kanthaka, the departure of Chandaka and the pursuit of the messengers. Stein Collection No. 96 (fig. 8) has the most standardized arrangement with four sections as well as No. 509 (fig. 17), both of them having flat areas of colours. The landscape seen in No. 509 is interesting enough. Stein Collection No. 97 (Pl. IVa) has scenes with dark colours compared with its fringes of floral patterns as well as No. 510 (fig. 17). The landscapes of both works show the mixture of the Six-Dynasties style and the Tang style. Stein Collection No. 98 (Pl. Ib) is a drawing with slight colours depicting the scenes of Siddhartha's marriage, pleasures of the palace and the great departure. The expression of the simple but lovely faces of the figures is interesting Stein Collection No. 99 (fig. 9) is one of the most beautiful paintings of this group. It de picts the seven treasures of Cakravartin, Prince Siddhartha's bath in the Lumbini Garden and the scene of the seven steps. Stein Collection No. 100 (fig. 10) is a drawing with faint colours showing scenes of five men running in fear in thundering rain, Prince Siddhartha's austerities and his bath in the Niranjanā River. Stein Collection No. 305 (fig. 12) bears the two same scenes as No. 95 and the scene of Buddha's preaching. The work itself is not so good as No. 95. Stein Collection No. 464 (Pl. IVb) keeps the top part of the banner. Well-preserved coarse pigments are seen. The fringes on the both sides and between the sections has the same characteristics as Nos. 514 and 515. Stein Collection No. 492 (fig. 13) is a beautifully coloured painting depicting four scenes concerning Siddhartha's great departure. The fact that the roof at the left end of the fourth scene is now upside-down compared with the plate in Serindia (fig. 15), suggests that the other side of the banner is also coloured. The author presumes that the top scene as is now framed must be the different side from the other part now seen in the frame (fig. 14). Stein Collection No. 514 (Pl. Ic) has fringes on the right and left sides and between the sections which are the same type as No. 515. The author attributes the third scene to the scene with Asita reading Siddhartha's character by his physical features and the fourth to the scene of Siddhartha's coming back to the palace after it. Musée Guimét EO 1154 (fig. 19) seems to be the scene concerning the great departure though it is now disordered due to the rough repairs and retouches. The fine rendition of the figures has something in common with Stein Collection No. 227. Musée Guimet Nos. 1216 (fig. 20) and 1217 (fig. 21) are complete banners. The former depicts the trainings of Siddhartha in his boyhood and the latter, his horse ride out of four gates of the palace. Both are of rather inferior work. The latter is shown in Pl. V alongside Stein Collection No. 88 with the same subject.
渡邉 健太 寳川 拓生 福澤 康典 上野 正実 川満 芳信
日本作物学会紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.90, no.3, pp.324-333, 2021

<p>南大東島では大規模かつ効率的なサトウキビ生産が行われている一方で,サトウキビの単収は低く,年次変動が大きい.この理由として,夏場の降水量が少なくしばしば干ばつに見舞われることが挙げられる.島では積極的に灌漑設備の導入に取り組んでいるが,依然としてサトウキビ生産は降雨に大きく左右されている.その影響を解明し合理的な灌漑方法を提案するため,本研究では南大東島の過去の気象データに基づき株出しサトウキビ畑における水収支を算出し,特に夏季の水収支とサトウキビの生育および収量との関係について明らかにした.梅雨明け後の降水量は少なくサトウキビの消費水量が有効雨量を大きく上回ったため,7~9月における不足水量は多く,この3か月間の不足水量は年全体の46%にも相当した.そこで,7~9月に着目し解析を行ったところ,各月の不足水量と茎伸長量および単収との間には負の相関関係が確認され,特にこの時期の不足水量が増加するとサトウキビの成長が著しく制限され,収量を低下させると考えられた.また,この傾向は最大風速が25 m s<sup>–1</sup>以上となる台風年度を除くとより顕著であった.非台風年度において7~9月の合計不足水量から合計伸長量および単収を推定する回帰式を用いると,この時期の不足水量が100 mm増加するごとに伸長量が25.1 cm,単収が14.1 t ha<sup>–1</sup>低下することが明らかになった.以上より,7~9月の水収支がサトウキビの生育および収量に強く影響を与え,この時期における灌漑が高単収の実現に必要不可欠であることが本研究から改めて示された.</p>
岸本 秀弘 上野 明 河本 洋 浦 幸雄
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.38, no.424, pp.32-38, 1989
1 7

Tensile tests were carried out on sintered Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> at room temperature under the ambient condition, and the influence of defects upon the fracture stress was discussed. As the surface of specimens was prepared carefully, fracture of 57 specimens out of 60 originated from the defects such as voids or inclusions which resulted from the sintering process. As a parameter to describe the size of the defect, &radic;<i>area</i> was used which is the square root of the area of a 3-dimensional defect projected to the direction of the maximum principal stress. The results obtained are as follows.<br>(1) &radic;<i>area</i> of defects which caused fracture nearly conforms to the first asymptotic distribution of the largest value and the fracture strength conforms to Weibull distribution.<br>(2) &radic;<i>area</i> is a good parameter to describe the size of the defect from the standpoint of fracture.<br>(3) Defects such as voids and inclusions act exactly as cracks of the same size.<br>(4) The fracture strength can be estimated by using the distribution of &radic;<i>area</i>, the fracture toughness and the mean grain size of Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub>.
三上 修 三上 かつら 森本 元 上野 裕介
Bird Research (ISSN:18801587)
vol.17, pp.A11-A19, 2021 (Released:2021-04-30)

高橋 健夫 広瀬 祐司 米田 博行 増田 辰夫 上野 佳男
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.31, no.1, pp.p85-106, 1982-11

This paper deals with teaching methods for beginners' volleyball class. Two models of the methods were selected through analysing various ideas to improve skills and results of our previous experimental lessons. The characteristics of two models were as follows. (1) Model A was a game-center learning. In this model, each skill of underhand pass, overhand pass, service, spike, and team play was separately learned and after every lesson games were played as an actual practice of the learning. (2) Model C was a learning centered on the offensive combination skill. In this model, team plays were mainly learned with focus on the toss-spike skill. The hours alloted for the game were about half of the model A. (3) In both models, lessons were done by "small group learning", and games were played in accordance with a special rule allowing to contact the ball a maximam of 4 times before returning it to the opposite court. Two different classes (of the model A and C), each with 20 school hours, were executed by the same teacher in the first classes of a junior high school. The learning results of both models were evaluated by the skill test, the analysis of team plays during the games, and the investigation on the attitude of students to physical education class-the attitude was substantiated by a questionary (standardized by A. Kobayashi). The major findings are as follows. (1) Personal skills were well developed in both models. But, in the model A underhand pass skill and in the model C overhand pass skill were more developed. (2) The difference of rally times in a game was not observed between two models. However, the times of hiting ball in a game were more frequent in the model C. Especially, frequency of hiting ball 3 or 4 times in the same court was significantly higher in model C. (3) Also the offensive team plays (toss-spike) were observed more frequently in the model C, but the games of the model A were mainly played by underhand pass rallys. (4) As the results of investigation on the attitude to physical education class, model A obtained the evaluation "fairly successful", but could not get good scores concerning the items of human relationship. The evaluation of model C was "very successful".

1 0 0 0 氣候學


1 0 0 0 溜池築造法

上野英三郎 吉光平一共著