地神 裕史 濱中 康治 三富 陽輔 中村 拓成 加藤 知生
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2013, 2014

水野 松本 由子 田中 康仁 林 拓世 岡本 永佳 西村 治彦 稲田 紘
一般社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering : BME (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.48, no.1, pp.11-24, 2010-02-10

The aim of this research was to assess the physiological signals which were relevant working efficiency under mental workload. Eleven healthy subjects were examined. In the first step, their mood status and stress level were evaluated with questionnaire methods:“Profile of Mood States (POMS)” and “Stress Self Rating Scale (SSRS)”, respectively. In the second step, electroencephalography (EEG) and photoplethysmography under the mental workload tasks in four auditory stimuli (silent circumstance, white noise, classical music, and up-tempo music) were measured. The mental workload tasks consisted of two parts:performing Uchida-Kraepelin test (calculating task:CAL) on PC monitor in two minutes and fixating on a crosshair image (after CAL) in two minutes. A procedure of the mental workload task in each auditory stimulus was repeated three times. EEG data were analyzed using a discrete Fourier transform to obtain power spectral density (PSD) in theta, alpha, and beta bands. Pulse waves from photoplethysmography were analyzed for estimating the pulse wave amplitude (PWA) and length (PWL). PSDs of theta band in silent circumstance and classical music under and after CALs, alpha band in classical music under and after CALs, and beta band in up-tempo music under CAL on most or all areas were significantly larger than those in the other auditory stimuli. The results of photoplethysmography analysis showed that changes of PWA and PWL in silent circumstance and classical music were more stable than those in the other auditory stimuli. It was suggested that the classical music would not only affect brain activity under the mental workload and augment the efficiency of it, but also facilitate recovery of the physiological conditions from the stressful situations. These events from the physiological point of view showed that working environments could be considered to avoid adding stress on the brain function and autonomic nervous system during and even after the tasks.
越中 康治
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第三部 教育人間科学関連領域 (ISSN:13465562)
no.55, pp.227-235, 2006

The present study examined preschoolers' right and wrong judgments about provocative, retaliative, and punitive aggression. Fifty-three preschoolers (range 32 to 76 months) were presented with three picture stories in which the main character showed either provocative, retaliative, or punitive aggression. Following each story, the children were asked to judge (1) whether the aggression was right or wrong, (2) whether they would like to play with the main character, and (3) whether they would behave like the main character. The results were as follows: (1) Younger children (range 32 to 53 months) judged all types of aggression to be wrong. However, older children (range 55 to 76 months) allowed retaliative and punitive aggression, whereas they judged provocative aggression to be wrong. (2) Younger children reported that they would like to play with all of the main characters to the same extent. However, older children rejected to play with the main character who showed provocative aggression. (3) Children reported that they would show punitive aggression in some degree, but that they would never show provocative aggression. The results indicate that judgments of older children are based on the concepts of harm and retributive justice (i.e., they possess moral concepts that are independent of authority), whereas judgments of younger children tend to be oriented toward authority (e.g., aggression is wrong because it is punished by adults).
笠原 秀範 田中 康史 柴田 敦 久松 恵理子 山中 あすか 冨澤 宗樹 米田 直人 北川 泰生 栗本 泰行 高橋 英樹 莇 隆
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.43, no.5, pp.694-699, 2011 (Released:2012-11-07)

症例は36歳, 男性. 2008年11月ごろより, 両膝関節, 右環指関節痛が出現した. 2009年2月に起床後の右足底部痛および左上肢挙上時の疼痛があり, 当院救急外来を受診したが症状の改善はなく, 後日, 近医を受診し痛風の疑いがあると指摘され当院整形外科を受診したが, 37.5ºCの発熱, 胸痛, 左肩部痛もあり, また, 心雑音を聴取するため循環器内科を受診した. 経胸壁心エコー図検査上, 僧帽弁に疣腫を認めるため, 感染性心内膜炎の診断で入院となった. 2005年ごろから覚醒剤を使用していたが2008年10月からは使用していない. まわし打ちや, 再使用針での静注歴もある. 入院日より, セフトリアキソン(Ceftriaxone; CTRX) 2g×1回/日とゲンタマイシン(Gentamicin; GM) 60mg×3回/日の点滴投与を開始した. 入院日に施行した頭部MRIで塞栓像を認めたため, 翌日に準緊急手術を施行した. 前尖切除, 後尖温存による置換術を施行した. 術後, 僧帽弁逆流はなく, 感染は治癒した. 現在は症状の再現はなく, 覚醒剤中毒からも脱し, 社会復帰している. 近年, 覚醒剤使用がわが国でも社会的問題となっており, 覚醒剤常用者の感染症の鑑別診断として重要と考え, 症例報告をする.
田中 康秀
國民經濟雜誌 (ISSN:03873129)
vol.204, no.2, pp.23-33, 2011-08
田中 康司 原口 弘志 藤井 秀明 泥谷 誠 岩爪 道昭
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.27, 2013

田中 康裕 鈴木 毅
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.632, pp.2107-2115, 2008-10-30
1 5

It is important that we associate with those who are not intimate with us. To clarify where contacts with these people take place, we paid attention to acquaintances of different generation for children and youth. The purpose of this article is to clarify where children and youth contact with acquaintances of different generation. The survey of this article is questionnaire to university students. This article clarified following things. Many people whom children and youth contact are considered to be "hosts of the place", who are always at the place, who cherish the place, and who play some role there. Because "hosts of the place" are always at particular place, if children and youth want to meet them, they can go there. And even if children and youth don't intend to meet them, they meet them inevitably when they go there. And many contacts with acquaintances of different generation take place not at public places but at semi-public places.