中山 大将
北海道大学スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター内 境界研究ユニット
境界研究 (ISSN:21856117)
vol.10, pp.45-69, 2020

Academica Histrica (ROC) published a series of source books on Chinese repatriation from all over the world after WWII. One of the volumes has sources of Academica Histrica and an explanation on the return of Chinese from Southern Sakhalin after the Soviet–Japanese War. However, the explanation lacks references to other official documents of other archives and media sources. In addition, the author of the explanation failed to weigh the information in official documents from the view of Karafuto/Sakhalin history. This paper clarified the following points on Chinese in Karafuto/ Southern Sakhalin using official documents of Academica Histrica, Archive of Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica (ROC), The Second Historical Archive of China (PRC) and Archive of Shanghai-city (PRC), in addition, newspapers and magazine articles published in China. Chinese in Southern Sakhalin contacted diplomatic establishments of the ROC in the USSR and returned to China in 1947 under the scheme for overseas Chinese repatriation established by the ROC - the same as other Chinese in the USSR. One hundred and sixty-one persons left Sakhalin for Shanghai, ROC as a Chinese returnee group and at least 4 Chinese remained in Sakhalin. It is estimated that the returnee group consisted of around 120 Chinese and around 40 Japanese families. Anxiety over regime change caused their return. They were not purged under the socialist regime in Sakhalin though they had stood by the Wang Jingwei regime under the Japanese Empire. However, socialization of the economic system and an increase of Soviet citizens damaged their lives because most of them had been engaged in commerce. The government of Shanghai-city shouldered the most important role for supporting these returnees from Southern Sakhalin. The Shanghai branch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC made every effort to accommodate them just after their arrival; however, the branch and the central government did not have a budget to support them. Not only these returnees from Southern Sakhalin but also returnees from other areas of the USSR and domestic refugees generated by the Chinese Civil War had flowed into Shanghai. Discharge of these populations was an urgent issue for Shanghai-city. Shanghai-city planned to settle these returnees and refugees on uncultivated lands in Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces as relief works. However, it emerged that those lands were not suitable for agriculture and the returnees from Southern Sakhalin had no intention to move to those lands though some of them came from those provinces. One-third of the returnees from Southern Sakhalin had desired to move from Shanghai to Taiwan just after the return and that rate rose to three-fourths in a month, though there was no one among them from Taiwan. Some of the domestic refugees also desired to move from Shanghai to Taiwan. The Chinese Civil War had already proceeded and these refugees regarded Taiwan as one of the safe areas in China. The reasons specific to returnees from Southern Sakhalin desiring to move to Taiwan were the linguistic barrier in Shanghai, linguistic advantage in Taiwan and reunion of family in Japan. Shanghai and the surrounding areas had a variety of Chinese dialects and there were few people among the returnees from these areas. As an official document stated, it was very difficult for them to get a job there. On the contrary, many people came from Fujian province and spoke Fujian dialects, which was one of major dialects in Taiwan; moreover, it is natural that they expected that they could communicate in Japanese there because Taiwan was a colony of the Japanese Empire the same as Karafuto. In addition, an example of reunion of family in Japan via Taiwan has been known. The colonial government of Karafuto launched the evacuation during the Soviet-Japanese War and many women, children and senior citizens moved to Hokkaido. The Soviet army sealed off La Perouse Strait and many families were separated. The return of Chinese from Southern Sakhalin was a kind of unwilling displacement of citizens of the victorious nations generated by a series of border shifts after WWII, such as the return of the USSR citizens from China to the USSR. For their fatherlands, the victory of the war meant the liberation or the restoration of independence; however, for them, whether victory or defeat, border shifts derived from the war meant the disorganization of the order which they had help build as foreigners.
中山 大将
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-12, 2009 (Released:2012-12-24)
1 2

The imperial Constitution of Japan was established in 1889 and this meant that the modern Japanese imperial institution was also established. The imperial institution in this updated form remained influential throughout the Japanese Empire. In 1928, the Showa Emperor succeeded to the throne and a series of the ceremonies were held to recognize the transition called “Showa-no-Tairei.” Concurrently, in the imperial colony of “Karafuto,” the exemplary farmer campaign was launched by the colonial government of Karafuto. First, this study clarifies the facts on how the colonial agricultural administration of Karafuto utilized the modern imperial institution through the exemplary farmer campaign for its own particular aims. Second, this study discusses the logic for the linkage between Karafuto farmers and the Emperor within the campaign. The colonial government needed to use imperial ideology to make farmers of Karafuto adopt the ideal farming style it had planned, which differed from that of mainland Japan. The colonial government exposed the farmers to Imperial linkages via the ceremony of “Showa-no-Tairei,” in which the farmers were honored, and attempted to legitimize these linkages through the campaign. The logic behind these steps depended on three facts. First, the Showa Emperor toured Karafuto and granted an audience with some of the exemplary farmers when he was the prince. Second, he planted rice on a paddy field in the palace after the demise the Taisho Emperor. Third he made honorable recognition of some of the farmers and used and ate crops dedicated by the farmers at the ceremony of accession, “Showa-no-Tairei.” The colonial government hoped that the farmers and agriculture of Karafuto would become linked with the Emperor and the Empire itself by these facts, and that this linkage would familiarize farmers with an ideology of hard work in order to attain the farming style planned by the colonial government.
島村 雄一 泉 岳樹 中山 大地 松山 洋
水文・水資源学会誌 (ISSN:09151389)
vol.16, no.4, pp.331-348, 2003-07-05
8 9

林床積雪の判別が可能な積雪指標S3 (斎藤&middot;山崎, 1999) をLANDSAT-5/TM画像に適用し, 積雪水当量&middot;融雪量を推定した. 積雪指標の適用を想定したADEOS-II/GLIが未稼働なので, 衛星データへの適用は本研究が初めてである. 1986年の融雪期の黒部湖集水域を対象として, 積雪指標を用いて積雪域を抽出した. ここでは, この地域における標高と積雪水当量の関係 (関西電力株式会社工務部, 1960) と山地積雪モデル (小池ほか, 1985) に基づき算出した2時期 (1986年4月14日と4月30日) の積雪水当量の差を融雪量とした.<BR>推定された融雪量は, 同じ期間の黒部第四ダムでの観測流量と相対誤差&mdash;8.2%で一致した. 植生の影響を考慮せずに可視波長帯から抽出した積雪域を使った場合の推定誤差は&mdash;23.8%であり, この差は積雪指標が林床積雪を判別できているためと考えられる. 以上から, 積雪指標による積雪域の抽出は妥当であり, 植生の影響を考慮しない方法よりも優れていると言える.
多田 靖次 中山 大樹
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
農産加工技術研究會誌 (ISSN:03695174)
vol.1, no.3, pp.132-134, 1954

中山 大成
Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan) (ISSN:13482955)
vol.70, no.1, pp.46-48, 2012

和歌山県立自然史博物館に所蔵されている永井誠二氏のコレクション中の不詳種を検討中に見出された日本産イトカケガイ科の1新種を記載する。なお同種は同博物館に寄贈された小山安夫氏のコレクションにも見出された。Opalia calyx n. sp. ウテナイトカケガイ(新種,新称)殻は10~12 mmの小型で厚く,尖塔形。灰白色。各層に不規則な縦張肋をなす。胎殻は平滑で円錐形,浸蝕されていることが多い,体層は弱い底盤を形成する。次体層は9層内外で,殻表は繊細な微穴からなる螺列と非常に弱い縦肋を持ち縦肋は直上の縫合を蕚状に覆う。殻口は2重,楕円形で外唇厚くなるが著しい張り出しにはならない。タイプ標本:ホロタイプ,殻高 10.3 mm; 殻径3.5 mm(WMNH-Mo-Na-46);パラタイプ1,殻高10.0 mm,殻径 3.2 mm(WMNH-Mo-Na47);パラタイプ2,殻高11.0 mm,殻径 4.0 mm(WMNHMo-Ko-1)。タイプ産地:和歌山県串本町沖,水深160 m。分布:紀伊半島沖水深80~160 m。比較:本種に最も近似するカタイトカケガイOpalia levis Nakayama, 2010は体層に明瞭な底盤をもつが,本種は底盤が不明瞭,また本種では縫合まで伸びる縦肋が蕚(うてな)状に覆うことが大きく異なる。本種の和名はこの特徴により命名した。
久富 悠生 中山 大地 松山 洋
The Association of Japanese Geographers
pp.100223, 2014 (Released:2014-03-31)

本研究の目的は,武蔵野台地における長期的な地下水流動を,数値モデルを利用して再現すること,及び長期的な地下水流動の変化と土地利用の関係を定量的に明らかにすることである.モデルはUSGS(アメリカ地質調査所)が開発したMODFLOWを利用した.MODFLOWは有限差分法を用いた3次元地下水流動解析モデルである.解析期間は土地利用データのある1977年~2012年を対象とし,MODFLOWを用いて1日ごとの地下水位を算出した.また,統計的に推定した気象データを用いて2013年~2050年における地下水流動の予測シミュレーションも行った. その結果,MODFLOWによって降水による地下水の反応や,季節変化を再現することができた.また,計算された地下水位のデータを用いて,1977年~2012年の地下水位の低下量と観測点における涵養域の減少量を算出した.地下水の変動傾向の有無の検出にはMann-Kendall検定を利用した.その結果,涵養域の減少量と地下水位の低下量に相関関係があることが明らかになった.この要因として,1977年~2012年に,水田や農地,森林などの透水面の面積が減少し,建物用地などの不透水面の面積が増加していることが示された.また,局地的な涵養域の減少の他に,武蔵野台地全体における広域的な涵養域の減少も地下水位の低下に影響を与えていることが示唆された.2013年~2050年の地下水流動の将来予測では,降水量の増加に対する地下水位の上昇はみられなかった.したがって,降水量の長期的な変化が地下水位の変動に与える影響は比較的少ないことが明らかになった. 今回のモデルでは長期的な地下水の流動を再現することができたが,再現性に欠ける部分もあった.そのため,今後の課題として更なるモデルの改良が必要であることが明らかになった.
中山 大樹 小池 弘子
醗酵工學雑誌 (ISSN:03675963)
vol.43, no.3, pp.157-164, 1965-03-25

In the Kiso district of Nagao prefecutre, there is a local pickle called sunki, a native vegetable food, prepared without brine or vinegar. The author isolated 25 strains of lactic acid bacteria from 15 specimens of sunki and five specimens of various pickles, obtained from the same distric. In this paper 19 strains of isolated rods were identified as follows : - One strain of spore bearing rod isolated from dried sunki was identified as B. coagulans Hammer. Six strains of homo-fermentative rods were identified as L. plantarum (Orla-Jensen) Holland, one strain of hetero fermentative rods was identified as L. buchneri (Henneberg) Bergey et al, and 10 strains of hetero-fermentative rods L. brevis (Orla-Jensen) Bergey et al.Among these strains two strains can be considered as new varieties, for which the authors proposed the names of L. plantarum (Orla-Jensen) Holland var. sunkorum nov. var. and L. brevis (Orla-Jensen) Bergey et al. var. otakiensis nov. var. respectively.
根元 裕樹 中山 大地 松山 洋
The Association of Japanese Geographers
pp.100111, 2012 (Released:2013-03-08)

1582(天正10)年旧暦5月、岡山県の備中高松にて備中高松城水攻めが行われた。このとき、羽柴(豊臣)秀吉は、基底幅21m、上幅10m、高さ7mの水攻め堤を3kmに渡って築き、備中高松城側の足守川を堰き止め、その水を引き入れることによって備中高松城を水攻めした。この水攻め堤は12日間で完成したと伝わるが、12日間で築くには大規模すぎると指摘されていた。近年の研究では、備中高松城の西側には自然堤防があり、それを活用したからこそ、12日間で水攻め堤を完成できたとされている。しかし、備中高松城水攻めを水文学に基づいて研究した事例はない。そこで本研究では、水攻めを洪水と考え、洪水氾濫シミュレーションをメインモデルとした水攻めモデルを開発し、備中高松城水攻めをシミュレーションした。その結果から水攻めの条件を考察した。  備中高松は、微地形の多い海抜10m以下の平野の側に海抜約300mの山地があるところに立地する。この土地条件を考慮し、山地の流出解析にkinematic wave modelを用い、洪水氾濫解析にdynamic wave modelを用いた水攻めモデルを開発した。さらに備中高松の微地形を反映させるために基盤地図情報の縮尺レベル2500標高点から高空間分解能のDEMを作成した。このDEMに現地の発掘調査の報告書や現地踏査で調べた盛り土の状況を参考に、過去を想定したDEMを作成した。DEMの種類、水攻め堤の有無と高さによって複数のシナリオを作成し、水攻めの状況をシミュレーションした。  その結果、備中高松城の西側にある自然堤防を利用した上で、水攻め堤の遺跡である蛙ヶ鼻周辺の水攻め堤と足守川の流入が水攻めにとって必要であることが示された。この結果と史料を考慮しながら蛙ヶ鼻周辺の水攻め堤の高さについて考察したところ、その高さは約3.0mが合理的であるという結論が得られた。
中山 大成
貝類学雑誌Venus : the Japanese journal of malacology (ISSN:00423580)
vol.47, no.4, pp.251-254, 1988-12-15

A new species, Morula pacifica is described. Although this new species has been confused with species of the Fasciolariidae, radular character indicates that this species belongs to the Muricidae. This new species is characterized by the prominent spiral sculpture. The shell is grayish or yellowish white.