中村 ちよ
vol.28, no.2, pp.45-69, 1977-03-20

Andersen wird wegen seiner phantasievollen Darstellung von Mensch und Natur nicht nur von den Kindern aller Lander geliebt und geschatzt, sondern auch von den Erwachsenen durch sein tiefes Miterleben menschlicher Gefuhle hoch bewertet. Andersen nahm den Stoff fur seine Werke von verschiedenen Seiten. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht die Behandlungsweise des Stoffes in einzelnen Werken entstehungsgeschichtlich nachzuprufen und damit das Wesen seiner Dichtkunst konkret klarzumachen und zu wurdigen. Hauptsachlich werden zwei wichtige Werke behandelt, eins aus seiner sehr fruhen, eins aus seiner spateren Schaffensperiode. Eine weitere Erforschung auch anderer Werke, soweit sie dokumentarisch belegbar sind, durfte sich sehr aufschluβreich erweisen. Diese Methode gegenseitiger Erhellung von Stoff und Form sollte sich auch auf die Werke Perraults erfolgreich anwenden lassen. So tritt zum Beispiel das Charakteristische dieses Marchendichters durch die Gegenuberstellung seiner Werke mit dem ≪Pentamerone≫ Basiles deutlich hervor. Die Charakterzuge und Eigenarten der Marchenwelt zeigen stets uber ihren Schopfer hinaus das geistige Klima des Volkes auf-die Marchendichter offenbaren meiner Meinung nach durch Stimmung und Gefuhle die Eigenart ihrer Nation-obwohl ich in dieser Arbeit nur kurz darauf eingegangen bin, indem ich auf das Gemut bei Andersen und den Witz und die Anmut bei Perrault hingewiesen habe. ≪Die Geschichte von einer Mutter≫ gehort zu den reprasentativen Werken aus Andersens Reifezeit. Der mutterliche Schmerz uber den Verlust des Kindes wird hier lyrisch dargestellt. In dieser Zeitperiode wird Andersen sich seiner eigenen schopferischen Kraft deutlicher bewuβt, wahrend er in seiner fruheren Zeit mehr oder minder dabei bleibt, fremde Erzahlungen oder Volksgeschichten nachzudichten. Zwar hat sich Andersen beim Konzipieren und Formen dieses Werkes stark an den ≪Himmlischen Garten≫ Herders angelehnt, sodaβ man sagen kann, daβ das Gelingen dieses beruhmten Werkes ohne Begegnung mit dieser Legende
中村 晋一郎 佐藤 裕和 沖 大幹
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B1(水工学) (ISSN:2185467X)
vol.68, no.4, pp.I_1453-I_1458, 2012 (Released:2013-03-26)

In this research, we gathered the Historical Maximum Discharge (HMD) of A class rivers in Japan after World War 2nd (1945) and classify these data into the topography-meteorological area. We used Creager curve for analyzing the regional characteristics of HMD. From this analysis, we explained the difference of the flood specific discharge among geographic regions. And we compared the historical maximum specific discharge between as of 1975 and 2009, so we could explain Creager curves in 3 region was updated and the flood specific discharge in most of river converged to Creager curve.
中村 謙吾 佐藤 海里 川辺 能成 桑谷 立 駒井 武
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鑛業會誌 (ISSN:18816118)
vol.132, no.1, pp.22-30, 2016

It is important to understand the distribution mechanism of heavy metal elements in environmental systems, because the toxicities of various metals and metalloids significantly affect health risks. The heavy metals concentrations are controlled by a wide of variety environmental factors. This study aims to clarify main influence factors on the heavy metal distribution in sediment, soil, river in the Natori River, Sendai City. We firstly produced geochemical maps for heavy metal concentrations (As, Pb and Cr) of river sediment, neighboring soil (bulk component, soluble component in 1N HCl and in pure water) and river water. The heavy metals concentrations in river water increase from upper stream to down stream, whereas heavy metal concentrations in river sediments and soil vary little from upper stream to downstream. There are no anomalous distributions of heavy metals in the studied area, although many anthropogenic materials are found in sediment, soil and river water. The correspondence analysis was applied to investigate relationships of heavy-metal concentrations between sediment, soil and river water. The results indicate that the heavy metals (As, Pb Cr and Zn) in sediment, soil and river water are dominantly controlled by natural sedimentary processes, such as denudation and sedimentation. The proposed method could be further applied for other pollutants in various environment systems. From a viewpoint of risk assessment of heavy metals, it is suggested by the presence of closer relationship of heavy metals that contains the risk information of heavy metals.
宮本 隆史 前川 俊行 中村 覚
デジタルアーカイブ学会誌 (ISSN:24329762)
vol.3, no.2, pp.207-210, 2019

<p>1997年に開設されたウェブサイト『異風者からの通信』[1] は、同年に閉山した三池炭鉱とその地域の近現代史に関心を寄せる者にとって参照点となってきた。本発表では、ウェブサイトを運営する前川俊行を共同発表者として招き、日本における初期のウェブの時代からの、個人による記憶の発信という営為の歴史的意味について議論する。前川本人の証言とともに、この20年間のインターネットの環境の変化の中で、個人的なコレクションが公共性を帯びたアーカイブとして進化した過程を論じる。さらに、個人アーカイブを継承する方法について考察する。</p>
伊藤 智泰 早川 伸哉 糸魚川 文広 中村 隆
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2010年度精密工学会春季大会
pp.577-578, 2010 (Released:2010-09-01)

炭素繊維強化樹脂(CFRP)を放電加工することを目的として純水中で加工を試みた.その結果,形彫放電加工,ワイヤ放電加工とも加工可能であった.とくに直径0.25mmの黄銅ワイヤを用いて板厚約3mmのCFRPをワイヤ放電加工した場合は放電電流50A以下の場合に加工が比較的安定であり加工速度は約3 mm2/minであった.一方,形彫放電加工では加工面に炭素繊維の毛羽立ちが見られる場合があった.

1 0 0 0 OA ビル風と規制

中村 修
一般社団法人 日本風工学会
日本風工学会誌 (ISSN:09121935)
vol.40, no.1, pp.17-22, 2015-01-31 (Released:2015-05-22)

1 0 0 0 OA 名媛と筆蹟

中村秋人 著
河端 秀明 西川 正典 猪田 浩理 田中 章夫 柿原 直樹 多賀 千明 小東 睦 中村 光男 長谷川 知早 神田 英一郎 西村 暢子 中川 ゆかり 西谷 葉子 能勢 真梨子 浅野 耕太 佐久間 美和 藤村 恵子
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.11, no.1, pp.901-905, 2016 (Released:2016-01-27)
1 1

中村 重信
公益社団法人 日本ビタミン学会
ビタミン (ISSN:0006386X)
vol.87, no.11, pp.621-628, 2013-11-25 (Released:2017-08-10)

In 1882-3, many Japanese sailors suffered from beriberi and some died in warships. Japanese government started a committee to prevent beriberi. A parallel controlled trial for beriberi was carried out in 1884 by Kanehiro Takagi who had studied at St Thomas Hospital in London and noticed a remarkable difference in the frequency of beriberi between Japan and London. He determined the ratio of nitrogen to carbon content of food taken by the crew of warship Rhujo which sailed from Japan to Hawaii via Chile and resulted in a miserable occurrence of beriberi. Carbon content in the food was higher during the voyage from Chile to Hawaii than that from Hawaii to Japan, the latter of which brought about beriberi much less frequently. These data prompted Dr. Takagi a trial voyage under similar conditions except partially replacing polished rice with meat in crew's diet. Dr. Takagi postulated the Emperor on importance of diet during the trial voyage. Warship Tsukuba set out on the trial voyage in February, 1884 and arrived at Hawaii without any beriberi patient. The success in preventing beriberi led to taking food without polished rice in Japanese navy, while Japanese army and professors in Tokyo Imperial University neglected these data due to an erroneous assumption that beriberi might be infectious. A mistaken trust in polished rice had prevailed in Japan until 1923 when vitamin B_1 deficiency derived from polished rice was revealed as a cause of beriberi. Thereafter, the incidence of beriberi has decreased dramatically.
山岸 益夫 中村 英生 鈴木 正治 長谷川 聡 中野 雄一
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.83, no.3, pp.383-390, 1990-03-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
1 1

Morphological and immunohistochemical examinations were performed on the olfactory mucosa of eight patients with olfactory disturbances caused by the common cold (viral infection). The results of olfactory testing and of follow-up examinations were analyzed.H. E. staining revealed three patterns of degeneration. In Group 1 (3 patients) the olfactory epithelium had adequate thickness and a basic arrangement of supporting cells, olfactory receptor cells, and basal cells, but slightly fewer than normal receptor cells. In Group 2 (3 patients) olfactory receptor cells were greatly decreased. Group 3 (2 patients) had olfactory epithelium which was thin and atrophic with no receptor cells or olfactory vesicles, and only the supporting and basal cells remained. Group 1 patients had Grade 2, Group 2 patients Grade 3, and Group 3 patients Grade 4 damage according to our classification of degeneration proposed in 1988.Immunohistochemically, neuron-specific enolase (NSE) immunoreactivity was found in a number of receptor cells in Group 1 with Grade 2 damage and in some in Group 2 with Grade 3 damage. In Group 3 with Grade 4 damage, there was no NSE-immunoreactivity in the epithelium. Glia-specific S-100 protein immunoreactivity was found in Bowman's glands and olfactory nerve bundles in the lamina propria of Group 1 and 2 patients with Grade 2 and 3 damage. Cytokeratin immunoreactivity was found in the basal cells on the basement membrane in all three groups.Seven patients were found to be anosmic with T & T olfactometry, but the three patients in Group 1 responded well to Alinamin- intravenous injection test, and two of them recovered.These results indicate that there is a strong relationship among the appearance of the olfactory epithelium, results of the Alinamin- test and the outcome of olfactory disturbance caused by the common cold. When an olfactory mucosall biopsy performed at the first visit of the patient shows enough functional receptor cells and the Alinamin- test is positive, it is possible that the olfactory disturbance may improve.