中村 礼子 鈴木 亮
日経マネー (ISSN:09119361)
no.315, pp.96-98, 2009-02

柴田 実 川治 正則 藤村 成夫 中村 裕史
no.49, pp.123-126, 1978-03

二宮 啓子 今野 美紀 谷 洋江 中村 伸枝 兼松 百合子
神戸市看護大学紀要 (ISSN:13429027)
vol.3, pp.47-57, 1999-03-31

The aims of our diabetes summer camp are to provide opportunities : to make friends and have good time with both children and adolescents with IDDM and the camp staff members, to learn that they can do the same social activities as normal children/adolescents if they can manage their diabetes adequately and to gain positive attitude and motivation for diabetes self-management. The diabetes summer camp of 8 days in 1996 was held in August with 49 IDDMs from first grade to twelfth grade and 76 camp staff members per day including 4 pediatricians, 9 nurses, 3 dieticians, 2 educational counsellors and 58 student volunteers. Our intervention to develop autonomy was promoting decision-making on diabetes self-care activities with good understanding. It included three methods : 1) self-recordings using 2 types of cards, 2) encouragement and support, 3) group lessons. Children/adolescents were encouraged to discuss with nurses to make decisions at insulin reactions and all other occasions. Our intervention were evaluated by two types of cards used in the camp, and the checklists for children/adolescents' autonomous behaviors in the camp, which were written by nurses and student nurses after the camp. The following results were obtained : 1) The younger children enjoyed card recordings. In contrast, the older children showed less interests in recordings. 2) 11 out of 49 children under 4th grade and first-time campers could expand injection and blood sampling sites. 3) From nurses' and student nurses' observation, development of autonomy was found in : (1) Preventing and coping with hypoglycemia by taking appropriate kind and amount of snacks. (2) Exercise to decrease blood sugar level. (3) Adjusting insulin dose according to blood sugar level. (4) None of them could develop autonomy in adjustment of diet. These findings suggest that new interventions other than self-recordings using cards will be needed for older children, and developing autonomy in terms of adjusting kind and amount of served food according to blood sugar level will be needed.
山口 惠三 大野 章 石井 良和 舘田 一博 岩田 守弘 神田 誠 秋沢 宏次 清水 力 今 信一郎 中村 克司 松田 啓子 富永 眞琴 中川 卓夫 杉田 暁大 伊藤 辰美 加藤 純 諏訪部 章 山端 久美子 川村 千鶴子 田代 博美 堀内 弘子 方山 揚誠 保嶋 実 三木 誠 林 雅人 大久保 俊治 豊嶋 俊光 賀来 満夫 関根 今生 塩谷 譲司 堀内 啓 田澤 庸子 米山 彰子 熊坂 一成 小池 和彦 近藤 成美 三澤 成毅 村田 満 小林 芳夫 岡本 英行 山崎 堅一郎 岡田 基 春木 宏介 菅野 治重 相原 雅典 前崎 繁文 橋北 義一 宮島 栄治 住友 みどり 齋藤 武文 山根 伸夫 川島 千恵子 秋山 隆寿 家入 蒼生夫 山本 芳尚 岡本 友紀 谷口 信行 尾崎 由基男 内田 幹 村上 正巳 犬塚 和久 権田 秀雄 山口 育男 藤本 佳則 入山 純司 浅野 裕子 源馬 均 前川 真人 吉村 平 中谷 中 馬場 尚志 一山 智 藤田 信一 岡部 英俊 茂籠 邦彦 重田 雅代 吉田 治義 山下 政宣 飛田 征男 田窪 孝行 日下部 正 正木 浩哉 平城 均 中矢 秀雄 河原 邦光 佐野 麗子 松尾 収二 河野 久 湯月 洋介 池田 紀男 井戸向 昌哉 相馬 正幸 山本 剛 木下 承皓 河野 誠司 岡 三喜男 草野 展周 桑原 正雄 岡崎 俊朗 藤原 弘光 太田 博美 長井 篤 藤田 準 根ヶ山 清 杉浦 哲朗 上岡 樹生 村瀬 光春 山根 誠久 仲宗根 勇 岡山 昭彦 青木 洋介 草場 耕二 中島 由佳里 宮之原 弘晃 平松 和史 犀川 哲典 柳原 克紀 松田 淳一 河野 茂 康 東天 小野 順子 真柴 晃一
The Japanese journal of antibiotics (ISSN:03682781)
vol.62, no.4, pp.346-370, 2009-08-25
長谷 弘記 中村 良一 海老根 東雄 赤池 真 露木 和夫 米田 一平
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.5, pp.341-349, 1990-10-01

A study was performed to evaluate the physical exsrcise characterristics of 29 Japanese elite judo athletes by treadmill exercise test. Functional aerobic impairment (FAI), heat rate impairment (HRI) and peripheral circulatory impairment (PCI) in the judo athletes were not significantly different from those of normal sendntary subjects. Howevar, myocardaial aerobic impairment (MAI) was lower than in normal sedentary subjects. %V^O_2max at the anaerobic threahold (AT) was 57.5±3.3% in male, and 57.0±4.3% in female judo athletes. %HRmax at AT was 72.4±3.8% in males, and 75.2±5.3% in females. These findings suggest that functional aerobic capacity and peripheral circulatory function in Japanese elite judo athletes are not significantly different from those of normal sedentary subject, but that judo athletes have high left ventricular function. The blood biochemical profile and urinalysis date revealed that values of muscle injury enzymes plasma uric acid and cholesterol were increased with relatively high freqency in elite judo athletes. Similar data were also obtained in individuals with suspected diabetic nephropathy and rhabdomyolysis.