磯崎 行雄 谷本 俊郎 平田 岳史 圦本 尚義 丸山 茂徳 中村 保夫

丸山 茂徳 佐藤 友彦 澤木 佑介 須田 好
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.129, no.6, pp.757-777, 2020-12-25 (Released:2021-01-18)

Reported are the origins and chemistry of hot spring water unique to the Ohmi–Hakuba region in the northern Japan Alps, central north Honshu, where a variety of rock types, derived from accretionary complex formed in the Ediacaran (presumably ca. 620 Ma), are regionally exposed. One of the largest bodies of serpentinized peridotite in Japan intersects the Quaternary volcanic front. Featuring an unusual geochemistry, the resulting unique hydrothermal hot springs yield a high pH (ca. 10-11) and a continuous supply of H2. Research reveals four types of hot spring in the Hakuba region: (1) serpentinite hosted hot spring water, (2) high-salinity and carbonated water, (3) Archean type low pO2 hot spring water, and (4) acidic and sulfuric hot spring water with a H2S gas input from magma. The high alkali and H2-enriched hot spring water (Type 1) differs remarkably from other hot springs in this region. In terms of geochemistry, there is a dissolved oxygen content due to the production of abundant H2, which is the reason why a Hadean-type microbial community is present. The origins and evolution of life are closely related to atmospheric oxygen level. Generally, anaerobic microbes inhabit subsurface areas where free oxygen is limited, while oxygen adaptive creatures cannot survive in an anaerobic environment. This means anaerobic microbes have not evolved, and remain as “living fossils”. Hakuba OD1 is one of the most important candidates for the oldest form of life directly connected to LUCA, because it has survived in a Hadean-like environment since emerging. The next research target is the ecosystem in a H2-enriched environment without free oxygen.
黒川 顕 戎崎 俊一 丸山 茂徳 原 正彦 クリーヴス ヘンダーソン 鎌形 洋一 磯崎 行雄 青野 真士

H29年度は立案した計画に基づき、以下の活動を実施した。1. キックオフWSの開催:H29年度から14課題からなる第二期の公募班が新たに領域に加わった。計画班と公募班との連携を強めるために、キックオフWSを開催した。2. 中規模WSの開催:領域全体での合同班会議を白馬八方文化会館にて開催した。3. Origin of Life 国際シンポジウムの開催:新学術領域研究「ゆらぎと構造の協奏」と合同で、化学進化および初期生命体に関する国際シンポジウムを開催した。4. 総括班会議を年6回開催した。会議後には計画班横断WSを開催し計画班間の連携を強めた。5. 地球生命アーカイブの開発:微生物統合データベースの開発ならびに東工大地球史資料館のデータベースの整理作業を継続した。また、領域の最先端研究内容をわかりやすく発信するために製作している映像ライブラリ「全地球史アトラス映像」をインターネットで配信できるよう、YouTubeチャンネルを開設した。さらに、「全地球史アトラス映像vol.3」を完成させた。6. 地域活性化イベント:中規模WSと同時に長野県白馬村役場にて教育講演会「白馬とカガクの奇跡episode2」を長野県教育委員会および白馬村の後援を受け開催し、最新の研究成果および白馬と生命起源との関係性に関する講演を行った。また、白馬高校(2017年10月19日)および大町岳陽高校(2017年12月21日)に出張講義を行った。また、大町岳陽高校では、理数科の生徒の課題研究に協力し、3つの班の課題を引き受け、共同研究を実施した。3班のうち1班の研究は、日本ゲノム微生物学会第12回年会にてポスター発表をした。
丸山 茂徳 植田 良夫
Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌 (ISSN:00214825)
vol.70, no.2, pp.47-52, 1975-02-05 (Released:2008-08-07)
8 14

Xenoliths in the Kitomyo ultrabasic body (NS-2.5km, EW-4.5km in width) in Kizawa village, Tokushima Prefecture, are composed of mainly amphibolites, psammitic and basic schists with albite spot, quartzose schists, greenstones and sedimentary rocks, the latter two being derived from country rocks. The mode of occurrence, petrographic features and chemical analyses of garnet, chlorite and amphiboles of the metamorphic rocks are described. Petrographically, the low grade schist xenoliths are quite similar to basic and psammitic schist of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, and they are distinct from the Terano metamorphic rocks. But the K-Ar ages of muscovites in psammitic and quartzose schist with albite spot are 402 m. y. and 405 m. y. respectively. The significance of the presence of Sanbagawa-type schists in the ultrabasic body of the Kurosegawa tectonic zone is briefly discussed.
渋谷 岳造 上野 雄一郎 小宮 剛 西澤 学 北島 宏輝 山本 伸次 齋藤 拓也 松井 洋平 川口 慎介 高井 研 吉田 尚弘 丸山 茂徳 ラッセル マイケル
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2015年度日本地球化学会第62回年会講演要旨集
pp.49, 2015 (Released:2015-09-03)

原生代前期には赤道域まで海洋が凍結したという全球凍結イベントがあったとされている。全球凍結の原因については、様々な仮説が提唱されているが、地質記録に基づく大気CO2分圧の推定からはCO2がそれ自体で地球を温暖に保つために不十分だったのかどうかが明らかになっていない。そこで、本研究では南アフリカ、トランスバール超層群のオンゲレック累層 (全球凍結時に海水中に噴出した玄武岩質安山岩) の地質調査・試料採取を行い、海洋底玄武岩の空隙を埋める熱水性石英に含まれている流体包有物の分析を行った。その結果、初生的流体包有物のCO2濃度は5.5 mmol/kg以下であることが明らかになった。また、計算の結果、大気CO2分圧は現在の約21倍以下であり、海水温を氷点温度以上に維持するのに必要なCO2分圧よりも低いと推定された。したがって、原生代前期全球凍結時の大気CO2分圧はCO2の温室効果だけで地球を温暖に保つには不十分であったことが地質記録から初めて明らかになった。
丸山 茂徳
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.33, no.5, pp.255-270, 1979

田畑 美幸 上野 雄一郎 石川 智子 澤木 佑介 小宮 剛 吉田 尚弘 丸山 茂徳
vol.55, pp.387-387, 2008

マリノアン全球凍結(約630Ma)後が、初めて多様な多細胞生物が出現し、ガスキアス氷河期といわれる大規模な氷河期があった (Myrow .1999)生命史の中で最も重要なエディアカラ紀である。本研究では、環境変動と生物進化の関連性を解明するため、多くの化石の報告のある南中国の掘削試料の炭素・酸素同位体比を高解像度で分析し、当時の連続的かつ詳細な環境変動を解読した。本研究ではGasBench II & DELTA plus XLを用いて、掘削試料の分析を行った。分析の結果より、南中国のエディアカラ紀に相当する層には最下部、中部と上部の三つの大きな負の炭素同位体比変動が存在した。それぞれの負異常の最低値は最下部で約-10‰、中部で約-6‰、上部で約-10‰であった。また、酸素同位体比は平均-3‰で先行研究より非常に高い値であった。酸素同位体比は一般に変質を受けた場合大きく低下する。よって、得られた酸素同位体比はより初生的な酸素同位体比を残していると考えられる。以上の結果より、エディアカラ紀の炭酸と酸素の完全な地球化学層序を初めて復元した。エディアカラ紀中期に寒冷化が起きた定量的証拠を発見した。炭素同位体比の負異常はその寒冷化に伴い生物活動が低下した事を示している。この後、エディアカラ生物群が出現する事から、寒冷化という環境変動が動物の出現に大きな役割を果たした事を示唆する。
千秋 博紀 丸山 茂徳 李野 修士
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.6, pp.1215-1227, 2010-12-25 (Released:2011-03-17)
6 6

It has long been believed that granite remains on the surface of solid Earth indefinitely due to its low density, hence continents increased in volumes to cover about 30% of the Earth's surface over time. However, recent studies on the accretion history of continents reveals that at least 80% of the granite that ever formed had been subducted into the deep mantle to form “second continents” at the mantle transition zone (410-660 km). These second continents would affect mantle dynamics in two ways. First, as the second continents are gravitationally stable at the depth of the mantle transition zone, they act as a barrier to descending cold slabs. The stagnation of cold slab would be partly due to the pre-existing second continents. Another effect of the second continents on mantle dynamics relates to their chemical component. Because granite is enriched with incompatible elements, including long-lived radiogenic elements K, Th, and U, the second continents act as heat sources in the mantle. In particular, the heat generation of the second continents is a key to understanding the formation-breakup cycle of supercontinents. Granite that piled up beneath a supercontinent during continent accretion would cause thermal instability to form a superplume beneath the supercontinent. A numerical study on the thermal evolution of subducted granite gives the characteristic time scale of thermal instability which is consistent with the lives of supercontinents suggested by geological studies.
真山 仁 丸山 茂徳
日経エコロジー (ISSN:13449001)
no.123, pp.42-44, 2009-09

急速に温暖化が進み、その主要因はCO2だといわれる。しかし科学者の中には他の要因を疑う声や、研究が不十分との指摘もある。地質学の権威である丸山教授も、CO2主犯説に疑問を呈する1人だ。真山 最近のCO2による地球温暖化一辺倒の風潮に疑問を感じています。地球は本当に温暖化しているのか、その原因はCO2だけなのですか。
丸山 茂徳 大森 聡一 千秋 博紀 河合 研志 WINDLEY B. F.
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.1, pp.115-223, 2011-02-25
5 42

Pacific-type orogeny (PTO) has long been recognized as a contrasting accretionary alternative to continent-continent collisional orogeny. However, since the original concept was proposed, there have many new developments, which make it timely to produce a new re-evaluated model, in which we emphasize the following new aspects. First, substantial growth of Tonarite–Trondhjemite–Granite (TTG) crust, and second the reductive effect of tectonic erosion. The modern analog of a Pacific-type orogen developed through six stages of growth exemplified by specific regions; initial stage 1: the southern end of the Andes; stage 2: exhumation to the mid-crustal level at Indonesia outer arc; stage 3: the Barrovian hydration stage at Kii Peninsula, SW Japan; stage 4: the initial stage of surface exposure of the high-P/T regional metamorphic belt at Olympic Peninsula, south of Seattle, USA; stage 5: exposure of the orogenic core at the surface at the Shimanto metamorphic belt, SW Japan; and stage 6: post-orogenic processes including tectonic erosion at the Mariana and Japan trench and the Nankai trough.<br> The fundamental framework of a Pacific-type orogen is an accretionary complex, which includes limited ocean floor material, much terrigenous trench sediment, plus island arc, oceanic plateau, and intra-oceanic basaltic material from the ocean. The classic concept of a PTO stresses the importance of the addition within accreted rocks of new subduction-generated arcs and TTGs, which were added along the continental margins particularly during the Cretaceous. Besides the above additional or positive aspects of a PTO, here we emphasize the negative effects of previously little-considered tectonic erosion caused by subduction over time. The evaluation of such extensive tectonic erosion leads a prospect of the presence of huge quantities of TTG material in the lower transition zone, where many subducted slabs have ponded, as illustrated by mantle tomography. This is confirmed by density profiles of the mantle, which show that TTGs are abundant only along the bottom of the upper mantle accompanied by slab peridotite, lherzolite, and MORB. The major velocity anomaly in the lower transition zone is best explained by the predominance of SiO<sub>2</sub> phases, hence TTG, and not by MORB or ultramafic rocks. Reasonable calculations indicate that at a depth range of 520-660 km TTG material amounts to 6-7 times more than the total mass of the surface continental crust.<br> The traditional view is that the Japanese islands evolved since 520 Ma through five Pacific-type orogenies, which grew oceanward, thus creating a continuous accretionary complex <i>ca.</i> 400-500 km wide, with TTG growth at the continental side of each orogen. However, the subducting oceanic lithosphere has produced five times more TTG crust compared with the present TTG crust in the Japan islands. This is explained by the fact that over time tectonic erosion has dominated the increasing arc-TTG crust. Accordingly, Japan has lost four arc-TTG crusts to tectonic erosion. TTG material, such as trench sediment, arc crust, and continental margin crust, was fragmented by tectonic erosion and transported into the bottom of the upper mantle at depths of 520-660 km. Worldwide data suggest that tectonic erosion destroyed and fragmented most of the Pacific-type orogens.<br>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
二村 徳宏 戎崎 俊一 丸山 茂徳

We found that a significant positive broad component of iridium in a pelagic deep sea sediment core (886C) around an iridium peak by asteroid impact corresponds at the K-Pg boundary. The 886C is core sample was taken by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) in the central portion of the North Pacific. This site has been in Pelagic from the End-Cretaceous periods. The accumulation rate is 0.5 m Myr-1. Kyte et al., (1995) measured iridium density in the 886C core of 0.75-72.2 m which corresponds of 〜80 Ma from the present. In this data, there is one sharp peak around 65.5 m correspond at K-Pg boundary. In addition, we found that there are broad components across 〜20 m above the back ground which have some sharp peak component. The Ir value of the broad component which is about dozen times of back ground. This broad component is difficult to be explained by the materials on the surface of the Earth, and requires the contribution from the iridium-rich extraterrestrial materials, such as CI chondrite. And it is difficult to explain the broad component by diffusion and bioturbation of an iridium peak by asteroid impact. Platinum-group-element such as Pt, Re and Ir are redistributed by changes in sedimentary redox condition. However such change can probably account for many of small -2. The climate cooling in the End-Cretaceous period is also suggested by the variations of stable isotope rations in oxygen and strontium (Brian and Huber, 1990; Barrera and Savin, 1999; Li and Keller, 1998). Any photosynthetic plants had heavy damaged, and loss of biodiversity began to the top of food chain.The mass extinction at K-Pg boundary, which is widely thought to be caused by an impact of an asteroid (e. g., Schulte et al., 2010). However, a complete extinction of level of family by asteroid impact seems rather difficult. First, a severe environment turn-over would finish few years after impact, the solid particles and sulphate launched by the asteroid impact was settled down for only few month (troposphere) to few years (stratosphere) and negative radiative forcing became negligible after a few years from the impact (Pierazzo, 2001).The number of individuals would recover completely after the environmental catastrophe was over, if a few percent of individuals of one species survived.Second, in spite of there were similar impacts without catastrophic on the Earth, for example, Alamo, Woodleigh, and Popigai crater, there are no evidences of association for extinction. However, because the encounter with the dark cloud perturbs the orbit of asteroid or comet by its gravitational potential and may lead an asteroid or comet shower, the asteroid impact at K-Pg may be one of the consequences of the dark cloud. For a certainly, only an asteroid impact cannot involve mass extinction, however may be role cruncher. The multiple impact and volcanism in a short period of time (Keller, 2005) may have been caused by encounter the dark nebula and atte
太田 宏 丸山 茂徳
遊・星・人 : 日本惑星科学会誌 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.5, no.3, pp.133-143, 1996-09-25
丸山 茂徳 寺林 優 藤岡 換太郎
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.98, no.3, pp.319-349, 1989-06-25 (Released:2011-02-17)
2 4

A brief review of the study on ophiolite is given. 165 years have passed already since a first use of the term “ophiolite” by BRONGNIART (1813), but still have not yet obtained a broadly satisfying solution on its origin and emplacement. However, the rapidly increased data set during the last 15 years on both on-land ophiolite and oceanfloors clearly indicate the strong constraints on its origin and emplacement.The period during 1813-1927 was a time of description of ophiolite. BRONGNIART (1827) classified ophiolite into a group of igneous rocks, since then began a debate whether ophiolitic peridotite is igneous or the other in origin. SUESS (1909) had noticed that ophiolites appear characteristically in orogenic belts. It was STEINMANN (1927) who had first recognized a close association of peridotite, gabbro, diabase-spilite, and radiolarian chert suggesting a deep sea origin of ophiolite. The significance of his finding has never been looked back until the revolutional period of plate tectonics in the late' 60s.The second period of 1927-1949 was the time of debate on igeneous origin. BOWEN and his coworkers insisted igneous origin based on experimental petrology for the ultramafic rocks in general. But if so, an abnormally high temperature ca. 1, 900°C was necessary to explain the occurrence of dunite. BENSON (1926) pointed out that if BOWEN'S idea is true, the country rocks of ophiolite must be subjected a high-temperature contact metamorphism, but not in the field. HESS (1939) has given a new idea of serpentinite magma to solve the problem, but its possibility had completely been disproved by the experiment of MgO-SiO2-H2O by BOWEN and TUTTLE (1949).The third period (1949-1959) began by a break-through idea of DE ROEVER (1957), who speculated that ophiolitic peridotite is a piece of mantle material, which was brought into an orogen by a tectonic process.The fourth period (1959-1973) started by BRUNN (1959) who compared ophiolite with the rocks in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This period (1959-1973) was the time of plate tectonics. During the early' 60s the ocean-floor spreading theory was proposed by HESS and DIETZ, and both thought that the layer 3 is composed of serpentinite oreclogite. The year 1969 was a memorial year, when both MOORES and DAVIES distinguished cumulate peridotite from the underlying residue tectonite, the latter of which is a refractory mantle after the formation of oceanic crust by partial fusion of mantle peridotite. The best example of ophiolite was the Troodos massif in Cyprus, where the extensive-scale of parallel dike swarm develops indicating ocean-floor spreading. Thereafter an ophiolite boom has come out, and flood of papers appeared to regard ophiolite to be of mid-oceanic ridge in origin. However, several geologists have doubted mid-oceanic ridge origin by the facts of much thinner crust, more silicic volcanic composition, and frequent occurrence of phenocrystic augite in ophiolites. MIYASHIRO (1973) solved such problems, and concluded that Troodos was formed in an island-arc setting. This paper was very shocking for geologists who wanted to establish the basic framework of orogeny by plate tectonics in those days, but epoch-making on the study of ophiolite, and corresponding to the time, when the method of study has changed to be modernized and more interdisciplinary.
昆 慶明 平田 岳史 小宮 剛 安間 了 丸山 茂徳
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2008年度日本地球化学会第55回年会講演要旨集
pp.300, 2008 (Released:2008-09-06)

『生命』、『海』、『プレートテクトニクス』と並んで、『花崗岩質大陸地殻』の存在は地球を特徴付ける要素であり、その生成プロセスを明らかにすることは地球史を解明する上で非常に重要である。 本研究では、LA-MC-ICPMSを用いてタイタオ半島花崗岩から分離したジルコンの局所Hf同位体比測定を行った。その結果ジルコンの177Hf/176Hfは、現在沈み込む海洋地殻の値と誤差範囲で一致し、およそ0Maのモデル年代が得られた。このモデル年代は花崗岩マグマの原岩がマントルから分離した年代を反映することから、タイタオ半島花崗岩マグマの原岩は古いモデル年代を持つ下部地殻ではなく、沈み込む海洋地殻であることが確かめられた。
丸山 茂徳 圦本 尚義 中嶋 悟 礒崎 行雄

本研究を要約すると以下のようになる。(1)一連の記載研究と精密分析(論文数;丸山32、磯崎9、中嶋8、圦本8)。(2)総合化(丸山:Dynamics of plumes and superplumes through time,in Superplumes;Beyond Plate Tectonics,Springer,441-502,2007、磯崎:Plume Winter Scenario for Biosphere Catastrophe,ibid,409-439,Springer)。(3)P/T境界の精密解析(磯崎:掘削試料;6)と化石(太古代1、原生代末1、古生代末5)の記載。(4)35.6億年前(世界最古生命化石)のSIMSスポット分析(δ^<13>C)と化石の認定基準(圦本、発表準備中)。(5)化石認定の新しい指標の開発と応用(中嶋;1、実験結果と認定の新基準(古細菌か真性細菌か)の提案図については投稿準備中)。以上の成果は、これまでの地球史標準モデルを更に精密化し、誕生後徐々に冷却してきた地球システムが起こす物理的必燃として説明しうるが、新たな原因として、銀河内部で起きた3回のスターバーストとの緊密な関係が浮かび上がってきた。これらは日本のみならず世界最前線の研究を更にリードするものである。これらは、地球惑星科学の中の諸分野へ大きな影響を与えるが、地球惑星科学以外の分野である天文学、ゲノム生物学、分子生物学、生命進化学、更に気象学にも大きな影響を与えるだろう。
丸山 茂徳
水文・水資源学会誌 (ISSN:09151389)
vol.15, no.2, pp.110-116, 2002-03-05 (Released:2009-10-22)