佐々木 伯朗
財政研究 (ISSN:24363421)
vol.2, pp.233-248, 2006 (Released:2022-07-15)

平松 慎介 根引 浩子 上野 綾子 若原 佑平 丸山 紘嗣 末包 剛久 山崎 智朗 佐々木 英二 佐野 弘治 佐藤 博之 中井 隆志 川崎 靖子 木岡 清英
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.110, no.6, pp.1007-1013, 2013 (Released:2013-06-05)

佐々木 光子
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.46, no.3, pp.128-135, 1996-03

学術情報センター目録所在情報サービス(NACSIS-CAT)の利用開始から10年を経て、総合目録データベースの書誌レコード数は、和図書 1,104,623件、洋図書 1,556,801件、Recon 736,766('95.12.8)と膨大な書誌ユーティリティーに発展してきた。これは、NACSIS-CAT に参加している全国420('96.1.10)の利用機関の目録業務に携わるカタロガーの協力、共同分担目録システム(Shared Cataloging)の成果でもあろう。NACSIS-CATによる目録業務データを言語別・出版年別のコピーカタロギング、オリジナルカタロギング率から検討して言語の問題を指摘し、書誌調整記録データの分析からその効率的軽減・軽量化について述べる。
佐々木 健
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.2, no.1, pp.1-12, 2005-06-18 (Released:2017-01-02)

This is an attempt to revaluate the world of ideas of Adam Smith in an intellectual-historicalperspective. Instead of judging his system of ideas simply in terms of whether it is “modern” ornot, whether he is a founder of a system of “modern sciences” of society, or from a viewpoint oflogical or theoretical consistencies in his system, the author considers the whole complex of hisideas at those points where two different dimensions of thought meet together. Intellectualexperiments are made by putting his key concepts and main fields of intellectual inquiry at where ahorizontal anthropological plane of each individual field of thought is crossed by a verticalcosmological or theological axis of a hierarchy of values and orders. In this manner, by locatinghis notion of “economy” in the hierarchical order of “divine economy”, “cosmic economy” and“political economy”, as well as in the context of the history of the notion of economy that tracesback to the Aristotelian concept of “oikonomia”, we can get a definite notion of what “politicaleconomy” was about in its early days as a “modern” discipline, and also in what kind of climate ofopinion and against what intellectual background it made itself into what it really became. Thisis a frame of reference in terms of which the author is going to examine the whole world ofSmith’s ideas, so that he can understand what Adam Smith means to the present scene ofphilosophical thinking, and grope his way through an inquiry into what the Society of Mankindought to be in the 21st century.
佐々木 健
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.1, no.1, pp.10-24, 2004-05-10 (Released:2017-01-02)

This is an introductory essay towards establishing what intellectual and cultural heritage Adam Smith (1723-1790), one of the representative figures of the eighteenth-century “Enlightenment”, specifically “Scottish Enlightenment”, left for the twenty-first century. Attempts are made in this essay to analyze and dissect the thought world of Adam Smith in its logical make-up and intellectual-historical setting.The first thing to note is the intellectual interest Smith took throughout his academic career in the seven subjects of “artes liberales” and those fields of study which fell under the three branches of Logic (or a theory of knowledge), Natural Philosophy and Moral Philosophy according to the eighteenth-century British manner of dividing Philosophy, or logikē, physikē and ethikē in the Stoicist division of sciences.Secondly, in his lectures and essays, Smith discussed and criticized several existing branches of learning or systems of ideas, such as natural philosophy, natural theology, natural morality, natural jurisprudence, and so forth. The point to be noted is that while these names referred to those sciences which were actually taught and prevalent in the intellectual climate of the age in question, Smith stressed the “natural” character of every one of these systems. In this sense he was a legitimate successor to Hume in the philosophy of human nature or Moral Philosophy as it was called in the eighteenth-century climate. By “natural”, Smith meant: starting from the basis of human nature and never getting remote from it; according to human nature; in accordance with the principles of human nature; capable of meeting the basic needs of human nature. Bringing ready-made systems of thought back to the foundation of human nature, Smith reduced them to its principles. By using the method of what K. Marx and, following him, a twentieth-century Japanese philosopher K. Miki called “the genealogy of theories”, Smith demonstrated how physical and social theories, systems of thought, moral and ethical rules, social institutions are formed and constituted on the basis, and starting from the foundation, of human nature.It is important to focus upon the vital role which the “imagination” plays in Smith’s system of thought. It is the imagination that, starting from the basis of human nature, brings into a complete form what remains imperfect on the basis of human nature. Insofar, the imagination takes on the task of artificial completion of what nature cannot carry out to an end.These are the questions which the essay tries to examine. This is in order to reconstruct the imagination and remake it; render it original and creative; and as is the subject of the essays to follow, revitalize it so that it can meet the needs of a new intelligence and help it find its way through the chaos of
石村 康生 高井 伸明 佐々木 進
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
宇宙技術 (ISSN:13473832)
vol.4, pp.15-20, 2005 (Released:2005-07-07)

佐々木 拓
倫理学年報 (ISSN:24344699)
vol.68, pp.231-245, 2019 (Released:2021-05-17)

T. Scanlon showed his “interpretation” of blame in his book Moral Dimensions in 2008. It gave a tremendous boost to debates on blame and many philosophers are getting to theorize their own account by criticizing and comparing to his theory. A preferable reason for that is that it has good explanatory force. It can explain many aspects which phenomena of blame have and give excellent normative foundation to regulate blaming. On the other side, there is an unpreferable reason. It is that his conception of blame seems strange to other philosophers. He denies the emotional aspect, ex. resentment or indignation, as the main element of blame. He instead makes blame depend on relation(ex. friends, families or fellows in business)and argues that to blame is to revise the relationship between blamer and the blamed. In this paper, I aim to introduce his theory, to analyze various critiques of it, and to defend it. There are three kinds of problems in his theory. The first is about his conception of the blame. According to critics, his interpretation includes wrong phenomena as blame and excludes genuine phenomena from blame. The second problem is about his conception of relation. Some opponents argue that relation defined by him seems to be so vulnerable that just one blame could break the relation. They insist that relation should be stronger because blaming is very common and usual to us. The last one is about his conception of morality. He presupposes “moral relation” correspond to moral blame. However, there seems no relation such a thing, to critics. They criticize that it is difficult for him to explain morality between strangers who do not have relational mutuality. I resolve some problems by correcting misunderstandings about his main conceptions. To other problems, I respond by reconsidering our assumption of priority of morality to non-moral value. I finally seek the successful interpretation of Scanlon’s theory in terms of non-moral, personal or individual relation.
小林 瑛美子 中川 栄二 宮武 千晴 竹下 絵里 石山 昭彦 齋藤 貴志 小牧 宏文 須貝 研司 佐々木 征行
一般社団法人 日本てんかん学会
てんかん研究 (ISSN:09120890)
vol.33, no.1, pp.76-82, 2015-06-30 (Released:2015-08-06)
2 2

症例は10歳女児。新生児期脳出血後遺症による非定型欠神発作を認めていたが抗てんかん薬(クロナゼパム、カルバマゼピン、ラモトリギン)の内服により疲労時に短い発作症状を認めるのみに落ち着いていた。9歳時に乾燥細胞培養日本脳炎ワクチン第1期1回目及び2回目を接種した。2回目接種後から1カ月経過した頃より非定型欠神発作が群発するようになった。頭部MRIでは右側大脳・脳幹部の萎縮を認めていたが進行はしていなかった。脳波では2.5~3 Hzの全般性棘徐波を睡眠ステージに関係なく連続的に認め、電気的なてんかん重積状態を示した。髄液中の抗グルタミン酸受容体抗体の上昇を認め、てんかん発作の急激な悪化に自己免疫異常が関与していると考え、免疫グロブリン静注投与を行ったところ発作頻度が減少し脳波上の改善も得られた。臨床経過からてんかん発作の急性増悪因子として日本脳炎ワクチン接種が考えられた。
佐々木 香織
科学技術社会論研究 (ISSN:13475843)
vol.17, pp.140-155, 2019-04-20 (Released:2020-04-20)

本稿は次世代医療基盤法(2018 年5 月施行)に伴う医療情報の社会的役割の変容を考察する.20 世紀末までカルテに代表される診療記録は,主に医療目的の使用であった.しかし診療記録のIT化に伴い,ビッグデータ解析のような情報集積による医療研究が技術的に可能となる.そこで上記の法により,医療研究を発展させるべく個人情報保護法の例外として診療記録の二次利用を法的に許容させたのである. よって本稿は,①診療記録を集積し研究へ二次利用することに伴う,カルテの存在意味の変容,②診療記録とそれを利用する医師,患者,集積データ管理者や加工者,との関係性の変容,の二点を議論する.議論にあたり,社会学と経済学の交換理論を援用する.カルテの価値が交換過程―売買を含む―を通じ変化する点を考察可能とするからである.したがって本稿は,診療情報をめぐるある種の資源化と商品化に関する事例研究として位置づけられるだろう.
佐々木 秀夫
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.41, pp.110-120, 2019 (Released:2021-09-10)

Under the period of economic growth, Japanese government took an institutionalization based psychiatric medical treatment policy. In 1970s, when Japanese society had a strong prejudice to mental disabilities, the small-scale workshop activities started, and the number of the small- scale workshop for mental disabilities reached to more than 1700 in early 2000s. The activity greatly contributed the localization of the people with mental disabilities. The study focus to the pioneer generation who started the small-scale workshop activities with no subsidy and supporting system by the government, and try to clarify the unique points of the activity by the interview with 20 pioneer generation people. The data was acquired by the semi-structured styled interviews and was analyzed using the Modified Grounded Theory Approach. The result shows that the pioneer generation were voluntarily immersed in the activity by the deep understandings and empathy to the psychiatric disabilities and the conflict between pioneer generations and local residents, which drove the recursive and continuous cycle of the activities.
佐々木 亘
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.40, pp.106-116, 2018 (Released:2021-04-01)

According to Thomas Aquinas, it is proper to justice, as compared with the other virtues, to direct man in his relations with others. And the relations with others may happen in two ways: first as regards his relation with individuals, and secondly as regards his relations with others in general. In the case of the latter, it is identified with the whole community, and it is evident to that community as parts to a whole. So others as individuals may be referable to others in general, and all acts of virtue can pertain to justice, in so far as it directs man to the common good. On the other hand, according to Martha C. Nussbaum, we need to face the issues of justice involved in our treatment of people with physical and mental impairments, of all world citizens, and of nonhuman animals. Her conclusion is not that we should reject Rawls's theory, but that we should keep working on alternative theories, that is, we should take a capabilities approach. The capabilities approach takes its start from the Aristotelian/Marxian conception of the human being as a social and political being, who finds fulfillment in relations with others. And the good of others is not just a constraint on this person's pursuit of her own good; it is a part of her good. In the expansion of the meaning of others and the common good, there may be the possibility of Aquinas’s theory of justice.