古川 聖 白石 智
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NS, ネットワークシステム (ISSN:09135685)
vol.103, no.690, pp.21-24, 2004-02-27

田代 和也 岩室 紳也 中條 洋 波多野 孝史 古田 昭 野田 賢治郎 川島 淳
日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.88, no.3, pp.434-438, 1997-03-20

古賀 節子
日本赤十字九州国際看護大学intramural research report (ISSN:13478877)
vol.4, pp.84-104, 2005-12-25

古賀 和博
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.51, pp.167-174, 2002-03-22

Doctor B. Edwards, the author of "Drawing on the right side of the brain", practices the method of the visual information processing under the activated condition of the right brain, called R- Mode, and she introduced it in the writings, and she writes "The comprehensive skill which draws the thing which can be seen in the sight is composed only five fundamental skill, and it is not skill to draw, but it is skill to perceive. " A Picasso's Drawing is copied upside down with the subject of "Upside down drawing", and the drawing of the student with this subject shows a clear change. Even a class in our junior college was practiced, and this subject increased remarkable effect A subject work was compared with the original, and it was analyzed about the character of the line seen by a work, the space and the proportion. Obviously a student changed it into the "point of view which was necessary to draw a picture" consequently with this subject, and I think that it made student's perception change into the "sensory skill which was necessary for the Drawing" the "R Mode that Dr. B. Edwards was expounded".
滝口 哲也 有木 康雄 佐古 淳
情報処理学会研究報告音声言語情報処理(SLP) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2005, no.103, pp.25-30, 2005-10-21

本研究では、テレビを見ているその場で知らないことや知りたいこと、関心のあることについてテレビに問い合わせる事が可能な「対話型テレビ」の構築を目的としている。提案する対話型テレビは、バックエンド処理部とフロントエンド処理部から構成される。バックエンド処理部では、あらかじめニュース映像、野球、サッカー映像等からコンテンツ解析を行い、メタ情報の抽出を行う。フロントエンド処理部では、ユーザーの意図を抽出するため、ハンズフリー音声認識、ハンドポインティング認識が行われる。本稿では、現在開発を進めているコンテキストアウェアネスに基づく対話型テレビの実装例、及びフロントエンド処理部について述べる。In this paper, we propose a structure and components of a conversational television set (TV) to which we can ask anything on the broadcasted contents and receive the interesting information from the TV. The conversational TV is composed of two types of processing: back-end processing and front-end processing. In the back-end processing, broadcasted contents are analyzed using speech and video recognition techniques and both of the meta data and the structure are extracted. In the front-end processing, human speech and hand action are recognized to understand the user intention. We show some applications, being developed in this conversational TV with multi-modal interactions, such as word explanation, human information retrieval, event retrieval in soccer and baseball video games with contextual awareness.
古田 和久 Kazuhisa FURUTA 大阪大学大学院 Graduate School Osaka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.207-225, 2007-05-31

This paper examines the impact of social class and a variety of attitudes regarding society and education on attitudes toward educational expenditures. In Japan, the rapid rise of educational participation rates has been strongly supported by household expenditures. The scale of private funding is very large in comparison with other countries, and not only high income parents, but also low income ones, make expenditures for their children's education. Therefore, the following question arises: what motivates Japanese people to give education to their children? Previous research on economics and the sociology of education has focused on investment and consumption. However, considering that the motives for educational expenditures are complex and are influenced by a variety of characteristics of parents, including attitudes on society and education, this paper investigates attitudes toward educational expense using data from the 2003 National Survey on Work and Daily Life. In order to identify significant patterns in many variables, decision tree analysis is used as a data mining techniques. Following a brief introduction of decision tree analysis, the technique is applied to delineate the key features that distinguish between people who are eager to pay their children's educational expenses and those who are not. First, the data indicate that many people believe that parents should pay for nearly all of their children's educational costs. Second, decision tree analysis reveals that the most important factor influencing the payment of educational expenses is not the benefit of education, but rather the recognition of educational inequality in contemporary Japanese higher education. People who perceive educational opportunities as being equal are more willing to pay for their children, because they believe that there is stiff competition for educational credentials. Third, investment and consumption are important factors for people who believe there is educational inequality. As a result, the motive for making educational expenditures depends on attitudes toward society and education. On the other hand, the group that showed most strongly negative attitude is people who believe that educational opportunities are closed by family income and that their own subjective social status is low, and that education does not play a central role for achieving high income and social status. This finding suggests that at present, educational costs are very heavy, and that if the burden of tuition fee and other educational expenses clearly brings an awareness of educational inequalities according to family income, many people will perceive education as being meaningless for them.
森田 昭広 古賀 久志 渡辺 俊典 横山 貴紀
情報処理学会研究報告アルゴリズム(AL) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.30, pp.49-54, 2006-03-17

グラフのマッチング問題は一般に計算量が膨大であるが,問題固有の属性情報などを用いて効率的な探索を実現できる可能性がある.本研究では,グラフマッチング問題が入力2グラフから生成される積グラフの最大クリークを抽出する問題へ還元できることに着目し,その効率化のために2つの属性情報利用アルゴリズムを考案した.1つ目はクリーク抽出の探索過程で属性情報を用いて探索領域を削減する方法,2つ目は積グラフの生成時に属性情報を用いて積グラフの規模自体を抑制する方法である.これらを計算機実験によって比較検証した結果,双方共に有効であるが,特に後者の有効性が顕著であることを確認した.Graph matching problem has a very high computational complexity. But we can reduce it by exploiting domain-specific information such as object's attributes. In this research, where we solve the graph matching problem by reducing it into a maximum clique problem in a product graph generated from the two input graphs, we propose two algorithms, both exploiting attribute information. One is the method of decreasing the search space by using attribute information in the process of maximum clique search. The other is the method of decreasing the size of the product graph by using attribute information during the product graph generation. Through experiments we showed that, although both are effective, the latter dominates the former.
杉浦 淳 小池 雄一 古関 義幸
情報処理学会研究報告. HI,ヒューマンインタフェース研究会報告 (ISSN:09196072)
vol.71, pp.23-30, 1997-03-06

現在WWW(World Wide Web)上には多種多様の情報が提供されている。しかしながら、WWWからユーザが必要とする情報のみを取得するためのコストは小さくない。本稿では、WWW情報のパーソナル化のためのシステムInternet Scrapbookについて述べる。本システムでは、WWWページからユーザが必要とする箇所のみを切り出し、一つの個人用ページにまとめることができ、また、作成した個人用ページの内容を自動的に最新情報に更新することが可能である。これにより、ユーザは自分の必要とする情報のみを効率よく閲覧することができる。
原 正一郎 杉森 裕樹 古海 勝彦 東福寺 幾夫 窪寺 健 河合 正樹 吉田 勝美
情報知識学会誌 (ISSN:09171436)
vol.12, no.4, pp.32-52, 2003

健康審査(健診)には多数の施設が関わっており,これらの施設の健診情報システム間でデータを交換する必要がある.ところが健診に関わるデータ構造は多様であり,健診依頼元へ検査結果を電子的に還元することすら容易ではない.そこで平成8年より,日本総合健診医学会情報委員会は,健診データの有効利用を図るために日本保健福祉医療情報システム工業会と合同委員会を組織し,標準健診データ交換規約(HDML:Health Data Markup Language)とツールの開発に着手した.HDMLはSGML/XMLを基礎とし,既存の医療情報交換規約との互換性を考慮しつつ,健診に特化したデータ交換規約である.本稿ではHDMLの構造と,HDMLツールを用いた評価試験の結果について述べる.HDMLの導入によりデータ交換にかかわるコストの削減が可能となる.さらにデータ交換の段階でデータ構造が標準化されるため,複数の医療施設で発生した健診データを生涯健康管理データベースとして集積・管理できるようになり,生活習慣病などの予防医学にも大きく貢献することが期待される.
今津 孝次郎 Imazu Kojiro 名古屋大学 Nagoya University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.43, pp.5-17, 1988-10-03

This paper consists of two parts. The first part describes how the situation of teachers in Japan has changed from 1970's to 1980's. The second part points out what kinds of problems we have concerning the study of teachers. Firstly, the changing situation of teachers can be described from the following points of view: (1) educational expansion which was brought about by a high rate ecomomic growth; (2) pathological phenomena in education such as vandalism, bullying and delinquency which have been criticized by public opinion; (3) governmental educational policies which intend to improve the quality of teachers; (4) a political teacher union, though its menbership rate has been declining, which is against those educational policies; and (5) arguments with regard to teacher role and teacher evaluation. The changing situation demands us reconsider the concept of professionalism in teaching. Secondly, considering that teachers are facing the turning point, we can point out two major problems of the study of teachers. They are as follows: (1) The basic feature of the teaching profession is characterized by "marginality." It comes from a nature of teacher role, that is, the inconsistency between professional and bureaucratic-employee roles on the one hand, and the role of the stranger in the community on the other hand. This marginality is supposed to cause the role conflicts and the loneliness of teachers. (2) Teachers are learners because they have to acquire much more knowledge and skills, and change their attitude toward a new role in a world of rapid change. There are two phases in teacher education. They are pre-service training and in-service training and the latter is more important for teachers as life-long learners.

1 0 0 0 IR 教員養成

潮木 守一 Ushiogi Morikazu 名古屋大学 Nagoya University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.78-90, 1973-10-15

After the World War II, the teacher training system in Japan was reorganized and all of the higher education institutions including junior colleges were authorized to issue the centificate for teacher under the condition to claim students a few units for the professional studies of the principle of education and educational psychology, and a few weeks for teaching practice. This system is called "open system". Besides this open system, however, teacher training colleges still exist and have supplied most of teachers in the elementary schools and some in the lower secondary schools. This open system has been criticized mainly by governmental committees, for instance, Central Advisory Committee for Education and Advisory Committee for Teacher Training System, because of the overissue of teacher's certificates and the loose and less substantial training of teachers. Although Governmental Committees have tried several times to level up and to make strict the minimum standard of certification, these trials have always failed with the opposition of various interest groups including teacher's unions. They have insisted that those reforms should lead to increase of the governmental control over the higher education, to less opportunities for students of universities and colleges other than teacher training colleges to obtain certificates for teachers, and as a result to the revival of the normal school in the pre-war period, which had been under the strict governmental jurisdiction. The main problem seems to find how to coordinate the contradictory interests between teacher training college and other institutions of higher education by avoiding the governmental control over the higher education, especially over the teacher training colleges.