山本 利一 鳩貝 拓也 弘中 一誠 佐藤 正直
教育情報研究 (ISSN:09126732)
vol.30, no.2, pp.21-29, 2014

八上 全弘 江本 豊 菊地 徹 相馬 英智 青山 岳人 山本 裕之 富樫 かおり Masahiro Yakami Yutaka Emoto Toru Kikuchi Hidetomo Sohma Gakuto Aoyama Hiroyuki Yamamoto Kaori Togashi
vol.001, 2015-09-29

To facilitate the meaningful use of medical record and report, we propose a new concept that can enhance expressiveness of structured medical records and reports. A medical record or a report based on the proposed concept is composed of entries and links, while a conventional one is composed of predefined sections, such as “FINDINGS” and “IMPRESSION” or such as "Subjective", "Objective", "Assessment" and "Plan", containing narrative sentences, respectively. Each entry can be an image annotation or a unit of description such as findings of a lesion, a possible diagnosis, or a recommendation. Links express relationships between pairs of entries, such as causation and correspondence. Links are characteristic components of such a record or report, and play an important role to provide a perspective on it. The proposed concept was implemented in a prototype reporting system that can cooperate with a PACS viewer. Using the system, 27 radiologists interpreted 54 CT studies including 27 follow-up ones. After the interpretation, they responded to a questionnaire on the system. According to the response, most of the radiologists thought that the prototype system was superior to conventional ones in many aspects.We believe, the proposed concept will be implemented in many hospital information systems, then play a pivotal role in linking various kinds of medical data among different departments to facilitate big-data utilization.
山本 典史
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
ケモインフォマティクス討論会予稿集 第38回ケモインフォマティクス討論会 東京
pp.60-63, 2015 (Released:2015-10-01)

プリオン病は正常型プリオンタンパク質(PrPC)が病原性異常型(PrPSc)に変化した結果,複数のPrPScが凝集することで分子間βシート構造を骨格とするアミロイド線維を形成し,脳内に沈着することで発症する.プリオン病の初期過程ではPrPCの一部分が変性した過渡的中間体PrP*がPrPScへの構造変化を橋渡しする役割を担う.したがって,プリオン病の機序を解明するための手掛かりは,このプリオン形成中間体PrP*にある.本研究ではPrP*の構造的特徴を抽出する手段として,二次構造情報に基づく新しいカーネル主成分分析(SSPCA; Secondary Structure PCA)を開発した.SSPCAを適用することで,プリオン形成中間体PrP*の有力な候補として,PrPCの構造の一部がヘリックス→ストランド転位した特徴的な変性状態を明らかにした.
津田 敏秀 馬場 明園 三野 善央 山本 英二 宮井 正弥 茂見 潤
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.55, no.2, pp.462-473, 2000-07-15
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As a condition to achieving an agreement of recognition on the causal relationship in medicine, we firstly explained Hume's problem and counterfactual model. We, however, emphasized that we believe in the existence of causality on medical issues in our daily lives. Therefore, we illustrated conditions when we usually believe in causality. On the other hand, we criticized two well-known key phrases, "lack of mechanism in epidemiology" and "black box in epidemiology", which have often been used in Japan for skeptic viewpoints against epidemiologic methods even if epidemiology is often used to elucidate a causal effect in medicine in the world. We emphasized that a priori determinations of levels for inference of mechanism is necessary. And, the level and feature of mechanism should be defined in concrete expressions. After explanation of these basic concepts, we mentioned a classic view on specific diseases and non-specific diseases which have not been sufficiently discussed enough yet in Japan. As an example, we used the statements in the Japanese Compensation Law for the Health Effect by Environmental Pollution. In Japan, the classification of these diseases has been confused with that between manifestational criteria of diseases and causal criteria of them. We described the basic concepts to illustrate the causal relationship between non-specific disease and its exposure by using attached figures. Actually, we cannot recognize disease occurrence as a specific disease for several reasons. We indicated that we can recognize the magnitude of effect by causal relationships in medicine as a quantitative continuous variable.
津田 敏秀 三野 善央 山本 英二 松岡 宏明 馬場園 明 茂見 潤 宮井 正彌
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.52, no.2, pp.511-526, 1997-07-15
2 1

Kondo's "Incidence of Minamata Disease in Communities along the Agano River, Niigata, Japan (Jap. J. Hyg. 51: 599-611; 1996)" is critically reviewed. The data of the article were obtained from most of the residents living in the Agano river villages where Minamata disease was discovered in June, 1965. However, sampling proportions were much different between in the population base and in the cases. The method of identification of cases from the data and the reason for the difference were not clearly demonstrated. The citations of reference articles are insufficient despite the fact that other epidemiologic studies on methyl-mercury poisoning have been reported not only in Japan, but also around the world. His"analysis of the recognized patients" is erroneous. Both the sampling scheme of information of hair mercury and the modeling of the analysis are based on Kondo's arbitrary interpretation, not on epidemiologic theory. His "analysis of the rejected applicants" is also erroneous. His calculations of the attributable proportion are incorrect and self-induced in both the assignments of data and analysis of data. Kondo has failed to study the epidemiologic theories in light of changes in the field. Therefore, his article is lacking in epidemiologic theory, a logical base and scientific inference.<BR>In Japan, epidemiologic methodology has rarely been used in studies on Minamata Disease in either Kumamoto and Niigata. The government has used neurologically specific diagnosis besed on combinations of symptoms to judge the causality between each of symptoms and methyl-mercury poisoning. Epidemiologic data obtained in Minamata, Kumamoto in 1971 indicate that the criteria set by the government in 1977 have produced much more false-negative patients than false-positive patients. As a result, a huge number of symptomatic patients, including those with peripheral neuropathy or with constriction of the visual field, did not receive any help or compensation until 1995. The authors emphasize that the causal relationship between each symptom and methyl-mercury exposure should be reevaluated epidemiologically in Japan.
津田 敏秀 馬場園 明 三野 善央 松岡 宏明 山本 英二
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.51, no.2, pp.558-568, 1996-07-15
3 2 3

Changes of causal inference concepts in medicine, especially those having to do with chronic diseases, were reviewed. The review is divided into five sections. First, several articles on the increased academic acceptance of observational research are cited. Second, the definitions of confounder and effect modifier concepts are explained. Third, the debate over the so-called "criteria for causal inference" was discussed. Many articles have pointed out various problems related to the lack of logical bases for standard criteria, however, such criteria continue to be misapplied in Japan. Fourth, the Popperian and verificationist concepts of causal inference are summarized. Lastly, a recent controversy on meta-analysis is explained. Causal inference plays an important role in epidemiologic theory and medicine. However, because this concept has not been well-introduced in Japan, there has been much misuse of the concept, especially when used for conventional criteria.
梅枝 覚 松本 好市 北川 達士 野地 みどり 山本 隆行 石井 雅昭 成田 清 鳥井 孝宏 肥満 智紀 山崎 学
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.63, no.10, pp.838-845, 2010 (Released:2010-10-15)

環状自動縫合器(circuler stapler,PPH=procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids)による痔核脱肛の手術は,1998年Longoによって発表された手術(粘膜環状切除術,以下PPH)であり,痔核口側の直腸粘膜を環状切除し,痔核脱肛を吊り上げ固定する術式で,疼痛が少なく,QOLにすぐれているため世界で広く行われるようになった.本邦でも2001年より各施設で施行され,術後疼痛の軽減,早期社会復帰,再発率において結紮切除術と比べても差がない,などとIII度内痔核には有用な手術術式と考えられる.一時期PPHによる合併症も報告されたが,PPH機種の改良,手技の向上により合併症が減少した.PPHの特性から,すべての痔核に適応はなく,適応基準を厳格にして症例を選択する必要がある.術者は他の治療法であるLEやALTAにも精通し,長所短所を理解のうえ,痔核・脱肛の適応を的確に判断出来る能力があり,PPHの特性と実技を充分会得したうえで行う手技である.適応症例においては非常に有用な手術と思われる.
山本 雅人 小笠原 寛弥 鈴木 育男 古川 正志 YAMAMOTO Masahito OGASAWARA Hiroya SUZUKI Ikuo FURUKAWA Masashi
vol.53, no.11, pp.1184-1191, 2012 (Released:2016-11-22)

山本 雅久 河原 三明 安孫子 宜光
公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 (ISSN:09146695)
vol.15, no.3, pp.323-329, 2002-09-30 (Released:2015-08-20)

The recent advent of improved low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) therapy has promoted interest in clinical implantology. It has been reported that LLLI on bony implant sites might have positive effects on the integration of implants. The biostimulatory effect of cell proliferation and bone formation by LLLI has been investigated, but little is known about the molecular basis of biostimulatory mechanisms. Since LLLI will be useful to support implant therapy, it is important to elucidate the mechanism of the biostimulatory effect of LLLI on bone formation. We previously constructed the cDNA library of mouse osteoblastic cells (MC 3 T 3-E 1), which enhanced gene expression by LLLI using a subtracted gene cloning technology. In the present study, we further analyzed the DNA nucleotide sequence of gene clones, and focused on a gene clone designated MCL-174. The nucleotide sequence of MCL-174 insert was determined and assessed in the standard nucleotide-nucleotide BLAST (blastn) homology-search using NCBI DNA databases. DNA nucleotide sequences of clone MCL-174 inserted DNA exhibited 99% homology with Mus musculus annexin Ⅲ gene. Reverse-transcription PCR analysis showed that the mRNA level was enhanced by LLLI. These findings suggest that LLLI may enhance mRNA transcription and play a role in stimulating proliferation of osteoblasts through the enhancement of annexin Ⅲ gene expression. Annexin Ⅲ was detected in secretory ameloblasts and odontoblasts, and it was thought to be involved in the regulation of cell calcium. These findings suggest that the biostimulatory effect of LLLI on bone formation may relate through gene expression of annexin Ⅲ.