山田 喜紹
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.23, no.3, pp.205-220, 1973

Morphological change of a goat pneumonitis (GP) strain of <i>Chlamydia psittaci</i> in L cell monolayers induced by penicillin were investigated by electron microscopy. When the drug was added simultaneously with GP to the cell culture, its minimal inhibitory dose was estimated to be 1&mu;g (1.6 units) per ml of medium. Penicillin interefered with the growth cycle of the psittacosis organism at a concentration higher than 1&mu;g/ml by producing enlarged initial bodies 3 to 5&mu; in diameter. The abnormally enlarged initial bodies did multiply as such to some extent, but did not develop in to infective elementary bodies in the presence of an inhibitory dose of penicillin.<br>In the presence of a small dose of penicillin, ranging from 0.05 to 0.1&mu;g/ml, an excessive cytoplasmic membrane was formed within the enlarged initial bodies 15 hours or more after the onset of infection. At that time were produced a number of irregular-shaped &ldquo;miniature initial bodies&rdquo; and small empty vesicles. The miniature initial bodies had been liberated from the initial bodies by a buddinglike process.<br>Free miniature initial bodies did not develop further. In the presence of a smaller dose of penicillin, ranging from 0.025 to 0.5&mu;g/ml, clusters of electron-dense granules were formed within the maturing intermediate forms of the psittacosis organism. They were never found in the control intermediate forms grown in penicillin-free medium. The biochemical nature of those granules is not known at the moment.
田波 洋 山田 喜紹 鈴木 聖 田崎 忠勝
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.19, no.4, pp.121-127, 1969

Inhibitory effect of formycin and formycin B on the intracellular multiplication of goat pneumonitis agent (GP), a member of <i>Chlamydia psittaci</i>, was investigated. Drug was added to the nutrient fluid at two hours after inoculation to monolayers of either Earle's L or Yasumura's VERO cell lines. Infective units produced in cells cultivated in media which containd the antibiotic at varying dosage were assayed after an incubation period for 48 hours at 37&deg;C. The &ldquo;inclusion forming units&rdquo; were assayed by the &ldquo;infected cell count method&rdquo;.<br>The inhibitory action of both formycin and formycin B on GP-agent was far more effective in VERO cells than in L cells. The growth of the psittacosis agent in VERO cells was completely inhibited by formycin at a level of 1.4mcg per ml, whereas the drug did not inhibit the multiplication of the agent at the same concentration when L cells were chosen. The result may indicate that the psittacosis agent itself is resistant to these drugs, and that the inhibitory action is a result of some inhibitory effects of the host cell metabolism.<br>The inhibitory effect of formycin and formycin B on the psittacosis agent can be reversed to some extent by an addition of excessive purine or purine nucleoside to the nutrient media. Inosine, Na-inosinate, adenine or adenosine reversed the inhibitory effect of the two antibiotics. However, guanine and guanosine did not reverse the inhibitory effect. This may suggest that these drugs act as purine analogues, inhibiting certain essential metabolic pathway where adenosine may act an important role.
田波 洋 山田 喜紹
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.14, no.3, pp.103-109, 1964

Life cycle of goat pneumonitis agent, strain Nagano, in L cell culture was described. The developmental cycle occurs in four stages, as generally observed with PLT group of agents: (i) penetration of invaded elementary bodies into the cytoplasm. (ii) transformation of the elementary bodies to the initial bodies occurs by the 8th hour after inoculation. (iii) Initial bodies begin to multiply between the 11th and 12th hours as observed by appearance of the &ldquo;diplococci-like&rdquo; forms. Thereafter they multiply at an exponential rate, and (iv) highly infective mature particles are formed after the 21st hour. The life cycle is complete in 48 hours.<br>The results are well accounted for as that the invaded elementary bodies transform directly to the initial bodies, the vegetative forms, from which highly infective elementary bodies are developed. Which rules out the possibility that the multiplication of the agent might occur at a (hypothetical) preliminary virus-like phase, before the formation of the initial bodies.
内川 公人 山田 喜紹 佐藤 潔 熊田 信夫
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.35, no.3, pp.233-243, 1984
3 1

Field surveys were carried out monthly during the period from August 1981 to September 1982 to add to the basic knowledge of the vectors of tsutsugamushi disease in Nagano Prefecture, where outbreaks of the disease were reported in the spring of 1981 after a lapse of 14 years. Field mice and voles were trapped alive at stations selected mostly in grasslands in Miasa Village and Iida City. Preliminary or additional surveys were also done at irregular intervals in these areas and in Yamanouchi Town and Matsumoto City. From four kinds of field rodents examined, a total of 51,548 chiggers comprising three genera and 12 species was collected and identified. Among them, Leptotrombidium pallidum, L. intermedium, L. fuji, and Gahrliepia saduski were the predominant species in this order. L. scutellare, one of the known vectors in Japan, was not collected during the study, suggesting that L. pallidum would have played the role of vector in the recent reoccurrence of tsutsugamushi disease in Nagano Prefecture. Remarkable difference was observed among the average numbers of chiggers taken from different kinds of hosts. Conspicuous variations in host perference of some chigger species were also observed depending on the localities of collection. Habitat specificity was distinctly demonstrated by the fact that the faunal compositions of chigger species were closely related with the topographical features of the lands surveyed. Seasonal fluctuation of chiggers also differed depending on the localities of the survey. For example, average number of L. pallidum on the rodents showed a peak of occurrence in the late fall at the stations in Iida, while the same species of chigger had two peaks, one in spring and the other in autumn, at the stations in Miasa. The importance of studying the favorable habitats for the vector was discussed from the epidemiological viewpoints.
田波 洋 山田 喜紹 田崎 忠勝
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.19, no.2, pp.70-76, 1969

The rate of adsorption of a psittacosis agent (Goat Pneumonitis agent, strain Nagano) by monolayers of Earle's L cell have been investigated. It has been shown experimentally that the rate at which psittacosis agent elementary bodies (0.35&mu; diamater) arrive at a surface of the cell monolayers can be accurately predicted from the theory of Brownian motion. Proportion of particles adsorbed by the monolayers during an adsorption time of t seconds, Y<sub>t</sub>, is given as Y<sub>t</sub>=1.51&times;10<sup>-3</sup>&radic;t.<br>There are good agreement between theoretical adsorption rate calculated from the above formula and experimentally obtained values within the experimental error. Therefore, we can estimate the number of total infective particles in the inoculum from the number of &ldquo;infected particles&rdquo; as shown by counting &ldquo;inclusion froming cells&rdquo; microscopically.<br>Adsorption of the psittacosis agent by L cell monolayers requires adequate concentration of cations. Optimum salt concentration for adsorption is approximately 10<sup>-2</sup> M. Divalent cations (Ca<sup>2+</sup>, Mg<sup>2+</sup> Mn<sup>2+</sup>) accelerate adsorption more effectively than univalent cations such as Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup> NH<sup>+</sup><sub>4</sub> etc. Optimum pH of the medium for psittacosis adsorption has been found to be 6.1; between 5.5 and 6.5 there is a slight decline in the efficiency of adsorption. At either sides of these pH values adsorption rate declines markedly.
田波 洋 山田 喜紹
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.24, no.2, pp.164-169, 1974

In an electron microscopic study it was demonstrated that type C particles (L cell virions, LCV) were produced at a relatively high frequency in Earle's L cells (929 subline) when these cells had been incubated in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BuDR) at a concentration of 10<sup>-4</sup>M. LCV appeared within the intracytoplasmic vesicles of L cells at times later than 20 hours after the initiation of BuDR treatment. LCV particles were produced from the limiting membrane of the vesicles by the budding process toward the inside of the vesicles. Each of them had an electron-dense, coiled core 128&plusmn;31nm in outside diameter coated by a single unit membrane (envelope). Such knobs as noted by some previous authors were not recognized on their surface.
田波 洋 山田 喜紹 田崎 忠勝 村上 昇
信州医学雑誌 (ISSN:00373826)
vol.16, no.1, pp.101-108, 1967-02

信州医学雑誌 16(1): 101-108(1967)
山田 智之
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.57, no.9, pp.861, 2021

2019年12月に中国武漢で発生した新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の世界的流行が続いている(2021年4月現在).<br>このような背景のなか,COVID-19に対するワクチンが開発され(COVID-19ワクチン),各国で接種が進められている.これまでワクチンは,生ワクチンや不活化ワクチン等が認可されてきたが,COVID-19ではmRNAワクチンやウイルスベクターワクチン等の遺伝子を用いたワクチンを中心に開発が進められてきている.<br>例えば,mRNAワクチンとは,新型コロナウイルスのスパイクタンパク質をコードするmRNAを,体内での分解を防ぐために脂質ナノ粒子で包みカプセル化したものである.ワクチン投与後はヒト細胞中に取り込まれたmRNAを鋳型としてスパイクタンパク質が生成され,免疫応答が誘導される.これらのワクチンは既存の生ワクチンや不活化ワクチンと異なりウイルス培養を必要としないため,従来型のワクチンと比較して迅速な開発と実用化が可能であり,2020年1月にゲノム配列が報告されてから1年足らずで実用化に至った.本稿では,Badenらが報告した2021年5月現在,モデルナと武田薬品工業が我が国で承認申請中のmRNAワクチンであるmRNA-1273の臨床試験結果を紹介する(注:本ワクチンは2021年5月21日に厚生労働省から特例承認を取得し,すでに接種が開始されている).<br>なお,本稿は下記の文献に基づいて,その研究成果を紹介するものである.<br>1) Polack F. P. <i>et al</i>., <i>N</i>. <i>Engl</i>. <i>J</i>. <i>Med</i>., <b>383</b>, 2603-2615(2020).<br>2) Baden L. R. <i>et al</i>., <i>N</i>. <i>Engl</i>. <i>J</i>. <i>Med</i>., <b>384</b>, 403-416(2021).<br>3) Seki Y. <i>et al</i>., <i>J</i>. <i>Infect</i>. <i>Chemother</i>., <b>23</b>, 615-620(2017).<br>4) Dagan N. <i>et al</i>., <i>N</i>. <i>Engl</i>. <i>J</i>. <i>Med</i>., <b>384</b>, 1412-1423(2021).
山田 直利 矢島 道子
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.125, no.2, pp.257-267, 2016-04-25 (Released:2016-05-12)

Edmund Naumann (1854–1927), the first professor of the Geological Institute, Science Department, the University of Tokyo, presented a proposal to found the Geological Survey of Japan to Hirobumi Ito, Minister of the Home Affairs of Japan, in 1879. The Japanese Government immediately accepted this proposal, so Naumann resigned his post as a professor of the university and returned to Germany, in order to find the necessary specialists and items for the upcoming survey. During his stay in Germany, on January 3rd, 1880 he gave an invitation lecture on Japan, which was published in “die geologische Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin” as a paper titled “Ueber die wirthschaftlichen Verhältnisse Japans und die geologische Aufnahme des Landes” (The economic situation of Japan and the Geological Survey of Japan). This paper introduced the feudal system, which had controlled Japan through the Middle to Modern ages, the economic situation of Japan after the Meiji Restoration, especially for agriculture, means to promote Japanese agriculture and industry, and the purpose and tasks of the Geological Survey of Japan. The paper, which we have now translated into Japanese, is important because it is similar to the Japanese translation of the above proposal handwritten in 1879, and the original text of the proposal, probably written in German, has now been lost.
土田 充義 小山田 善次郎 揚村 固
鹿児島大学工学部研究報告 (ISSN:0451212X)
no.34, pp.p125-141, 1992-09

We researched 62 gates with the roof truss in the old Satsuma-Han area: Izumi Fumoto, Chiran Fumoto, Iriki Fumoto, Shibushi Fumoto, Takaoka Fumoto, Kanou Fumoto, and Okuchi Fumoto for four years. The roof truss supported the eaves and was not used as an important gate in the historical architecture. But the columns were set in such a way to support the roof truss. Therefore, the roof truss was longer and were made the roof higher. Gates with the roof truss were important in old Satsuma-Han and were built in over six Fumotos, except Izumi-Fumoto. Gates with the roof truss were found in Izumi-Fumoto but without the columns necessary to support the roof. In other Fumoto such gates were also built but were much smaller than those in Chiran Fumoto. Gates with the roof truss were developed with originality and creatively in each Fumoto for 200 years.
林 茂 山田 秀志 牧田 光正 Hayashi Shigeru Yamada Hideshi Makida Mitsumasa
航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料: 平成14年度航空安全・環境適合技術研究研究交流会と研究報告会講演論文集 = Special Publication of National Aerospace Laboratory: Proceedings of the Information Exchange Meeting and the Research Meeting on Aviation Safety and Environmental Compatibility Technology Research FY2001 (ISSN:1347457X)
no.55, pp.85-86, 2002-12

超音速機エンジンからの排気NOxは成層圏のオゾン層を破壊し、一方、亜音速機からのNOxはオゾンを生成して地球温暖化を進めることが分かっている。しかし、NOxの一部はエンジン排気中に含まれる水蒸気が高空の低温域で凝縮し生成する水滴や氷晶に取り込まれたり吸着されたりして、オゾンの破壊や生成の反応を変える可能性がある。この実験では、ジェットエンジンの排気と同組成の排気(飛行機雲)を小型燃焼器で発生させ、極低温の大気の流れの中に導き、排気に含まれる水蒸気の凝結により氷晶を生じさせる。それを採取し分析することにより排気中のNOxがどの程度氷晶に取り込まれるかを明らかにする。資料番号: AA0045946007レポート番号: NAL SP-55