山之内 博 東儀 英夫 亀山 正邦 村上 元孝 松田 保
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.13, no.4, pp.207-214, 1976

脳卒中発症前後のヘマトクリット (Hct) 値, ヘモグロビン (Hb) 値, 赤血球 (RBC) 数, 血清総蛋白 (TP) 値の変動について検討し, これらの値の変動と脳硬塞および頭蓋内出血発症との関係について考察することを目的に本研究を行なった.<br>対象は60歳以上の脳卒中例のうち, 急死あるいはこの研究の為の検査が不充分な症例を除外し, かつ剖検によって病変を確認しえた脳硬塞21例, 頭蓋内出血16例, 計37例である. Hct, Hb, RBC, TP値の測定は自動測定装置によった. 発症前値については発症4日以内 (直前値) と5日以上の値に分けて検討した.<br>結果; 1) 脳硬塞においては, Hct 値は発症前値 (37.2±3.3%) に比し, 発症日の値 (38.9±3.0%) は高かった. Hb, RBC, TP値についても同様の結果が得られた. しかし, 頭蓋内出血においては, 発症日における Hct, Hb, RBC, TP値は発症前値に比し, やや高い傾向がみられたが有意の差は認められなかった. 以上の結果より, 急激な Hct 値の上昇と脳硬塞の発症との間に何らかの関係が存在する可能性が推定された. 2) 脳硬塞では頭蓋内出血群に比し, Hct, Hb, RBC値が発症前, 発症日ともに有意の高値であった. しかし, TP値には両者で差が認められなかった. 脳硬塞発症前の Hct 値は同年代の対照群に比し有意の差が認められなかった. 3) 脳硬塞, 頭蓋内出血ともに Hct, Hb, RBC値は, 発症後数日間漸増する傾向がみられた. しかし,TP値は両者とも発症後急速に低下した.
村上 元孝 松田 保 恩地 一彰 万見 新太郎 梅田 俊彦 西野 哲夫 平丸 三樹 高瀬 雅子 横山 鉄夫
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.11, no.3, pp.388-396, 1970

Two families of congenital factor VII deficiency were described.<br>The propositus of the first family was 35-year-old female, who was admitted for anemia. Spontaneous epistaxis, limited to her youth, was main hemorrhagic symptom. The patient delivered two normal children without unusual bleeding. On admission, the physical examination revealed no abnormalities except for the presence of iron deficiency anemia. Results of liver function tests were normal. Coagulation data confirmed the diagnosis of pure factor VII deficiency. Her factor VII complex level was 5% of normal and factor X level was 100%. There was no history of bleeding in her family. However, her daughter was discovered to have factor VII deficiency. Her factor VII complex level was 27% and factor X level was 75%. Factor VII levels of father, three half siblings, husband and son of the propositus were within normal limits.<br>The propositus of the second family was 25-year-old female, who was admitted complaining of spontaneous nose bleeding, gum bleeding, subcutaneous hemorrhage and menorrhagia. The patient was hospitalized for right oophorectomy at the age af 22. The hematoma in the right ovary was found, however, no unusual bleeding was noted either during surgery or in the postoperative period. On admission, she appeared healthy except for a few ecchymoses. Liver function chemistries were normal. Laboratory data demonstrated factor VII deficiency with increased vascular fragility. Her factor VII complex level was 17% and factor X level was 80%. Mixture of this patient's plasma with that of the propositus of the first family did not result in shortening of the long one-stage prothrombin time, proving an identical deficiency in these patients. The family history revealed that the patient's paternal grandfather were siblings. One brother of the propositus, his daughter and grandmother on the father's side of the porpositus had bleeding tendency. Neither of her parents nor any other family members had any bleeding episodes. Coagulation studies on the brother of the propositus revealed that he had factor VII deficiency. His factor VII complex level was 12% and factor X level was 105%. Factor VII level of the other family members could not be measured.
堀 克弘 吉川 玄逸 平岡 誠司 松末 吉隆 村上 元庸
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.27, no.3, pp.455-458, 2003-10-30 (Released:2012-11-20)

A rupture of the rotator cuff tendon may induce muscular fatty degeneration, which can be observed with computed tomography (CT) imaging. The purpose of this study was to examine the frequency of fatty degeneration in patients with a complete rotator cuff tear using CT images.Twenty shoulders in twenty eight patients (average age sixty point seven years old ) with a complete cuff tear were studied. Fatty degeneration was evaluated using CT images and assessed by Goutallier's classification. The diagnosis of rotator cuff tear was made by the examiner, after which the frequency of fatty degeneration was determined. Supraspinatus tendon ruptures were found in eleven patients, infraspinatus tendon ruptures in two, supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon ruptures in six, supraspinatus and subscapularis tendon ruptures in eight, and all three tendons were found ruptured in three. The frequency of fatty degeneration in the infraspinatus tendon was 66.7%, while that in the supraspinatus and subscapularis tendons was 35.7% and 23.1%, respectively. Some reports have concluded that postoperative results for rotator cuff repair are inferior when fatty degeneration has occurred, thus, it is best if surgery can be performed prior to its appearance. From the results of the present study, we considered that fatty degeneration is more prevalent with the infraspinatus tendon. Therefore, when a rupture of the this tendon is suspected, an operation should be carried out as soon as possible.
村上 元庸 小島 保二 前田 敏博 牧川 方昭 福田 眞輔
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.15, no.1, pp.4-8, 1991

Sensory nerve endings in the monkey shoulder joint capsule were observed by light microscopy. The nerve staining technique was based upon Tago's method which was very sensitive for acetylcholinesterase (Ach E) existing in the peripheral nerve.<BR>Three distinct sensory nerve endings have b een identified: free nerve endings, Ruffini-type corpuscles, and Pacini-type corpuscles.<BR>Ruffini-typc corpuscles a n d Pacini-type corpuscles, which were thought to act as mechanoreceptors, were mainly localized in the transitional portion between the labrum and the capsule, but not within the labrum.<BR>Free ne r ve endiings, which may function as nociceptors (Pain), were distributed widely in the capsule and also in th labrum.<BR>As the results demo n strated that may mechanoreceptors exist in the capsule, it is presumed that the capsule acts not only as a static stabilizer, but also as a sensory apparatus for stress, and plays an important role in the dynamic stabilizing system. It seems that the location of the mcchanoreceptors is the optimum place for sensors to respond to the resultant force which dislocates the humeral head.<BR>Finally, we hypothesize that the dynamic stabilizing effect is performed by a series of reflex effects from the capsule to the surrounding muscle of the shoulder.
村上 元庸 牧川 方昭 前野 幹幸 畑 正樹 七川 歓次
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.10, no.1, pp.22-24, 1986-07-28 (Released:2012-11-20)

When abducting the arm, the scapula and the humerus move cooperatively. This cooperation is known as “scapulohumeral rhythm”, and a constant relationship is said to exist between the abduction angle of the humerus and that of the scapula.But since the glenoid is too small to support the humeral head, it may happen that the humeral head will be dislocated or the soft tissue, like tendons or capsule, will be exposed to a excessive load, if the resultant force through the humeral head does not directly face to the glenoid. So we guess that a change of the resultant force which is consist of load and muscle power to the humerus may change the incline of the glenoid even at the same humeral abducting angle.In this study, we investigated the relationship between the glenoid inclination angle and the humeral abduction angle with or without block of the supraspinatus muscle power by the suprascapular nerve block.The subjects of this experiment was 5 healthy men, and the angle was measured by X-ray films which were taken at every 45 degrees abduction position with voluntary effort to abduct isometrically before and after the nerve block, and also the abduction torque was measured simultaneously by the Cybex- II.The result was that the inclination angle of the scapula was decreased after block, as the maximum defference at 90 degree abduction by 6 degree. And the torque was decreased by the mean of 25 %.From our hypothesis that the resultant force faces the glenoid perpendicularly, these results could be explained by the functional anatomy of the supraspinatus tendon. At 0 and 135 degree abduction the supraspinatus runs perpendicularly to the glenoid, so the resultant force does not change the direction after block. But at 90 degree abduction the position of the insertion of the supraspinatus is the highest of all abduction angle, so it acts to pull down the head. The resultant that force after block changes the direction upward, and so the glenoid inclination angle decreases to face the head.From these results, we guess a resultant force to the humeral head always faces to the glenoid by controlled constraction of the muscles around the shoulder.
村上 元庸 小島 保二 前田 敏博 牧川方 昭 福田 眞輔 畑 正樹 吉川 玄逸
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.16, no.1, pp.96-102, 1992

An ultrastructural study of the sensory nerve endings in monkeys' shoulder joints was undertaken, stained by Tago's method, which is the histochemical staining of acetylcholinesterase.<BR>The Pacini-type corpuscle is oval in shape and it consists of inner and o uter cores. At the center of the inner core, there is an unmyelinated axon terminal. The axon terminal has numerous mitocondoria. The lamellated inner core is composed of Schwann cell processes. Reaction products are found in the space between the axon terminal and the lamellar cell processes, in the interlamellar spaces and in some caveolae.<BR>In the Ruffini-typ e corpuscle, the axon terminal loses its mylin sheath and branches several times. The axon terminals are incompletely surrounded by a Schwann cell cytoplasm. The axon terminal has numerous mitochondoria and agranular vesicles. The Schwann cell cytoplasm surrounds a bundle of collagen fibrils. The reaction products are found between the axon terminal and the Schwann cell cytoplasm, and also around the Schwann cell cytoplasm.<BR>From their characteristic structure, it seems that the Pac i n i-type corpuscles respond to a pressure force from the humeral head. While the Ruffini-type corpuscles respond to a stretch force. The latter were thought to have a more important role as sensors of a dynamic stabilizing system.
村上 元 森元 隆文 三浦 由佳 池田 望
一般社団法人 日本作業療法士協会
作業療法 (ISSN:02894920)
vol.39, no.2, pp.248-254, 2020-04-15 (Released:2020-04-15)

蔵本 築 松下 哲 三船 順一郎 坂井 誠 村上 元孝
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.14, no.2, pp.115-120, 1977-03-30 (Released:2009-11-24)

老年者肺炎12例に於て肺炎と同時または稍遅れて前壁中隔硬塞を思わせる心電図変化を認めた. すなわちV1-V3, V4のQSまたはrの減高, ST上昇, 冠性Tが出現し, 肺炎の軽快と共に異常Qは約一週間, 陰性Tは1カ月以内に正常化し, その後剖検し得た8例にはいずれも前壁中隔硬塞を認めなかった. 臨床所見では狭心痛はなく, 呼吸困難, 咳痰, チアノーゼ, 意識障害等が見られ, 肺炎は2葉以上にわたる広範な病巣を示し, 胸膜癒着または胸水を伴った. 検査所見ではGOTの軽度上昇を4例に認めたにすぎず, BUNの一過性上昇, CRP強陽性, PO2低下と共にヘマトクリットは全例4~9%の著明な上昇を示した.剖検し得た8例では肺気腫を6例, 気管支炎を7例に, 剖検時肺炎を6例に認めた. 陳旧性後壁硬塞及び後壁心外膜下出血を各1例に認めた. 左冠動脈前下行枝の50%以上狭窄を7例に認め, 心筋小胼胝を5例に認めた.急性心筋硬塞様心電図の発現機序として慢性肺疾患によるQRS軸の後方偏位, 肺炎に伴う急性右心負荷, hypoxia, 中等度の冠硬化などの上にヘマトクリット, 血液粘度の上昇等が加わって心筋に広範な一過性虚血性変化を来たすものと考えた.
金子 豊治 山下 実 大堀 正衛 村上 元一
公益社団法人 自動車技術会
自動車技術会論文集 (ISSN:02878321)
vol.40, no.3, pp.837-841, 2009 (Released:2010-07-26)

Euro5によるPM規制及び欧州CO2 140g/kmに対応するため、世界に類を見ない低S.Ash(硫酸灰分)で低燃費なディーゼルエンジンオイルDL-1/C2 0W-30を開発した。高信頼性、低S.Ash、低燃費を高次元で実現し、排ガス後処理装置のDPFに対応しながら、B1 5W-30と比較して車両燃費向上率で2%、CO2削減で3g/kmを達成した。
岡花 和樹 村上 元良 細辻 浩介 堀 優作 森 真樹 竹中 章勝
日本デジタル教科書学会発表予稿集 日本デジタル教科書学会第7回年次大会 (ISSN:24326127)
pp.29-30, 2018 (Released:2018-10-03)

平成 32 年度より施行される次期小学校学習指導要領解説総則には,「児童がプログラミングを体験しながら,コンピュータに意図した処理を行わせるために必要な論理的思考力を身に付ける ための学習活動」として,第5学年 B 図形の(1)における正多角形の作図が例示されている。本 研究では例示内容の他に,児童が継続してプログラミングを通して学習ができ,教科単元の学習 活動を深める学びにつながる授業開発を行なった。小学校 5 年生 B 図形(1)平面図形の性質の中 の合同な図形に注目し,合同な図形を描く際に分度器を用いて角の大きさを測定するアナログ的 操作をとり入れ,どの合同条件に対応するのか,必要な角の大きさや辺の長さは何かを考えなが ら,プログラミング環境 Scratch を用い,作図過程をプログラミングすることによって提示され た課題と同様の手順で図形を描いていくプログラム開発と授業開発を行い授業実践した。本発表 では従来のアナログ的な学びを活かしながら,新たにプログラミング的思考を育成する授業づく りを行うことで,数学的な見方考え方と情報的見方考え方を育成することでプログラミング的思 考の育成を同時に行える授業の提案をしたい。
廣瀬 和俊 乳原 善文 平松 里佳子 澤 直樹 長谷川 詠子 高市 憲明 池田 健次 熊田 博光 村上 元昭
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.103, no.6, pp.1388-1390, 2014-06-10 (Released:2015-06-10)
1 1

斉田 宏 村上 元庸 関 真理 三宅 健夫
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
日本消化機病學會雜誌. 乙 (ISSN:13497693)
vol.81, no.1, pp.16-21, 1984

レーザードップラー法 (LDV) によるラット胃粘膜血流測定を接触電極法による水素ガスクリアランス法との比較において検討した.<br>胃粘膜血流を反映する接触式水素ガスクリアランス法による血流値とLDVによる電気信号とは有意の (p<0.01) 相関を認めた.<br>又, 再現性も高く, 繰り返しの測定が可能であつた. LDVは, 時々刻々変化する粘膜血流に対して敏感に応答しながら連続的に記録する事が可能であり, 水素ガスクリアランス法にて測定不能な低血流をも容易に測定できた. 以上よりLDVは, 胃粘膜血流測定に有用な方法であり, 胃粘膜防御機構の一つである粘膜血流の研究に更に有効な手段となり得ると結論した.