村上 元孝 松田 保
臨牀と研究 (ISSN:00214965)
vol.54, no.11, pp.p3506-3511, 1977-11
石崎 武志 服部 絢一 松田 保 宮保 進 越野 健 藤村 政樹 岡藤 和博 南 真司 金森 一紀 佐賀 務 舟田 久
社団法人 日本呼吸器学会
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.23, no.1, pp.86-97, 1985

肺真菌感染症を合併した21例の血液疾患を臨床床状, 胸部X線写真, 免疫血清学の観点から検討した. 起炎真菌はアスペルギルス17例, ムコール1例, 不明3例であった. 経気管支肺生検法で2例, 臨床経過で6例 (剖検所見で確認) を生前診断し抗真菌療法を行った. 抗真菌療法中に血液学的改善の得られた6例は治癒し, 改善の得られなかった2例は死亡した. 臨床症状として, 全例に通常の抗生剤不応性の熱発, 咳 (15例), 喀痰 (10例), 血痰 (10例), 胸痛 (9例), ラ音 (16例) 呼吸困難 (9例) を認めた. 胸部X線写真上, 肺炎様陰影 (12例), パッチイな浸潤影 (3例), びまん性微細網状小結節状影 (3例) シスト様影 (1例) を認め, air crescent sign を5例, 胸膜肥厚を9例に認めた.全例流血中アスペルギルスフミガーツス抗原・抗体とも陰性であった. 全体として, 注意深い臨床症状の観察, 胸部X線写真と経気管支肺生検法などによって早期に真菌性肺炎を診断し, 的確な抗真菌療法を開始することが, この致死的感染症治癒への一歩となる.
松田 保 児玉 直子 秀野 啓子 小河原 緑 松崎 俊久 村上 元孝 山之内 博
一般社団法人 日本血栓止血学会
血液と脈管 (ISSN:03869717)
vol.7, no.2, pp.146-150, 1976

Apparent blood viscosity was measured on freshly shed blood from 127 healthy subjects, ages 21 to 88, and patients hospitalized in Tokyo Metropolitan Yoikuin Geriatrics Hospital, over age 60. Determination of blood viscosity was performed at 37&deg;C using rotational viscometer at shear rates between 0.07 and 4.6sec<sup>-1</sup>.<br>Mean blood viscosity in 43 healthy older subjects over age 60 (mean age: 74&plusmn;6) was 45&plusmn;25cp at 0.07sec<sup>-1</sup> and 8&plusmn;2cp at 4.6sec<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. Yield stress was calculated from Casson plot at very low shear rates (between 0.44 and 0.07sec<sup>-1</sup>) by the method of least squares. Mean value of yield stress in the healthy older subjects was 0.011 dynes/cm<sup>2</sup>. Blood viscosity in the healthy subjects was significantly correlated with hematocrit values. Yield stress in these subjects was also correlated with hematocrit values and blood viscosity at very low shear rates. In these healthy subjects, blood viscosity, yield stress and hematocrit values were highest in the group at age 30-39. Blood viscosity and yield stress showed a slight decline with age in the healthy older subjects.<br>In the hospitalized patients, blood viscosity was higher than 70cp at 0.07sec<sup>-1</sup>, and/or higher than 11cp at 4.6sec<sup>-1</sup> in 107 measurements (86 cases) out of 1443 determinations from December 1973 to October 1974. These patients with blood high viscosity included 12 cases of cancer (one of them was accompanied with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC); three of them developed DIC thereafter), 5 cases of acute myocardial infarction, 4 cases of acute cerebral infarction, 5 cases of angina pectoris, 6 cases of old myocardial infarction, 18 cases of old cerebrovascular diseases, 11 cases of diabetes mellitus, and 5 cases of stress polycythemia or polycythemia vera. In these cases, viscosity at 4.6sec<sup>-1</sup> was significantly correlated with hematocrit values, whereas viscosity at 0.07sec<sup>-1</sup> was not. All patients with blood high viscosity and relatively low hematocrit values suffered from cancer. In 6 cases of acute myocardial, cerebral of renal infarction, in whom changes in blood viscosity, yield stress and hematocrits were investigated before and after the development of infarction, changes in blood viscosity and yield stress were parallel with hematocrits.<br>From these results, it was concluded that high hematocrits caused blood high viscosity and were regarded as one of the risk factors in the pathogenesis of thrombosis, although the other factors than hematocrits might also influence blood viscosity at very low shear rates.
松田 保 小河原 緑 三浦 玲子 関 俊子 横内 正利
一般社団法人 日本血栓止血学会
血液と脈管 (ISSN:03869717)
vol.12, no.1, pp.13-15, 1981

Viscosity of blood at 37&deg;C and 25&deg;C was compared in various blood samples using coaxial cylinder viscometer which operates on the couette principle. Ratios of blood viscosity measured at 25&deg;C to one at 37&deg;C at shear rate of 0.39sec<sup>-1</sup> were significantly correlated with fibrinogen content of blood (n=49, r=+0.62, p<0.001). However, there was no significant correlation between ratios of blood viscosity at body temperature to one at the lower temperature and hematocrit values (n=49, r=-0.22, n. s.). To confirm important role of fibrinogen in elevation of blood viscosity when temperature falls, following experiment was carried out. Red blood cell suspentions with various amount of fibrinogen were prepared from combinations of packed red cells, bentonite adsorbed plasma, which contains no fibrinogen, normal plasma and human fibrinogen solution. Elevation of viscosity at 25&deg;C was more pronounced when amount of fibrinogen in the suspension increased.<br>Significance of elevated viscosity of blood with increased fibrinogen content at low temperature in development of Raynaud's phenomenon was discussed.
松田 保 村上 元孝
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
動脈硬化 (ISSN:03862682)
vol.3, no.4, pp.447-455, 1976

Coagulability of blood was measured in 80 cases of acute myocardial infarction, 98 cases of acute cerebral infarction and 33 cases of acute cerebral hemorrhage. Platelet counts, activated partial thromboplastin times, prothrombin times, plasma fibrinogen content, levels of plasma antithrombin III, α<sub>2</sub>-macroglobulin and fibrin degradation products (FDP) determined within 1 month before the attack of myocardial infarction or stroke, and those measured within 48 hours or 3 to 7 days following the onset of these diseases were compared with data obtained from 370 healthy subjects over age sixty.<br>Concentrations of plasma antithrombin III were apparently decreased before and after the development of myocardial infarction. In ten autopsied patients with acute myocardial infarction, three cases with extremely low levels of plasma antithrombin III (less than 2 mg/d<i>l</i>) were complicated with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), acute cerebral infarction and/or thromboembolism of lower extremities, while no thromboembolic episodes following myocardial infarction were observed in the other seven cases in whom plasma antithrombin III concentrations were more than 20mg/d<i>l</i>. Levels of the other thrombin inhibitor in plasma than antithrombin III, i. e. α<sub>2</sub>-macroglobulin, were increased immediately after the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage. Plasma fibrinogen content was markedly increased after the development of myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular diseases. Activated partial thromboplastin times, prothrombin times and FDP did not significantly change before and after the development of these diseases. These data suggest that there may be a relation between development of myocardial infarction and the low levels of plasma antithrombin III. Increased levels of plasma fibrinogen, as a result of myocardial infarction or stroke, may not accelerate coagulation mechanism but act disadvantageously by elevating blood viscosity.<br>Relationship between activated partial thromboplastin times, prothrombin times, plasma fibrinogen content, levels of plasma antithrombin III, α<sub>2</sub>-niacroglobulin or FDP, determined within 1 month before death, and grade of atherosclerosis of aorta, cerebral, coronary or femoral artery, classified grossly with the naked eye, was investigated in 186 autopsied cases without cancer or DIC, retrospectively. There were no correlations between these parameters and the grade of atherosclerosis, except that levels of FDP were significantly increased in cases with severe atherosclerosis of femoral artery. From these results, direct evidences supporting thrombogenic hypothesis of atherosclerosis suggested by Duguid were not obtained. However, atherosclerotic lesion of peripheral artery may activate clotting processes and increase FDP.
山之内 博 東儀 英夫 亀山 正邦 村上 元孝 松田 保
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.13, no.4, pp.207-214, 1976

脳卒中発症前後のヘマトクリット (Hct) 値, ヘモグロビン (Hb) 値, 赤血球 (RBC) 数, 血清総蛋白 (TP) 値の変動について検討し, これらの値の変動と脳硬塞および頭蓋内出血発症との関係について考察することを目的に本研究を行なった.<br>対象は60歳以上の脳卒中例のうち, 急死あるいはこの研究の為の検査が不充分な症例を除外し, かつ剖検によって病変を確認しえた脳硬塞21例, 頭蓋内出血16例, 計37例である. Hct, Hb, RBC, TP値の測定は自動測定装置によった. 発症前値については発症4日以内 (直前値) と5日以上の値に分けて検討した.<br>結果; 1) 脳硬塞においては, Hct 値は発症前値 (37.2±3.3%) に比し, 発症日の値 (38.9±3.0%) は高かった. Hb, RBC, TP値についても同様の結果が得られた. しかし, 頭蓋内出血においては, 発症日における Hct, Hb, RBC, TP値は発症前値に比し, やや高い傾向がみられたが有意の差は認められなかった. 以上の結果より, 急激な Hct 値の上昇と脳硬塞の発症との間に何らかの関係が存在する可能性が推定された. 2) 脳硬塞では頭蓋内出血群に比し, Hct, Hb, RBC値が発症前, 発症日ともに有意の高値であった. しかし, TP値には両者で差が認められなかった. 脳硬塞発症前の Hct 値は同年代の対照群に比し有意の差が認められなかった. 3) 脳硬塞, 頭蓋内出血ともに Hct, Hb, RBC値は, 発症後数日間漸増する傾向がみられた. しかし,TP値は両者とも発症後急速に低下した.
松田 保
臨床病理 (ISSN:00471860)
vol.30, no.3, pp.p311-314, 1982-03
松田 保
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.17, no.11, pp.1139-1152, 1976
村上 元孝 松田 保 恩地 一彰 万見 新太郎 梅田 俊彦 西野 哲夫 平丸 三樹 高瀬 雅子 横山 鉄夫
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.11, no.3, pp.388-396, 1970

Two families of congenital factor VII deficiency were described.<br>The propositus of the first family was 35-year-old female, who was admitted for anemia. Spontaneous epistaxis, limited to her youth, was main hemorrhagic symptom. The patient delivered two normal children without unusual bleeding. On admission, the physical examination revealed no abnormalities except for the presence of iron deficiency anemia. Results of liver function tests were normal. Coagulation data confirmed the diagnosis of pure factor VII deficiency. Her factor VII complex level was 5% of normal and factor X level was 100%. There was no history of bleeding in her family. However, her daughter was discovered to have factor VII deficiency. Her factor VII complex level was 27% and factor X level was 75%. Factor VII levels of father, three half siblings, husband and son of the propositus were within normal limits.<br>The propositus of the second family was 25-year-old female, who was admitted complaining of spontaneous nose bleeding, gum bleeding, subcutaneous hemorrhage and menorrhagia. The patient was hospitalized for right oophorectomy at the age af 22. The hematoma in the right ovary was found, however, no unusual bleeding was noted either during surgery or in the postoperative period. On admission, she appeared healthy except for a few ecchymoses. Liver function chemistries were normal. Laboratory data demonstrated factor VII deficiency with increased vascular fragility. Her factor VII complex level was 17% and factor X level was 80%. Mixture of this patient's plasma with that of the propositus of the first family did not result in shortening of the long one-stage prothrombin time, proving an identical deficiency in these patients. The family history revealed that the patient's paternal grandfather were siblings. One brother of the propositus, his daughter and grandmother on the father's side of the porpositus had bleeding tendency. Neither of her parents nor any other family members had any bleeding episodes. Coagulation studies on the brother of the propositus revealed that he had factor VII deficiency. His factor VII complex level was 12% and factor X level was 105%. Factor VII level of the other family members could not be measured.
金森 一紀 魚谷 浩平 高倉 文嗣 西岡 真二 越野 健 藤村 政樹 中積 泰人 岡藤 和博 松田 保 上尾 友美恵 柴山 正美 川井 清
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.24, no.9, pp.970-976, 1986-09-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

健常者および非発作期の気管支喘息患者を対象に深吸気の影響を検討した. Maximum expiratory flow-volume curve のV25をMEF25, これと同一肺気量における partial expiratory flow-volume curve のVをPEF25とし, Deep Inspimtion (DI) Index=(PEF25-MEF25)/PEF25を求めた. 健常者では若年者の DI Index は負となり深呼吸による気道拡張効果が認められたが, この効果は加齢とともに減弱し, 50歳以上では DI Index は正の値になった. 抗コリン剤吸入後には DI Index は有意に増加して正の値となり年齢差は認められなくなったことから, 若年者では迷走神経の緊張が強く気道の resting tone が収縮性に保たれていることが推測された. 気管支喘息のうち40歳未満で%FEV1.0≧70%の患者では DI Index は負となり, 抗コリン剤吸入後には有意に増加して年の値となったことから, 気管支喘息でも深呼吸の気道拡張効果は存在し迷走神経が関与していると考えられた.
松田 保
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.28, no.7, pp.1085-1092, 1987 (Released:2009-02-02)

Changes in coagulability, fibrinolytic activity and viscosity of blood, related to age were investigated in healthy subjects. The results were as follows: Factor VIII activity and plasma fibrinogen content increased with age, however factor V activity were lower in aged subjects. Activities of factors X and VIII, and levels of fibrinogen, antithrombin III and plasminogen in plasma were higer in the young male than in the age-matched female, although those were lower in the aged male than in the female with corresponding age. Von Willebrand factor in plasma were assayed in the aged subjects and was higher in male than in female. Hematcrit values and blood viscosity were higher in the male than in the female, in general. Hematcrit values tended to decline with age, although blood viscosity were higher in the aged subjects. From these results, it seems to be reasonable to conclude that aged male is Slightly thrombotic than age-matched female. This may contribute to longevity of female.

1 0 0 0 OA 気管支喘息 II

坂東 琢麿 西 耕一 大家 他喜雄 安井 正英 藤村 政樹 松田 保
気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 (ISSN:02872137)
vol.14, no.6, pp.569-574, 1992-09-25

症例は57歳, 男性で, 主訴は胸部異常陰影であった。1990年7月3日, 急性心筋梗塞と診断され, 7月7日当院受診, 胸部X線像にて右上肺野に浸潤影が認められたが, 7月26日には自然消退した。外来にて経過観察中の9月27日に, 左中下肺野に斑状影が出現した。気道症状はなかったが, 軽度の炎症反応があり, 呼吸機能検査で軽度の拘束性障害が認められたため, 間質性肺炎を疑い, 気管支鏡検査を行った。気管支肺胞洗浄中の細胞は増加し, リンパ球が増加していた。病理組織学的には器質化肺炎と診断された。こうした所見は, アレルギー反応によって生ずる間質性肺炎に類似しており, 本症例では血清抗心筋抗体が陽性であることなどから, 心筋梗塞後症候群の一亜型と思われた。