井上 淳 林 敏熙 花崎 泉
看護理工学会誌 (ISSN:21884323)
vol.8, pp.28-37, 2020 (Released:2020-11-30)

著者らは,片麻痺患者が早期から自然な歩行訓練をできる補助機器を開発してきた.そのなかで,本研究では従来の形状とは異なる短下肢装具を開発した.これは足底部を3層に分け,中央の層に凹凸を作ることで,反発力のないMP関節を反発なく背屈可能にした短下肢装具である.本論文ではそれが歩行に与える影響について検討するために,裸足歩行と平面型の足底部パーツ,足底部に関節のある2種類の足底部パーツをつけた短下肢装具での歩行の計4条件で,下肢装具の足底部形状が歩行に与える影響を5m 歩行持間と足底圧中心の移動範囲の2点から比較した.その結果,足底部に関節のある下肢装具のほうが平面型の下肢装具よりも速度が速い歩行が可能であることと,足底圧中心移動が自然にできることが分かった.また,足底部に設ける関節位置が人間のMP 関節と一致していることが歩行速度によい影響を与えることを明らかにした.
林 敏 Min Lin
仙石山論集 = Sengokuyama Journal of Buddhist Studies (ISSN:13494341)
no.1, pp.79-113, 2004-09-30

I. Brief Introductory StudyA. A survey of the original textThis information about original text is based on the photocopies (No.10-23) of "Dr. Tōru Haneda羽田亨 Depiction of the Collections of Xiyu Unearthed Historical Documents" stored at Haneda Museum. But as I had no access to the photos myself, I had to rely on Prof. Toshinori Ochiai's 落合俊典 own handnotes. The Foshuo zhaoming pusa jing first appears in the "Suspicious or Apocryphal Sutras" section of the Fa jing lu法經録 scroll 2 (594A.D). Later, it is mentioned in the Ren shou lu仁壽録 (602), Datang neidian lu大唐内典録 (664), Da zhou lu 大周録 (695), Kai yuan lu 開元録 (730), Zheng yuan lu 貞元録 (800), etc. In all these, it is considered as a suspicious or apocryphal sutras. Because of this reason, it did not appear in the official Canon for more than a thousand year until it was discovered in the Dunhuang. However, the text has not been published so far. In fact, it had something to do with the famous Dunhuang collector Li Shengduo李盛鐸 (1856-1937) who was then a high official during the Qing Dynasty. Li took advantage of his postion and privately stored and collected many works discovered at Dunhuang. This sutra was among those texts. According to Prof.Toshinori Ochiai's research, this text was bought by a Japanese businessman during World War II. It was then stored in an institution of a certain Japanese company, but it was not made accessible to the public. Fortunately, a well-known Japanese historical linguist Dr. Tōru Haneda (1882-1955), was allowed to research the text and recorded it in his description: "A Catalogue of Dunhuang Secret Works." Dr. Tōru Haneda's study was also included in his Catalogue. He also had the text block-printed. This edition is based on photocopies of Dr. Tōru Haneda's collection photocopies No.10-23, P932.During World War II, research had to stop, and the 17 cases of collection were transferred to Hyōgo-ken, Taki-gun, Ōyama-son兵庫縣多紀郡大山村. Later Dr. Tōru Haneda committed them to the care of Dr. Zenryū Tsukamoto 塚本善隆 (1898-1980), and Dr . Zenryū Tsukamoto to Dr. Tairyō Makita 牧田諦亮. In 1998, Dr. Tairyō Makita agreed to make pubic the Catalogue of Danhuang Secret Works. Prof. Ochiai has published a series of studies on this collection. This catalogue has two volumes. In volume I it records 736 works, and volume II lists 432 texts. This represents the same amount as Mr.Wang Chongming's Lishi jianchang dunhuang xueben mulu 李氏鑒藏敦煌寫本目録 of the "Dunhuang yishu sanlu敦煌遺書散録" of the "Dunhuang yishu zongmulu suoyin敦煌遺書總目録索引". From Dr. Haneda catalogue we can get a general idea about Li Shengduo's original text. No.84 of the catalogue says: "the Foshuo Zhaoming pusa jing written in the Six Dynasties." On the margin of page 2 of the photographs (No.10-23) of the Zhaoming pusa jing stored in Haneda Museum has a seal stating: "Dunhuang Stone Cave Secret Works" On the left bottom on page 10 there is a seal reading "Li Shengduo, my family and my relatives make offerings to the Buddha."B. Format of the Zhaoming Pusa jingThe above mentioned depiction which is stored at the Haneda Museum and called "Dr. Haneda's Depiction of the Collections of Historical Documents Unearthed in the Western Regions" contains photographs No.10-23 which end with the characters "the Foshuo Zhaoming Pusa jing ". The size and shape must be similar to the original text. This manuscript has only one scroll. Its cover folio is missing, and it is neatly written in regular-style caligraphy, with some traces of lishu style. One page contains 23 lines to 28 lines. The details are as follows: On the 1st page there are 2 lines (missing line to line 2); on the 2nd, 28 lines (line 3 to 30); on the 3rd, 28 lines (line 31 to 58); on the 4th, 23 lines (line 59 to 81); on the 5th, 23 lines (line 82 to 104); on the 6th, 23 lines (line 105 to 127); on the 7th, 23 lines (line 128 to 150); on the 8th, 3 lines (line 151 to 173); on the 9th, 23 lines (line 174 to 196); on the 10th, 11 lines (line 197 to 207). There are 158 lines with each 17 words,49 lines with 20 words, and 8 lines with 16 words, thus the 207 lines, have a total of 3,565 words.C. Previous Research on the SutraMr Eiichi Matsumoto松本榮一was the first scholar who studied the sutra. In his Dunhuang huade yanjiu敦煌畫的研究 chapter I, section II, there are several pictures, one of them being Ryōchyū's 良忠 "Guang jing xu wen zhuan tong ji觀經序文義傳通記" which cites part of the Zhaoming Pusa jing. Huiyuan, Zhiyi, Jicang, Shandao also list and make comparasions in their notes. They conclude that the pictures are from the Zhaoming Pusa jing. In his ground-breaking contribution at the International Conference commemorating the l00th anniversary of the discovery of Dunhuang caves, Prof. Ochiai discussed the Zhaoming pusa jing and Dr. Haneda's depiction "A Catalogue of Dunhuang Secret Works". He comes to the following conclusions: 1. The Zhaoming pusa jing is listed a "Suspicious or Apocryphal Sutras" in the traditional catalogues. 2. The Zhaoming pusa jing is an important historical document for the Chinese Pure Land Buddhism. 3. The sutra was compiled during a period of intensive debates on Buddhist philosophy, between the early 5th and the middle 6th century.D. The Contents of the Zhaoming Pusa jingThe opening part of the Zhaoming Pusa jing is missing. But we can see that its organization is different from the traditional three-part style: preface, purport and entrusting the circulation of the sutra. It consists of questions and replies between the the Zhaoming pusa and the Buddha. Ānanda 阿難と Śāriputra 舎利佛appear twice. Its doctrinal contents are very complicated, showing influences from such classical sutras as Pure Land, Nirvāṇa-, Prajñāpāramitā-, Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-, Avataṃsaka-, and Vimalakīrti-sūtra. Its main tenet is that the Buddha-nature already exists in everyone's mind. Everyone can reach the highest destination of great wisdom and enlightenment if one sincerely confesses one's sins to the Buddha, strictly obeys religious regulations, believes in retribution, chants the scriptures and the name of the Buddha, bathes in the Prajñā brightness, and enters the Buddha-nature. The purpose of the sutra is to help the common believer to find wisdom and enlightenment, and also to promote morality with the hope of finding happiness in this life and the next rebirths. It can be divided into the following sections: 1. From the beginning to line 19, they are questions and replies between the Zhaoming Pusa and Buhhda. The main teaching is that if a man does not practice love-kindness and obey religious regulations, he cannot maintain his human existence, will not become enlightened and cannot free himself. It will be impossible for him to get enlightened and to free himself, as the Zhaoming Pusa did. 2. Line 20 to line 56: mention all phenomena 萬法i.e., the five senses and consciousness, the six aspects六事 of the mindfulness of breathing, the eighteen characteristics peculiar to the Buddha, and the sixty-two perverted views, etc., arise on the basis of mind. If one sincerely confesses his sins to the Buddha, he will not fall into the hell. 3. Line 57 to line 67: the Zhaoming Pusa asks Buddha about chanting this sutra and praying to the Buddha .Buddha says it can prevent followers from falling into the Three Bad Destinies 三途, and help them to obtain Buddha's wisdom. 4. Line 68 to line 94: relate the story of Aṣatāśatru's killing his father. The sutra teaches us that sincere confession can help get rid of one's sin. It serves as an emphasis of the idea of retribution. 5. Line 95 to line 147: the sutra stresses that all living creatures have the Buddha-nature in their minds. If they listen to or chant this sutra, they will surely attain wisdom. 6. Line 148 to line 207: the Buddha explains why and how one can obtain the Dharma power and teaches the Zhaoming Pusa 250 discipline rules and three thousand monastic regulations 三千威儀.II. The text of the Zhaoming Pusa jing is contained in Li Shengduo's Collection (not summarised here): please refer to the Japanese version of this paper p.86-106.
影山 隆之 河島 美枝子 小林 敏生

小林 敏勝
一般社団法人 日本画像学会
日本画像学会誌 (ISSN:13444425)
vol.50, no.6, pp.556-562, 2011-12-10 (Released:2011-12-13)

小林 敏彦
小樽商科大学人文研究 (ISSN:0482458X)
vol.100, pp.27-82, 2000-09-29
保田 隆 渡辺 泰雄 四辻 彰 林 敏雄 南 新三郎 岡本 世紀 山城 芳子 荒木 春美 伊東 優子 本村 桂子
公益社団法人 日本化学療法学会
vol.36, no.Supplement9-Base, pp.95-109, 1988-12-30 (Released:2011-08-04)

新ピリドンカルボン酸系合成抗菌剤T-3262のin vitroおよびin vivo抗菌活性をnorfloxacin (NFLX), ofloxacin (OFLX), ciprofloxacin (CPFX) を対照薬剤として比較した結果, 以下の成績を得た。1) T-3262はグラム陽性菌およびグラム陰性菌に対して広い抗菌スペクトラムを有していた。グラム陽性菌に対しては, すべての対照薬剤より強い抗菌力を示し, またグラム陰性菌に対しては CPFXとほぼ同程度, NFLX, OFLXより優れた抗菌力を示した。2) T-3262はPseudomonas aeruginosaを含むブドウ糖非醗酵菌, Bacteroides fragilisを含む嫌気性菌に対しても強い抗菌力を示した。3) T-3262はmethicillin耐性ブドウ球菌およびnalidixic acid耐性グラム陰性菌に対しても強い抗菌力を示した。4) T-3262の抗菌力に及ぼす諸因子の影響では培地の種類, ヒト血清添加の影響はほとんど受けず, 培地pHがアルカリ性側のとき抗菌力が強まった。5) T-3262の作用は殺菌的であった。6) グラム陽性菌およびグラム陰性菌を用いたマウス実験的全身感染症でT-3262は優れた治療効果を示した。特にグラム陽性菌においてすべての対照薬剤より優れた治療効果を示した。
安東 由佳子 小林 敏生 山内 加奈子

古賀 敬一 平林 敏 加々良 耕二
公益社団法人 化学工学会
化学工学論文集 (ISSN:0386216X)
vol.21, no.3, pp.430-436, 1995-05-10 (Released:2009-11-12)

チアゾール酸1.5水和物を安定的に無水和物に転移させる新しい晶析法を開発するために, 転移溶媒としてメタノールが最適であることを確認し, メタノール水溶液において種々の晶析を行った.その結果, 転移速度に及ぼすメタノール濃度, 晶析温度, 種晶添加効果および撹拌速度の影響を明らかにし, 安定的に無水和物へ転移させる晶析法を見い出した.
平林 敏彦
日本醫史學雜誌 (ISSN:05493323)
vol.58, no.1, pp.104-105, 2012-03-20
衣畑 俊希 三浦 龍 大原 紳司 垂水 浩幸 林 敏浩 市野 順子
研究報告グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2015, no.15, pp.1-8, 2015-03-05

PC やスマートフォンを用いて,ネットワーク上で将棋の対局が活発に行われている.また,将棋プログラムが急速に強くなり,将棋プログラムとプロ棋士が対局を行う電王戦も複数回開催されている.しかし,対局後の感想戦の支援が不十分であり,また将棋プログラム (人工知能) を感想戦に活かしきれていない.そこで我々はコンピュータによる感想戦や将棋研究の発展を狙い,ネットワーク将棋における感想戦を支援するシステムの開発を行っている.本研究では感想戦支援システムにおけるクライアントの感想戦支援インタフェースについて改善を行い,昨年度に引続き評価実験を実施した.大学将棋部員による本システムの評価により,本システムの有効性を確認し,今後の課題を抽出した.Shogi, a chess-variant game popular in Japan, is recently played on the Internet. Players enjoy the game on some major game service sites. The technology of AI players have rapidly improved; they are now almost as strong as the top-level professional players. However, groupware and AI technologies are not used for post-game discussions on Shogi games - Kansousen -. We have been developing an integrated environment, SAKURA, for networked shogi games and discussions. In this paper, we describe the design and evaluation of discussion support functions and user interfaces. After the evaluation by seven amateur players, we confirmed the basic design for the discussion support is acceptable, but still we need improvements.
林 敏
vol.65, no.2, pp.955-949, 2017

<p>Zhisheng 智昇 is well-known for his seminal contribution to Buddhist catalogues. His scholarly output includes not only the famous <i>Kaiyuan shijiao lu</i> 開元釈教録 but also the <i>Xu datang neidian lu</i> 続大唐内典録, the <i>Xu gujin yijing tuji</i> 続古今訳経図紀, the <i>Xu ji gujin fodao lunheng</i> 続集古今仏道論衡, and the <i>Ji zhujing lichan yi</i> 集諸経礼懺儀. These five catalogues amount to a total of 25 scrolls (巻). The <i>Kaiyuan shijiao lu</i>, compiled in year 18 of the Kaiyuan 開元 era, i.e., 730 CE, is widely regarded as a representative opus of the genre. It has had a far-reaching influence on the history of Buddhist bibliography all across East Asia.</p><p>Zhisheng's work has not been immune, however, to criticism. His reliability has been questioned, for instance, on account of inconsistencies such as the contradictory notations concerning the <i>Shoulengyan jing</i> 首楞厳経. To be more precise, the testimony of the <i>Kaiyuan shijiao lu</i> on the text is different from that of the <i>Xu gujin yijing tuji</i>. Recent research suggests, however, that such inconsistencies cannot be attributed to Zhisheng himself. The old Japanese manuscript versions of these two catalogues, which are among their earliest textual witnesses, do not contain any of the inconsistencies on the <i>Shoulengyan jing</i> which appear in the later recensions. We can hence safely assume that the so-called "inconsistencies" are later scribal corruptions which resulted in the process of textual transmission. </p><p>My investigation yields, therefore, the following conclusions: </p><p>1. The so-called inconsistencies between the <i>Kaiyuan shijiao lu</i> and the <i>Xu gujin yijing tuji</i> derive from their textual transmission.</p><p>2. By the same token, the different accounts concerning the <i>Shoulengyan jing</i> which appear in various catalogues do not constitute proof that the text is apocryphal.</p><p>3. The criticism of Zhisheng is unjustified. We can confidently re-assess Zhisheng's reliability as a serious and cautious compiler of Buddhist catalogues.</p>
寺林 敏 藤原 一哉 山下 智史 並木 隆和 SATOSHI TERABAYASHI KAZUYA FUJIWARA TOMOFUMI YAMASHITA TAKAKAZU NAMIKI 京都府立大学農学部蔬菜園芸学研究室 京都府立大学農学部蔬菜園芸学研究室 京都府立大学農学部蔬菜園芸学研究室 京都府立大学農学部蔬菜園芸学研究室 Laboratory of Olericulture Faculty of Agriculture Kyoto Prefectural University Laboratory of Olericulture Faculty of Agriculture Kyoto Prefectural University Laboratory of Olericulture Faculty of Agriculture Kyoto Prefectural University Laboratory of Olericulture Faculty of Agriculture Kyoto Prefectural University
京都府立大學學術報告. 農學 = The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture (ISSN:00757373)
vol.37, pp.183-188, 1985-11-15

トマト(Lycopersicon csculentum MILL cv. Ohgata-fukujyu)を水耕および土耕栽培し, 果実の果皮強度, 果皮の厚さ, 果肉強度を測定した。水耕区, 土耕区とも施肥濃度が高いほど, 果皮強度が高く, 果皮の厚さが増した。一方, 果肉強度は低下した。果実の成熟段階が進んだものほど, 果皮強度は低かった。収穫後30℃暗黒条件下で6日間ないし8日間貯蔵した場合, 果皮強度の低下は小さく, 果肉強度の低下が大きかった。とくに土耕区のトマトで顕著であった。果実の硬さを支配する果皮強度や果肉強度の要因は, 施肥濃度, 果房段位, 果実の成熟段階, 収穫後の日数によって変化した。しかし, これらの要因は水耕および土耕といった栽培法の違いによって特徴づけられるものでなかった。