小倉孝夫 森川郁也 安田雅哉 長谷部高行 新崎卓 津田宏
vol.2014, pp.1995-2000, 2014-07-02

生体認証をインターネット上で実現することで,本人確認性の高い様々なサービスを容易に利用可能にするシステムを開発した.ネットサービスで生体認証を利用する際の課題として,クラウド上に生体情報を預ける不安がある.また,最近ではサービス事業者の代わりに認証サービスおよびユーザ個人のデータを預かるIdP(Identity Provider)も現れ,ユーザはサービス事業者へユーザ個人のどのようなデータを提供するか制御したいという要求がある.前者に対しては,手のひら静脈から抽出したバイオ特徴コードを,準同型暗号で保護したままサーバに保存および照合することにより,インターネット上であっても安全に生体認証を実現することで解決する.また,後者に対しては,認証・ID連携の標準的な技術であるOpenID Connectと組み合わせ,サービス等に応じて匿名レベルを選択できることで,不要なユーザ個人のデータをサービス事業者へ提供しないようにする.これらの技術をクラウド上で試作・性能評価し,さらにデモンストレーションシステムを構築した.
柿本 祥太郎 森田 雅文
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.19, no.1, pp.410-413, 1990

森山 優
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.101, no.9, pp.1587-1622, 1713-1714, 1992-09-20

This paper analyzes the political processes of 'Guidelines for Implementing National Policy' (Teikohu Kokusaku Suiko Yoryo) which was adopted by the Third Konoe Cabinet. During the term of the Third Konoe Cabinet, Japanese foreign policy was formulated at the Imperial Court by the Imperial Head-quarters-Government Liaison Conference (Dai-hon'ei Seifu Renraku kaigi). The decisions of this Conference were more influential than those of the Cabinet. Issues concerning National Policy (kokusaku) proposed by the Army and Navy were debated and constructed at the Liaison Conference. However, the Liaison Conference was unsuccessful in overcoming the structural flaw in the Meiji Constitution which saw legislative power shared between the Cabinet and the General Staff. The Liaison Conference could not override the Cabinet or General Staff in decision making. In cases where the interests of the various government organs conflicted, the Liaison Conference either avoided making a decision, or forwarded policies for imperial ratification that incorporated the interests of all the opposing government institutions by processes called Ryoron-Heiki. It is through these processes of compromise that National Policy was formulated. The formation of the Guidelines for Implementing National Policy is seen as the cornerstone for Japan's decision to go to war. This paper analyzes the political processes involved in the formation of National Policy. It examines the following points. 1)The political goals of the Army and Navy immediately after the establishment of the Third Konoe Cabinet. 2)The reaction of the Army and Navy towards the 'freezing' of Japanese funds in the United States by the United States Government. 3)The influence of assertions as to attacking the Soviet Union. 4) How the Army and Navy perceived the domestic and international situation when the Guidelines was first adopted. The chief aim of the Guidelines originally proposed by the Navy was to accelerate its arming against its potential enemy, the US. The summit meeting between Roosevelt and Konoe was the other dimension of the policy, as Navy Minister Oikawa was optimistic that a successful diplomatic agreement would be reached by the two leaders. The war Offlce stated that if diplomacy failed, the next step was war. The General Staff Office's position was that Japan must set a date for the commencement of war, but at the same time must persist through all diplomatic avenues available to try and reach some agreement. The stance of the Navy office was to continue to prepare its forces for war, but refuse to commit itself to a date when hostilities would commence. In the end, however, a compromise was reached with the deadline for any diplomatic solution being set for early October. This deadline was set immediately after Japanese authorities received a telegram reporting that Roosevelt was positive towards a summit meeting. Furthermore, the Navy Office was also successful in increasing the number of political procedures required in reaching a decision for war, effectively making any such decision harder to obtain. In the opinion of the Navy, a Japanese victory depended on a favourable change in the international situation. In short, the Guidelines was an ambiguous move to compromise. On one hand, diplomatic negotiations were still being pursued. On the other, preparations were being made for war. Yet, the success of either of the two objectives depended upon a change in the prevailing international situation. The inability to reach a decision led to Konoe to dissolve his cabinet in the middle of October, 1941.
中本 敦 木田 浩司 森光 亮太 小林 秀司 岸本 壽男
The Mammal Society of Japan
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.53, no.1, pp.107-115, 2013-06-30

岡山県全域を対象とした小型哺乳類の捕獲調査を2010年10月~2011年12月にかけて実施した.齧歯目6種,トガリネズミ型目2種の計130個体が捕獲された.小型哺乳類の8種すべてで生息密度が非常に低かった.アカネズミ<i>Apodemus speciosus</i>の捕獲数が最も多く,捕獲場所も県内全域の様々な環境に及んだ.これに対してアカネズミ以外の種では,植生や標高などの生息環境に選択性が見られた.アカネズミの生息密度に最も大きな影響を与えたのはハビタットタイプではなく,年2回の繁殖による個体数の増加であった.岡山県では何らかの理由で小型哺乳類の生息密度が非常に低くなっていると思われるが,特にこれまで普通種と思われていたヒメネズミ<i>A. argenteus</i>とハタネズミ<i>Microtus montebelli</i>の生息数の減少が懸念された.他県においても普通種を含めた小型哺乳類の生息密度の再評価が必要な時期に来ていると思われる.<br>
森田 伸子
近代教育フォーラム (ISSN:09196560)
no.16, pp.111-119, 2007-09-16

丸山 茂徳 大森 聡一 千秋 博紀 河合 研志 WINDLEY B. F.
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.1, pp.115-223, 2011-02-25
5 42

Pacific-type orogeny (PTO) has long been recognized as a contrasting accretionary alternative to continent-continent collisional orogeny. However, since the original concept was proposed, there have many new developments, which make it timely to produce a new re-evaluated model, in which we emphasize the following new aspects. First, substantial growth of Tonarite–Trondhjemite–Granite (TTG) crust, and second the reductive effect of tectonic erosion. The modern analog of a Pacific-type orogen developed through six stages of growth exemplified by specific regions; initial stage 1: the southern end of the Andes; stage 2: exhumation to the mid-crustal level at Indonesia outer arc; stage 3: the Barrovian hydration stage at Kii Peninsula, SW Japan; stage 4: the initial stage of surface exposure of the high-P/T regional metamorphic belt at Olympic Peninsula, south of Seattle, USA; stage 5: exposure of the orogenic core at the surface at the Shimanto metamorphic belt, SW Japan; and stage 6: post-orogenic processes including tectonic erosion at the Mariana and Japan trench and the Nankai trough.<br> The fundamental framework of a Pacific-type orogen is an accretionary complex, which includes limited ocean floor material, much terrigenous trench sediment, plus island arc, oceanic plateau, and intra-oceanic basaltic material from the ocean. The classic concept of a PTO stresses the importance of the addition within accreted rocks of new subduction-generated arcs and TTGs, which were added along the continental margins particularly during the Cretaceous. Besides the above additional or positive aspects of a PTO, here we emphasize the negative effects of previously little-considered tectonic erosion caused by subduction over time. The evaluation of such extensive tectonic erosion leads a prospect of the presence of huge quantities of TTG material in the lower transition zone, where many subducted slabs have ponded, as illustrated by mantle tomography. This is confirmed by density profiles of the mantle, which show that TTGs are abundant only along the bottom of the upper mantle accompanied by slab peridotite, lherzolite, and MORB. The major velocity anomaly in the lower transition zone is best explained by the predominance of SiO<sub>2</sub> phases, hence TTG, and not by MORB or ultramafic rocks. Reasonable calculations indicate that at a depth range of 520-660 km TTG material amounts to 6-7 times more than the total mass of the surface continental crust.<br> The traditional view is that the Japanese islands evolved since 520 Ma through five Pacific-type orogenies, which grew oceanward, thus creating a continuous accretionary complex <i>ca.</i> 400-500 km wide, with TTG growth at the continental side of each orogen. However, the subducting oceanic lithosphere has produced five times more TTG crust compared with the present TTG crust in the Japan islands. This is explained by the fact that over time tectonic erosion has dominated the increasing arc-TTG crust. Accordingly, Japan has lost four arc-TTG crusts to tectonic erosion. TTG material, such as trench sediment, arc crust, and continental margin crust, was fragmented by tectonic erosion and transported into the bottom of the upper mantle at depths of 520-660 km. Worldwide data suggest that tectonic erosion destroyed and fragmented most of the Pacific-type orogens.<br>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
森村 進
no.55, pp.110-117, 1999-05
有村 秀孝 窪田 英明 松本 政雄 金森 仁志
日本写真学会誌 (ISSN:03695662)
vol.61, no.4, pp.228-235, 1998

本研究の目的は医療用増感紙-フィルム系に対する特性曲線の形の管電圧依存性を調べることである。管電圧50kVから100kVで5種類の系の特性曲線を測定した。それは両面増感紙/両面乳剤フィルム系 (dual system) を使って作成したX線写真の (1) 両面乳剤,(2) フロント乳剤と (3) バック乳剤の特性曲線とフロント増感紙またはバック増感紙からの光を遮断したdual system (single system) を使って作成したX線写真の (4) フロント乳剤と (5) バック乳剤の特性曲線である。ダブルクロスオーバー光を考慮して特性曲線の形の管電圧依存性を理論的に調べるために, SilbersteinとVybornyの特性曲線の式を変更した。その式を使うために, フロント増感紙が発する露光量に対するバック増感紙の発する露光量の比 (相対露光量) の管電圧依存性を求めた。相対露光量は特性曲線の形に最も影響を及ぼす要因である。結果として, 測定した5種類の特性曲線の形は管電圧にほとんど依存しなかった。本研究で用いた系に関して, 変更した式を使い, 次の2つのことを示した。(1) 管電圧50kVから100kVまでの相対露光量の0.538から0.667の範囲ではdualsystemの特性曲線の形はほとんど変化しない。(2) 相対露光量が0.4以下になる低い管電圧ではdualsystemの両面乳剤の特性曲線の形が明かに変化する。
金森 俊雄 岩井 大輔 佐藤 宏介
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.20, no.3, pp.263-266, 2015

In this paper, we aim to manipulate user's perceived shape of a curved surface by using pseudo-haptics in projection-based mixed reality. We investigate how we can change the shape which a user feels when touching a curved surface with an index finger, by projecting his/her shifted hand image onto the user's own hand. We performed experiments to investigate the effects of pseudo-haptics and evaluated their influences. The results showed that the shape which the participants perceived was deformed from the actual shape they touched. The results prove the possibility for manipulating user's perceived shape of a curved surface by using pseudo-haptics in projection-based mixed reality.
金森 俊雄 岩井 大輔 佐藤 宏介
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.20, no.3, pp.263-266, 2015

In this paper, we aim to manipulate user's perceived shape of a curved surface by using pseudo-haptics in projection-based mixed reality. We investigate how we can change the shape which a user feels when touching a curved surface with an index finger, by projecting his/her shifted hand image onto the user's own hand. We performed experiments to investigate the effects of pseudo-haptics and evaluated their influences. The results showed that the shape which the participants perceived was deformed from the actual shape they touched. The results prove the possibility for manipulating user's perceived shape of a curved surface by using pseudo-haptics in projection-based mixed reality.
石森 健太朗 大園 真子
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.80, pp.13-22, 2017-03-19

Observed coseismic crustal deformation is an answer of the elastic response induced by the seismic fault dislocation. Because real subsurface structure is not pure elastic space, thus the observed coseismic displacement distribution probably different from the predicted displacement field when we assume the pure elastic medium. By the coseismic strain analysis using dense GNSS network at the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, a supporting result, which shows that the strain anomaly related to inhomogeneous subsurface structure, is proposed. However, there is no other previous study. Therefore, we try to detect the same relationship from coseismic displacement at the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake. After an appropriate rectangular coseismic fault is estimated, we obtained difference between observed and predicted dilatation as the strain anomaly field. As a result, the strain anomaly shows excess extension around the Ishikari Plain. There are two possible causes for this region. One is inelastic response by the existence of thick sedimentary layer. Another is different coseismic behavior induced by clear basement boundary around this region. The east side of this excess extension area, extension deficit area is also detected. Around this area, high seismic velocity area corresponds to the Hidaka metamorphic belt is distributed. Therefore, this relatively rigid elastic medium possibly generates the extension deficit. The coseismic crustal strain distribution at the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake also suggest the existence of the coseismic strain anomaly induced by inhomogeneous subsurface structure.
浅山 滉 中村 裕 緒方 甫 森田 秀明 児玉 俊一 畑田 和男
産業医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.6, no.2, pp.121-130, 1984-06-01

国際障害者年を記念して, 初の大分国際車いすマラソン大会(ハーフマラソン:21.1km)が催された. 参加各国選手から任意に選んだ選手を対象に, 大会における選手の体力医学的検討を行った. 脊髄損傷による対麻痺者は体力の向上が望まれるが, 病態生理学的に問題が多く, 持久的体力を必要とする運動には危惧の念があった. 予備試験で車いすトレッドミルの負荷テストを行い, 各人の心拍数と酸素消費量(V0_2)の相関式を得て, 実際のレース時に装着した心拍数記憶箱から得られた値を基に, レース中の推定V0_2を得た. (結果)平均87.1±9.1分間(n=5)にV0_2-34.17+8.11ml/kg/minであり,レース中の高い心拍数(191-152拍/分)の割には低いV0_2であった, 脊損者は事故もなくこの持久運動に十分に耐え, 車いすマラソンは対麻痺者の体力向上に優れたスポーツであると考えられたが, 被検者は体力向上の余地があると思われた.